Went to dinner with the Birdy. Poor thing- she got the raw mood I was in, the cussing I was giving the tire company there changing tires on a truck, doing a service call. Heat, working ten hours, truck having a flat. And of course it had to be one that is loaded down. Then the spare tire I had - it needed repair. Just a shitty day.
Raw ass mood is a polite term for my day.
She takes me out, lets me vent, and by the end of our hotdog I am laughing and smiling. God loves a friend who can do that for me and I have two. :)
We talked a little about VR, and my last journal about people getting snotty. I said I don't play tit for tat on VR, it is not that big of a deal where I am on the site.
She looks at me and says "Well you better tit my tat and rerate, add me." Poor lady at the next table just turned and looked at us like we was crazy. We laughed and I told her "Well I will tat your tit- you and Cat only."
Ok- few rates then bed. Going back to Fort Campbell in the morning, leaving at 5:00 am. Oh the fun of a 8 hour trip for a job. It will remind me of last Sat. :)
Long week ahead so be back when I can- hope to have some free time this weekend. Yeah!
Tit your tat... she is so funny. lol
Ok- no need to get snippy about this. If you added me as a friend, my journal- I never asked you to. If you rated me....I never asked you to. Only person I asked to rate me was Radu, and that was more in fun really. *woof woof top dog!* lol
You get snippy because I don't run and add you, rate you...then come back and give me a one, take me off your favorites and friends.
This rat doesn't play the game guys... I am just here for fun. I don't care about my level. And the only person who can say jack to me is Doe, and she wouldn't do it.
I've gotten the same... Big boost to friends and journal favorites, then it drops down.
I just let them go, like dust in the wind :P
BTW will you rate me? hehe
Well I can see you upset right now...best not look at the last journal entry of mine....but if you can't resist try and understand that you don't have to panic buy, okay ?
With all the new changes people are running and dding this and adding that to gain the bonuses and levels.
Hmm, maybe it will calm down after the newness of the new system wares off on some.
Oh by the way.... would you drop by and rate me....
* Cat hands you ablock of cheese* *wink *
LordV plays the game ... but the game isn't played with demands and expectations ... LordV needs bribes!!
It's fun but not in a serious kind of way. lol I'm okay with re-rating folks if asked nicely but I don't care if they re-rate me and I"m keeping my journal list to folks I really enjoy reading. lol It was already very large before the changes. :p
*tremble lower lip and does puppy eyes* but... but... but...
*burst out laughing* sorry, I can't keep a strait face lol
I re rate or rate depending on my mood. If you are mature i hand it over. If you are like a 2 year old spoiled brat. Then I spank yo....oups, never mind.
Oh look a cheese truck!!!! It's mine Mine Mine Mine!!!
As you can tell by these comments- these are the people, and reason I come back to VR every day.
LOL - you all rock! Tens for all of you when I get time, and energy.
*strums guitar* aaahl we are is dust in the wiiiind.
Everyone is dust in the wind...
*sings along*
Making your Vampire Rave dreams come true.
I am soooo going to keep my mouth shut.
*bites lip*
lol :P
Bite till it bleeds baby...till it bleeds......
Oooo, that is SOOOO nit nice. :(
Went to lunch with Cat and she needed to stop at the grocery store on the way back home. So I am sitting in my car, air condition coolness blowing on my face, smelling the left over/dinner in the back seat. There is also a slice of carrot cake. Mmmm….sweet.
She comes out and on the way to her house I told her the carrot cake talked to me. “It did? Now what would it of said?” “I said you know you want me.” “It is that cream cheese frosting.” “And it begged me to eat it.” “In that Barry White voice…sexy and charming.” “Oh yeah…come nibble on me.” “You know you want to try me out.” “Come open my package.” “Let me show you my carrot.”
LOL I love having time with her, and birdy when we can. They just make life better for me.
*Sits with dishes done, laundry started, trash out, cold soda, movie on the TV, and opens the carrot cake box.*
Wellll hellooo cutie. Mmmmmmm.
Naptime will be following this treat.
What was really funny was the two of us trying to do a Barry White voice! lol I love being with you guys too, who else gets me?
Yea sometimes a girl just has to have a little carrot to get through the day!
"Note to whomever is "stalking" me: I don't understand the reason behind that action...but I will ask of you to talk to me instead of being very creepy, not to mention frightening..Thank you
If they read what stalking was for they wouldn't have to look like a dink.
dink aka moron,idiot
Rat walks into the house and goes stright to the air vent in the floor. falls flat on her face, arms and legs spread out.
"Who ever invented A/C is a wonderful person. Now to cool off. shower, a few beers,,,, the bed for me."
Rat lifts her face so the cold air blows her fur back.
"I hate summer."
Now to enjoy my one day off on Sunday...yeah!!
Yeah you gotta shower and lay naked in front of a fan. Ohhhh feels sooooo gooooood.
hi im sky im bi. i love talking to peolpe. im still single. i loving pratying everything. im really kiney. i love to be bite that my big turn on. but if yoi want to know more ask me.
Now my brain hurts!
Oh now, that was just painful....lol
Looks like someone needs to retake their typing class. Good god.
she' STILL single? Someone that kiney?
So...you gonna ask or what ? lmao
Not just retake typing class..... but needs to retake spelling as well. my head hurts now
Really don't know when I will be back- work is nuts right now.
that is what you get for complaining...just a couple weeks ago about no work planned.....uh huh..SEE...
Hope it goes well Katie Woo...
We're here if and when you need us sis. Keep calm and you'll make it through fine.
We'll keep a welcome ready for when you get back....*yea, yea and cheese*.
Ok- listen up. I will not rerate you if I know you have a ten from me. Why would I add strangers to my friends list and no- I don't read your journal so why would I add it? Only those I want to read everyday get on that list.
I don't do tit for tat.
VR numbers don't mean that much to me.... really.
:) I love the site, I love the new updates as it shows you who gives time and effort into the site. *Yeah Radu!!*
But today as it was a week ago- the number under your name means little to me on here. :)
lol, yeah its like come on people. get your numbers by putting in the time and work. counting on friends list and journal list is building on a house of cards cause if they delete, you fall.
LOL. You took the words right out of my mouth.
*Gives you some cheese* ;)
same here, as soon as I log on my alterself profile I got suddenly several new "friends" and many re rates ...(of course their stamp said: please re rate)
I know the feeling.
