LadyKrystalynDarkstar pasted the Acolyte test!! Way to go Panther!! Congrats to YOU!
Never told people this but this woman was one of the first to ever say hello to me in a message back when I joined. Always viewed her as a friend, so I am very happy for you.
I can't fall back to sleep, to much going around in my head. Things I did not get done at work, housework needing done, shopping... I hate to shop. I try to go once every three month to Walmart for stuff, then a small local grocery store when needed.
And I stayed up till around 3:00 am watching ghost shows only to be O.O now.
Screw it- I am calling Cat to see if she wants to go to Walmart with me. lol She needs to be up anyway. I would call Birdy but she is not sleeping alone in her nest this morning so... I know better. ;)
At last...another woman who hates shopping lol
Put me in that category too! It's a chore to get me to go to the grocery store let alone shopping for anything else.
People who wake you up on the DAY you get to sleep in with a wrong number should be SHOT.
But I did get to see the new members we have on the Sentoran team so that was way cool. :)
Now to rate/check some profiles and I will go right back to sleep.....
I hope.
LMAO...I have the other vid in my journal :P
That was freakin' hilarious! Made my morning. :)
You know... rating and found what is clearly a sci fi profile. And it had several "Welcome to Vampire Rave" stamps on it.
Come on folks...get with the new....change them to "Welcome to the Dark Network" already. :)
I have a Aunt, my dad sister. She doesn't like me at all. AT ALL. And after dad's death she is watching every thing I do. I guess she thinks I am going to....rob him? Disgrace him in some way? The little comments being brought back to me, even her own words on the phone are really starting to push my buttons.
I have let my anger get the best of me a few weeks ago and I told her what I have been fighten off for years to tell her. *sigh* Yeap- I let her have it. Safe to say that just added wood to her fire she uses to roast me on.
Song keeps going in my head about her. Britney Kill The Lights. Lyrics that makes me see it for what it is-
"You don’t like me, I don’t like you, it don’t matter.
Only difference, you still listen, I don’t have to
In one ear and out the other, I don’t need you
Your words don’t stick, I ain’t perfect, but you ain’t either
If your feeling froggy,
I don’t even lose no sleep
There’s more to me than what you see
You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry
Mr. Photographer, I think I’m ready for my close-up, tonight
Make sure you catch me from my good side, pick one."
There are some people on this site I would love to get my hands and brushes on. Let’s see…
Imagesinwords (The eyes and lips- hands just itch to play with her face)
Lady C
Abstract (oh I love her eyes)
sPerAnZa (just to try and capture the sweetness that is her)
Mystique (love her look)
I think that is all… sure I left off a few. Most of these I have never even talked to. But I have read the words they wrote, see the passion they have. And I tell ya- these women have beautiful faces. Spark in the eyes; smile that just light up the screen. And I would love to put my hands and make up brushes on them. To me each has their own look and I would love to just play with them, learn from them, laugh and have fun.
As far as males… who would not love to try eyeliner on Cancer? A little bronzer on those cheeks? I don’t know of any other that wear make up so that list is very short. :)
We should all meet halfway... bring the sisters! Let's go to Graceland!!!
Hey....wait for me guys lol
Tell me when and where and I'll try to not have school that day. :D
I can offer...Theme parks.
Oh and this amazing coffee shop. If you can think it, they can make it.
Road trip :3
If you ever come down to Alabama you can give me an extreme makeover and then we'll hit the Nascar Motorsports Hall of Fame ;)
Yay! I made the list! I made the list! I made the list!
VR sleepover! Hehe!
I would love for you to do my makeup!
Its a Vin Number.... for god shitty sake... what the hell? You will not let it pass inspection because one number has a scratch over it? Look... look here ...under the hood... you can see it standing right there- the vin number marked on the frame, branded on the frame... What? You are letting me leave without finding who this truck belongs to? Home Land Security anyone? It have a moving van on it.... I might go to the farm supply and load it with all kinds of things that make it go boom.
I have to wait another two weeks for what? File for a lost vin #? Are your freaking joking me?
*Rat lets out a scream*
Now I know why my dad never did ANYTHING in this town. Ass wipes...everyone of you.
*hugs harder and passes a piece of chocolate*
I've developed a passion for Toblerones...
Wanna help someone else get elected to the job?
now that is some pure bullsh*t.
It’s not even noon yet and I have had the urge to scream twice now….
Urge #1- It seems a rental has had her car broken into last night, damage done to the window and door. I listen as she went on and on, how unsettling it was to know someone was that close to her house. Now- the driveway has motion lights on it but seems the light bulb was burned out and she never replaced it. “I told you Father that months ago and he never replaced it.”
“You know we don’t replace light bulbs.” “I know. I just thought he could bring a ladder out and do it. He never said he was going to…or anything. I loved you father….” Blah Blah Blah.. Bitch don’t bring my father into this whine session.
