Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 23,604    [ Give / Take ]


55 entries this month

Rating time again. :)

18:59 Nov 30 2006
Times Read: 1,800

As always, this is done in fun only. Nothing personal, folks.

“He hides me in his shadow and protects me forever” - tell you the truth, I love this quote. Brings a story to my mind. Hmmm…

“Death is always just a step behind me.” – And behind him will be the lawyer, and the insurance rep.

“Hurt me and I’ll fucking rip your heart out – flip it inside out and staple it to a cold wall”- Ok then. Wonder what would happen if I just pissed you off?

“Baby did you forget to take your meds?” – Hey! I have had that said to me a few times.

“The badest bitch here” – Yawns.

“Blood it to die for” I see the milk TV commercial. A vampire in a black cape- holding a tall glass of steamy blood. “Blood. It does a body good.” Oh come on- I am just kidding. If you took that personal- WHY are you reading my journals? Smart ass...HELLO! Speaking of hello, lets move along....

“Helo” * shakes my head* That is just too easy.

“This is the day the devil walks the earth” - Hey- how about this. Let’s ask him to go some were its snowing, then when he is ready to go back, he can take a snowball to hell!

( I seem to have this whole “snowball chance in hell” theme going. LOL )

“…dont judge me if you don’t know me…” – reason to add you to my friends list. Just so I can get to know you- then judge you. How about- judge no one as it is not your place?

“iF yOu VaLue YoUr Life- RuN!!” – tHat hURts mY EyEs. * rubs her eyes*

“I like to gig people. It makes me giggle.” – What does that mean? I so hope she is saying gag.

“I cry tears of blood, come lick them from my cheeks” – lol I am so glad he did not say I piss blood…and I do not even want to think of those cheeks. :)





13:23 Nov 30 2006
Times Read: 1,284

I was hoping it would work. I mean- Connie called me right when I got home to talk with me. I told her about the mother having to handle her son’s personal items. How she stood, crying, as we carried his three guitars, and boxes of DVDs, movies, play station games, music, books, and clothing. And the one carton of #340 personal papers. Seems like he kept all the cards, letters he had received from family, and friends. The idea she will read them, just makes me sad.

Such a life cut short. Good country people, trying to better the life given to them. The town he was from was small, and they join the service because it is the only way out. Only hope most have to advance beyond welfare. The service is a godsend to most.

She had his picture on the kitchen table with a black ribbon glued to the side of the frame. He was in the air force. Looked to be around 22 or 23 years of age. Funny- as I cannot say 22 or 23 years old. That is not old, that is a child. Very nice looking young man, smiling in the picture, happy.

Inspector was there, it was his first Blue Bark.

As I was crying to Connie when I first got home- he had yet to have a family, to live his life.

Tried to push it out of my mind- lit candles, music, cooking dessert for dinner tonight.Talking with a few people online, not bringing up what was on my mind.

Even stayed up late watching a horror movie that usually makes me smile at how stupid the plot is. Stayed up until I could no longer keep my eyes open.

Then at midnight, I slept, and the dreams started.

Some days- I hate death.




B Rated Horror Movies.

04:56 Nov 30 2006
Times Read: 1,287

“Oh come on! You have to be shitting me. What are you doing?” Just a few comments I have made tonight watching the movie Wrong Turn. Watching horror movies is something I love to do. When you find a great one- it will make you scream out in fear. However, for that one good one, I watch ten that just make me laugh.

You know the ones. Were the “Victims” are some of the most stupid people. lol I mean- lets take the movie I am watching right now. It is four people being hunted in the woods by three bad guys. Now- they were in the bad guys home, were weapons and sharp objects were everywhere. Did they pick any up? Nooooo.

Moreover, they run off, into the woods… were there is no help. Only to find a field of wreaked cars. If you came upon a field of wreaked cars, belonging to previous victims, even with crazy people chasing you, would you not look in the cars for … oh… cell phone? A hiding place to throw them off the trail? Tire iron?

This is not the only movie that is just fun to watch. I always love how the group just has to split up first thing. We are in a spooky house or place, so let’s all go off on our own. Now that is just what I would want to do.

You know how people leave the bad guy laying on the floor after they hit him with a 2by4? What is that all about? I mean… beat the guys head in, would you?

And to shot him only once? Does that ever work? I mean seriously. Empty the clip into the son of a bit-h.… and for goodness sake- at least one in the head! If you have him down- make damn sure he is down for good.

If you are going to make a good horror movie, please make the “victim” at least smarter then a bump on a log. They always win in the end, right? Guess that is why I love Saw.

At least this one is getting better at the end. *sitting in the bed, eating popcorn.*

I spoke to soon- he hit the guy with the truck…but then he left him alone, thinking he was dead. *shakes my head* You know what is going to happen now.




900 Number?

18:21 Nov 29 2006
Times Read: 1,298

You know those TV commercials about the credit cards? I have a friend who reminds me of one. Not that she shops a lot…well she does that too. Hummm… anyway, back to the subject of this entry. She reminds me of this one:

Cell phone to call her friends and family: $ 60.00 dollars a month

Hand free set up for the cell phone: $ 35.00

SUV to drive as she is talking on the phone: $26,000.00

Road construction she is stuck in or working her way around on the back roads: Millions.

The friend she calls to keep her company: Priceless.

Yeap- I am priceless to Elemental. LOL Ok- I cannot keep writing about my sister and call her by that name. Her nickname is Nita. There- I put it out there. Calm down sis, no one reads these things.

Nita calls me, and the first thing I ask any more is “Were are you?”

It has become apparent that I am her traveling companion when she is trying to get home at night. I keep her awake when she is sleepy; tease her with food I am eating as her stomach growls. The normal sister stuff.

I also listen as she tells me of her day. Then she listens to how my day went. :) All I will say it is good to have a social worker as a sister. ;0

I have one more to add to the above list.

Friendship, love and trust: Never can be bought - has to be earned. Always and forever.

She has earned, and is worth my trust and friendship. Love? I have loved my sister since we first meet those many years ago.

I still think I should charge her. Maybe get a 900-phone number? lol :)




Blue Bark Day.

12:05 Nov 29 2006
Times Read: 1,313

It is 6:45 am and I have been awake for hours. Did my workout, took a long hot shower, dressed, and now sitting in my bed that I just made. Could go to work and spend an hour doing some work- but today I do not want to go.

See- it is the Blue Bark delivery day. You know how our moving company works for the Dept. Of Defense / Military? Today is one of those days I HATE.

Blue Bark is the code name for a shipment that the service member has died in line of duty, in service.

I will not start to rant on how I think Bush is a stupid ass hole who is … deep sigh. I just will not start.

Today – I get to see the parents. I get to see the anger, the crying as they see his things. I get to hear how he was so young, had such a life ahead of him.

Usually we see the families of the service men/ women. The children. I see how the wife’s talk about how he is going overseas again, the pain and fear in them, even as they try to hide it. The pride in parents as they send off their son or daughter for the first time, hiding the fear as well. Seems to me there is a lot of hiding.

Today the fear has come true. He will not be going home to his family. He will not see the small town of Pine Knot, Ky. again. Today- his family will have to deal with his things, decide what to do with them. Look at his pictures, his life. As they learn all about their son again.

Crying, screaming, anger. It will all be there, and all you can do is be silent and let them have this time. He gave his life for our country, our freedom. At least that is what Bush is telling us.

I do not want to go to work today. :(




Just what I needed. :)

16:10 Nov 28 2006
Times Read: 1,323

My sister Elemental wrote this journal entry last night, and I just found it as I was reading some on my favorites list.

No Matter how hard you try

11:00:46 - Nov 28 2006

Times Read: 4

You know no matter how hard you try...some people will NOT let you be nice to them without wanting more than you can possibly give. No meeting you half way even if you are bending the rules and bending over backwards to help.

No appreciation for putting you in a tough spot for them. Certainly NO RESPONSIBILITY for their actions in putting themselves in the tough spot in the first place. Sigh......

AH......but see.....she went over my head....I try to be nice....my boss....well....she got my back. I no longer have to be so nice....trust me......not good to piss off the Boss...(right VW39?)

Nothing like corrupting the "good people."

*ROFL... wipes tears off my cheeks.*

Now were is that black helmet to go with this black cape? :)





21:38 Nov 27 2006
Times Read: 1,331

Is it me, or is this a commerical? I know I have had a bad day, and most likely just over reacting. Right?

