Hey baby, I like your eyeball...Makes me want to lick it. Want to get together sometime?
O.O lol
*jumps on the otter and kisses her cold wet nose, then let's her go*
You such a blessing in this rat's life. :)
LOL I haven't got them either, must be the Lurking button or maybe I have lost my sex appeal LOL!!!!
Maybe stinky fred scared em all off lol
Glad you're back to feeling relaxed at home, sis.
I never got those messages, think it was my attitude on my profile? I'm pro NRA and will gladly throw the switch for the death penality...*snorts*
Everyone should write that for their stamps. ;)
now that is just funny :)
Oh oh...*sounds like she is going over to the dark side*
Kind of inspires me to make a pepper spray stamp :)
Ahh, the glory of not caring. Here ye!
Ohhhh you bad...I love it lmao
Hah, she sounds like a big baby.
Feh, get over it!
LOL That is funny!
Ohh she has not seen me "mean" yet. Very few people do really.
Well she'll make sure she figures out who to be mad at in the future! Love ya sugar even when you're steaming and mean :)
Damn, I would totally rent your place but you live in Kentucky and you know...I'd have to drown myself and everything.
*Pours her a drink*
Giggles, well there is only one way to find out...Bid n' win!!
*Dares her to ask*
But you can have an ...
AMEN, Sister!
ROFL- oh hell that is one heck of a mistake. I would correct it but then I would lose your comment. :) And that I will not do. Yeap - you guys know I don't edit my stuff here. lol
Ha you can always message me while tipsy... i'm right there with you and now a drunken meeper is headed to bed.
But we miss you dammit
Yeah, What she said!
^.^ Cookie... mmmm
Yea, like they say too! Umm sometimes you just get burn-out, and maybe a break is needed. That is pretty natural I think...
Were you yearnng for Kung-Po chicken for breakfast?
Coffee helps...fills you up and makes you want to CLEAN!!!! *goes back to scrubbing*
Thanks VW, now... I want some chinesse food.
I guess it depends on the person how mobile they are when they take a crap. o_O
Just so you never have to end up knee deep in butt pudding
i've had that happen to
We have these in the bathrooms at work. Luckily they have lights in the stalls that stay on even when the main lights go off.
The managment at you station are idiots. Those units are programable and you can keep the light on, once activated for a varying amout of time. They should be able to allow plenty of time for a well lit dump.
He's making the rounds.
Damn...I was looking forward to you "Starting Something".
I always forget to check my ratings...I'm going now...hope I have some cool ratings like you!
They both gave me 10s. Why why why? I never have any fun.
I'm so invisible they never even rated me! I do love those down rates on your portfolio though especially from people that don't even have one up.
Then those who live wretched miserable lives like Schubert (who of died a pauper of syphilis and was buried in a paupers grave), Van Gough (who was about as wretched as you get), ... etc. They are the ones who live in boredom and anger and are the ones I admire most.
There are a lot of people in general who do not have a solid identity. They bend and sway with the wind, saying things for moment that really are just appeasements.
Awesome. Because I adore you and you need it, "fuck off." *smooch*
No one can say it like you Joli. ;)
Is it bad that I laughted so hard I almost wet my pants when I read that? lol
You wanna be can get bum rash from sitting in puddles of your own pee...
Oooooh a little bit of heaven...*sigh*
Love the smell of clean crisp linen on the bed too :)
But just think of all the molesting you'll be missing now
you forgot to mention a nice smelling house, has dead fred been forgotten already?
Sorry sugar but your Dad began his father's day by calling you on the phone and talking to you even about something that he didn't really need to say, just to make contact with his daughter on father's day. Sounds like you're doing a pretty darn good job to me since he sought you out so early in the day. He's also making sure he will be seeing you today, it's all in your perspective hun. I really envy you *hugs*
Cool ... a blank entry. Did you write it in invisible text?