So after a few more minutes of her telling me how frighten she was she finally got to the point. “I made a police report on it. Do you want me to bring it to you?” “No. Why would I want it?” “To turn into your insurance company.” Seems she thinks I am going to pay for the repair. “You need to call you car insurance and let them handle it.”
“Oh but that will cost me…” “No. it’s a break in, window glass so it will not cost you anything. You are not at fault. But let your insurance agent tell you this.” “Well… I just thought as it happen on your land you would pay for it?”
“So if you was to have hot sex in your bed, in that house, on my land and you end up knocked up… I am to support the child? Doesn’t work out that way. Sorry your car got broke into, get that light bulb in soon. Got to go.”
Had to do it- she is such a god fearing widow woman.
#2 urge- During the ice storm my sister answer the phone and it was the military base booking a move in five days (Mon, Tue, Wen of next week) As it was short notice I got the call to do a pre move survey call to the customer. I start talking to her and she ask if we can’t get her 14,000 lbs 4 bedroom, 2 living rooms, dinning room, kit, garage, basement storage, patio home packed and loaded in one day.
Fuck no…. but I was nice and explained it so she would understand. Seems this is her first move. Now I find that hard to believe. “Your very first move at this rank?” “Well…no. I meant my husband usually set the dates. I really need to leave Tuesday to drive down and meet him. He is coming in and I just thought that we could do this in one day.”
Ok- You fracking know it will not be done in one day bitch… don’t act stupid.
So she ended up saying she will just cancel the move. I told her to call the base and let them know ASAP.
So I called my hauler, told them to cancel the truck they was routing in to do a pickup, I booked other moves on Monday and Tuesday these last two days.
Guess who freaking called me this morning? “My husband is not getting to come in so can we leave these dates?”
“Well…no. I already canceled the move on this end.” “But I did not call the base yet.” Why your little mother fucker! The base has been out of service for the last two days with this storm, I have left voice messages she had canceled the move and I needed a corrected bill of lading showing she had.
*images of me bitch slapping her makes me smile*
“Well you told me you was, I already have jobs booked, so we will have to wait to see what the base tells us to do.” “When do you think they will be in?” “They are closed on Friday so if they are not in today… Monday?” “But that is when I was to be packed by your company.” Can we say up shit creek without a paddle? “Sorry about this. I took you for your word when you said you could not meet those dates.” AKA- you did this to yourself, bitch.
5 hours…only 5 more hours and I am home, snuggled under my blanket on the couch… away from people.
The murder case of Jeffrey MacDonald's family has always caught my attention. I read the book Fatal Vision when I was... 17? I swear I slept with my light on for weeks.
Just... this fascinates me.
The killings.
Woke up this morning to temp in the 40's. Rain, the ice gone. So off to work, making phone calls as we only have one job. A small 4 hour move in the next town.
One man did not show up, called a hour late saying he fell back to sleep after we talked. --.-- Sure you did, nothing to do witht the cold rain.
After he was 15 min late I called in another man. Let's just say its not the first time he "over slept" when the weather sucked. But I gave him a chance as it was his turn.
So the men left 45 mins late. While that might not pissed me off to much most days today the snow was coming in, to start here in the afternoon.
It started to snow, then it just turned into a white out by 11:00 am. I started to worry as some places in this state got 3 inchs in a hour and half time. I was very glad to hear the horn toot, see the truck pull around the office into the lot just before noon.
I left with the boys, pulling out into the snow. Got home, turned the heat up, changed to my comfy PJs. I looked outside and it is still coming down heavy...for about ten mintues.
Then it stop.
I know Meeper is getting a giggle out of this... I know she is.
I tell ya... is it just me or is it HOT when Sevenn puts her foot down, and twist her ankle so you are nothing but the slime on her VR shoe?
*fans self*
she got Medieval on that gimp.
*pays tribute at the Shrine of Sevenn*
Just reading her words gives me such a kick, kicking butt highbrow style. :)
She gives me wood.
Straight up, no holds barred, rock solid cedar Stikki.
*rat holds out her hands, trying to evaluate her options*
Doing housework… or play with make up.
Spend hours cleaning or… letting my creative side out.
Cleaning toilets or …. Ueee…trying those new red vampire shades out.
*rat runs to play*
What? Like that was a hard choice.
Oh good, I'm not the only one that does this! Haha. I love playing with make-up. I am my own best canvas.♥
The photo you used for your avatar is great, very nice.
gorgeous look! it seems you made the right choice :)
You know... I just notice that out of the four local tv stations I get- three of them if off the air. Only one on is the Eastern Ky. Mountain News. The ones in Lexington (north of me) is gone.
My sister living in Lexington but is at home safe and sound.
Me? Just had a nice steak, oven rosted taters with parmesan cheese topped. Mmmmm.... just missed my tomatoes with basil and olive oil. I needed to go to the store but we didn't get home till close to 8:00 pm last night.
