Well that was fun! I was kind of on edge about putting make up on three people (one a kid- never done a kid before) that I did not know. I had meet the one a few times, wife of one of my guys, but the other two not face to face.
They just left - child was a vampire with glitter red and black eyes. I gave her black hollow cheeks and a red lip with a shiney gloss. I did not do a heavy liner or brow on her as she was just so cute. I did do some rinestones on her- black and clear- as she wanted stars.
Her mom was going to the party in a orange/ black witch outfit so I did a copper, orange, black look on her gray eyes that just looked great. A copper lipstick and she looked like a fall witch. She wanted the black cheeks that I added a bronzer to.
And the one lady I knew has scars on her face so I had to adjust the make up a little for her. She was going in a black outfit with a cape that had white skulls. She had no idea what she wanted to go with as far as make-up so I wanted her face to give me a clue.
She has the most lovely blue eyes so it was a dark blue with a irredesant (can't spell it) over it that spark white when she moved her head. I did a black lipstick on her and she was great looking. I also did a blue cut line and blended it out into her cheek bone that looked freaky. :)
They had a blast with it and seemed to loved the looks. I LOVED doing it. I can't wait to hear Monday how the party went from the one's husband. Makes me really want to do other peoples make up. :)
Would love to show picture of them as they said they would send me one when they once get in their custumes but I would not feel right posting them here, really not with a child.
But that is ok... I loved doing it. :)
The beauty in my day...
Beautiful , sweetie.
Seems peaceful.....
Kat Von D make-up is a total waste of money. I understand make-up reacts different to a person's body but ...
The lipstick lid will not stay on the tube, it bleeds like crazy, and will not stay on longer then half a hour. Between picking the hair out of it because the lid is in another spot in my purse, I am giving up on it. Nice color- but NOT something I will buy again.
And the eye shadow...not the best. Blending is good but they fade within a few hours.
The primer is a not worth a dime either.
No more Kat Von D make-up for me.
I'm so glad the smoke ring came out so good. These are wonderful
And not an electrical line one.....damn good! :)
No, seriously...they are freaking fantastic. I'm in complete awe. These shots are so incredible. Kiss your camera for me :)
Spent a few hours taking pictures of the fall colors.
I'm so happy the sun came out in time for you to get these shots. Lovely
I am glad you got to go "shooting" today!! Nice!
These pictures are really great.
They kind of make me sad though, because around here the leaves hardly change colors before they shrivel up and fall off the tree. We don't get like super bright colors. In fact, they haven't started changing where I am.
The Camp Wildcat civil war reenactment was this weekend. Birdy and I use to do this about every weekend …16 years ago or so. We went to this very reenactment those many years ago as Birdy knew the man who was running it at the time. For little over a year we went to others, tent, sleeping outside and all. It got too much for me as we would leave after I got off work, drove all night, set up in the dark, sleeping outside with hay all around on fresh mowed fields, then packing it in on Sunday afternoon and driving home for work on Monday. I just burned out on it big time.
Forward 14 years and you find Birdy the president of the reenactment of Camp Wildcat. Me? I sometimes go to the event, enjoy it. Because I wanted to take some pictures this year I got up yesterday and went out around 9:00am, a hour before it open to the public. Have to say- walking around the camp in the chilled misty weather I kind of missed it. Just a little- not enough to buy a dress and start up again. But to enjoy going to others as a member of the general public- yes. In fact I think next weekend I might go to another one in the area, have a nice Saturday.
While I am not a professional photographer by any stretch like our friend Danna who is the “event photographer” I was just having fun with my camera. While Danna takes photos to sale, video of the battle, website images I was just seeing if I could get any nice pictures. I have no training, other then what I have read, so when I woke up to a gray overcast day I wasn’t expecting anything. I mean… I am not the best at taking pictures of people I don’t know. My least favorite pictures to take in fact. But I do have an eye for detail and I don’t freaking care how good the shot is…if the wrapping from McD’s is in the pictures on the table... it sucks. I went to take pictures thinking of the history, of doing the events myself, of why you give your time and energy to this. You are trying to bring the past to life. To show what it was like during that time, and how it changed our lives by showing how different it was.
I took about 300 pictures and kept about 50 I will give to Birdy to do with as she will, if anything. I had fun taking them, walking around the camps, petting the horses and that is all I could ask for. But I wanted to show a few here and what I saw as I took them. If you take the time to look- hope you enjoy them.
I love the eye you use to take pictures, these are awesome and having been there before you picked the very best possible shots. Glad you enjoyed yourself
They ARE awesome! I am glad you came down and enjoyed yourself some.....almost like old times. Remember learning to set up that tent? Giggles.
Thanks you two. :) I enjoyed it.
Yes I do Birdy. I also remember the first time we froze our asses off sleeping in it. lol And having to get up in the middle of the night to pee--- and the port johns was always on the other side of the field.
Good old days that I would never want to relive. :)
Great stuff, the one with the gunsmoke is especially good I think.
The beauty of this day for me...
Wow, those are wicked cool! They all look great...
artistic as always, rat. I love the bottom one- it is SO dramatic. But the top two are so YOU.
The top two are just wicked cool I love how the lace turned out but the bottom one scares the dickens out of me. That look in the eyes!
awesome, you are amazing
Great work, I love a lot the third one because it's scary :D
wow there amazing very arty :)
Ok these are sooo Wicked.
You are so damn good with makeup.
Some pictures I took with my point and shot. I keep it in the car for work and it is always handy when I say "That would make a good picture."
Just can't make myself to take the backpack my D40 is in. It would break my heart if it got stolen or damaged. But still... these would of been better if I had taken them with it.
Wonder how others deal with this?
Anyway... here they are.
I repeat myself but I love your eye for a picture except for your "pet" he needs to be used for target practice!
wow, impressive! love the flower one is my favorite ^^
i really like the first one. The almost faded colour gives it a cozy sort of vintage look. . . . Quite wonderful.
And the pet, i hope no target practice will commence. 0.o He's cute in his own glowy-eyed sort of way.
What is he, anyway?
You capture wonderful color. Very vivid.
Didn't a similar "pet" crawl up under your house and die leaving you with the equivalent of a stink bomb?
These are wonderful!
Meep had to bring up that little stink, lol
It is a ground hog. And he has a "home" in front of my place- in the tree line, shrubs.
They are lovely! The third one, if you look at it kind of sideways....looks like a cat sitting! Very nice.
I love the ground hog lol
Each pic is different and lovely so artistic and alive...
Though I am not artist or photographer, I can say this is very high class sequence...
can't decide whether you should be a make-up artist or photographer