Oh dear I am getting an evil idea now, re rate could be a 1, so a 1 times 170 hits really hard...
nah, I promise I would behave from now on, and on all my profiles
oh look crakers and cheese!!
lol Hey- who said Bones was not a party guy? He brings cheese to my comment box. ;)
What..no rum?
Yup still numbers just the same..Brings the Wine and Rum...some mead... mmm.
“So…what did you pay in April?” the CPA asked me.
I bite my tongue from saying something along the line of “What the fuck does that mean?” and said “I paid what you told me to pay.” “And what was that?” Fed up with all the questions I said snippy “What.. You don’t know? Do you even have my file in front of you?”
He give a whistle and says “Boy- was there even a right side to your bed this morning? What is wrong with you?” Well…he did ask. “Wow- sorry you are having a bad week. Now…do me a favor and pull out your canceled checks.” “I know I paid it. I remember writing the check.” “Just look.”
“Fine.” Phone hit’s the desk, slamming of file cabinets, stomps back to the phone. “We are looking for April 2009, not 2008.” he tells me before I can say a word like DUH.
I find the check and read it off to him. “Read it again.” I do “To United States Treasury for $34.03.” I hear his sigh. “Now pull up your tax forum.” He hears a sigh and more slamming of file cabinets. “This better be leading to something here ..” “It is. It will all become clear to you. See- they show the $34.03 payment.” “Well then…why are they saying I freaking owe them more?!” “Tell me what you owed in April.” I tear into the taxes file he makes me, thinking what a waste some of this paper was to find the bottom line.
“See. It was $3, 403.00” He waits. My eyes get bigger “Hey…wait a second.” I bust out laughing and he joins in. “Glad to see that you can take the mistake that easy.” “Why not? I was the one who left off the zeros. Lord… I have never done that before.” More laughter then he tells me “I guess I don’t have to tell you the bill is right and you have to pay the interest and penalties.” “Ok,ok… I will write the check today.” “Now that I have solved your problem.” “Yes Mr. XXXX.”
His laughter floated over me “And remember that is thousand, hundred, tens, and cents.” “You are never going to let me live this down, are ya?” “So not on your life.” “I don’t like you today.“ I hung up with his laughter getting louder.
lol- it is kind of funny tho.
It is all birra fault...
*looks at the IRS papers, what they say I owe*
My CPA is going to have a good morning.
I wonder... will Cancer make a page for his mark of shame? Like he has for his Mark?
That would be cool. :)
Well... as long as I am not on it.
I have been wondering the same thing. i just want to know what the mark looks like. But not on me.
I think I'm going with the ignorance is bliss ideal on this mark! lol
same here, I only want to see it in a display, not on any of my profiles
still I am curious
ok where I have been ..... *scratching my head* I haven't seen the page that you are talking about. Does that make me bad.
what exactly do you have to DO to get said mark?
I'm just saying- is it like working for the government where you have to practically kill someone to get fired, or some place where if you even crack a smile you're out the door?
I'm just saying...lol
So you might ask how my day went...
"How was your day Rat?"
It fucking sucked, thanks for asking. Two days of working in a flea ridden, animal piss stinky house. No A/C in the house- it stop working weeks ago but as they was moving.... WTF Right?
5 cats, kittens and one dog with a piss poor housekeeper...and you can just get what the two days were like.
THEN- the packing van I was told would be fixed Sat was still not fixed Monday. So that left me with the ONE truck I did not want to take- the one that I knew was on it's last leg. The ONE that dad told me "When she goes she goes. I will not put any more money in that motor. Just keep her close." Meaning it was living on the edge and a tow would be high.
Waiting on the tow truck- cost $125.00. It is 55 miles from home when she gave it her last breath. And she just pasted a inspection by the DOT that stopped her about a hour before. She was over heating, but trying to pamper her home.... but nope. We hummed Taps to her as we left her on the Interstate.
Dad said he would not put another dime in her- I will go by his knowledge. He worked, had work done on that motor for years. Been one problem after another....and he stop trying. Poor motor sounded so bad, you could tell it was going.
F350- not one I would buy again.
So when I say VR new ranking stystem is not a big deal to me... you will understand. Really- it is a number .... life is so much more then that.
:) VR fun. Life is important.
Eeeeek, hope it gets better hun......
Well poot! :( sorry sis I know it's turning into a very rough week for you.
hands you chocolate and moves slowly away......:)
Well this is going to change a lot of things on the site. :)
Ok- off to sleep, long day that starts at 5:30 am again for me in the morning.
Night to my family on VR and remember- it is just a number. I still luvs ya.
*goes to her rat hole with a huge yawn*
Damn... now I will have to read the manual, status system and stuff again. lol I will have a lot of catching up to do Wen.
Wow... when did I lose Sire on TheRat? But I am at 99% of .... what is it below Sire? *scratch head*
Holy hell... I missed something big today, didn't I?
Sucks not being able to sleep. :(
Anyway.... Happy Father's Day to those who are dads.
I try to not let VR shit upset me but really… that fucking piss me off. Cancer makes the changes on this site- members live with them or get the hell off the site. Your mark was taken by him… why don’t you go tell him to get laid. I double dare you two.
Your MARK? Well first thing- it is not YOUR. It is the Master’s. And he or she had the right to give it to ANYONE she wants. She had posted in the forum what she is looking for in members, in who gets her stamp. You did nothing to earn it. And by the way… fucking 15 posting in a month in the forum is NOT taking hours and hours away from your REAL life. The whole “We have a life.” If you can’t take the time to do 15 post in 30 days- then you don’t need a profile on this site. But you come online, you sign into the site…and only said something when the MASTER’s stamp went bye bye.
When I read your post, that and your mates, I was like… who is this? Looking at both your forum postings it is less then 70 since they were tracked. And the comments of how she needed to get laid… all you did was show how much of an ass you are. And I guess that respect you spout off about is only a one way street. You want respect- YOU fucking show it to others. Unhappy in the House? Ask to be let out or traded… this was uncalled for.
And the threat of “no one standing” in the House is one I would expect for those who has nothing to do with it. Unlike covens that fold at the whim of their leaders- House will always be here. And this Master? She has paid her dues to this site…something you seen to think she has not. She puts her time in, the effort to run her House. So before you start the whole “I made this...” bullshit- look at who you are talking to and all she has done for this site. Hell- she has over 300 post and a hell of a lot more favors then both of you have in the time she been there. Yeap… all that work you have done for the house and all.