The woman "added" a few things- as in another bedroom set, a new couch and loveseat. In other world she doubled what she told me. Then all the 'little things' we had to pack were located all thru the house.
Upstairs attic room- all the wedding gifts. Up 18 stairs.
Upstair bedroom- 16 stairs
Basement- 8 steps from the outside, around the back of this big house. Or the tight 18 steps inside the home.
Gosh... just thinking about it makes me want to take a nap.
Ok ok... I was thinking nap before that but still...
Naps make everything better. Did you guys get hit with another ice storm?
Yes Meep. Those north of us got snow, then layer of ice. We got rain, ice then rain again. All melted now but to refreeze tonight. Then Wen afternoon we are to get snow mix. Looks like its going to be a long week, working this weekend again to catch up.
Don't you miss the Ky. winters?
Pictures from my back porch this morning... ice storm with rain following.
3rd picture.... Incredible.
So pretty to be so darn slick!
Monday morning suck!
Monday morning suck when your plans get changed!
Monday morning suck when you are trying to leave, going into the hills, to beat a snow and ice storm for in the morning.
Monday morning sucks when males take longer to get ready then I do.
Monday morning sucks when ten towns over they are calling off school already.
So if I get stuck in Hyden, Ky. a town with not hotel with three males.... blame my sister.
Because god knows the little E3 could not live without his things in GA.
What do I look like? The freaking mailman? Thru rain, sleet, ice or snow bullshit.
Still....job is a job.
Knew this day would come. While I had nothing to do with the suspension, don’t even understand what it was done for, seems I will be part of the issue at hand. Have to say I never pushed my journal on any member, I never started drama in it just so I could get people to come read it. Unlike a lot of people on this site. (And no- that is not aimed at anyone. You all know the kind of journals I am talking about- I want to end it, leave my mortal soul. I am deleting my account. So and so is a bitch. Coven XX is treating me like shit. Those are the ones I am talking about.)
I just use to it express my feelings, talk of my day and share what happens in my life with my friends. I guess its time I start looking for another place to have a journal as I will never let it be used as a “but she can do it…” on this site and I can’t? I love the site to much to do that to it. Or to Cancer leadership.
So if it comes down to it- this journal will go away for a few to find again, without another world about it. Not mad about it… just…disappointed that I have to take this sites best part, for me at least, off.
Some may think I should of been off here before now. And that is cool too. I still believe if my stories was against the rule I would of been told. Not like I ever threw a fit when I was called to the teachers office before. :) And if I say you should follow the rules of the site- be kind of two face if I don't do it myself, right?
Bottom line-- I support Cancer and his site. I will wait and see what he says about it.
Don't know what happened but I feel so sad.
I know we haven't exactly "spoken" much but for what it's worth I think you're an awesome person. People who have issues with ~other peoples~ journals are the ones who need to be removed. Can't stand it when stuff like this goes on. Keep being you, don't apologize and don't "go away", not any part of you.
I have no idea what this is all about, but I have never read anything in your journal that could cause a fuss....I would be VERY sad if you did not keep up your journal.
Your warm personality seeps through your stories, and I dare say it is among the best journals on VR. I have no clue what is going on and I try to keep my nose out of things, but I hope you keeping writing here. ~hugs~
You have supported VR since you found the site and those of us who know you, will not let you stop writting in your journal. Do you think so many of us would keep reading it if we didn't enjoy your views on the world you live in which includes VR? You don't lie or make up drama to shock or titallate your readers you just write your take on the situation which most of the time is your own life. Anyone dragging your journal into question obviously doesn't really read it and is just poking to be an ass.
Looking at the Nasa pictures.... from the Mars Rovers that was to work three months but now going on five year... makes me wish they built cars and trucks. And laptops.
*phone rings, puts mark by the last number she punched into the calculator*
“May I speak to XXX (insert my whole name)”
Great… a salesman.
“This is.”
“Hello there. This is god and I am selling rocket parts.”
Well that is a new one.
“So how many can I put you down for?”
“Depends on how many annoying sales people I have to deal with this year.”
He laughs then released I am not laughing with him - goes down to a chuckle.
“This is XXXX… how much credit do you extend to your customers? Including International?”
Great…. Another one of those….
“None? How do you get paid then?”
“Prepayment, cash, checks. I don’t do credit cards. As the paper bills say In God I trust, all others pay cash.”
“Then how many cold checks do you get in a year, may I ask.”
“No you may not.”
Yes- I like giving salesmen hell. Reason sales is the worst part of my job. I hate them… I hate being them.
“I will take that as being rare. How do you collect on those cold checks?”
Have you figured out what service he was trying to sell me?
“I take them to small claims.”
“And if they are not available for small claims? Like out of the states?”
“Reason I have an attorney on retainer.”