Rated a new member and this is what he rated me back as:

have a 10 .

I dont think i will remain is to much work to do .

butt thx 4 comment viste my other site

Date: 02:53:34 - Nov 28 2006

And its a nice ... stamp?

Websites on his profile:




Just me... never mind. :)




Were you been?

19:23 Nov 27 2006
Times Read: 1,334

I understand it was the holiday weekend. Understand that he most likely had family in the house. Still… it just makes me feel unimportant. And you guys know how I hate that. *laughter*

Yes sir- it is a record! Last Saturday night I posted my sexy story around 9:00 pm. I just got the email from my little self-righteous dude, a whopping 40 hours later. lol

The usually burn in hell, sin, the whole going against God thing. Think he could come up with a few new insults. You make your own hell. Sin? Hell yes. It feels good to sin. The God you believe in? Do not get me started.

I just wonder what took him so long. Maybe he is getting the idea I am not going to react to his words. Will let my creative side out, no matter what is said to me? Maybe he is getting bored with me. * evil laughter *

On the other hand, was he just to busy with family, friends, and church to notice?

Let us wait and see, shall we?

Nothing like a email from him to make me want to write some. :) lol

And I have another name to add to the block list.




Cookie attack.

18:29 Nov 27 2006
Times Read: 1,337

It is all VR fault… honestly… lol. * Smiles* People are going to subway for lunch. “What do you want?” I take only a second to decide. I tell them to bring me back several of the cookies.

I know I know- but it has been one of those days. Do I get points that I am drinking a huge bottle of water with them? :)

Didn’t think so.


Shit Shit Shit. :(

Emotional eating is never a good thing.

However, I cannot rate-, which usually calms me down…. so… biting into her fifth cookie. In a way, it is all VR fault… I muffle out, mouth full of chocolate chip cookie. *Winks*

It truely is.




User Levels

16:11 Nov 27 2006
Times Read: 1,343

I do hope the Users Levels come back. I rate on VR to calm my nerves, mind. The looking at the profiles- the art, locations of the person, pictures of their lives is very calming to me. Some make me realize how normal life is and others make me see how lucky I am, in a way. Some make me want to travel as you see were they live, different cults. Music on profiles can open me up to new sounds and bands, and I have stopped at a few just to enjoy the music and videos. With the clicking of the laptop pad, a glimpse into others people’s lives is at your fingertip.

I have to say I do not read every profile. I am not above scrolling down to leave a rate, stamp. Those nights are usually when I have had a bad day at work, and just need to block out what it bothering me. It is the repetition action. Like driving- it lets my mind just settle, use it to clam down.

Now the user levels are gone. Been told to go to profiles and hit next 15 till I run up to were I was in my rating. Problem is- VR pitches me for hammering. And that does not help to calm me down. lol :]

*deep sigh* I do hope they come back. I will wait and see.




19:47 Nov 26 2006
Times Read: 1,366

“Do you know what the chain of command is? It’s the chain I beat you with till you understand who’s in command here.” Quote from the Jane on the TV show Firefly.

I miss that show. And Dark Angel, Witchblade, Farscape.

* sigh *




Blond moment. :)

17:12 Nov 26 2006
Times Read: 1,370

Total blond moment here.

Last night we went to rent a movie to watch. That in itself is an ordeal, as we three have such different taste in movie. I hate anything that an animal dies in, carton or not. I know its all fake, but I still cry my eyes out. The other two will not do any horror. We pretty much stick with action., chick flicks,mystery. :)

Blockbuster- we start the picking. The comments of “Seen it” “No” “Did not see the first one” “To much blood” “Hell no” and the best one “If you want to see it, I will seat thru it.” In other words- put it back on the shelf. Got to love sisters. lol

We picked one, and then continued to walk along the new releases isle. Twenty minutes later, we picked another one and went to check out.

Once back at my place, I held up the two DVD cases and said. “Which one first… MI #3 … or … MI #3?!!” We rented the same movie, as that was the only one we could agree on, taking so long between picking that we forgot what we picked first. ( I think its the age, but they will slap me if I put that. lol )

See- total blond moment. Guess which movie we picked to watch first? ROFL. :)

Now were is that hair dye?




My dark side is out today.

09:09 Nov 26 2006
Times Read: 1,373

I feel just like I’m sinking

And I claw for solid ground

I’m pulled down by the undertow

I never thought I could feel so low

Oh darkness I feel like letting go

If all of the strength and all of the courage

Come and lift me from this place




Bond. James Bond.

06:38 Nov 26 2006
Times Read: 1,382

Went to see the Bond movie,Casino Royale, today with my friends. Someone has been after me to go see it for days, not naming names… Fineblood. :)

Even though it will please him to no end-, I have to admit it was very, very good. The new James Bond, actor Daniel Craig is one sexy Bond. I loved Bond when it was Roger Moore, and Sean Connery, the other were… well… to pretty for me. lol

Bond should be more rugged, more harder then they have been of late. And this Bond is. Those blue eyes of his, the body, the darker side of his personality. * deep sigh*

The song by Justin Timberlake comes to mind.

“I’m bringing sexy back;

them other boys don’t know how to act.

I think it’s special, what’s behind your back?

so turn around and I’ll pick up the slack.”

MMMMM MMMMM. * Fans my face * ;)

Might have to buy that one on DVD. Funny but none of us knew the movie lasted as long. One of my friends and I was making comments about how it just kept going, how we were going to be there all day. Glad we ate before hand. And at that moment- a woman comes in with a pizza box, sitting down to watch the move. We started to laugh, people around us trying to "Hussh" us.

So please note- Long movie, and do not drink a large bottle of water in the first thirty minutes, sitting in the inside seat of the row your group takes up. :) LOL All i will say is - grouchy much?

But I did enjoy the movie. Would see it again. Just don't tell Fineblood. It will be our little secret, ok? * smiles *





15:28 Nov 25 2006
Times Read: 1,386

Terrorist has kidnapped my puppy dog! LOL Now let me explain the wild idea I had. The phone ringing, as always on the weekend, wakes me. I roll over and reach for it, wishing I had not stayed up late watching horror movies now. I lay back down as I said “Hello” “Yes- is this the ____ residents?” I open my eyes and yawn, knowing something was wrong with this call. Foreign woman, phones and printers working in the background. Sales call?

“How can I help you?” “Is this the lady of the house?” Great, a freaking sale call at … I look over at my clock on the dresser… 9:10am. “How may I help you?” Just start your sales pitch so I can say I am not interested, hang up and go back to sleep for a few hours before I have to be up for the lunch with the girls. “Is this Mrs. ____?” “And I say again, how may I help you?” Ok- now I was starting to get pissed. :(

“Is this Mrs. ____, with the dog named Hannah?” That made me sit up, holding the sheet and blanket to me as the cold air hit my back. How does this woman know I have a dog name Hannah? “What do you know about Hannah?” That is when the crazy idea of my puppy being dognapped. I mean- I will have to pay cash ransom, used to fund a terrorist attack. I smile, my crazy mind going to town with this. And people wonder were my stories come from. :) lol

The family dog, Hannah, stays with my parents. I know she is never out alone without one of us with her, as she is blind in one eye, and can no longer hear good. At 13 years old, the golden retriever is bound to have a few problems. Nevertheless, she is our baby and is treated as one. Therefore, the ideal was crazy that they got their hands on my dog…unless they had my Dad to. Damn. lol. I really want my dog back. Oh come on- I am kidding here. :) lol

“I know she has won a free visit to the Cumberland Valley Animal Clinic.” Now that was odd- as that is her vet. Went to see him just a few days ago, in fact. Laughter comes from the behind this woman and I frown, ready to ask what in the hell is going on. “Mrs. ___? This is Dr. Smith.” I laughed as the laughter behind him increases. “I was just playing a trick. Most people don’t see my humor, but I knew you would.” I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and told him he got me, very funny, wiseass. Told him about the terrorist plot that ran thru my mind. That makes him laugh. :) Crazy people run in packs, it seems. lol

Call was to tell me Hannah blood work came back fine, but we are still waiting on the thyroid test. He would call me back early next week. I thanked him, and ended the call. Crazy dude. I rolled over to my belly and closed my eyes…but now I have to pee. I throw back the covers and climb out of bed, hit by the cold air. I will have to call my Mom and tell her of the vet’s call, and the plot of the dognappers. :) SHe is as crazy as me- so she will see the humor. Were do you think I get it from? lol




Uhhh... wait a second.