Bottom line- The HOUSES are run by the MASTER that is there, not those who are before. He is gone. She is here and is not going any place. She is the one you have to impress by posting in the forum a whole 15 times a month- the only thing she ask of her members to date. Deal with it.
Enjoy being blinded. You did it to yourself.
You tell 'em Sister!
I was quite upset when I seen that as well. I've not seen either one of them contribute in anyway that is worthy of a mark.
It is people like that who do nothing more than take up space and throw hissy-sissy fits when they do not have their way.
It was distasteful and uncalled for.
I hope both of them realized just how much of an ass they made out of them self. Actually, I am pretty sure that is not going to happen. By seeing some of what they have posted in the main forum, seeing some of what they have said on their profile and in their journal they should have their space be null and void.
They are nothing more than attention seekers and wasted space. I am sure they will try and play the victim since that is all they are good for.
I feel like standing up and yelling "Amen sister"! It was a cowardly and sick, back stabbing attack that was both uncalled for and wrong! They apparently never bothered to check out anything that had been posted about the marks coming off when Cancer reset them. It's pitiful to think this was their real introduction to much of the house members there now.
Gee, where have I read this before ??? Thinks... Oh ya I posted the same things just different people. It seems that people assume that things should just be handed to them, and well that just isn't how it works. Stands on her soapbox and applauds you !
Holy crap. O.O
I go away for one weekend and the llama broke out of the paddock?
Tell them the way it is ;)
wow all I can say is tell it like it is sister..... you want the mark then earn the mark that is the best way to go. Not having it handed to you.
Pages Viewed:
Time Spent:
156.00 days
Which all adds up to...you are ADDICTED :p
You got me by 55 days. Wow.
woo hoo you've almost caught up to me! lol
These picture are from my trip yesterday. I drove into a bad storm but the light after it was wonderful for taking pictures of flowers. :)
Forgot- taken with my Cannon point and shot camera as I forgot my nice one at home. :(
see you make even a storm beautiful ;)
Ain't that the truth.
Nice clouds....did you do the rain dance to make them??
Why not go to Taco Bell for lunch?
Bottom Up please. ;)
14:02:53 - Jun 19 2009
But it is Otter... she will enjoy the show. :) Fine... then I am off to work some. Never made any $ off this box. :P
14:02:24 - Jun 19 2009
14:02:04 - Jun 19 2009
yea Rat you gotta say he double toothpicks instead
14:01:25 - Jun 19 2009
Hey.. mole rat left. :( Dang...this show is going to hell... I mean heck. No cussing in the vamp box... at least not with Nightgame here. ;)
14:00:51 - Jun 19 2009
*shakes head* There she goes folks
14:00:24 - Jun 19 2009
Oh do come in Master Vamp. STEP RIGHT up folks... two Admin who will abuse their power by suspending each other, one semi nude mole rat...flash then some leg Sin..and one Master Vamp. All for only...$9.99 Live show!
13:59:10 - Jun 19 2009
Bye Sinora
13:58:51 - Jun 19 2009
I never seen the lump purr... well there was the one time that whelp wonder into the House.. but I think it was more of a burp.
13:58:32 - Jun 19 2009
oh ho look out now Rat There's a Master Vamp that'll get you for being wild in the box on now!
13:58:32 - Jun 19 2009
Anyway all this hard work ..now I need a smoke break..later guys x
13:57:54 - Jun 19 2009
13:57:09 - Jun 19 2009
That's not a purr hon...it's wind lol
13:57:04 - Jun 19 2009
Rat's a heck of a salesperson, better watch yourselves o-0
13:56:44 - Jun 19 2009
I would have tossed it under the stalking section.
13:56:41 - Jun 19 2009
I love the lump...I make him purr..
13:56:24 - Jun 19 2009
*keeps moving*...hell if I stand still too long the Rat will be selling me too
13:56:05 - Jun 19 2009
Mmmm... rat.....
13:55:58 - Jun 19 2009
I kinda like it there CS, makes it very easy to find and with it available to all that's so cool
13:55:15 - Jun 19 2009
Lump can be loaned out for a low fee off...that right folks $9.99. Not held for any damage done to walls or floor tho. He is a sloppy eater..I mean...breather.
13:55:06 - Jun 19 2009
oh poot!
13:55:05 - Jun 19 2009
The dashboards ok, I dont think I would have placed it above the message center though
13:54:44 - Jun 19 2009
erm...sorry, nearly hometime...meant vegeburgers
13:53:52 - Jun 19 2009
Oh yea Rat burgers no cheese either
13:53:39 - Jun 19 2009
RAT burgers!! Hey now...
13:53:24 - Jun 19 2009
Yea, have'nt had a chance to play with it yet, I'm at work.
13:53:20 - Jun 19 2009
What? I ain't afraid of a Master.... wait-- who is online? That is right Moley... sale those tickets. Show a little leg...give then a peck of what is to come when the dryer is done.
13:52:50 - Jun 19 2009
Can I borrow the lump when you're finished - we have unfinished business? I'll have a ticket!
13:52:47 - Jun 19 2009
popcorn, hotdogs, ratburgers...
13:52:39 - Jun 19 2009
Do you guys like the Dashboard?
13:50:21 - Jun 19 2009
Ohhh *goes round selling tickets*...
13:50:20 - Jun 19 2009
lol That'll be fun to explain Rat
13:49:59 - Jun 19 2009
LOL I better stop before an Master shows up in here.
13:49:38 - Jun 19 2009
Dang. *sigh* Ok...show postpone on the nude molerat...but we still got two Admin who will threaten each other at will. Only $9.99... live show!
13:47:48 - Jun 19 2009
You want me to bust a few moves ?..well I would but my ninja headband is in the wash.
13:47:00 - Jun 19 2009
Just take a nice steak with you when you go and you should be able to escape
13:46:55 - Jun 19 2009
We even have a nude mole rat to see... show them something Sin.
13:46:33 - Jun 19 2009
Yea tell me about it...I think the lump has a crush on me...keeps beckoning me over, should I be worried about that ?
13:46:11 - Jun 19 2009
*see the over abused power of VR Admin..right here folks. Only $9.99 and its a live show*
13:45:58 - Jun 19 2009
ha ha ha you're a mean old Rat
13:45:26 - Jun 19 2009
*smiles sweet like* What? You going to suspend my posting rights? How about your profile locked down over the weekend...huh...huh?