“Our company …”
“A attorney who is sitting there being paid, not matter what. So the one or two cold checks I get a year… she can sit her butt in court to collect. And the International customers I deal with are prepayment. If the check does not clear- guess what does not get delivered? I have something to hold over them so they usually don’t try to play that game. Now.. Let’s get back to the rockets for annoying sales people.”
*smiles and goes back to adding her columns of checks for the years taxes*
Nicely played. Next time one calls here I'm going to remember this.
You know when I read this kind of news it makes my mind go to dark places. I mean- what if's just start... what if she was taken over by a demon? Or possessed? Magic used on her to control her actions? What if it was energy of someone killed in the shoting on 2007?
What if... I watch way too many horror movies. :)
But still....
I will have to watch how this ends, sure it will be a fight over something stupid. Or so the news/ police/ men in black will tell us.
*hums the Twilight theme song*
AOL News: *I edit this down to just the facts*
Student Decapitated at Virginia Tech
(Jan. 21) — A graduate student from China was decapitated with a kitchen knife in a campus cafe at Virginia Tech by another graduate student who knew her, police said Thursday.
Xin Yang, 22, was killed Wednesday night after arriving at the campus from Beijing on Jan. 8 to begin studying accounting, Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said.
Her accused attacker, 25-year-old Haiyang Zhu of Ningbo, China, knew the victim but no motive for the slaying has been determined, Flinchum said. School records showed that Haiyang was listed as one of Xin's emergency contacts.
Haiyang was charged with first-degree murder and was being held without bond at the Montgomery County Jail.
Haiyang and Xin had been having coffee in a cafe in the Graduate Life Center, where Xin was living. About seven other people who were in the coffee shop told police that the two hadn't been arguing before the attack.
Flinchum said Haiyang was not known to the campus police or to the university team that deals with mentally disturbed students. The stabbing was the first killing on campus since a mass killing on campus in 2007, when a student gunman shot 32 people and then took his own life.
Remind me NEVER to got to Virginia Tech.....
I'm with Elemental on this one ...
I am NEVER going to VT!
oh these things are terrible, and this is reminiscent of something i read several months ago about a stabbing and decapitation on a bus in Canada i think it was.
*Takes Virginia Tech off the list of colleges to look into*
*looks at her profile as she sits and waits for the last crew to come in*
You know- I was thinking of changing my profile but.... the polar bear just fits my mood still.
Oh well....
MAC changed their website. Loving it.
W2 forms are out- Loving it.
Taxes are...still working on those.
Bills paid up, paperwork caught up.
Only one more work day left ....
So you know what that means...
*Rat does arms wave, hip swing, and head bobbing*
Everyone Dance NOW!
*sigh* I don't want to start work today. What I would like to do is....
Walk along a beach.
Sit in front of a fire joking with my friends.
Spend the day with my dad in a truck, driving and talking.
Cook a meal and take the time to enjoy it.
Go find the beauty all around me and take pictures.
Strighten out my make up drawers.
Go couch shopping.
Go rent horror movies and sit on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn.
What I don't want to do is face the bills, paperwork, and taxes that still need worked on so they can go to the CPA.
But I am an adult and I have to do what I have to do. Holy Mary on a stick... yes I do.
*Rat stomps foot, pouts, then turns to her desk*
I want to be just like you when I grow up... that or ask you to do my paperwork for me :P
LOL *runs before rat bites muh ass*
By the time next Jan rolls around it will have been two years..........WE GO TO THE BEACH OR
Birdy will KICK SOME RAT AND CAT ASS herself. :)
Yea, sucks to be a grown up *sighs*.
"Holy Mary on a stick!" lmao! Made my day, that did.
*points at it*
That is all mine. ;)
So I don't know what it means.. other then it takes box lines out of the code. *rat scratchs her head* Codes= me pulling my hair out and drinking lots of rum.
But I do know Lord Vlkodlak named it after me. Way cool that. :)
Thank You goes out to Abstract, LadyChordewa and Lord Vlkodlak for making House Eternal look so.... freaking nice.
Abstract for the artwork, designing the page style, and taking the lead of doing this update. Lady C for tweaking a problem out of the code, and Lord V for tweaking the last bug out.
I think the pages look wonderful- love the background. Thanks again. :)
I knew today was going to be hard on me. I have tried to be happy, or at least not sad. Visit mom this morning, spent time with her and my sister. I have kept busy, chatting with people online.
But later in the afternoon it just got too much. I know it will take time, I know I have to take my time to heal. I understand this. But still.... sad day for me.
Today is my father's birthday.
In honor of him I put one of his favorite songs. This is what my dad was, all he ever wanted to be.
Alabama - Born Country
Miss and love you Daddy.
sending warm thoughts from my heart your way
That is a good pic of Tommy......hugs Sis.
Love ya Rat.
This is a perfect picture of your Dad, exactly as he really lived. It would only be bad sis if you were not sad and missing him. He played a huge part in your life and deserves that we feel some loss. Just remember how he would want you to be and you'll be fine. He was a simple man but strong and raised you to be strong too.