*Hands you the 3D glasses*
We have a house empty. Rent on it is $425.00. Just answer a call from a man who wanted to rent it. I asked questions and one of those is “How much do you make? Where do you work at?” He doesn’t work, but makes $600.00 a month. How? Disability. Its him and his "woman" who also draws.
“Where do you rent at now?” He pays $525.00 now at a apartment that is one of the nicer ones in town. I also know those apartments do not include anything in the rent. “How do you pay $525.00 when you only get $600.00?” Can we say Meth lab? I mean… come on.
“I do some odd jobs here and there…under the table.” Well that just piss me off as I pay taxes on my income. “No. You do not meet the income requirement.” “What? I pay more now and never been late with my rent.” He is getting pissed off now. Yeah me- been at work less then a hour and looky- my first pissing off.
“You have rent, electric, cable or dish tv, internet, food, phone, car payments, insurance on car, and with a disability check I can not get anything from you as I can’t garnish those. You do not meet the income requirements, so you will not be renting any property from me.”
Fucker called me a snobby bitch, that I could “Fucking take that house and stick it up your ass!” ---.---
I giggled and told him “Could you not see me in front of the empty house, bent over with my pants down at my ankles pointing at my bare ass, saying “Ok- get in there!” Nothing but silence from him.
I hung the phone up as I kept giggling. Some people just don’t get my humor.
Wow...aside from the blokes attitude, I'm shocked at the fact that you're only charging $425 for a house! I pay equivalent of $600 for a tiny 1-bedroom flat (apartment)!
I'm in the wrong country...
But good for you, having principles! Why should tax-dodgers get away with everything?!
I would love to have a place that cheap and be nice.
And they must be from out of the country or something to not have heard of income requirement.
You know... I gave you a four because your profile sucked. Still does even after you got a paid membership. Hate to tell you- free members have better profiles. Learn to freaking ass spell, would you? I mean...for me to comment on it.... it's bad.
Yes- you came and gave me a four back with no comment. Gods but that just showed me, didn't it?
*Rat clutch her chest... acting like she is having a heart attack...moaning.* I am coming to join you low rated profiles... I am not worthy of being in the shadows of these great profiles. I am not worthy to even rate another with my stamp. Oh great Cancer... save me a place on the low rated profile shelf in the VR heaven.
But I have one question... why are you coming back all the time? What? You think I am going to change my rate? How about you change your sucky profile? How about you put some effort into it?? How about you realise I don't care about your 4???
Or better yet...
How about you stop being the slimy snot bugger in a jackass's nose?
I told you .... I need rum. O.o lol
CODE BLUE STAT!! There,there,Have you fixed up in no dammit,I warned you about getting too close to those snotbuggers,they'll choke you everytime.
~hands you a gallon of Rum~
*hides the rum* I like ya like that....
Woah! Who's pissed in MY Rat's cornflakes? In other words boys and girls...WHO do I need to kill? Keep in mind the Wolfy LOVES HER piss her off at your own risk, and the Canis lupus will eat your ass.
I feel your pain. I really do.
*passes the rum*
Quote of the day: slimy snot bugger in a jackass's nose
Ohhh bad....I love it lmao
Ooh...who? who?
Joke of the day- "I am thinking of turning Amish. Oats have to be cheaper then gas."
District Manager of #49 churchs joke as he ends his service of 41 years.
:) He was a nice guy.
Well oats are cheaper than gas, he could download a diy kit on how to make bio-fuel for his car in retirement!
Well the shit is going to hit the fan real fast...
*Rat shakes the empty rum bottle*
And its 90 miles to the nearest town to buy any.
I have only got one preacher done out of the four. Trust me... after these moves I need a drink at night. I NEED RUM!
Yeap- shit.. fan.. hitting.
*rat goes to bed with hernice rum/ watermelon slush*
Trust me.... some of these people. Like today- the men moved her couch and loveseat 5 times before she was happy. Men was ready to lose it.... but you just have to keep everyone happy and calm.
No cussing. No kidding around like we usually do. People coming in and out to say hello or goodbye so you have to wait for them to get free to tell you where to place items. But you keep those smiles and Yes Sir, Yes Madam going.
