You know- you was here for years. You insulted, bullied, spam, broke the rules, rode the fence, hidden behind fake profiles/ names, and cause trouble every day you was here.
Report after report, complaints, your own insults and "I am not breaking the rule!" when you was told to stop.
You have made fun of the site, its Admins, and the owner.
You have insulted each of us enough, caused enough problems for the site members that it was noticed by the big guy. He listened to what was said on the matter, read the messages, and made the call that was something like "He is not welcome."
AKA- you are ban.
You coming on to the site, saying you don't understand just show how much of a game you are trying to play.
You coming on the site, saying you want the owner to message you, shows how many bridges you have burned, and how many of us Admins don't care.
You coming on the site, not getting your way, then starting with the insults, name calling, trying to run shot over us, shows just how you never will change.
:D Ban- ban means we, Admins and members, don't have to put up with your shit any more.
That is how the owner wants it, that is how we as Admins who put up with your shit for years, wants it.
So .... take the hint, go troll someplace that don't know you yet, will put up with you. Sure of the millions of sites, there are one or two you haven't be ban off yet.
Me? I am glad to see you gone, and your little group all hush hush now that they seen what happens when you just don't take the warnings to heart.
Long day. I did my part on taxes as the rental and moving co. checks are in the books, and even got more then half way getting them sorted out for expenses for the taxes. Also got the deposits wrote up.
Found a few mistakes I have to correct on wrong accounts, hard to keep the separated somedays when I am the only one doing the deposits. Good thing I am my own counter and balances.
No one would of notice- but I do so... got to get it corrected.
Watching the news on TV. Talked to a moving company in AL. today, talked about the storm that hit them. See some parents can't get their kids home, after two days. Wow- you would think they would of taken the storm warning to heart. All the wrecks, can see insurance cost going up in general for that alone.
Sorry- but it would piss me off if I couldn't go get my kids, if the roads are that bad. Next time a treat of a storm- I say I would keep my kids home. They just ain't ready for bad weather as far as ice/ snow.
Woke up to the street in a panice. Why? Tractor trailer has the street blocked.
Is that my fault? Nope- damn mapquest/ GPS systems sends them up the street instead of in the way my father bought land, set up to come in with the tractor trailers.
Of course at 7:30 when no one can get by him, out their driveways- do they care to listen to reason?
About as much as my Sister who demand is "Why didn't you give him directions in?" to a drive I spoke to for a minute to tell him to get his boss to call the office and set up the delivery this morning, as I was driving to another job yesterday morning.
In other words- Its all my fault.
If the city police shows up, going to tell them they need to change the GPS systems, and it is a public street so... that little sign of "No Tractor Trailers" got torn down a long time ago- by one. Folks will follow the GPS to hell it seems.
One of the most annoying riders in our Poker Run GPS'd the route instead of riding with the other riders.
Wanted to punch the dude. He came back an hour before everyone else and was like, so that was lame.
YEAH it was asshat, you didn't take the route we gave you - as even speeding you wouldn't be done by now.
Snowing outside. The nice thick flakes, wind blowing, and cold. :D
I am one happy Rat.
It is here as well! >:D
It is suppose to snow here as well but only 1-3 inches. I like snow too but not the sub-zero temperatures. That's time to snuggle under the covers.
The apartments moves are done. Snowing outside, temps at wind chill 15, to drop into the negative tonight.
Still got head cold. Sore, feet hurt.
But that is alright. I got a nice hot bowl of home made chili in my hands, steam coming off it, with a dab of sour cream on top.
This and a hot shower, warm bed, and a early night for me.
Might seem like I am gone off the site but not really. Just some life issues, illness, and work.
Sick since Christmas till about a week ago with cold/ flu/ sick as hell.
Mom has had some medical issues, still dealing with those. Got some help with her, and sis has stayed in town to help.
My other sister hurt her knee, unable to stand. She was taken off her pain killer/ meds due to kidney issues.
Got some work- 4 days worth, thank gods.
Of course it is dealing with water leak, mold.
And that brings us to me being sick again, lung issues.
I even missed Cat's birthday dinner her family had, out to dinner and movie us girls do each year.
Double :(
But that is alright, it will get better.