13:44:54 - Jun 19 2009
lol there's so many wild things in there you know! lol
13:44:23 - Jun 19 2009
She is the Cat... its alright- takes a while to learn the House Eternal zoo.
13:44:07 - Jun 19 2009
erm...cat, I meant cat
13:44:05 - Jun 19 2009
Watch it Rat... I still owe you one remember!
13:43:42 - Jun 19 2009
Oh great.. now you brough in the mean old Dominar. Thanks Sinora. lol
13:42:52 - Jun 19 2009
Wow, I was only thinking it lmao...good morning Birdy
13:42:51 - Jun 19 2009
Uhhh... the lump? You just snuggle right up to it now. ;)
13:42:17 - Jun 19 2009
hey no nudity in the box! Morning all :)
13:41:16 - Jun 19 2009
*Thinks*....who would be giving that rub ?
13:39:54 - Jun 19 2009
We can rub ya down with some fat Moley. :)
13:39:12 - Jun 19 2009
lol :)
13:39:10 - Jun 19 2009
Scaly ?..pfft now I'm upset...morning to you Rat.
13:34:38 - Jun 19 2009
Naked mole rats are cute. Just rub their scaly little bodies...
13:30:45 - Jun 19 2009
Ohhh... it's a nude mole rat. Run.... Morning Sinora. :)
13:27:57 - Jun 19 2009
awwww, that means I'm boring :(
13:07:53 - Jun 19 2009
Sorry could'nt help myself lol
13:07:21 - Jun 19 2009
zzzzzzzz *man these peeps are boring*
Got to love work some days. From the over the road driver who first question to me as he got out of the truck is "I hope you are not new at this. I really hate stupid people who don't know what they are doing."
--.-- "Not my first day...but my second." He just gave me a pissed off look.
Yeap- that just set the tone of the work time, but as he had two helpers with him who did not understand what the hell they was doing... I could see his anger boiling.
Now a courier run that I am leaving for in a few, to estimate later in the day at 5:30.. to home and bed as another courier run starts late tonight and runs till morning. Yeah me. (no..not a bit of smart ass in that yeah)
Ok- later all.
And god and goddes.... please no hail on my car. I can do the strong wind and rain...just no hair today/ night. Thank you.
Be careful ......no ditched rats tonight.
Call me if you need to stay awake or just want to chat. I am working from 3-7 but am free after that.
Be very careful sugar. You can call me anytime even in the night but I don't promise to make any sense just talk :)
Got sick of looking at my eye. lol
Almost two years of braces later....wine color lipstick and chain and we have my new pic. :)
Caption for your new pic:
woo baby that's wicked :)
um ......I bet the dentist did not have that in mind when he was taking the braces off.......lol
5:00 pm and I know three men who are pissed. A larger move for them today and a storm blew in around noon, thunder, lighting, wind, blowing rain off and on all afternoon.
Think about it- walking furniture in and out of a home/ truck. Walking on an metal ramp.
Yeap.... pissed.
*sits and waits for them with rain and thunder outside*
This is not going to be pretty at all.
Looking at the Polls and find this one:
"With the new rules in place how do you feel about not being able to advance in your coven if you are not in the top 25 percent?"
Ok- what does that mean?
i can only guess that it has to do with the house/coven master only being able to mark 25% of their house/coven
why that means you can't advance in your house/coven i'm not quite sure
That was how I took it also. But "not being able to advance in your coven"?? is wrong.
You can reach Sire without the marks. :)
Ok- it's making me nuts. Wasn't there something under the Personal Settings link in the Premium Member box? It is blank now....but wasn't something there before?
It was the VR E-mail link.
Thanks - Now it is going to bother the hell out of me too!!!!!
Xzavier... you are right. That is what is missing.
Should of just asked you to start with. :)
Know this will piss off a lot of people but…I think some covens should close the doors. The old way you could find members that did not post or active in your forum and all was good. You could even find those members that did post the few days a month they was on. But now…. The game has changed in so many ways. From the marks, the blood cost each day we are seeing who is active and who is just there so they can say they are a Coven Master. If you do not bring something to the members you have, or they are not giving you the time of day…why have a coven to start with?
I know it is hard to find members on here. I understand that- I do read the new profile you know, every day. While the site has a lot of members- that is in no way the amount that is active and on the site everyday. If you ever tried to find members for a Coven or House you will understand that.
So you have a small pond to fish from- many many many poles in the water trying to catch them… ever thing you might of fished this pond out? I am just saying…less poles are going to be in the water some day as the favor numbers drop. And to me that is not such a bad thing to happen on the site.
Now- this is only my opinion and remember that you read it of your own free will so watch the comments please.
Yes , dear friend I would have to agree with ya. "The Fish* don't seem so colorful as they used to be. I know the wonderful people I have in my coven, all work hard together to keep up all very active and participate.
I see no reason for anyone to get their panties in a bunch over this comment. You speak loads of truth and you speak it well.
You know it's funny but somehow I suspect these very changes will bring about exactly what you're talking about... I wonder if that was the plan?
the truth is the truth and if it upsets people then it was meant to happen that way.
The covens need to start doing things to make their societies more attractive. The non-active member who is forcibly inducted is now the coven's own punishment...
...meanwhile, new members I speak to are looking more and more toward the houses to call home. They tend to be more active and enjoyable places to belong to.
Just saying...
...we call this, pruning the bad branches so the rest of the tree grows stronger...
Came home to bad storms coming in. TV flashing with warnings, Birdy calling me to say a tornado/ strong winds in a town over. I said I knew, seen it on TV. Call Cat, warning to family members.
As the storm blew outside and the lights flashing off and on I was digging in my purse for a phone number I needed.
And I heard voices. Weak...stop to listen, hands in my purse as I stood at the kitchen table... was that a scream? I looked around, thinking to myself "I am hearing voices" when it said my name.
O.O Holly hell... it knows my name! I was really taken back till I hear another scream. By them I had looked down to see my purse was glowing. Cell phone- must of hit it and it dailed the last phone number that I called at lunch.
I dug it out and pulled it to my ear. "Connie?" "Yeah. You ok?" She sounded so worried. "Well yeah. Whatcha doing?" and I started to laugh. She was not to happy- the sound of me going thru my purse sounded like wind and building blowing apart.