20:08 Nov 24 2006
Times Read: 1,395

Rating the new members when I ran into this one:

i'm 600% vampire 600% juggalo and 66% gothic that would make me an over all of 666

Ok... not a college educated gal- but isn't that 1,266 ?

LOL. * Evil smile.* Its the turkey- makes me bitchy. * laughter *




I'm afraid I have been thinking. Dangerous I know.

19:48 Nov 24 2006
Times Read: 1,398

Help! I have a problem. I cannot get this stupid song out of my head. I watched Beauty and the Beast with my mother yesterday and you would think the song “Be our guest, be our guest. Put us to the test…” would be the one stuck in my head. But NO. lol The lovely conceited Gaston song will NOT get out of my head.

I sing for you, the random lyrics that are in my head: And I have told you I am tone deaf- right? LOL

I am afraid I have been thinking

A dangerous pastime

I know

No one plots like Gaston

Takes cheap shots like Gaston

Plans to persecute harmless crackpots like Gaston

So his marriage we soon will be celebrating

My what a guy!


No one fights like Gaston

Douses lights like Gaston

In a wrestling match nobody bites like Gaston

For there's no one as burly and brawny

As you see, I have biceps to spare

Not a bit of him is scraggly or scrawny

(That's right!)

And ever last inch of me is covered with hair”

* screams *

Gods- were is the Pat Boone? The Barry Marilow songs? HELP! Time to dig out some ACDC, Joan Jet, Adam Ant.


"No one fights like Gaston..... " :(

That is it! Time to bring out the big guns. Radio turned to a county station. That will do it. :) lol




Game time. :)

14:30 Nov 24 2006
Times Read: 1,402

Can you name the state capitals for the USA? It is our usually game we play at thanksgiving and Dad always wins. I answered about 13 or so. My Mom and sisters answered several more.

Dad got 48. In addition, can tell you the major highways into the city. :) Guess that is what driving 37 years on the road can do for you.

I think he knew the others ones, was just being kind. lol




Start of the holiday.

09:45 Nov 24 2006
Times Read: 1,406

Wednesday around 3:00 pm, and I am leaving the office, having worked a few hours to catch up on some things, not wanting to be swamped on Monday morning, I was looking forward to a long night of baking and cooking. But noooo. lol

By 3:45 I am no the way to Indiana. Courier run takes me 180 miles away, two traffic jams, and several police speed traps. Remember how sore my legs and back are from the move from hell Monday and Tuesday? Just what I needed- sitting for 3 hours, driving, and then 3 hours right back. :(

After asking a tow truck driver were the stupid street is, as Map Quest just loves to get you lost, I pull up to a huge electric plant security check point. When I get out, I see several men in the parking lot. “You the lady with the money?” I just smiled. “Maybe” See- I am transporting an envelope that was to of been there by 5:00 pm. After the mistake was discovered- they gave it to us to haul. It did not take me long to understand I had the paychecks.

I was only an hour and 45 minutes late. Hey- you do 180 miles in an hour. In holiday traffic, going thru two of Kentucky largest cities at 5:00 and 6:00 pm. They were lucky I was there that early.

The drink at a local bar was tempting, but still had the trip back home. Besides, I am not a person who drinks and drives. So I returned to my car, muscles screaming about being stuck in the same position for another few hours, and turned toward home.

So much for a long peaceful night at home.

Funny but Thursday morning, as I dragged myself out of bed to cook- I felt better. Calf still acting up, but I do feel better.

I wonder - is the habit of sleeping only a few hours at a time going to be with me for long? Sigh.




The bird... who knew? :)

16:07 Nov 23 2006
Times Read: 1,415

Turkeys are able to adapt to a wide variety of habitats. However, most turkeys are found in hardwood forests with grassy areas.

The best time to see a turkey is on a warm clear day or in a light rain.

They what?

Turkeys have heart attacks. When the Air Force was conducting test runs and breaking the sound barrier, fields of turkeys would drop dead.

Turkeys can drown if they look up when it is raining.

Eat, sleep, gobble

Turkeys spend the night in trees. They fly to their roosts around sunset.

Turkeys fly to the ground at first light and feed until mid-morning. Feeding resumes in mid-afternoon.

Gobbling starts before sunrise and can continue through most of the morning.

Eyes in the backs of their heads?

A wild turkey has excellent vision and hearing. Their field of vision is about 270 degrees. This is the main reason they continue to elude some hunters.

And they're fast, too!

A spooked turkey can run at speeds up to 20 miles per hour. They can also burst into flight approaching speeds between 50-55 mph in a matter of seconds.

So close, yet so far

Benjamin Franklin wanted the national bird to be a turkey. A long-time centerpiece of American holiday feasts, the turkey has a colorful and delicious history. Here are some intriguing facts about our nation's favorite bird, that you may not know:

- Turkeys originated in North and Central America, and evidence indicates that they have been around for over 10 million years.

- Until 1863, Thanksgiving Day had not been celebrated annually since the first feast in 1621. This changed in 1863 when Sarah Josepha Hale encouraged Abraham Lincoln to set aside the last Thursday in November "as a day for national thanksgiving and prayer."

- In Mexico, the turkey was considered a sacrificial bird.

- Domesticated turkeys (farm raised) cannot fly. Wild turkeys can fly for short distances at up to 55 miles per hour. Wild turkeys are also fast on the ground, running at speeds of up to 25 miles per hour.

- Only male turkeys (toms) gobble. Females (hens) make a clicking noise. The gobble is a seasonal call during the spring and fall. Hens are attracted for mating when a tom gobbles. Wild toms love to gobble when they hear loud sounds or settle in for the night.

- The heaviest turkey ever raised weighed in at 86 pounds -- about the size of a large German Shepherd -- and was grown in England, according to Dr. Sarah Birkhold, poultry specialist with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service.

- Mature turkeys have 3,500 or so feathers. The Apache Indians considered the turkey timid and wouldn't eat it or use its feathers on their arrows.

- More than 45 million turkeys are cooked and 525 million pounds of turkey are eaten during Thanksgiving.

- Ninety percent of American homes eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. Fifty percent eat turkey on Christmas.

- North Carolina produces 61 million turkeys annually, more than any other state. Minnesota and Arkansas are number two and three.

- Benjamin Franklin, the great American statesman, thought the turkey was so American it should have been chosen as our national symbol rather than the eagle.

- The fleshy growth from the base of the beak, which is very long on male turkeys and hangs down over the beak, is called the snood.




04:39 Nov 22 2006
Times Read: 1,422

Right knee is sore. Left calf muscle is pulled. And my back is one big pain.

Grrrr... I can see trouble sleeping tonight.

Hope someone is here to talk to in a few hours.





Blows me away. :)

00:42 Nov 22 2006
Times Read: 1,427

Poor Connie.... :)

Welcome to the club, sis. LOL

Blows me away.... ;)

:) LOL :)


Wipes my tears away. :0 Kissy Kissy.




Rating time again!! :)

20:56 Nov 21 2006
Times Read: 1,429

“There is not night until there is day.” Ahhh… a ten.

“You can like me, love me or hate me but you will never forget me.” Sorry- what did your profile say? Now what was the quote? What was I doing?

“Im me who cares what you think.” Yes- lets go onto a site that is set up to rate you. Very good choice there, honey.

“Expressions speak louder then words.” Yes but they do not have video on this site. But let me give you an expression. Did you see that?

“I’d love to have you for dinner.” Nah… I bet I would taste like chicken.

“Tomarrow belongs to us!” I hope you learn how to use a spell check by then. Sorry- I am the last one to pick on spelling errors.

“R U SCARED.” Why do I hear that stupid saying in my head? GET R DONE!

“Jusus dosen’t want me.” Hum, maybe he will tomarrow.

“Only Satan judges me, and I think Im cool.” I can see it now- hell, with the stage setting like American Idol, the big red horned guy holds up a scorecard. The crowd goes wild.

Shakes my head- I so need some sleep. :)




What I hate?

01:49 Nov 21 2006
Times Read: 1,435

Know what I hate about my job? I hate not sleeping well and having to drive for hours before the sun comes up. Two hours this morning, then two hours return trip.

I hate having a customer who is unreasonable about their demands. I had that today.

I hate packing as it hurts my back, all the bending and twisting. Been there, done that today.

In addition, I really hate stairs. Third floor apartment- with 48 steps from the parking lot to his floor.