It will, you're on hell of a woman. I'm sending you my love, so is Pai.
We are trying again this coming weekend!!
I just want you to get well and your family too. Keep warm and we'll get together as soon as we're able. (hugs)
Otter's journal makes me cry sometimes. Like today. I read it and started to cry just now. Might be the long day, might be the sore back, but it is silly I know.
She talks about her father and I miss mine so much. Seems we both was lucky to have great fathers, in my case had one.
Today we worked at a old folks home. A man in a wheelchair rolled up to the apartment door and asked if the lady we was moving was there, and I said no.
"You- you are XX dad's name XX girl, aren't you?" "Yes, yes I am."
Still hits you in the gut, missing him so much.
But it is good to read her journal, seeing his love and care toward his daughter. I had it for 42 years. And still have all the lessons he taught me, life lessons.
*hits home*
It still makes me choke up when someone asks me if I'm *his* daughter. Especially when they say "god! it's been years! How IS he?!" and I have to go into explanation of how he passed away in 2010.
Seems my Dad was a friend to many, many people.
Which doesn't surprise me in the least bit.
Downtown Abbey last night. Should of known something was going to happen when the 'warning' of some material might not be... was shown before it started. I was thinking "That is strange, was that shown before?" but went on to watch the lovely dresses, the men in tuxs, the actors bringing one of my favorite show to life. Only to watch as one gets raped.
Well... not what I watch the show for, but I am sure it happen all the time in the time period. And went unreported, just like last night.
I just really hope, while the police might not get involved, that someone does. I think the higher crust would see he paid if only was informed of the event.
Guess we wait to see.
I wont spoil as to what happens however the British viewers did put in a few complaints about the storyline. I think it was well written and thought out myself.
I like the way they are also pregressing forward from one period of time to another and bring certain events around the storylines at those times to coincide with theirs.
Dang! I hadn't seen it yet :(
Poor Target. See this changing a lot of credit card use, and how stores have to handle the info. Kind of shocked it hadn't happen before myself.
Car was an electrical issue. Local shop can't fix it, have to take it to the dealer. Great.... but I was told I can drive it, nothing would harm my car if I did till I got it fixed.
Guess I will bite the bullet and try to get it in next week.
Been off my meds for two days for this cold. Have to say I miss my cough/ meds as I am keeping a pounding headache, right between the eyes. And my cough is getting harsher. Not as often by still hurts.
Now to rest this weekend as I hope we get more then the one day of work next week for Monday. Come on better weather, lets get folks moving dang it.
Got the rental rented- thing is the woman wanted the key early this morning, as in 45 mins from now. So that meant I needed to drag my ass out of bed early, go across town, vac, clean the toilet, wipe the tub down, sinks, counters, and wet mop the kitchen floor where folks tracked in dirt during the showings these last few months.
Of course on the way to do that I notice my car engine light came on. So I am driving in AM traffic as folks try and get to work before 8:00 am, thinking....... oil was changed just a month ago, sure they checked the water/ fluid levels then. It isn't running hot, running fine... but these cold -20 days... and driving it...
Screw it- drove to the shop we use, asked them to just look it over. Had to leave it but they was nice enough to bring me to work as I didn't want to get my sisters out in the rain/ cold since we all still have the colds from hell.
Now to get the lease ready as I really really really hope nothing is bad wrong with my car. Between the heat on full blast while I am sick these last two weeks.... I can't afford a huge repair bill.
Cross your fingers it is just a sensor need resetting.
Seeing a journal about landlords make me say- of the rentals we own we only had two with issues during the days of record setting low temps. One trailer- hot water line frozen in the kitchen only. Longest route the water takes from the hot water heater, the pipes wrap, but with temps at 20 below, not bad.
One home water is still frozen as of yesterday. It has a very little crawl space, so I expect the cold got to the line. Plumber said to give it today as the temps went up to 45 today. I have to call the lady in the morning, see if it unthawed on its own. She told me she had a 'trinkle' of water yesterday, so I take the line is not broken.
She swore she had heat on, cabinets open so pipes can get heat, and she had left drips running.
So really- one home frozen, no heat going out or tearing up... not bad. Those long days of repairs, upkeep seemed to worked when the going got tuff.
That's good news!