Add the heat, the early mornings, and me worring about the jobs with little sleep....
Rum is needed to help me sleep.
*passes another bottle*
I'm thinking you are going to need a case of it. :/
Your moving stuff and can't cuss.....
I couldn't do that.
It's amazing how the words 'poot', 'sugar' and 'darn' can sound obscene with the right tone of voice ;-P
Sugar if I hear of anyone headed to town I'll put in an order for rum but if you get desperate I got a couple bottles of Jack here for emergencies.
Switch to brandy ... it's made by monks ;)
Go to town for booze? I thought you Kentucky people had stills set up in your backyards? ;) Ruining my images of ya...
Ah Sevenn, I got some uncles who make their own but moonshine don't taste nothing like rum, it has a lot more bite to it. Anyway Rat likes her booze in pretty bottles and not mason jars *ducks the smack I feel coming*
Ask the preachers for some coping rum as part of the payment. I'm sure they'll be impressed :P
*hits sails by Cat's head* Damn you are fast. :P
lol- Meep is right. That is what I should do.
Sevenn- I had to take it down when all the workers showed up for the Stinky Fred hunt. People will steal the copper tubing right off it. :(
:) You guys rock.
I hate working early AM hours when all I want to do is watch the fun. :(
Go House Eternal!
*rat goes to her hole in the wall of the House, doing a little dance with the ferret on the way to bed*
LordVlkodlak is such a joker. lol Now...what is your address? I can send you Stinky Fred and his buddy. :)
LOL ... 1060 W Addison, Chicago, IL 60613
:) I luvs you two.
Well it's nice to know he was missed lmao
Dang it I don't look anything like that!
Well... the hissing one kind of looks like you Cat.
*rat runs*
HOLY crapness!
Wow he kept that quiet lol
How did a bull get so quiet and sneaky?
DO TOO! Come on sing... If you want my body and you think I'm sexy... come on and throw crab at me!!
hey times are hard- throws old newspaper at you
What? You have crabs?
Crab? Uh about day old tomato?
Stinky Fred had company. Found in the insulation was one larger fur covered bones, with a boney tail. The second was smaller.
To far gone to tell if its a cat- but the man said it looked more like a possium. Ewww!
And of the four people working- three threw up dealing with it.
But this morning... as smeel is fading out of my room. :) Now to get the insulation put back in, clean the carpet and spend a day cleaning... and I can have my room and bathroom back.
Might be a while because the rest of this month going to be busy- lots of long days. Might not be on VR as much.
Suicide pact ?
YAY no more Fred!!! You know I got a new gold fish at work and named it Fred in honor of what you've been through :)
hope it doesn't end up the same as VW's fred
Open all the windows and turn the fans on. Hopefully the stench will be gone before you know it now that the decaying relatives of Fred have vacated the home. Good luck rat!
actually it was a murder/suicide and they were driven to it by Rat not cooking enough :p
15 minutes early... has another man with him and his two kids. Cost is more- but no talk of digging out my carport and taking porch apart.
They are removing the insulation now and will finish the job on Monday.
Could Stinky Dead Fred's number be up finally?
Omg...this could be it...keep us posted lol
YAY who cares about the cost, they were EARLY! *does happy dance for you*
Will you have a picture of him taken and post for posterity? oh please ugh no! but early on Saturday wasn't the best way to get on your good side.
I'll kinda miss Stinky Fred.
take a picture of dead fred for a keep sake
Popcorn is a popping, soda on ice. A/C is running its little heart out in the 100 degree heat.
And I have DVD's to watch. :)
Sweeney Todd
One Missed Call
The Eye
Golden Compass
Mad Money
And Battlestar tonight.
Life is good. Now only if the man who called me today, heard I had a need for insulation replacement would show up in the morning. He said he will be here at 8:00 am.
I am excited.. really. Want to see? *Me excited for about two seconds* Ok... I know ... I know. I have to think positive about this.