Grrrr... I hate when school is out. The prank calls are just soooo much fun to deal with.
And I have to say- names on this site are just so classy now and days. Like the new member called "Bisexymommy". I mean- tells a lot about a person, you think?
Maybe I should of named myself "Somepeoplejustmakemewanttobitchslapthemthruthecomputerscreen39"
Think that is to many letters to fit?
Possibly. You could always have named yourself:
or if that's still too big how about:
lol - text speak... *covers eyes*
It could be worse.
Owwww that hurt to type!
Nightgame Birthday was yesterday and we went out to a very nice dinner, all of us girls. Had a few drinks and ...well...
And I found out that Nightgame is a mass murderer. O.O I know I know... shocking, it's it?
After knowing each other for over 28 years I find this out now.
I just... Just...*rat turns her face from the screen and wipes at a tear*... don't know if I can face this part of her.
The horror.
*rat puts her hand on her forehead and swoons*
I just can't speak of it. I just need to reflect and see if I can move pass this part of her life.
WOOT....I know she hid it so well....
Umm... what did she kill? Spiders? Skunks? Ants?
Well.... since she was a child Cat had a fear of birds. Any kind of bird. So what does her mom and dad do? They brought her chickens. Lots of them. Made her take care of them. It seems that a fox? got into the chicken house and killed two or three. She told her parents and they said to "make sure you shut and bolt the door."
She told us she didn't- hated those birds... and within two nights she had no more chickens.
The horror... she killed them.
LOL- Me and birdy ( who I think better watch her back around Cat now that this has come out ) found this out last night. We had to sing her birthday song... "Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday you chicken killer...Happy Birthday to you!"
You should of seen the look on her face with that one. LOL
and she seems so nice...
Watching Food Network and she is putting cut up cherries in ground chicken, making cherry burgers.
*sore look comes over her face as she tries not to throw up*
ew. i can't even imagine that being good.
damn ... for like, a split second ... i totally thought you were going to say ...
chicken cheriyacki
LMFAO! Chicken cheriyaki? Absolutely hilarious.
But no, that's disgusting. I've seen people do weird things with chicken --like cover it in peanut butter then roast it. And orange marmalade/glaze, and almonds.
No. Barbecue sauce or I won't eat it.
That is such a truthful outlook on love. I don't think I've ever heard anybody describe love more precisely.
And I especially love the first photo. That's really great!
Love the first one, the other one looks scary lol
your photos are always gorgeous.
Children are born to replace their parents. For them to achieve their full potential- the parents must die.
Line off BattleStar.
Will you adopt me?! :) that some kind of bridge?
You know I will Doe. :)
It is an old RailRoad bridge that was left standing over the river. Kind of cool to just find it there, out of the blue.
Got a speeding ticket last night, god damn it. Going right along- quiet highway, late at night, single digit temperature, when the radar springs into life with a loud screak of warning. I watched in the mirror as the cop turned around and came after me. So I slow down, waiting for the blue lights. Did not take him long.
So he come to the window and I have a old insurance card, licenses and trying to find the reg’s when he ask me if I knew why he was pulling me over. Now I am not one to fit with the police, I should get a ticket most times I get behind the wheel. So I just smiled at him and told him “Speeding.” I hand him the info, telling him the insurance card was outdated but I have insurance. He tells me that was fine, and then he started to ask me some questions.
“Do you know how fast you were going?” Well- was that just before the alarm went off? Or right after when I hit my brakes? “You tell me.” Why fight with him, right? “You were doing 71 in a 55 zone.” So it was after I hit my brakes. “OK” What is there to say- I broke the law, give me the ticket, I will pay it and go along my way. “Did you notice when I turned around to catch you?” he ask. I frown and looked up at him. “I did slow down, waiting for you. I knew it was me you was after, no one else around speeding.” That made him smile. Yah me! “It was at the junction. Do you remember the junction?”
Now come on- I know this road very well so I said yes, wondering where this was going. “Did you see the caution light?” “Yes I do.” “And the van sitting there? Do you remember seeing it?” You mean the van that was sitting at the red flashing light, waiting to turn? What the hell is this shit about? Ticket- piece of paper I send in with my money… ring a bell dude? “Yes I remember a car, I did not see it was a van.” “What would of happen if it had pulled out in front of you?” “Well… I would have gotten over in the fast lane, made room for it I guess. But it was turning this way as I can remember, not to the left.”
Ok- when did tickets come with a refresher course on Driver Ed? “But what if it had pulled out in front of you and you T boned it?” “Well as the van had to stop, if it would have pulled out in front of me it would have been its fault, but I would have just changed lanes, hit my brake.” He looked down at me and I knew he wanted me to say something- but did not know what. I looked at him, thinking Just tell me what you want me to say dick ass and I will. Can I have my ticket now? Fuck it is cold sitting here.