Tomorrow? Same job leaving me with the same back pain, and sore knee. :(

However, looks like we get Wednesday off. :)




Air horn. :)

01:03 Nov 21 2006
Times Read: 1,437

Sitting in my office chair, yawning, at 5:40am this morning as I watch the snow falling out the window, I had to ask why I did not get a phone call. Two of my best friends always call me when the first snow falls, no matter how little, just to threaten me as I start to cheer. I smiled- thinking how I should call them both- wake them up for a change. Knowing one- she would hurt me next time she saw me. The other? She has enough aggravation with out me to start her day. So I just smile, and hope they enjoy the snow when they wake up.

Then the crew start showing up. My dad comes in last, and we get into the truck and car for the 2 hours trip to the days move. I am driving the car, Dad beside me. You would think my dad would know by now that I hate to talk early in the morning. I am a quite person before the sun comes up, just wanting to drive. My dad loves to talk, and we have not seen each other since Thursday. Dad can talk about anything, and everything. Wish I were more like him that way. You put dad in a room with three strangers and give him half an hour- and he will know who, were, what and when of their lives. (I can just see my friend’s smile- thinking I can do the same thing.)

However, not at 6:00 am in the freaking morning! ~laughter~ This morning dad tells me of his weekend. How he got a visit from my cousin Ricky. Ricky is about my age, few years younger. Married, with a daughter. Drives a truck for a living, hauling for a bigger company. He is an owner/ operator. Means he owns his own truck, just hauls for a company who dispatches his loads. “How is he?” I ask, trying to make my mind listen, between yawns. “He said he saw you Friday. Tried to get your attention to stop and look at his new Kenworth.” I know Ricky had plans to buy a new truck, but I do not remember seeing it at his house as I drove by two or three times Friday. “I didn’t see him Friday. I went over to Connie’s, then did some shopping, went out to dinner.” “He said he honked his horn at you several times.”

Oh hell… I laughed as I remember Friday. I was sitting at a red light on Main Street, pulling out a cd from the case, when a tractor tooted his horn. I looked and the light was still red. I was switching the cd when he blew his air horn. I rolled my window down and pointed at the light- still red. Then the jerk laid on his horn and I flipped his ass off. The light turned green and I hit the gas. How was I to know it was Ricky? I just though it was an ass hole.

“He said you made a rude jester to him, then speed off” I told dad what happen and he said Ricky had told him the same thing. I asked how mad my dear cousin was at me, and Dad said I just needed to go over and see his truck. I will… and I hope it has some air in the tanks as I plan to blow that horn right back at him. He was still a jerk. But maybe I can get a ride in his new truck, if I play nice.




Thankful for? ... hummm

01:00 Nov 20 2006
Times Read: 1,446

What am I thankful for in my life?

My nice comfortable sweat pants.

That the batteries from Bob fit my TV remote when it stops working at 1:30 this morning.

For the ability to learn from my mistakes, and move past them.

For a friend who told me those words of wisdom- people online are not what they seem. Trying to be more then they are. He also did not make fun of me, as I was gullible enough to fall for the lies.

Family and friends.

Hannah- our family golden retriever dog. She makes a great pillow when its naptime.

For those stupid little annoying decorations that are set off by motion. Have to love things that will not shut up - you walk by it and off it goes with the music and lights.

That our family does not exchange gifts any more for Christmas.

That my mom has a dishwasher.





For the DVD player when only thing on TV is sports.

Dove brand chocolates.

Wine coolers.

People who want to move on the day before Thanksgiving. What is that?

The knowledge that I have a wonderful life- filled with people who love me and I love in return.

My health.

My home.

The sense of humor to be happy at what life gives you.

Make it what you will- just be happy folks. You might not be were you want to be in your life- have no control of it. But you are the only one who controls how you react to what is handed to you in life. So – be happy.

May we all see the joy in our life this holiday.




Seedless grapes only.

00:10 Nov 20 2006
Times Read: 1,450

Note to self: When one makes fruit salad for Thanksgiving- remember to use seedless grapes. :)

I love fruit salad, with the sweetness of the cool whip, sugar and the sourness of the fruit. Crushed pecan added to the top… mmmm mmmm good. Rubs my belly... ohhh yes.

But for the one year when I bought the grapes- not thinking about the seeds. lol

“Great fruit salad…” spitting of the seeds, “ … Kay, just great.” Spitting.

As I said- note to self. SEEDLESS GRAPES ONLY!

And watch the amount of vinger in the devil eggs, the sage in the dressing... are you seeing the problem with me cooking? lol

Just call me the best dish washer, potato peeler, "cut this up" helper in the kitchen come Wensday night, and Thursday.

:) But it has its good side- I am also the taste tester. Mmmmm Mmmmmm.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!




Day off work. :)

15:03 Nov 17 2006
Times Read: 1,460

I have the day off work! That has not happen in a long, long time. No jobs for the day, no carrier runs. The rental house that is empty is waiting in the last of the quarter round trim to go down in the kitchen, bath, and dinning room. Bills paid, deposits done. So… I had the opportunity to take the day off, and here I sit in my living room watching Food Network on the TV, trying to decide what I want to eat. ANd no- it will not be a McRib. lol

I could go take a long bubble bath, and call Connie and see if she wants company for lunch. Hmmm that sounds good. Been a while since we have chatted.

I have a date tonight and trying to figure out if it is a tight jean, and the Vampire Rave t-shirt. On the other hand, if it is an A cut brown skirt, black sweater, and the black high heel boots that hits me at my knees. I do love to wear boots. Always puts the song “These Boots are Made for Walking” in my mind. Not the Jessica Simpson weak song, but the true Nancy Sinatra song.

Yes- boots it is. :)




How is your Mother?

20:17 Nov 16 2006
Times Read: 1,469

His first message to me was … a little strange. “You are so cute. Sexy” Ok. I sent back a thank you, kind for you to say. It only took two more messages before I understood what he wanted. Yeah- sometimes I am slow. This is a man I have never talked to before, and he is starting this? Please… roll my eyes. Let me give you a hint- I do not play with people I do not know. ;) LOL

I see he is 19 years old. I asked about his day, how was collage life was treating him, miss your family… your Mother? Funny but he stopped talking with me after that one. lol

What? You wanted something more like this?

“I would love to teach you a thing or two. To have a stud like you …” I slide onto your lap, facing you, lean into your chest, rubbing your shoulders… “ mmmm…. I could think of all kinds of fun we could have. You are bending me over your desk. Taking me from behind. Would you like that?”

Yawns… sorry- but even I get bored with that stuff.




Time will heal.

13:58 Nov 16 2006
Times Read: 1,494

Desperate for love, she has been described as. A woman who only agrees to a few dates a year. A woman who could have been married again, with very little effort, but wish to stay single. A woman who loves is limited to a few in her lifetime. She holds love above all else, and will not settle for less. A love that will be strong when she is weak.

Her mind interferes. A mind that tells her it will not work out. Too much of a difference, distance to great. While he is getting his life in order- his life is there, not here, with her. He will not be with you, body or mind. He has settled were he is with family, friends, and no one is going to change that. You are sitting yourself up to be hurt, and why would you allow that to happen? He is using you, that is why it went to far, to fast. You can feel his need, and reacting to it in your own way. The mind is always telling her this. However, she holds on.

It started slowly- the calls lagging as you have little to talk about, his attention else were. What once was a connection turns into her listening as he talks to others. The chats drawn out, as he has little to say, share with you. You see the difference between you grow, as the bond weakens. A bond he said would always be there, but that he left with no problem. Was the mind right? Time is proving that it was.

She starts to doubt, her mind taking it out in questions. Questions that end up in fights. Questions that just makes him madder, more distanced. Questions that he never tried to understand, or ask why she felt that way. Like him, she has a history of being hurt, and sees it happing again. He is unaware, the connection gone, does not care.

He tells her, in a way he knows would hurt her the most, that it is over, done. All her fault. Just like her ex husband’s abuse. This man who she has shared her past with, her hurt. This man that told her he loves her, bonded to her, using that bond to do this damage to her. Her mind points out - he had no problems inflecting pain to you. Her mind was right in knowing he would hurt her.

Heart? Time will heal it, as that was involved to deeply, to ever question her love. The bond? She feels it still, or is that her heart’s wishful thinking? Ask the mind and it will tell her yes. She is starting to listen to her mind, seeing how right it has been. Guess she is not that desperate for love after all, as she is learning from the pain.