Maybe a little rum with the coke will help with that? Hmmmm... maybe. Well is sure can't hurt, now can it? lol
*hands over the Bacardi*
there ya go.
wish i was there, loves me some good movies and a good stiff rum n' coke.
Rum, movies, pop corn... what time should I come over?
Here now and I shared my ice cream with you! I can handle some Fred action... lol
You ever wondered what is in the darkness? Is it hate? Is it love? Is it evil? Is it good? Each of us see darkness differently. But we all are drawn to it or we would not be on this site. Books and films are one thing- but I am talking true darkness.
Has it touched you? Has it slide along your skin in the goose bumps that covered you? Has the shiver up your back, the seconds filled with it effected you in the way you see life? Has it broken you heart as it takes from you that which you love?
Have you looked into the eyes of evil? The cold eyes of it as it looks at you? Have you witness it? The ability of humans to hurt others, hurt animals that never harmed them is just a tip of the darkness. Do we even know what Darkness can do?
Demons are seen as a form of darkness. But what makes a demon? If the demon does what it is taught to do- it sees nothing wrong. It is us who sees it as evil, as Darkness. Morals have to play into this but what if your morals change?
What if you become more dark? I have. I see more gray around me, see the Darkness and have even welcomed it to visit. Visit. What a strange way to say it. What if it doesn’t want to leave? What if I decide to let it stay? No- the morals drilled into me since birth would not let it…at least not yet.
What if the darkness offers you a peace? The “I don’t care” of it does have a appeal. The ability to hurt others and take what you want. To let the evil thoughts have freedom to grow, to take the actions you suppress.
But is that all the Darkness is? Us losing our morals? Is that all that is separating us from the Darkness?
**thinking to use as my new profile. Little to much? lol*
Ooh yeah, that'd be cool, specially if you include lots of shadowy images and stuff :-)
Video made during Elemental and I vacation last year. Has it been only a year? Seems soooo much longer. Anyway- the one morning I did not feel like jumping out of bed she laid in her bed and "reminded" cherp at me for her normal sweets I would bring back after I watched the sunrise and spent a hour or so on the beach.
:) Its me talking but you can hear her laugh, and saying "Oh well" at the end. Can you tell Birdy is not a morning person? LOL
This is how she got the nickname birdy.
She looked like she was still hungry, that's why the bird moved away! I'm going next time I swear.
I sure wish we were there again....and yes Con you WILL go next time or catnapping will be on the agenda.
Yes- YOU WILL go this winter or I will.... take the trimmer to ya hair Cat. You have to go with us Con Con. We never been on a vacation all three of us. :(
Not for the video but song: Styx - Too Much Time on my Hands
Thank you Maledicta for the stamp. :) Very kind of you. *sings* I'm bringing sexy back.... because I am just a rat...
lol, I love it.
lol, nice :D
Now that's just funny!
Cool lol
you make rats look hot.
iv been lying in wait and want for so very long. im not a ruthless killer, just confused. im a fire element being, naturally considering my demonic lineage. im gaining some control over my fire. its really quite simple now that i know what fuel to use. being an emotional being iv learned that certain emotions fuel that inner fire. i give way and submit entirely to these feelings to gain power. whether it be anger and rage, or fear and despair, ..... or lust and passion, giving into these feelings (mentally not physically) opens up the flud gates and i burn white hot. and it is during these times is when little can stop what im pursuing.
Forget the therapist- what you need is an exorcist.
*delete, stamp, and moving on...*
Perhaps this is the answer to your stinky Fred problem. Maybe there IS NO DEAD ANIMAL...maybe you're haunted by a really stinky ghost. I think you should give this serious consideration....maybe you offended some stinky person in life and this is their revenge!
Actually the real issue behind Fred’s stench could be the transference of energy from one location to another. In layman's terms: I farted.
*digs out the holy water, and gas mask* Don't tell me I have to live in a bubble around you Doe.