But it just gets worst as we went along.
“What if another car or van pulled out in front of you at that junction?” “Then I guess I would of hit it.” I could tell that is what he wanted me to say…but if one had it would have been at fault…but I wanted to put the window up so I just kept my mouth shut. “And the caution lights are there for a reason. We have had several deaths from accidents at that junction.” Light have been there for a good fifteen years. There is a school right before it that has those lights also. It is just before 11:00 am, one car has pasted us, probable the freaking van he is so worried about since he had pulled me over. What the hell does my speeding have to do with the fucking junction? “What does a caution light mean to you?” I know the game now “Means for me to slow down.” He smiles, and I smile back, biting the words- I did slow down when the radar went off.
He tells me to stay in the car and he would be right back. I put the window up, turn the heat and the ACDC CD up, thinking I would have to make the time lost if I was going to get the pick up done on time. He knocks on my window in just a few minutes, and I turned the music down. He shows me the ticket, how he had knocked it down to 65 in a 55 zone, no points against my licenses, not effect my insurance. I thank him, and I was grateful. I mean- I am very luck I have not gotten a ticket in …nine years or longer.
He tells me he could not tell me how much the ticket was going to cost me as he had an accident last week and still not gotten all his paper work into the car he was driving. I said I was sorry to hear he was in one. “I got T boned at an intersection.” I came so close to asking if he was at fault, or the other guy. What? I said I deserve the ticket- does not mean I ain’t going to ask questions. “I understand why you was making the point about the junction back there.” He smiled at me and gave me the ticket. I put it on the seat beside me, face turned away from him when he asked me “Do you mind if I ask you if you are saved? About church?”
I swear- my jaw dropped. WHF? You are kidding me. I did not hear him right. I turned to him and he was looking at me. “Sure.” Ok- I was shocked so I said that word as it was only proper to grant him his request. “Are you saved?” So I think… I have my ticket… I could have some fun with him but….he knows my name, and he was just trying to make me see I was taking my and others lives in my hand speeding. “Yes.” And I am – I have god and goddess in my life. As in his beliefs then no I would burn in hell for ever. But he asked me so I told the truth. “What church do you attend?” Well hell- now he caught me. “Old Salem is our family church.” And it was- when we did go. “I don’t know that one. I know New Salem. I preached there a few weeks ago….” And he went on to tell me about how he was saved, and spreading the word of god. Goody for him. I swear- the words of “god” is following me of late. Think I should take it a sign?
Anyway I just pasted a smile on my face, nodded like I was listening to him, ACDC playing in the background softly. LOL He blessed me and told me to be safe, saying good bye finally, and I got to put the window up and pull away. I just have to smile- that was the one of the most interesting tickets I ever gotten.
Wow... I am speachless over this...
It almost sounds like a ghost story....phantom cop car with a recently diseased driver giving you a lesson about responsible driving and religion.
oh no he didn't! i used to get that garbage when i was waiting tables. a local friend recently told me that when people ask, just tell them i am Druish, LOL
Only in the south....
Excuse me officer, but may I ask what you would have done if after you flipped an illegal u-turn to chase me down; that van pulled out in front of you because you're lights weren't on yet - and the last the driver saw ... you had already passed by in the other direction?
Or ... what if that van changed their mind and came this way instead; and is stopped right next to you, and has a shotgut pointed at your head?
I'm sorry ... but what is the point of asking stupid "what-if" questions for a speeding ticket in the middle of the freezing night? I bet the accident ... was his fault.
You know- if I have to put up with the cold air.... I should at least have some SNOW. :)
*rat cuddles deeper in her blanket*
I agree! I want snow damnit! Everyone I know has had snow, BUT ME. D=
YES it is going to be THIS better SNOW and SNOW BIG!!
Want some of mine?! :D
I SOOOO agree.
You know how disappointing when the fog freezes and everything turns to ice? It's like a slap in the face.
Ha ha... I'm giving you ice but you can't have snow so you have to go to school.
Made of metal, steel and bolts you are not worth much these days.
Might not be worth anything in many eyes- to me you’re priceless.
Not for the chrome or rubber but for the memories.
The summers spent in your cab, the sleeper my bed.
The people we meet, the lessons of life I learned.
The laughter, the smiles and the times we shared.
Watching as you pulled out of the drive, taking Dad away from us.
The days of washing and cleaning so you would be ready to go again.
Seeing you going up that steep hill in the snow, trailer jackknifing.
All the sunrises, sunsets, the miles under your motor.
The chrome pieces added as you worked so well.
Sunny day of our first drive together, felling the power humming thru the seat.
The sound of your horn as you pulled into the drive, announcing you were home.
You were always faithful and true, bringing my dad home those many times.
Jobs hauled- but you kept the most precious safe for our family, the men behind the wheel.
As you leave with your new owner I cried.
For with you go the past, part of our history, the truck Dad loved.
