On a day you get to sleep in, why is it you are awake before 6 a.m.? That's ok- gave me time to send some Valentines messages out. Time to show those you care for some loving. Friendship are as important.
Had time to do Valentines outfit- black jeans, red sweater, make up. Was at hair salon at 9 a.m.- talked and learned a lot about my gray hair. Yeap- gone natural. Learned my natural curly hair even more care needed as it turns more gray. I know it's a lot more dryer, brittle. Yeah...lol
So banks, drug store, and to local bakery shop at the national bakery plant we have. I noticed a man, heavy coat, head down come in. I know this look, and took it he was one of the homeless from the homeless shelter down the street.
They have a rule- you leave the shelter during the day. Which means a lot of people walk town, backpacks on. But it might just be me stereotyping.
He got in line in front of me and pulled out a bottle like you get when you buy vitamins. It's clear, and half way full of coins. He pours some out on counter, saying he tried to cash it in for a dollar to buy a honeybun.
As a bank is across the street- and knowing that bank...yeap. Shame on you L"&N. Now we are 2 people waiting. The lady tells him she count it out, to go get honey bun as she checks us out. He goes.
I do my stuff, telling her to add his honey bun to my order. He walks back, I told him I'm buying and to get him another one. This place doesn't sell food food- it's snack cakes they make at bakery.
But I did tell him to get a drink. He asked if he could get a soda, yes Sir. The man- about 20 years old, coughed behind me...coughed as in hurry up.
Well he got my "Shut the fuck up dick" look and went back to scrolling on his phone. Fucker....not everyone is fortunate. Kindness is what needed showing.
He returned with "soda" which aline shows he's not from this area. I paid, she asked him if she could help any other way. He said no and when I left he was putting change back in his bottle
If I had anything but debit card, would of added to his jar, but didn't.
Today is Valentines Day. Show an act of kindness. It costed me maybe $3.50. But his Thank you as he picked up his change was priceless. The lady behind the counter soft Thank You was sweet too.
Just be kind. You truely don't know what life will bring you. You might be the one with the plastic bottle.
Anyway- Happy Valentines Day 💝
Lol Rattie, I know you're excited for my birthday.. there's still a few more days. :P
I know .... but I might miss it. lol
18:05 Feb 14 2025
Happy Valentines Day Ratty! You are such a kind person! *hugs*
15:02 Feb 15 2025
Happy Valentine's Day!! You are right kindness is needed!!