I wonder why the handles on the stove melted. Should of known it was your fart.
red hair , blue eyes, pale skin, loving heart. Avege body(toned). I love to be bit, and i like a man who is not afraid to be a little rough, trust me it takes alot for me to break. I also looking for someone who will treat me like a person not a gender , in others words a little pain to get the point accross. someone who is a little controlling and gelous, to me its sexy and shows how much someone cares. well hopefully i will find my dark prince. so if u bit me, and i bite back then u might just be my immortal dark prince.
Types out comment:
Does you mother know that you are on this site?
*delete, stamp, moves on*
The House has a list- sort of a warning to all the new members. Elemental finally made the list....
Birdy pokes the Rat in the arm with her wing. "See? I made the list." Poke poke... poke. "I have a warning now." Poke. Poke. "See?" Birdy walks off, all regal.
Rat rubs the spot she got several hard pokes at. "There is no living with her now"
*Rat grins...then runs from the Birdy*
Hey- she is the one who did Forum editing on the phone with me last night.
And why does that just sound kinky? LOL
I just wanna know what the lump is...
And I am aware that sounded kinky too ;-P
Well to tell you the truth... *shifty eyes*... I don't know who or what it is. It was there when I got into the House. But they say... and don't tell anyone this... *looks around and whispers*... that Images feeds the ex members to it.
O.O That is why I am such a angel in the House. that's where the faint sound of bone-crunching comes from...:-P
Omg...could Fred be an ex member of the house ????
If its from the basement its FairyMoon playing with any old thing she dug up.
Fred is the lump? The lump is Fred? o.o That never enter my mind. :)
Haha, Lavisbre invented the Lump (remember?).. Lore thumped it about a few times 'tho ;)
I might be too big for my bird house.....but least it isn't a stinky house... lol.....flies before rat gets her gun.
Oh! You damn bird! LOL
A warning on birdie!!!! she's the nice one of us... Ya'll are starting to scare me over there in Eternal.
In the year 2008, the Lord came unto Noah, who was now living in the United States , and said:
Once again, the earth has become wicked and over-populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me. Build another Ark and save 2 of every living thing along with a few good humans.
He gave Noah the blueprints, saying: You have 6 months to build the Ark before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights.
Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard - but no Ark.
Noah! He roared, I'm about to start the rain! Where is the Ark ?
Forgive me, Lord, begged Noah, 'but things have changed.
I needed a building permit.
I've been arguing with the inspector about the need for a sprinkler system.
My neighbors claim that I've violated the neighborhood zoning laws by building the Ark in my yard and exceeding the height limitations.
We had to go to the Development Appeal Board for a decision.
Then the Department of Transportation demanded a bond be posted for the future costs of moving power lines
and other overhead obstructions, to clear the passage for the Ark 's move to the sea.
I told them that the sea would be coming to us, but they would hear nothing of it.
Getting the wood was another problem. There's a ban on cutting local trees in order to save the spotted owl.
I tried to convince the environmentalists that I needed the wood to save the owls - but no go!
When I started gathering the animals, an animal rights group sued me. They insisted that I was confining wild animals against their will.
They argued the accommodations were too restrictive, and it was cruel and inhumane
to put so many animals in a confined space.
Then the EPA ruled that I couldn't build the Ark until they'd conducted an environmental impact study on your proposed flood.
I'm still trying to resolve a complaint with the Human Rights Commission on how many minorities I'm supposed to hire for my building crew.
Immigration and Naturalization are checking the green-card status of most of the people who want to work.
The trades unions say I can't use my sons. They insist I have to hire only Union workers with Ark-building experience.
To make matters worse, the IRS seized all my assets, claiming I'm trying to leave the country illegally with endangered species.
So, forgive me, Lord, but it would take at least 10 years for me to finish this Ark.
Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine, and a rainbow stretched across the sky.
Noah looked up in wonder and asked,
'You mean you're not going to destroy the world?' No,' said the Lord.
'The government beat me to it.