Time is healing.




World Peace.

19:39 Nov 15 2006
Times Read: 1,502

A woman rubs a bottle and out popped a genie. The amazed woman asked

if she got 3 wishes. The genie said, "Nope, sorry, 3-wish genies are a

storybook myth. I'm a one-wish genie. So...What'll it be?"

The woman did not hesitate. She said, "I want peace in the Middle East.

See this map? I want these countries to stop fighting with each other

and I want all the Arabs to love the Jews and Americans and vice-versa.

It will bring about world peace and harmony."

Genie looked at the map and exclaimed, "Lady, please be reasonable.

These countries have been at war for thousand of years. I'm out of

shape after being in a bottle for 500+ years. I am good but not THAT

good! I don't think it can be done. Make another wish and please be


Woman thought for a minute and said, "Well, I've never been able to

find the right man. You know - one that's considerate and fun, likes to

cook and help with the house cleaning, is great in bed and gets along

with my family, doesn't watch sports all the time, and is faithful.

That is what I wish for...a good man."

Genie let out a sigh and said, "Let me see the freaking map again"




19:37 Nov 15 2006
Times Read: 1,503

I was walking down the street when I was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked me for a couple of dollars for dinner.

I took out my wallet, got out ten dollars and asked, "If I give you this money, will you buy some wine with it instead of dinner?"

"No, I had to stop drinking years ago, the homeless woman told me.

"Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying food?" I asked.

"No, I don't waste time shopping, the homeless woman said. "I need to spend all my time trying to stay alive."

"Will you spend this on a beauty salon instead of food?" I asked.

"Are you NUTS! replied the homeless woman. I haven't had my hair done in 20 years!"

"Well, I said, "I'm not going to give you the money. Instead, I'm going to take you out for dinner with my husband and me tonight.

The homeless Woman was shocke d. "Won't your husband be furious with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting.

I said, "That's okay. It's important for him to see what a woman looks like after she has given up shopping, hair appointments, and wine.




Should of brought a hat. ;)

19:21 Nov 15 2006
Times Read: 1,504

An elderly couple, Ray and Bessie, are "snowbirds" in Texas . Ray always

wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots.

Seeing some on sale one day, he buys them, wears them home,walking


He walks into the house and says to his wife: "Notice anything

different about me?"

Bessie looks him over, "Nope."

Frustrated Ray storms off into the bathroom, undresses, and walks back

into the room completely naked except for the boots. Again, he asks, a

little louder this time, "Notice anything DIFFERENT NOW?"

Bessie looks up and says, "Ray, what's different? It's hanging down

today , it was hanging down yesterday , it'll be hanging down again

tomorrow .



To which Bessie replies, "Shoulda bought a hat, Ray. Shoulda bought a





Mistakes have a way of working out. :)

19:02 Nov 15 2006
Times Read: 1,506

Came home yesterday to the news that I had a conference call scheduled for today between 11:00am to 11:30am. The call is from the distribution company we have been handling some bigger projects for this year. The company who is handling the commercial kitchen equipment. The one who is in charge of the project I drop the mixer on. Joy…

I tried everything to get my mind off it. Tried, but mind going a thousands miles, I made myself go to bed early. Woke up three and half - four hours later. Rated for a few hours and after being pitched off VR for the third or fourth time, I tried to go back to sleep. Safe to say- 6:00 am found me doing my workout, 7:00 am in the shower, and 7:45 at work, were I just worried more.

I knew what was coming so I filled out the insurance report, copy paperwork on the mixer. Even at the limit of liability of $1.25 a pound, at 1,800 lbs, that is still a chunk of money. $2,250.00. Great. Just great. My own stupid mistake did it. Pallet be damn- I was the one who dropped it. Me- no one else. In a way, that was a good thing. I know it was a mistake. I love to cook, and to see that cast iron standing mixer turned on its side killed me. That is water under the bridge- and time to face what I did.

Dad comes in at 10:45am. Not asked for- he just did. He sits in my office, and starts reading a trucker catalog as we wait. I know he is here for moral support. As the call is forward to my desk, he tells me to not get upset, not take any bullshit from them. You have to love dads.

I answer the call and it is the distribution center, and the project manager from the sites. In addition, the purchase manager for the customer we have been working with on these projects. So- it is the boss of the distribution center, the customer’s rep who buys the nice expensive equipment and the man who has seen the damage to the mixer. I am so fucked!

I wait as everyone says hello, waiting for the shoe to drop when the distribution center woman ask a question I did not expect to hear. “We are doing this conference call to see if your company would like to handle 5 more jobs, Kay. Let me tell you were they are, and we need to set up rates…” Huh? Ok. I look at Dad and he is waiting. I read off the cities, and he helps me place them, telling me how far they are away. I had to point out to them there were closer movers to the towns. I offered to give them names and phone numbers as the distribution center is in California, guessing they did not know of the movers.

Long pause here. That is when the woman in charge of the company asked why I would turn the job down. “Please, don’t misunderstand. I would love to have the jobs. However, the rate I give you will have to take into count the driving time, labor, and fuel. I was only looking out for your best interest. The local companies would be cheaper just for that reason alone.” That is when the man who is at every delivery, supervising, speaks up. “But I have told my bosses your company is the one I want. The deliveries run smooth, you bring enough manpower and equipment, always early to the job, and pleasure to work with.”

I had to say it- “You did tell them about the mixer, right?” Laughter. “We understand the mixer was damaged, and I will review the digital pictures to see what we can do about repairs. That is not what this call is about. I want your company to handle these jobs, just for the reason he has given you. I understand accident happens, and that you handle it in a professional way. Now- about the rates. What will it take to …” Another half hour- and the first job, that is over a hundred miles away, starts shipping into us in the morning. They routed it as we spoke. The other four will start to filter in to us within the next few weeks.

Damn. Now what? Sigh… I see a lot more sleepless nights coming up for me. I mean- $500,000.00 worth of equipment. Times that by five of them. At once. Holy shit. Five more mixers I can drop.

Dad is happy as can be. So are the guys. Am I the only one seeing the draw back on this? Need to call the insurance company to make sure we have enough coverage.

The damaged mixer? As it is make out of cast iron, one big piece of the frame, at the top edge is were the three to four inch dent is… well, I could still be taking that call soon.

Sorry but I just cannot work up the joy. Worry and stress? Now that - I have covered.

Mistakes have a way of working out.




Long trips with the guys.

14:37 Nov 15 2006
Times Read: 1,508

Easy money. That is what yesterday was at work. Loading took two hours of the one bedroom apartment. Unloading of half an hour at the new apartment. Easy money, except for the seven hours of driving time between. lol :)

Windshield time is what the guys call it. I usually call it “They are a sleep, so I let my mind wonder, creating a story in my mind” time. Damn- that was a mouth full, wasn’t it? ;)

Let me put it this way- you are driving, the sound of the motor drowns out the radio, and you cannot turn it up, as they are asleep, so… that is were most of the stories end up develop for me.

But not yesterday. Oh no… yesterday we did not start the drive until after 10:00 am. The little buggers would not go to sleep. I am driving, and listening as they talk. I listen to the “male” point of views of life, relationship, food and hunting.

One of the men with me killed a 12 pointer deer over the weekend. I so enjoyed the details on how he hung it from a tree and took his knife to field dress … anyway- I will not make you sit thru that as I did. Let us just say- EWWW!!!

Then it was on to the fight the other one had with his girlfriend. About what? Oral sex. Yeap- I get to hear it all when we travel. They see me more as one of the guys, so nothing is off limits to talk about, as long as they do not get too detailed. Rashes, itches, illness, woman’s excuses for not wanting to have sex, how women make no sense. It is all in there. I just have to smile. :) Oh ... and the gossip. Men have nothing on women in that regards folks. lol

Until they come to realize I am a woman and start to ask me for my opinion “Being a woman and all.” Hell- I hate when that happens. But then- I can have so much fun sharing my wisdom. ~evil laughter~, “Well I think if I was to cook dear meat, I would boil it first to get the wild taste…” lol

Hey- I a not touching the whole sex act question. Ewwww… I have to work with these guys. Are you crazy?

Yes- I love long trips with the guys.





19:25 Nov 13 2006
Times Read: 1,528

Nikolai is a friend on VR that I have to say thank you to. During this time of healing over being hurt, he has stepped up to talk with me about it. He listened as I bitched, cussed, cried, and got mad. He said all I needed to hear- when I needed to hear it. Takes a special friend to do that for you.