Sorry Cat.
And poor Birdy. She is always taking care of me. Out of the blue this morning she asked me if I was ok. I was like... sure, why would you ask that? The private journal from last night.
:) She worries about me.
Got to love best friends.
It is my job to take care of you two!! And best friends are better than gold...or any other earthly thing you can come up with.
Funny Rat! I was trying to figure out the fastest way to get there that wouldn't be blocked by the debris! lol
You is crazy girl! lol We had some bad storms come through TN as well.
Mhmm ... I knew you heard voices ...
I hear voices too...*sighs*...I am not alone lol
Thats what friends are for ..... to watch over you and help you when its needed.
I love when I go into the kitchen thinking I will just toss something together. I have not been to the store in weeks so I knew it was limited. And was not in the mood to cook really.
Started with uncooked cleaned frozen shrimp. Then butter, garlic, little lemon juice. Pasta on to cook, rolls cooked and brushed with crushed fresh garlic. Some added fresh mushrooms that was ready to be tossed, a little red onion, little tomatoes sliced into cubes. A little olive oil, some Alfrado sauce out of a jar with parmesan cheese grated on top….
Mmmm… hello dinner. :)
But why does a nice dinner always get followed with a clean up?
Will you...marry me?
*sniffs* It smelled good all the way over here too where I was enjoying my peanut butter sandwich!
LOL Joli- nope I will not marry ya. But you come to Ky. I will fix you dinner. ;)
Dammit...skunked again! Oh well...*tucks napkin in at her neck and holds her silverware at the ready* Bring it ON!
The House of Madadh-Alluidh is so fun. Meeper made this poll asking if Vampires eat cheese? Why? To see if I am really a vampire. O,,O
Then she dared me to bring my own... so I did. No- that is not right. She said "Bring It!" ROFL.
So what do you think of our lovely Meeper?
Mistress Meeper can whip me anyday, anyway she wishes.
Meep! Meep meep meep!! Meeeeeeep! Don't Fear the BEAKER!
She is cool but that orange hair and googly eyes …. Girl needs a make over big time.
She is wonderful,smart and kind to all of us in the House. *warning- kiss up answer alert*
Wonderful Master we have there. :)
I LOVE HER! She rocks my socks :P
It's so much fun to have someone with such a sense of humor about her and not afraid to show it. The wed night chat's are quickly becoming a highlight of my week. What a way to get over hump day!
I don't know Meeper very well, but I've always admired what I've seen of her around here.
I don't know her but by your comments here I want to relish every bit of her!!!!
I was thinking just now.... the very high level of our House has gone to the dogs. LOL But when you are a cute as Pai... that is not so bad.
Who let the dogs out! Woof Woof Woof!!
Next thing you know we will have a mole rat or something.
That's too cute.
And only fitting for the Zoo that we are. :)
hehe , we we are all part of a zoo hehe
Funny how things change here on the site. I remember making my second account, then my third…buying the fourth and fifth. Now it has all changed.
And to me it is for the better. With the cost of favors to keep your House or Coven going the members who just sit are no longer safe. While you do not have to be active in the forums you at least have to log in and spend time on the site to stay in a society.
All for that myself.
On the other hand…and yes I am a Libra so there is always another hand on things.
I sit in several Coven and a House that I am not that active on. Some days I just don’t have the time to log in, much less build a lot of favors to help them out. I mean- 5 accounts are a lot of effort.
And reason have changed to have them- from fun of visiting when I can at other places, to writing, to learning how the site works. After the death in our family I started to view time online differently. Real life is outside of the screen, not in it. While I do love the time I spend on Vampire Rave- I also want to spend time doing what I like in real life, and with my family and friends. Vampire Rave is not the same for me in a lot of ways.
Back to the 5 accounts. Makes me sad, worries me that I am not able to pay my way. Should I tell the Masters to just let me loose? Let me wonder in the playground without dragging them down? Should I give the accounts away to others? I mean… I want to help the Masters and I have positions in all the accounts I just thinking I am more a drag on them now then any help.
Oh well… it will work out I am sure. Just don’t want to be a burden to anyone here.
O.o Now I have that song in my head… I never meant to be a beast of burden…Never Never Never.. Am I hot enough? Am I rich enough? Music on the radio…Not to blind to see…
Great... Now I have to youtube that before I can start clearning my desk. LOL
In a way it's good. We've all be spoiled here on VR for a while. Now things are changing and sacrifices must be made. All part of the game :)
*wonders who your other mysterious selves are* ....hmmmm..
i am not afraid of death as a matter of fact i beleive that i will die when i have to die
Yep, that's just so damn DEEP....lmao.
See that's why I don't have to die!
I will die when I will die and i am not afraid to die because i will die when dead death die.
huh.... yes very very deep.
And the day just keeps getting better....
Out to dinner with the girls and I got caught up on all the latest news.
Birdy got a dishwasher, make money off the fundraiser she help run last weekend.
Cat's sister ....so if I was to spell out D.I.V.O.R.C.E that is not really talking about it, is it? lol Well anyway- this week something went a huge step forward.
And Danna, who a friend I don't talk about much here even tho she is a member... is back safe from her visit to her sister in Florida. And she was able to take several photos of friends of her sister- making new customers. I am going to have to give you the low down on her soon.
But she is home safe and had a good visit.
Day just got better and better. Had a few beers, good food, girl chat time. Great start to the weekend.
Now- bed time for me.
*Jumps in and curls up to her pillow*
Hello bed, I so missed you last night. That and my air machine..
*Settles in with a smile*
I miss that- dinner with you and cat and birdie and meeting Danna was the SHIZZLE- please give her my love next time you see her- and tell her i'm glad she escaped Florida with less hash marks than I did...
It was an awesome night! Good food, great company and a role-play game set for Sat night! Woo hee we're going to have fun :)
This is going to be very random... like a lot silly stuff that I need to get off my mind. So...sorry.
We started yesterday at 5:00 am, stopping at the little place we always eat at when we make the 3 hour trip to Ft. Knox. Drove in a flooding, wind blown rain to get there but still...
A lady owns and runs the morning shift called Kay. We have been going long enough that I just get our drinks if she is busy, and help with refills it is that kind of Mom and Pa place.