CountessMoon can pop my cherry ANY time.
*passes out*
*giggles an struts around*
lol :)
She was so gentle with me...tell me just what to do.
I never unzip with such ease.
I am talking about a file on Vista folks... gosh.
Dirty minds much?
I'm sure it was better than you expected! lol
I was a very happy man. My wonderful girlfriend
and I had been dating for over a year, and so we
decided to get married. There was only one
little thing bothering me...It was her beautiful
younger sister.
My prospective sister-in-law was twenty-two, wore very
tight miniskirts, and generally was bra-less. She
would regularly bend down when she was near
me, and I always got more than a nice view. It had to
be deliberate. Because she never did it when she was
near anyone else.
One day her "little" sister called and asked me to
come over to check the wedding invitations. She was
alone when I arrived, and she whispered to me that she
had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't
overcome. She told me that she wanted me just once
before I got married and committed my life to her sister.
Well, I was in total shock, and couldn't say a word.
She said, "I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if
you want one last wild fling, just come up and get me."
I was stunned and frozen in shock as I watched her go
up the stairs. I stood there for a moment, then turned
and made a beeline straight to the front door. I
opened the door, and headed straight towards my car.
Lo and behold, my entire future family was standing
outside, all clapping!
With tears in his eyes, my father-in-law hugged me and
said, "We are very happy that you have passed our
little test. We couldn't ask for a better
man for our daughter. Welcome to the family."
And the moral of this story is:
Always keep your condoms in your car.
And the drama goes on with Fred. Now- let's look at this from the start. I called this man and he was to come out Friday to look at the trailer. I told him the size and that it has two porchs on it. He never showed but called me two hours later to tell me he could not find me, as per my directions, so ... it would be $350.00. He is to start in the morning. This is the man that was to been here Saturday Morning- no show or call.
Monday I called another company and he comes out to the trailer and looks- tells me $400.00 but he will not be able to do the work till the 20th. Ok- I have to wait... I have to wait. *sigh*
So the first man called yesterday pm. Said he had trouble with family blah blah blah and blah blah. He tried to call me on Sunday but could not get a answer. ---.--- I was home all weekend.
I calmly listen and said "That is fine." Those key words let you know this- I am pissed but I need something you have so I am going to bit my tongue and look like I care about your problems.
Yes- I am a bitch.
So then he tells me he would be here this morning at 8:00 am sharp. I come to work, knowing he would be late and sure thing- around 9:40am he calls and is running a little late. ---.--- "That is fine."
He calls about 20 mins later and tells me he is lost so I have to talk him to my place as he drove. What? BIG warehouse and trucks hard to freaking see. Sorry to be such a bother... "That is fine."
Then we meet- he has no crew with him but for his 10 year old son. O.o He looks at the trailer, and the space, out of 140 ft its about a 50 foot, that you can get the underpinning off. Porchs ... did I not tell him I had porchs? He tells me he will get the insulation pulled out today but will need to find help to put the new back up. "That is fine" Hell- winter is still months away. Sure I can get it replaced by then.
I leave him... and he calls me on his cell about 30 mins later. "I can't reach the one end as the trailer is only about two foot of the ground." And??? The guy is thin as a board... doing the math.... he would fit. "That is fine. I might can get someone else to replace that area." "You need to tear up the porchs flooring as I can't get the underpinning off with it there. And on one side I need to dig out the carport and braces you have holding the gravel up. Its going to cost at least another $350.00"
That is when it became not fine. "You know what? How about you just leave it. I told you on the phone that porchs covered most of the trailer. And I am not ripping any of them up." The other man never told me anything about ripping off porchs, or digging up my driveway and back porch area. But then he did not look or act like a reject of a drug testing company.
"Well... I am just..." Grrrrr... "If you had shown up on Friday to look at the job you would of known what it involved. I am not paying you $700.00 for a job that sounds like you are not able or willing to do. Thanks anyway." He left by the time I went up to check on him. Nothing had been done.