I have my sisters, and several friends who listen last Sunday, and to those I thank you as well. Most will not even know they helped me as I did not tell them just how upset, mad I was. If I did - showed how much I trusted you.

Nikolai is just someone who, when I said I was leaving VR for a while, who told me he would miss me. You never know what those words meant to me, my friend. Just out of the blue- you said the words I needed to hear.

To him I say thank you. You made me see there are several nice people on VR that I would miss talking with. I joked that I wanted to find out if he could walk the walk- well I learned he does. As a friend I hold in high regard, a person I trust to never hurt me, and a person I hold close to my heart.

You walk the walk with me… and that means even more, not leaving me to do it alone.

Holding out my hand to my friend as I still travel this road- I say thank you as you take it into yours.




Any one awake at 6:00 am?

10:46 Nov 10 2006
Times Read: 1,550

Friends Online:

You don't have any friends.


You are on 240

Friend Lists

And I have that many on my friends list...

Is no one awake at this time of the day? Damn.




Toss and turning

09:57 Nov 10 2006
Times Read: 1,551

It is 5:00 am, and I have tossed and turned for over an hour now. Made the mistake of watching CSI. I love the show and it usually does not bother me. Tonight show started with an older woman in her home. Sitting in a sunroom, and a man kills her. Well- it just brought back my aunt murder.

I have dreamt of her. How she would come home to stay for weeks, how we would go shopping. How she loved to play cards at the kitchen table. Her laughter, joy at life. She was happy with her life.

And how she was killed. Beaten to death in her home. She knew they would kill her, as she knew the people. Makes you wonder what went thru her mind. What were her last thoughts as they beat her? As she fought back?

Just makes me sad, to see such a life to end that way.

Remind me never watch CSI again.




:) LOL- don't know how to label this one.

00:06 Nov 09 2006
Times Read: 1,559

Getting old is so hard at times.

Yesterday I got Preparation 'H'

mixed up with Poli-Grip.

NOW, I talk like an asshole

but my gums don't itch




:) Smart girl. Very smart.

00:01 Nov 09 2006
Times Read: 1,560

There was a man who had worked all of his life,

had saved all of his money, and was a real miser when it came to his money.

Just before he died, he said to his wife, "When I die, I want you to take all my money and put it in the casket with me. I want to take my money to the afterlife with me."

And so he got his wife to promise him with all of her heart that when he died, she would put all of t he money in the casket with him.

Well, he died. He was stretched out in the casket, his wife was sitting there in black, and her friend was sitting next toher.

When they finished the ceremony, just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said, "Wait just a minute!"

She had a box with her, she came over with the box and put it in the casket. Then the undertakers locked the casket down, and

they rolled it away.

So her friend said, "Girl, I know you weren't

fool enough to put all that money in there with your husband." The loyal wife replied, "Listen, I'm a Christian, I can't go back on my word. I promised him that I was going to put that

money in that casket with him."

"You mean to tell me you put that money in the casket with him!!!!?" "I sure did," said the wife. "I got it all together, put it into my account and wrote him a check. If he can cash it, he can spend it."




Responsibility for your actions / mistakes.

22:43 Nov 08 2006
Times Read: 1,562

Take responsibility for your actions/ mistakes, react as your mind, and heart tells you to do. I have had this drilled in my head from childhood. These last two days, I have taken actions to do just that.

I have apologized to those on VR whom I have hurt by my actions. While there are two sides to every argument, I know I have hurt them, and for that, I am sorry. Some would call it the high road; I just call it something I needed to do to move on. If they accept the apology or not, does not matter. It was offered earnestly, and all I can do.

Delivery of the middle school’s cafeteria today. The deliveries were I damaged the commercial size mixer last Friday. I told the boss man on the site, whom we have worked with before, and his reaction was one of surprise. “How did that happen?” I faced the mistake I made, telling him I must have picked it up wrong on the forklift, as the pallet broke, the bolted supports gave, and over it went. He asked how badly damaged and we showed him the three to four inch dent on the back corner edge.

He laughed, and placing his arm around my shoulder, said it was not bad. He explained that a claim would likely not be filed, but he appreciated me for not trying to hide it, or put it off on someone else. Leads me to believe that he had those problems before. I just smiled and told him I was my mother and father’s daughter, and taught to face up to my mistakes.

It feels good to let mistakes go.




Voted today.

20:07 Nov 07 2006
Times Read: 1,571

Standing behind an older woman, waiting to vote today. I smile at the people who speak to me, having no idea who half of them are. Sorry- but I cannot remember people I only meet a few times a year. However, they usually help me out with the greetings.

“You look so much like your mother” Ok- speaking to him, as he knows mom, and she will be mad if I am rude. Gods help me if mom gets mad. “Why you don’t look like yourself.” Ok- that means you have not seen me in a year. “Why, you are Tommy’s girl.” She knows my dad, so most likely a cool person. Dad has a skill of finding nice people to know. He is nice to everyone, staying away from anyone he sees as mean. People who know mom? Those are a toss up. She was the face of the business to long to be loved by everyone who knows her. Seeing a few people I have pissed off, I smile at that. Just following my mom’s example.

I look around the fire department, as my ears ring with the latest town gossip. Looking at the fire trucks parked outside on this rainy day, I see the chrome on all the steps, bumpers, rims. I remember the comments I made to the man who tried to get me to donate to the fire department. Have to say this for the city; they do spend some money on the equipment. Stepping up as the line moves, I look around the building…and the lights went off. Its cloudy, but light from outside the glass fire bay doors leave plenty of light.

A hush falls on the people and I just start laughing, thinking Damn- did not know the fire department was so poor they could not pay their electric bills. People turn to me, and I fake a cough. “Sorry, have something in my throat.” My crazy humor gets me in more trouble. The old woman in front of me gave me a dirty look, and turned back around. Hope she does not know me. Smiling, biting my tongue, I keep slient. They found the man who leaned up against the wall, flipping the switches off by mistake, and all went back to normal in our small county town.




How many years of college?

16:46 Nov 07 2006
Times Read: 1,575

Meet with the CPA today. I am sitting across from his big beautiful desk in his office, with no windows. That always drove me nuts. Why no windows? It is like a cave in his office. He is flipping thru some papers, and gives out his “hmmm” of frustration. I do not even think he knows he is doing it. I sit in the nice leather chair, and wait. My eyes travel over his collection on dye cast antique cars, the pictures of his wife and family, and the collect of crosses he has on the wall. He is a good Baptist man, and I love having fun with him. The several degrees, hanging on the walls in nice expense frames that match the cherry desk, has never stopped me.

“I see you have not separated the parts from the gas on the credit cards again” I sit forward and look at the spreadsheet, then at him. “What difference does it make? They are both legal deductions.” He looks up from the numbers, gives me the “look”, and goes “Because I told you to” I smile and say to a man who has done our books for the last 14 years. “You went how many years to college to tell me that? Come on- I am paying high money here. Give me more then I told you to.” I laughed, as he hands out the credit card bills for me to redo.

I give a fake sigh and say as I reach for them “You are one of the two men I let tell me what to do.” He smiles at that. Time to put him in his place. Cannot have him forget his fun side. “But I tell you- you are starting to push it with me” I take the bills and smack at his arm with them, both of us laughing at the silliness. His wife walks in, as she works in the office, and said to me “I see you are beating on him again”

“He is mean.” “She will not do what I tell her to do.” “Oh… cry baby.” “Cry baby? Why you little…” Wife steps in and holds up her hands. “Play nice you two or I will separate you.” I sit back in my chair and pull out a pen to start separating the bills. He goes back to adding on the calculator.

After she walks out with the file she came in to get, he sticks his tongue out at me. Yeap- how many years of college?




Not the girls!! :)

14:20 Nov 07 2006
Times Read: 1,578

I do not mind cutting down on the food. I do not mind (sniff sniff) cutting out the chocolate. Even the limited fried food is not a big problem.

I mean- I have lost eight dress sizes in a little under a year. How much weight? Scales are not something I allow in my life, but the doctor visit a few months ago it was at enough she started to cut my medicine down. Health reasons are the reason I am doing this, so Yeah!

I do not mind the 60 minutes workouts 5 days a week. (I am so lying on that one. I hate those things.) I do like being able to climb stairs with out my knees giving out and huffing and puffing.