She ask me as I pay the bill "How is it going?" I know what she was really asking- how it is without dad. Funny as we all ran into the place out of the rain the boys took the small boths- two each and I slide into the third...alone. I looked across from me and where there should of been Dad- nothing. It is like my partner is gone and in a way it is.
I should of know she caught those tears in my eyes as she took my order. Sometimes that control slips and it just happens. I mean... He is all around me. From the job, the family, the office.
I told her I was different but the men was helping me deal. We talked of how work is slow but getting a little busy now. "We you was here last I watched you pull out in that truck and I was thinking- Her daddy taught her what she needed to know to make it." And Ohhh that did not make me cry at all. :(
Then on to the Lt. C bitch wife. We unloaded one of the trucks, into her three story home, and had one thing damamged. Not anyones fault really. When we loaded we parked the truck that the back was was higher then the front of the truck. I am sure at that angle the rear doors was in a bind, and a small amount of water got into the truck, wetting her single matt that was in a carton in an cornor edge about the size of a football. She wants it replaced. I offered to have it cleaned by carpet cleaner.
We are dealing with that Monday...yes...Monday.
Then we ended the day around 3:00pm there time, 4 ours. Boys had been at work since 5:00 am so we ended the day and went to the hotel withe the ok to start our work day at our normal 8:00 am our time. Hotel- Another place that I am alone. But that did not bother me as much last night. Dinner out with the boys and back to the hotel to watch the weather as bad storms hit the area. First time I had hotel staff knocking on my door to tell me the safest place to go to in th hotel.
Then the boys calling me to see that I knew the storms was coming, hotel had also warned them. Was I ok? Did I want someone to come stay with me? They being on the second floor smoking and me on the main floor. My guys...such mother hens some times. Instead I went to bed and slept, screw the storm. I was worn out.
Enough so that the woke up late, the wake up call never coming to wake me. I woke up and minus the hour time difference and holy hell- it was 7:18. We was to leave the hotel at 7:30. I hit the lobby at 7:28 am to find the boys sitting there drinking OJ and watching the news, already having ate a very nice hot meal the hotel had. Well hell....
So off we went to work, my arms getting filled with cartons of milk, apple, some packaged donuts, and what ever else they could shove at me. Along with the "It's bad when the boss is late to work now. No out of town stays if you can't be on time to work." They threw my own words back at me... dang them. lol
Another 4 hours unloading, unpacking to find NONE of her high vaule items damamged. We moved things around, kissed her ass, and left with her buying us lunch and saying we was the best move she ever had. :) How freaking cool.
3 1/2 hour trip home and here I sit. BUt not for long as it is dinner out with the girls, steak and at least one drink for me. This move has just been hard on me- and I know it is because I am sick. Have to say I felt better the last two days then any of the first three of the move but still... we ALL was glad to see the last of this customer.
Ok.. random but that is what I have been up to this last week. :) It has some great spots, some good, some pissing me off, and some "IF she opens her mouth one more time to me..." times but all in all a great job, great crew, trucks ran good, no damage that can be blamed on us, and all home safe and sound. And the boys got some good hours this week.
It could not of went better really. Now- off for my drink.
Ooooo pour one for me too!
No Rat ever deserved a treat more than you.
You mean THIS fucking mat???
Puppy loves her rat- only person who not only has as many scars from biting her tongue as I do, but understands WHY.
On 00:30:02 Jun 10 2009 (-0 GMT) XXXX wrote:
Not to be rude but...Can you sense when i have done something to my profile? :))
*stops from rating, checking profiles to calm my mind* Wow... what should I say? I see my crystal ball is working... *Evil laughter*
On 00:36:33 Jun 10 2009 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:
lol I wish. Nope- just going down the list of Who Is Online and checking profile/ ports.
On 00:45:09 Jun 10 2009 (-0 GMT) XXXX wrote:
So it is coincidental, wow . you're a good one. I always see that you take a look on days where i make some type of change :) thank you for taking many looks!
Ahhh that is nice to hear. :) I sent back:
You are welcome. And it is part of my job.
Have a great night on VR.
Awww. Cool people make the world go 'round.
*Shakes head*...you missed a golden opportunity to start a legend...with your special powers..lmao.
hmm... now you have me wondering about that crystal ball that you have..... At least they were nice about it. :)
The Rat is all seeing and knowing... much like Splinter, but cooler.
Ratta girl! ;)
If I don't bitch slap this freaking Lt. Colonel wife.... I swear I deserve a steak dinner on Friday Night.
Two days of packing with her standing at my shoulder and I am ready to let my fingers do the walking right across her cheek.
Two..maybe three more day.
I can do this.... I swear.
I did learn today if you cough and cough, can't catch your breath and end up throwing up in the kitchen sink she will leave you alone for a few hours.
You already deserve a steak dinner on Friday night, I think she should throw in an expensive bottle of wine with it. ;)
OMG.. One of those moves?
: hugs: Patience darling.. patience.. And you know.. if she does not like what you are doing she could always do it herself. :D
See there are certain things I wont let anyone else pack, those I pack myself... because if I break them then its on me. That and I have this habit of saving the origional boxes and packing stuff.
steak and lots and lots of good chocolate! Maybe you should try and see the doctor too ;(
lmao go get yourself that steak dinner I say you have earned it
yes dinner....friday....looking forward
I think that you should have two steak dinners. Just a few more days you will make it. DarkDestiny, is right you should go see the doctor. :)
Okay guys huddle up. What follows is a House Eternal penetration guide.
Brought to you by ....Special Agent Sin.
Early this morning before the mist had cleared I went on a secret mission as I had heard some disturbing things about H/E and being a health and safety rep at work...well I thought it was down to me to give you a few tips...to keep you safe...coz I love ya.
Firstly I have to tell you, they're a bunch of animals over there. *tries to control nervous tic*.
Yes when I was meant to be BEAVERing away at work I crept in quiet like a MOUSE.
They were DOEzing and did'nt notice me, I made sure I was wearing my specs so I could get a BIRDIE's eye view and not miss anything however ABSTRACT it might be.
Now some may think I was CHEETAHing but frankly that's BULL.
While ARTEMPKAing to gather as much imformation as possible I LUMPed over every inch of the place.
As you know I'm a keen observer of folkLORE and have read quite aBIRRAbout it, from what happens during a full MOONIE to the quaint stories regarding a FAERIEMOON.
Course at my time of life what with certain hormones causing me to be OTTER than usual, well that's really what led me to my final conclusion.