*thump as my forehead hits the desk, then looks up at god*
It was the red headed step child remark, wasn't it? Come on! I was just joking!!
You know- if it wasn't for the stink... this would just be funny.
Move the trailer!!!
Yes...I am brilliant.
The dead can be sooo stubborn about things sometimes lol
I say we move the trailer and slide a new one back in.
Then I would have payments... and not the rent free I have been since moving in.
Red headed bastard step children unite!!!! You shouldn't be so mean to one of us 0-o
The red headed step child of dead Stinky Fred days are numbered. ---.---
*Insulation guy is at work pulling out the old*
No insult to any red headed step children meant. ^.^
Today is my mommy's birthday. :)
You know what your mom needs?
A Puppy!!!!
Happy Birthday to your mommy ^.^
O.O She does! She does!!
:) You get me in sooo much trouble Otter.
Not worth the effort...
Or time.
Delete all you want...
*goes to post on journals of people who don't mind me doing so*
You can post on mine any old time you like
You can post in mine any time you want with one low price of 5 cents a comment!
Ignore the bitchery and meanness some want to aim at you, it's not justified, you're the coolest of the cool.
Post on mine anytime you want, heck this feature rocks!
Mine are more than welcome there.
Post the most on MINE! Me! Me! Me!
I'm GLAD some people are mean to means you'll spend more time commenting ME!
I dont mind you doing so :-)
post the post
on journal posts
something something something........
something about a wet rat......
No must share ! You get all the good comments.Sniff~ you write so good and everything..
No fair.
I want some toooooo.
I just LOVE the smart assed comments you leave for me!
You know when you read peoples words and you kind of get to know them.... but not really. I just posted to TheHellequin journal about him closing his Coven.
I just hope its not taken as me over stepping.
Seeing all the Sires dropping make me very grateful I keep to myself. Why? Because I rate and keep a 100%. I read journals. Not a big talker on here.
And that builds up these-
Pages Viewed:
Time Spent:
121.74 days
Funny as I have not spent as much time on this account as I did in the past. But still... a solid Sire I am.
With the Prince's Mark. I have Images- but I was a Sire before then, so...
Its good to be a Sire!
Still a level 15 and 20 on the other accounts. I lost a few % on those.
Sire is a myth. ;P
All of those without forum post only gets you to level 26, no further, trust me I know. The Prince's Mark makes you need much less forum post. I'm not saying that is what is keeping you there. You need around 240-250 to make sire with everything else. That is about the minimum amount of post you can get there with. Unfortunately I had everything else fully covered. I just don't like the forum, so I had the minimum amount. lol It needed to be done though, I just wish it had been done a little at a time. Things will work out as they are meant. The sire's that dropped will either recover or not. No biggie.
I lost 10%
That is nothing to get back. XD
I agree though, keeping to yourself is better on this site anyways.
Less drama that way.
I lost 300 post but 0% less lol
I guess the rating , time and page helps lol rofl.
As for post. It is hard to find intelligent threads. Or with enought consistance to feed my needs.
But with the cleaning I assum it will be better.
Bon appétit!
SF- like the new pic. :)
I have 73 forum post- had to go look to find out. hahah
In that case then I might just drop out of Sire. No big deal to me as all I ever got out of being one was the ability to leave a Coven. And I do not plan to leave my House. So....
Ain't that the truth ferret... ain't it.
btw I made a huge typo I meant 30 not 300 lol rofl with 300 I would be higher lol
It has to be the combination of Cancer's and Images' marks that are keeping you at Sire. I'm maxed out on page views, time spent and ratings, and, with just Nihonin's mark, I still dropped to Necromancer because of the lost posts. It happens though, no big deal. :)
Marks rock!
*giggles* There really are some fucktards on this site.
But its fun to see Sevenn get all stired up.
It's flat out HAWT!
Kim Wilde - You Keep Me Hangin' On
This goes out to my dead Stinky Fred.