But you were not sold as junk, but as a truck to be rebuilt.
Our paths might cross again as we have the deal of first offer if you are sold.
Be well, stay safe, and know we are grateful to you for all that you have done.
Good bye KW.
Famous last words-
"Now, now, my good man, this is no time for making enemies."
Philosopher Voltaire when asked by a priest to renounce Satan.
I really should not check profiles when my eyes/head hurts. Seems I make errors, not on the suspensions, but on how I explain them. Seems I am too blunt, and don't write enough.
I really need to work on the messages I send, making them clear and do the link thingys.
*puts it on my list of things to do when I have a free afternoon... right after, I don't know...sleep*
hmm does this mean your human too :)
Oh no one said anything to me, that is just me. Seems I did not explain it enough, but all is good now- he understands the reason and has the part of the VR Manual in black and white to see why he was suspended.
And yes- I am sooooo freaking human. ;)
lol *pokes K*
but ... what is one to do when it is the profiles that makes my eyes/head hurts?
O.o Well I just think of puppies and kittens in a field of wild flowers. :)
Or rum.
Either one.
But...but you splain yourself very well to me! It's the volume of yelling, you need to control. :)
Ohhh please! *rolls eyes* Its because you are getting so old that I have to speak up.
*giggles and runs*
You know Sat morning I was surfing the journals as I always do and I found a comment, that lead me to another journal I usually don't read, and a comment on that one lead me to another and another. (Who knew journal comments would be used that way?)
Anyway...Wow. It is kind of like picking up the trash mag at the store. You just have to read it all.
Who knew?
And yes- I know everything has two sides, and I am staying out of it. Don't know the players so... have nothing to say.
Just .... wow.
I just hope all that was hurt know to take it as a lesson and move on. And kind of sorry people treat each other this way is all.
You know a journal entry lead me here! But I disagree with it, I think you're great .. lol
Wise words...
It's a lot like a train wreck, you can't look away but you don't want to get too close either.
Exactly as Nightgame says it. I loved that one.
*yawns* Is it me or does VR have it's times of dullness?
But then... as I use that to put myself to sleep most nights, calm my mind during the days... that is a good thing.
*snuggles in to sleep*
*slides down a mud hill naked*
umm while I love Morri... there are somethings I just didn't need to see regarding my friends...
Damn it... even after not sleeping well I drag my sorry butt out of bed this morning and took time getting ready. I mean- makeup, hair, nice blouse instead of the t shirt I usually wear with the jeans. I have not worn make up in.... 3 weeks? Month? I just felt like dressing up some.
Everyone was like "You going some place?" "Got a date?" "Wow- you look nice." Great to hear but for me wondering what I "have" been looking like this last month or so. :)
Friday- thinking we (as in Cat, Birdy and another friend) would be going out tonight for dinner. But I guess not. *sigh* Back home I go at 5:00pm.
And damn it .... I look really nice too. See? Ok ok... I was to lazy to walk out to the car and get the matching rose lipstick...but you get the point. All dress up and no place to go. lol
You should join me in taking myself out to a movie :) No need to have someone with you- go on a date with yourself :D
did you call? '
noooooooo you did not. Asshat!!!
Damn sis you looked real good! Now how about tomorrow night, my place a movie and nasty talk?
Funny as Birdy wrote that laying on my loveseat. lol Dinner out with her and another friend was great- sorry you missed it Cat.
Plans for dinner, cards at your house Sat night. I just need to tell you that. lol
Oooooh pretty
It's a great feeling to dress up even if you're staying at home all day. Somehow it just boosts one morale and puts a spring in our steps. Keep on smiling.
Do you know what I think is the most over used word on profiles is? Fuck.
Follow close by "I don't care."
*rubs forehead*
Will people ever grow up?
Look at the computer screen- I can type anything out. I can type out I am a model, I have green skin, even that I am a male.
People act all "Ohh but they lied to me. They cheated on me."
Look at the computer screen again- that is fantasy. Look outside of the computer screen- that is real life but still filled with ass holes.
Look in the mirror- that is the only person you can trust.
*looks in mirror*
Yeap- that person I know, flaws and all. The one I have to live with, have to face at the end of the day. The one who is always with me.
Well- that and my friends, family....but I am lucky on that. :)
And I thought it was twatwaffle... Silly me..
next time take a count on how many times you see bisexual- you might have a new
Don't forget the phrase 'Ask me!'
you are lucky to have a
birdy and a cat.....o.0
Wish for one day at work to not be a screw up, pissing me off, dealing with people, and wanting to just cuss people out for the freaking fun of it.
And the man who owns the carpet cleaning company that we use for the rental company just came in and spent half a hour trying to get me to go to church with him this weekend. He even left me a bible. --.-- "Since your father pasted away I was thinking you might want to get closer to god."