I've been waiting for them to fix my back door since this summer. During the latest snow storm, my kitchen floor was covered in snow from the poorly placed and missing grout and wood under the door frame. I have been calling since Friday. Tomorrow marks a week and they still haven't fixed it. I currently have a fleece blanket keeping most of the wind out, but it still drops to freezing in my kitchen/hallway at night even with a space heater on the floor at attempts to keep it somewhat warm. Since talking to my landlord, and since heat was included and my electricity bills are going up due to needed to use space heaters to keep my apartment warm, we've decided to dock $25 a day off the rent. so far... It's currently at minus $150 from my rent. And since it's because the maintenance men are here every day and have they supplies and would rather dick around outside in their trucks then work, the $25 a day off my rent gets pulled from their paychecks. Which they've also agreed to and don't care (they make $20+ an hour. They've stated since they make more than that it's no hair off their backs.).
It's frustrating especially since she won't fire them and hire others to do the job. "Family business" she calls it. Pfft. I'm currently looking for a new place and they've agreed to break our lease due to the massive amount of issues this building has (broken pipes, floors caving in, windows falling OUT of their frames, tiles improperly placed and shifting, holes inside of walls without installation causing wind to blow through the cracks at the bottom of the walls missing the floor boards, maintenance putting in a new mailbox and smashing holes into my living room wall from the OTHER side which broke pictures and frames that were hanging there.. I could go on LOL) when she bought this place in the fall, she wasn't given a head's up on all the issues and was flat out lied to about things being 'fixed' (poorly done patch work was what was really done) and is suing the guy she bought the place from.
It's a rare mess of a place. They made it look pretty with patchwork long enough for it to sell. The landlord is a nice woman, but she got a shit deal with the 12 apartments she bought. :/
Wow- she really needs to get a control of that as the repair/ loss of rentals is costing her in the long run. You have to bite the bullet, put the money into them, keep them up.. or you are wasting time and any money you try to make.
A local apartment building with 30 plus folks electric went out due to flaw in the building wiring. The landlord did nothing, and with temps in the -20... he didn't even try and help those folks.
They put him in jail. Have to send you the link.
Got a question on a Walking Dead show- catching the series again on Netflix.
When Daryl put the flower on the grave, which was the tie in when Carol kid was missing, who's grave was he putting it on?
I take it being Lori grave, being as she was a new mother at the time of her death. Or was it Carol, who wasn't found dead/ body but they gave her a grave anyway? I know they dug it, more like the two prisoners did as Glen asked for two more to be dug for T and Carol I took it.
So- who's grave?
It was in fact Carol's.
The flower btw was the Cherokee Rose which yes, was the tie in to Sophia.
15:18 Jan 30 2014
Spot on ;-)
16:00 Jan 30 2014
Exactly. When you are banned from the site, then you *really* have did a lot of wrong things. It isn't just because you've acted like a douche once or twice, it is because you're a constant problem and you're constantly breaking TOS. Playing the victim isn't going to get you allowed back on the website. It's just going to show how much of an immature child you are for not owning up to the wrong doings you have done.
I am sure there are some mental issues, but that isn't an excuse for constantly acting like an asshat.
17:29 Jan 30 2014
Very true Moonie. It takes a heck of a lot to get ban from the site. I only know two or three that it happen to while I have been here myself.
Not something done on a dime, it took all the actions/ history/ rules broken to get it done. All actions he did, even being told to stop.
But now that he is ban- its't how it is.
18:56 Jan 30 2014
The site got quieter and better after some people haven't been on here anymore.
19:25 Jan 30 2014
Yes it has. :)
23:10 Jan 30 2014
You still treat me such hell. your still being a cunt towards me.
01:19 Jan 31 2014
Looks like another ban member got caught. And you would think better insults that are above 3rd grade would come into play. But no.. stay with the cunt, it fits you.
02:48 Jan 31 2014
... and that's what we call a "VW slap-down". o.o
13:10 Jan 31 2014
No.. a smack down would have me bringing up how he was going to 'pay' for the winning member in a Coven crest contest- and then didn't pay up.
Long history with this one, and not who the journal was about. But you can tell I hit a nerve, he showed it himself.
To close to home I guess.
15:05 Feb 17 2014