Everyone else has cute pets... but not me. Nooooo.....not me. But hey- at least he is more gothic. :P
The other day my neighbor, who is blonde, came running up to me in the driveway and stood jumping up and down for joy! I didn't know why she was jumping so excitedly. She said, 'I have some really great news!'
I said, 'Great. Tell me why you're so happy.' She stopped jumping and, breathing heavily from all the jumping up and down, told me that she
was pregnant! I knew she'd been trying for a while so I told her, 'That's great! I couldn't be happier for you!'
Then she said, 'There's more!' I asked, 'What do you mean 'more'?' She said, 'Well, we are not having just one baby. We are going to have
TWINS!' Amazed at how she could know so soon after getting pregnant, I asked her how she knew.
She said .... 'Well, that was the easy part. I
went to Wal-Mart and they actually had a home pregnancy kit in a TWIN-pack. Both tests came out positive!'
Its wonderful to see all the journals talking of pets.
The love, caring you can see and read in the words of the owners. You could almost feel the fur under your hands.
I need to go visit Hannah and She Puppy's graves.
Keep all of them safe and show how much you love them. Hug them tight and kiss them as you share your lifes.
And keep posting pictures, videos and updates. Please. :)
Like school days of old- VR is getting its little groups.
Ones who hates the teachers/ people who have a say in what happens.
Ones who makes fun of others so they can be liked by others who do the same.
Ones who suck up, saying and doing what they need to be liked.
Ones who have a chip on their shoulders.
Ones who fell out of grace as seeing just how far they can push it.
Ones who has seen the truth and adjust to it.
Ones who hate the "popular" folks for no reason that they are popular.
Ones who stand on the sidelines and cheer mistakes, when you stumble.
Ones who stand aside and watch.
Ones who lie.
Ones who don’t care as its nothing to them.
Ones who live to stir shit, start drama as they do in anything in life.
Ones who see who owns the playground and try to make the best of the site to chill out and enjoy.
Yeap- Its school all over again.
Did I forget any?
Donno, but damn... *cries* when is recess????
and office politics too lol
Ones that use their sexuality to entice all the boys and male teachers! It work well for me.. er.. I mean... them. :)
Oh I forgot the slut pups. How could I? ;)
Ack well, sure it is fun..we are all still here through-out the years! :)
Ah push off you old bag.
*hugs Rat* You're too smart for your own good ;)
The ones that have forgotten what reality is and see the grounds as their own fucked up fantasy world.
You forgot the class clowns!
Lol you have noticed it too!
I'll add more:
Ones who believe that only them are important and the rest are just s___ and that everyone owns them something.
Ones who have to rebel and whine at everything.
Ones who blame others for their own mistakes.
Ones who are contradictory.
Ones who are confused.
GRRRR! I mean just GRRR! Working on a new profile- want something new. I used the code from Coven of the Forbidden Fruit but I can't get the Welcome spot on the right side to show- its all black for some reason. And I really want to change the comment box from its ugly white to black with silver font.
Oh well... gives me something to work on as I am in no rush to change. And strange as it sounds I am liking trying to understand how to do this. :)
Taking a break and seeing Otters new picture I also remember I need to do another pic for the new layout. I have a idea for one. I just need to take the day and play with makeup- the look.
But no more for tonight.
*wonders off to bed*
You Are a Werewolf |
You're unpredictable, moody, and downright freaky. You seem sweet and harmless, until you snap. Then you're a total monster. Very few people can predict if you're going to be Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde. But for you, all your transformations seem perfectly natural. Your greatest power: Your ability to tap into nature Your greatest weakness: Lack of self control You play well with: Vampires |
00:06 Jul 01 2008
I believe that in military bases you can be thrown out of the house for being too disruptive to the neighborhood. i could be wrong but I seem to remember hearing that somewhere.
Inspector is on your side hon. Stand proud!!
00:31 Jul 01 2008
~Hands rat a rum and coke~ That bitch got nothin' on you or your family.
02:47 Jul 01 2008
It isn't healthy to hold it all in, dear. ;)