The answer my friends is go in nakey...yes you read that right, in the buff, that way you have a fair chance of coming out with what you went in with.....and if you don't believe me, well I don't give a RAT's ****.
As soon as I have had a few very strong drinks I'll be heading over to the home of our other Alliance....watch this space.
By Sinora, member of our Alliance.
The little spy. ;)
LOL that's absolutely wonderful!
sinora is a sneaky spy.....:) talented too.
Hmmm nakey mole-rat with a hint of Ninja lol
Gotta watch out for the sneaky naked mole rat. She will getcha everytime.
I know we are all cooling on the VR updates but let's take some time to remember what today is.
D - Day
June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. General Dwight D. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which “we will accept nothing less than full victory.” More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by day’s end on June 6, the Allies gained a foot- hold in Normandy. The D-Day cost was high -more than 9,000 Allied Soldiers were killed or wounded -- but more than 100,000 Soldiers began the march across Europe to defeat Hitler.
Your right, you know I never even gave it a thought which is unusual...thanks for reminding me.
Thanks for that.
I always remember D-Day and think of my dad, at 17 years of age, wading onto Omaha beach through the blood of his fellow sodiers to help take back Europe from the Nazis.
Both one of the darkest and brightest days in the history of the world.
A very momentous day indeed, *nods*.
I like the Alliance idea. Seems like a great way to explore VR without having to buy 5 memberships. Yeap- 5. And don't give me that look. lol
Now you can have sooo much more to do here. I mean you can spend a good hour checking out the forums alone, much less meeting new friends.
But.... and there is always one in the crowd.
It does take away from the "Home" felling you get with your peeps. Or in my case- Zoo. Kind of like when company comes to visit. You love it, enjoy the jokes and kidding around, but you also enjoy just the family you have.
Silly- and I am sure that it will be easier on newer members who have not been in a place for years, enjoyed the same people. I mean... we have went thru deaths, lost jobs, boy and girlfriends, family fights, stalkers, butt holes we deal with in everyday life, work problems, and so much more. Just a close family.
I love the company... but I still want my alone time with the zoo. Kind of a place I can take the bra off, remove the make up and flop on the couch.
Yes- you can not please me no matter what you do. :P
I know exactly what you mean and I agree 100%.
I'm not putting no bra on however, no matter what you say!
You are not alone in these thoughts .....
The idea of the six million dollar man selling a hearing aid is funny as hell to me.
And it is "Bionic" at that
We can make you hear better, sharper, clearer ... we have the technology!
Yeah, and he didn't have a bionic ear, the bionic woman did!
You are right Bones! lol Now that just made it more funny to me.
NO! NO! NO NO!! Stop that! Damn it!! *rat hits her screen as the suspension page goes orange on the right side* Why the hell can’t I remember NOT to copy paste that one freaking comment? I know the little tag thing is there, I know it will make the page funky. I know all this but still I did it. Blast it!
*looks at cough medicine bottle beside her laptop*
I can’t even blame you as I have done this before. Damn it!
Now an higher Admin is going to have to correct my mistake. Maybe even Cancer himself as it screwed up the page code.
*shifty eyes*
Maybe they will not notice it. Yeah… that is it. I will hold onto that dream.
*Looks innocent as she turns off the computer to get her work done before home early and bed*
Feel better soon!
Awwwww, take care of yourself girl :)
LOL poor Rat. *huggles*
What is a freind?
A friend calls out of the blue and offers to go to the drug store and brings you meds for your cold.
*snuggles in her sweater*
That Nightgame is a good woman.
that she is!!!
You get better soon.!!
Or they get you juice ♥
It is going around :(
Yep...that's a friend.
A friend like that is one that you hold onto and never let go. Hope that you get to feeling better soon. *hugs*
Just called Cat's house to make sure she knows about the Alliances as she does the membership drive for her house.
Her sister did not know who I was.
She thought I was a man.
Great. I sound as bad as I feel.
Nothing worst then coming home to a sink of ants.
Oh but wait.. let me think...
Sink full of dirty dishes and ants would count.
Think sprayer and me going "Die ants..die!"
Damn head cold. Grrr.
Sorry sugar :(
those are my super-genius-biotech ants!
they're supposed to be cleaning those dishes!
Get back to work ANTS! Slackers.
*puffs on a giant cigar*
*Lol at TL*
Tis the season.....
Hope you feel better soon.
Otter is a Master Vampire?
*rat latchs on to her leg* Noooo you can't leave us. House Eternal will never be the same without you.....
But putting my pouting aside I have to say...
WAY TO GO OTTER!! Rum and crab cakes all around!!
Great job sis!!
I'm celebrating tonight! Woooh crab cakes!!!
Happily I don't like crab cakes so I'll leave em all for you lol. Great news though.
make mine a pepsi and crab cakes...... Way to go Otter, you will be an awesome master vamp.
LOL House Eternal keeps churning out class folks!
Want to know what I think of Cancer's updates and those who fuss about it? Turn up the sound and listen as this song fits what I think of it.
It is his site. But not only that... it is a Vampire Site.
I must be getting old..i only understood about half of the words....lol
LOL good choice but then I love this song anyway :)
All I could hear was groaning....lol
Hmm, a song that I haven't heard before, Yes it fits the idea of those that complain about what Cancer is doing with his site.
Lemon cake is made, strawberries cut up and suger added.
In other words- Ready for my mom's 80th birthday in the morning.
Lemon cake with strawberries sounds like you're fixin' a cake for ME! lol :P
It is her favorite. :)
Mmmmmm yummy. Hope its a wonderful day for you all :)
I hope you all have a wonderful time.
love the strawberries fresh cut..... Hope that you have a great day and that your mom has a blast on her 80th birthday.
I think my brain is on overload- getting up in the middle of the night, dealing with a problem at work this morning. ETA SSO website freaking ass sucks! and I don't care if its the military or not...how about making it so people can freaking get logged in?!! And the wait time for customer service? I gave up after 45 mins. Then the email I get back? SuprTEK won a 5-year contract to provide the Electronic Transportation Acquisition (ETA) System Support, Development, & Maintenance services for the USTRANSCOM Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC). ETA is the SDDC’s Single Sign-On (SSO) web portal that is integrated with 60+ SDDC systems with over 60,000 users. Users? God dang it.. you have to be able to get onto the site first fuckers!