I do like the increase in my sexually desire. At the ripen age of 40- a woman’s sexual peak, double whammy. ~ wink~

Let me tell you what I do not like. Went shopping last night for some sexy lingerie, and I learned I lost a cup size.

What the hell? From a C to a B cup. Now that is just not right!! I do not mind the rest of me getting smaller, but not the girls! LOL ;)




Never trust a old woman. :)

16:55 Nov 06 2006
Times Read: 1,593

A young man shopping in a supermarket noticed a little old lady following him around.

If he stopped, she stopped. Furthermore she kept staring at him.

She finally overtook him at the checkout, and she turned to him and said,

"I hope I haven't made you feel ill at ease; it's just that you look so much like my late son."

He answered, "That's okay.""I know it's silly, but if you'd call out "Good bye, Mom" as I leave the store, it would make me feel so happy."

She then went through the checkout, and as she was on her way out of the store, the man called out, "Goodbye, Mom."

The little old lady waved, and smiled back at him. Pleased that he had brought a little sunshine into someone's day, he went to pay for his groceries.

"That comes to $121.85," said the clerk. "How come so much .. I only bought 5 items.."

The clerk replied, "Yeah, but your Mother said

you'd be paying for her things too."




Gave her a ten.

15:40 Nov 06 2006
Times Read: 1,596

Rating the new members when I found this:

Quote: The opinions of worthless people are worthless.

I gave her a ten. :)




Sex Slave? ME? ROFL :)

14:25 Nov 06 2006
Times Read: 1,604

Sex slave? Me? You know- now that I am over being mad, its just kind of funny. I mean- rumor is I am someone’s sex slave. LOL

Funny thing is I would not and will never be anyone’s slave. Sexually or any other way. I just find the word offensive.

Now if you had told the lie this way- it would have had ring of truth to it. Listen and learn, honey, as I am going to give you a lesson.

“She is his Mistress. She dominates him all the time in bed.” Read the stories again. Gods- any one can see I would make a shitty slave. Being told what to do? Putting up with a man controlling my actions during sex or any other time in my life? Begging and being submissive to any man? ROFL... its just so funny.

Hey, at least I got a good laugh out of this. But it did hurt a few people, me being one of them. Those who say they know me- you know me better. Those who still believe the lie, you never did know me. :( But I learn my lesson of who those people are.

I can see the ad now: :)

Wanted: One Master for a very opinionated, strong willed bitch that has no problems telling you to fuck off. I will never degrade myself to be on my knees when you walk into the room. I will never put up with attitude I finds to be rude to me, or others, as I value humans as equals.

If you ever hit me enough to hurt me- I am most likely going to slug you back. If you EVER think to beat me- then have your Last Will made as you will not live long.

If you do any sexually act to me that hurt, I will stop you, as I am not into pain. To tie me up were I could not move? Did I mention a trust issue? HELL NO.

I am good a questioning orders, and ask “Why?” a lot. Am known to tell you how I like my sex, and never been one to hold back, or wait for you to cum. I take my pleasure, and have no problem giving it back.

If you think to ever try to make me a slave- you have to be here in person. I do like a strong man in bed, and am willing to give control to a man who earns it. And I will never put up with you having another lover. Call me at...

As I said before- you should have told the lie that I was his Dom.

For those who know me- think I will get any takers on the ad? ROFL.

We will wait and see. I see them flying in myself. LOL

I will make a good sex slave... I will, I will. LOL

NOT! :) Its just kind of funny.




Mother and Father's daughter.

03:46 Nov 06 2006
Times Read: 1,612

A very strong willed mother raised me. She was born in 1926. Women won the right to vote just four years earlier. My father was born in 1924. They lived thru wars, civil right movements, being poor, and more then one hardship. My father was an over the road driver most of my childhood, leaving my mother to raise my four other brother and sisters, and me. I am the youngest, mom having me at 40.

When my mother started the business in 1952, she tells how she could not have a checking account in her name at the bank. How she had to sign my fathers name to every check she wrote. How she, living in a very small town at that time, had to fight the “good old boys” club of the town. She took this small company and, with sure will and strength, made a business listed on the Dun and Bradstreet, and several businesses lists as a grade A company. Military rates use as the best in our service area, out of the twenty-seven. We are one of the oldest companies of our kind, still being held by the founders. Most are sold or out of business at this age. In a business, when she started that was male dominated, she took it and made a good living out of it. I grew up watching her doing this every day. And I was taught what I needed to be as strong.

She put up with a lot of male shit and worked long hard hours to make her family a living. I stepped into her shoes at the age of 18, when I turned of legal age. I have always been trained / raised to run the companies, as I had my mother’s talent for it. I know she is still a great value to the company and to me as, to this day, I ask for her advice on any big decisions. You can never replace her wisdom.

My father still works every day. To this very day, he is there to back me up. He might not agree with my decisions some times- but he trusts me enough to make it work to our family’s advantage. Most time it works out- but when it does not, he is more likely to pat me on the back and say to live and learn from the mistake. See- he has never treated a woman as a lesser being. He was my mother’s partner, not her leader. And that is what I think a male should be.

My parents raised me to trust myself. To never let anyone degrade me or put me down. I am lucky enough- thru my Mother and Fathers hard work, to have the money, history, reputation, and strength to stand up for what I believe. You threaten me- you had better be ready for a fight. In business, as well as personal.

I had an abuse marriage. He treated me as if I was the lowest level of pond scum. But I loved him. I learned that loving a man will not make you happy if he does not share those feelings. And if he treats you like that, no matter what he says, he does not love you. With the help of my family, I left him. My mother, holding me as I cried one day at work after he started on me on the phone, said these words that I will never forget. They made me see that I had to turn off my heart and do what was right for me.“I raised you to be strong. To never let anyone make you feel this way. You need to take a deep breath, look at the situation clearly and act in a manner I raised you in.” I left him within the week.

As my father would tell me, today I have learned my lesson again in this matter.

I have taken a deep breath, I have looked at the situation clearly. I will be acting in the manner I was raised in. It is 11:00 pm, and its time to be my mother and father’s daughter. You attack me- you had better be ready for a fight. Only warning I will give.





03:09 Nov 05 2006
Times Read: 1,621

Quote from a new member.

"Huggles, loves, kisses, MMMM licks. and nibbles. Yummm you taste sooooo good!"

:) can this get any more loving? Ahhh

Can't decide if he is using it as a come on- or if he is just hungry.





:) ohhh but I can.

02:46 Nov 05 2006
Times Read: 1,624

Quote from a new member.

"you can't hate me until you know me!!"

lol. :)

Its just to easy... shakes my head.




Sheep and pork chops.

17:49 Nov 04 2006
Times Read: 1,631

Nap on an early Saturday morning. Does that not sound good? Yes sir, I have earned a nap after 51 hours this week. I turned off the laptop, put it on the nightstand, and settle into my bed. Lying on my side, satin covered pillow pulled into my chest…mmmm. I close my eyes and it pops into my mind- that damn commercial size mixer I damaged. I let out a deep breath and try to think of something else. :(

Sheep. Big white fluffy sheep. House is cold, I am warm, wool sweaters, sheep. See- this is how my mind travels, people. I start counting sheep jumping the fence. I think of the ones on TV that advertise the mattress, and how I was keeping them in business. Smiles as I start to count…one, two, three, four, five, ten, twenty-six... I sleep.

Ring. Ring. Ring. I roll over and grab the phone off the nightstand. “Hello” I mumble, still half-asleep. “Yes. I was calling about the house you have in the paper. The two bedroom in town…” I listen and yawn as she reads the whole ad to me. What? You think I forget what I have to rent. Sorry I am grouchy ass when you wake me up. When she is finished, I give her the answer. “The house is already rented.” “Oh. Thank you.” I click the phone off and stuff it under a pillow. Now ...were was I? Yes, nap. I curl back up and close my eyes.

Sheep. Nice big fluffy sheep. Lamp chops. Covered in gravy with a side dish of mashed potatoes, with melted butter on top. Mmmmm… I sleep.

Ring. Ring. I grab under the pillow and answer with a grumpier hello. “I was calling about the house in the paper.” Thinking I at least did not have to hear the ad again, I told him the home was rented already. “Then why is it still in the paper?” Well… I will point out I have been woken from my nap two times now. lol like I need a excuse to point out dumb stuff.