Then the estimate from hell this afternoon that made me really miss my dad's input.
*sigh* I did the best I could damn it.
I need.....rum.
a 5 year contract? One portal for over 60,000 users? Oh it's going to be a long 5 years! I'm sure you did the best job possible sis.
*hands you a large glass of Rum* Hugs hon I am sure that you done the best that you could with the web site and the estimate.
When faeriemoon came to visit last week for the first time…yes first as I refuse to let it be the last damn it… we all went out to eat dinner. Sitting at the table I started to eat my salad and sure enough…plop… right on my chest.
As I get a “See? I can’t go anyplace.” look on my face, picking up the little pieces of lettuce and sauce, I hear her sweet soft voice from across the table saying “What? Already?”
I looked at her and we both busted out laughing.
That is what you can do when you been in the same House for two years and become a family.
Lol, thats sweet in a weird kind of way ;) If its any consolation I too always seem to get food on me when I eat regardless of how careful I try to be, its a curse I tell ya .....
Damn boobs! :) I still can't get over how much fun we had and no, it won't be the last visit. Maybe I can drag a hedgehog and an otter with me next time. ;)
LOL it was a polaroid moment at that!
Sisters birthday is next month. They are twins but only one lives here still. This one has moved with mom to be her care giver so I wanted to do something special for her birthday. Of late she is really getting into make up and asked me the other day about a brush to blend eye shadows. I looked at her brushes and have to say…ewww. The brushes that come with the make up are not what you should use folks. So I knew what she needed and I have placed the order.
While I was there I went thru and picked out what I would call, in my opinion, is all the brushes any one person needs. Yes- I know I have a lot of them, but then I use then often and have collected them since I was 14 years old.
I am talking about brushes that will last you your life time and with them you can do almost anything you see on the screen or those shinny fashion pages in magazines.
Here is my list- MAC is the brand. I picked MAC as there is only one brush that I hate in the line up (stay away from the short buffer brush- lose hair on my face after using it) These brushes are great and built to last forever if you use care with them.
195 Concealer brush (could use your finger also)
134 Large Powder brush
168 Contour brush
116 Blush brush
I use my hands to put on liquid foundation, blends better for me that way. If I use powder foundation I use the Full Coverage Kabuki Brush from Bare Escentuals.
222 Tapered Blending brush
217 Blending brush
272 Small angled shader brush
210 Precise eyeliner brush
As far as lips… I don’t usually use a lip brush.
I do love the MAC brush cleaner, the bottle will last me at least a year and that is me playing on most weekends and everyday make up use.
Now I know this is a high $$ for brushes but in the long run they are worth it as they give you better applications. But if you don’t want to spend that much then feel free to take the shape of the brushes and buy them else where. This are just the ones I would not do without in my kit.
But still to this day the most used tool I have is my fingers. They blend, they pat make up on and they smudge really well. Best tools your can have are those. And the only cost is some soap and water.
MAC does have some awesome products.
I seriously think any girl who even remotely likes makeup should have the MAC 217, cuz that brush has made the most difference for me.
By the way- MUG LOTW? Excited? I am! I think I might do kiwi, so you'll get your green look from me soon :D
Darn it you know I"m going to have to check these out now! lol *watches her credit card bill go up*
You know..I may have them but wouldn't know it if I was to ride the brush...err um....or something like that.
KCRC.... are you saying I need that?
*rat kicks bulls ankle* Hey now....
Yup I've had my mac brushes for 5 years and aside from writing on brush- the brushes are still like new... am eyeing so new ones but you are SOOO right :)
I even bought a few of them for my roomie last year for her birthday as she was using crappy ass liquid liner that flaked and was just ewww- got her into the mac pots and now she has beautiful liner (both because of quality and using the mac brush I bought to go with it) YAY MAC! :D
Well VR... you are a day over your five year Birthday. And Cancer has given you a face lift. And I have to say you never looked better. Cancer listen to the members, the people who use the site most days and gave some great updates to us. And you can only get better as he works his code magic.
It's like getting a new toy in the playground and everyone is all buzzed about it. But me... I just want to hug ya tight VR and say Thanks to Cancer for giving all of us this site, one that means the world to me.
Thank You Cancer...and happy 5th. May the 10th be just as awarding for you and your members.
You said it sis. We better than most know just how this site can help us deal with real life tragedies and it's so much better than drugs! lol
You gals are bang on :-)
And just think- that was day one of what he guesses will be almost a week of updating ;) WOOOO!
Cancer is the best of all!!! No doubt at all!!!
And as Sahahria said a week of updates...I am thirll also and can't wait to see!!!
Trade Masters look at the free member's page on your Coven/House.
Like shooting fish in a barrel. :)
Wonder how many journals will be about forced inductions in the morning? =]
hehe is guilty of shooting the fish in the barrel, hmm maybe the log on page should be a review of VR policies on force inductions ?
LOL you know that's not a bad ideal! It was more like throwing dynamite in the lake and waiting for the fish to float to the top. :p
Takes all the fun out of the hunt. :(
Note to self: When you flip onto a profile and don't see the suspend listings don't think Cancer threw you out of your job. Instead... look to make sure what freaking ass profile you are on.
ROFL Oh this is rich!
HAhahahahaha I have done that SOOO many time :P
I don't get it.
What profile doesn't have the suspend button? One even shows on Cancer's profile.
I had VW39 and TheRat both running. I flip to a profile to check it and... the linky thingy was gone. WTH?
*on the wrong account*
As I said....
Hmm ... I thought I saw a Sentoran message that you hadn't hit your nipple quota for May ...
... did you get your nipple quota for May?
What? I did not make my numbers? Damn... now I have to make all those free profiles and put nipple pics in them just so I can suspend.
I know nothing....
Lord of the Rings fans- have you seen this yet?
The Hunt for Gollum.
Found it as I search for the song that is stuck in my head..
00:14 Jun 30 2009
Oh shoot sis, I'm sorry that's insult to injury! Yep this weekend we got to have some fun please, please please :)
02:40 Jun 30 2009
It was fun......and don't forget to tat my tit either!!
21:10 Jun 30 2009
Got to love the people in your life who can take a bitching mood and turn it into a night of humor. Tits tats tittie tat and all that.
11:40 Jul 01 2009
Now I'm depressed, I can't for the life of me remember the last time anyone titted my tat.