“Because I decided to rent it to a young couple only late Thursday afternoon and the paper is printed out on Thursday night- how it is on the news stand Friday morning. I could not get the ad pulled out in time.” He hung up on me. I click off the phone and call the SOB a bad name- yes it was SOB. lol See - you are learning to read me. :)

I drop the phone on the floor and roll over to lie on my belly, smacking the pillows until I was happy, and laid my head down. Sheep. Big fluffy sheep. Jumping a fence, making sheep noise. One, two, three…around thirty I made them mute as the noise was getting on my nerves. Around forty-six I slept

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. I reach down with out even opening my eyes, felt for, and found the phone. “Hello” “Hey.What are you doing?” It’s my sister, Nightgame. I roll over and smile. Better to be woken by her then anyone. Cannot yell at her- she will yell back. ;) We chat a while as I wake up. Asking what time it was, she tells me it is after 11:30am. “No wonder I am hungry”

Thinking lamp chops, but pork chop is all I have in the freezer. Have to think of flying pigs next naptime. But why am I thinking of pig poop in my eye?

Never mind…




Thanks to my friends...

14:26 Nov 04 2006
Times Read: 1,639

I hate it when more then one friend shares the same picture. lol Have to love how I say hello to one person, and he comes back telling me he is not that person. Oh well… dang it. Glad he understands and puts up with me. :)

For those who asked were I have been- working. Lots and lots of working. Here is to a weekend of rest, rating and fun. It is in the 40’s here and I am so looking forward to spending some time outside. Maybe a drive as I just did not drive enough this week at work. (Yes – me being a smart ass. Think you would know me by now lol) Nope- no traveling for me this weekend. If I do not see a steering wheel for a few days-, I will be happy. ;)

Love when I sleep well. Have to give thanks to a few friends here who made me laugh my ass off before I went to bed. Giving me a image to sleep with. lol

Thanks for cheering me up, hon. I cannot wait to meet you in a few weeks. A man in uniform, my weakness. ~ laughter~ 20 years old, huh? lol

Have a nice sexy story and hope to write it sometime today. ( wonder were that dream came from ;) Yawns… right after a nap and cooking a nice lunch. ~ smiles~

Ohh update- forklift repair was $2,380.00 dollars. New forklift is going back. Dad is heart broken. lol

Made a stupid mistake Friday- I damaged a huge mixer at work. All I will say is- over 1,800 lbs and you put it on a cheap ass pallot? WTH? Wish me luck on Wensday, delivery day to the new school. Think they will notice the dent? lol

Oh well... :) Can't do anything about it now- so lets move on.

Thanks again for getting it off my mind so I could sleep. Friends like you are better then any sleeping pills.




Can I keep it? Huh? Can I?

18:58 Nov 01 2006
Times Read: 1,658

Tie rod? What is it, and why is it broken on the forklift?

Calling the repair shop, seeing a rental charge in my bills for the month.

Note- that is not a planned expense. Deep sigh.

Nice big pretty forklift dropped off, all new and not a scratch on it.

Our old one loaded, off to be repaired.

Dad and I watch the truck leave the lot, waiting for it to get out of sight.

I grab for the seat as he grabs the steering wheel.

“Get off. I want to drive it first” I tell him.

He gives me a gentle push with his hip.

“I get first crack at it.”

“You broke ours… no way am I letting you drive it first”

“I worked and paid for that old one- so I get first drive”


I stand and smile as he rides that big new forklift around the back lot.

The smile on his face is worth it.

Nothing like a new toy to make a man happy.

And when is he getting off it?

Might have to drive this puppy home- it’s very nice.

Could you see the cops face on that one, as he stops me on the road?

Waiting for the estimated repair cost on ours.

As well as Dad telling me it is old, might want to look at a new one.

New one cost? $ 42,000.00 for this sporty one outside my office.

Now- they would not of sent a new one out hoping I would fall madly in love and want to keep it, would they?

Let us hope a tie rod is not that expensive, what ever it is.

But that new one is pretty.




Working Girl for Halloween. ;)

18:13 Nov 01 2006
Times Read: 1,662

Yesterday I had a first. We are finishing a military job, stopping at a truck stop to get the gross weight of the shipment. I am driving the car, leaving the truck to one of the other drivers. I see my father at the counter, and…folks we are 150 miles from home- but my father can find someone he knows in New York downtown, I swear. I see him chatting, so I get out of the car to stretch my legs, and go tell the guys it will be a minute.

Been around truck stops all my life. When I was a child, going on the road with my dad during the school breaks, he would never leave me alone, standing at the bathroom door when I went to shower, and stuff. Even back then- I understood they were not a place to let your guard down. However I have never been bothered… well that changed yesterday.

I am walking to the truck, and I climb up on the truck’s fuel tank, leaning in to talk with my driver, and the other man in the truck. We are joking about how dad has never met a stranger, when I hear the command behind me. “Ma'am, can you step off the truck?” I look down to see a city cop. Never was one to be told what to do. “I could” not moving. “Ma'am- please step off the truck.” He moves his hand to the gun at his side. Well hell- if you put it that way… I climb off the truck and stood beside him. “What do you need?” I asked him.

Another man joins him- and I see the security tag on his jacket. Ok… everyone knew what was going on- but for one. ME! He asked the security person if he knew me. I am still in the dark and frown up at the guys as they start laughing. He told the officer no, then the cop asked for ID. “It’s in the car over there.” I point it out, thinking we had done something. The laughter from above was starting to sink in… oh come on. “Is there a problem?” The cop never answers, getting me madder, I point out. He asked for the boys ID and papers on the truck, when I finally got the joke.

“What exactly do you think I was doing?” “You tell me.” the cop said. The driver hands him the papers, and before he even opens it, I lay into him. “I am talking to my driver. I own this truck.” He gives me a look of doubt and I told him my name. “Those papers you have on the truck will have my name all over then” He looked- and guess what- the name I gave him is all over them. I smiled- one for the working girl.

He hands back the papers to the driver, who I notice is being quiet but for the laughter. The security guard explains the owners have called in the police to help with the prostitution problem they were having. “Well that is great- but I am not one of them.” I hear laughter from my truck, and the lack of anyone helping me out of this. Not seeing the funny side of this, the cop reaches for my arm and I step back. I am not one to be touched by someone I do not like, or trust. “We need to go to the car and see your picture ID.” “Fine. I don’t need you to touch me for that” I lead the way, and get to the car to find my father.

“What is going on?” I tell him these nice people were accusing me of being a prostitute. Safe to say- my father did not take that well at all. As he cussed out the security guard, the cop and I moved to the truck to get my ID. He looked at it, then me, and hand it back. “You can go now” Like- hello? “No sorry for the miss up?” The security guard steps up to say I did leave a car and walk over to the truck, talking to the driver.” I slam the trunk down and told the security guard just what I though of him, and the cop.

When we left, I am still steaming. Dad is calmed enough to see the funny side, and that just made me hotter. When we arrived at the job-, the jokes started. “How much do I get for a fifty?” “A slap on the face. I will do that for free” As I carried boxes out of the truck, I get the “Shake it girl. Advertise it” That got a ‘go to hell look’ out of me. When we got home, saying good night to the boys… they told me to stay home tonight. Halloween and all, business would be slow. Ha ha ha. Funny. They got jokes.

Then I told my friends- Elemental is trying to get me to see the funny side, joking I could have been arrested if money had changed hands. “None would- maybe a dollar or two if he wanted me to go in and get him a pop” They jokes about what I would do for a dollar.

Connie did not help- telling me at my age, I would have been the one doing the deal, letting the younger girls perform the sex act. Well… thanks for that. I went from a whore to an old whore now. One to old to do the tricks.

This morning the guys are still having jokes. As they left the office- “Well we are off to make a living today.” “Kay can make what we are making in only a few hours… at her job” I stood and stuck my arm out of my door to flip them off as laughter filled the office. “That is how this whole thing started" They leave singing “She works hard for her money. So hard for it honey.”

Everyone has jokes. So what did you dress up as yesterday for Halloween? I dressed as a working girl, my self. LOL... was kind of funny. :)




Cherry on top ;)

14:01 Nov 01 2006
Times Read: 1,666

Found this in my portfolio this morning. :)

"very nice. you look delicious"

Ahhh... just put a cherry on top and you got me. Bring a can of whip cream, and we can have some fun. lol

And no- I did not send that to him. I flirt- but not that brazen. Besides- got to much work to do today, and little sleep last night.

Damn- now I am hungry. All the talk of cherries and whip cream. And its only 10:00am.




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