No- what I really want is you to leave me the fuck alone, go back to the woman you married just last year, leaving your wife of 26 years. I want you to mind your own soul and leave mine alone. I like my dark soul... it fits me. I don't need love of your god, I don't need to know I will go to your image of heaven when I die. And you really did not know my dad if you think he would want me to "get saved now before it is to late."
So how did the visit end? I told him I needed to get back to work, and his visit was cutting into my gothic website time, and the pagan forum was going crazy about the Scientology religion debate.
Ok ok... I left out the gothic, pagan part. But I did ask him about the Scientology religion and he could not answer any of the questions. Narrow minded- another reason to stay away from people like him. I mean... good person, just don't push any religion on me. I have enough trouble sleeping at night with worry, don't add God to my concerns.
Time to rate some, dull the mind some. :)
Praise the lord sister! *snickers*
Remind me to hit you next time I see ya.
When people attempt to convert, I assume another religion and attempt to convert them. Mormons, why not try some Jehovah's Witnesses. Baptist- let's swing some evangelicalism on your ass. Nondenominational- oh how you've strayed from "The Church"... Once the converters turn into the attempted converted, they soon leave you the hell alone.
The other trick is to offer them a smoke, beer, or some sinful shellfish.
You is BAD....I like that lol
You know- I support VR as much as I can, in ways that I can think of. But these Ad's are fucking pissing me off now. I mean.... really. They need to get control of because they are making the site more of a pain in the ass for me then any type of fun. And read some journals- other members are feeling the same. I mean...once every thirty or so pages...but every click?!! Raise my membership cost- I don't want to see them. The fun of the site is leaving with each "skip ad" click.
And just try to check profiles, ports, journals when you have to deal with the fucking ad every time you click on a page... sorry but I am not doing that.
Screw this- I will be back after that ad ends. As the show is tonight I hope that is in the morning.
i think something is wrong... it wasn't doing that earlier, and now it's making my browser freeze up >_
They're gone.
You can come back now!!
Been working with sis since 10:30 or so doing billing. Bills that I don't know or want to know how to do....meaning I hate doing billing. You need a job done, I can get it done. You need a estimate cost, I can do it. You need it to run all "calm" like, I am your girl. But try and make me do the bill and I will hiss at you. I keep the time, keep the weights, all the paperwork in order for her to do when she does do the billing.... so really- I do my part.
So we started this morning, her usually work time as Mom needs her in the morning for bathroom trips, fixing her food, getting the meds taken, that kind of stuff.
We start with the hospital bill that we finished the project in November. #539 receiving reports and she is not matching the customer's reported weights. So we have to firgure out where the 270 lbs is off at, and try to firgure out how to correct the mistake. Hours later, and several comments of-
"Who the fuck cares? They say it is more so just bill it at that." "No. You can't bill it unless you can prove it is right. You know that." That is her- telling me I had to help her or it would not be billed. Grrrrr.
But we found it, one of the little reports slip thru the cracks and we left it out of the billing. So the $3.80 we made on the weight was sooooo worth the 4 hours of research.
But she is happy- it is all correct, to the penny and pound. Me? 4 hours to send one bill out....when I still have about 28 more to get done....and still say screw it.
See- reason I don't do billing. It just pisses me off to no end.
ya wanna write a book about zoo critters come on over here... :)
If only I could give you a glimpse of yourself through my eyes.
and thsat my dear is where we start because if we cannot love ourselves then who would want to
know yourself
be comfortable with yourself
make friends with yourself
love yourself
and the whole world will love you
If only I could give you the faith and trust I have in you so that you could know how great a person you really are and what you can do anytime you want to do it.
I couldn't agree more!
Nope it confuses me too :)
I agree. If you do it once that's cool. Twice MAYBE. But more than that gets dumb. It would be nice if they let you know who they are too. Quit doing it to gain status etc.
I did a name change a long time ago.
But it was because my old name was associated with the old me and I had grown up. :/
Those that can't give a reason like that shouldn't bother. Those ratings won't help you in real life.
Sorry for ranting in your rant. :3
Called down to moms to check on them, as we have been doing this last week.
Me: “What’s up?”
Sister one: “Kay? What did you say?”
Me: “What’s up?”
Hear me being pasted to my other sister, laughter
Sister two: “What did you say to her?”
Me: “I said What’s up?”
Pasted to my mother with a “Listen to her.”
Mom: “Let me hear it.”
Me, getting into the fun, “WASSUP? Who’s your mommy? You want a piece of me?”
Mom giggled till she had to go pee.
In other words- when Rat is sick she sounds like a frog.
So it is 2009. And this is just going to be typed out as I think it so random it will be as my thought have been of late. And I am still sick, can’t see two well, and on med’s. *wink wink* In other words- don’t expect much from this. Just something I want to get down today.
If I was to look back on the last year I would have to see the good parts of it. That is the point, right? To see the good in people, in your life? I see the family having fun, joking around. I see the fights we had, the way one of us would say something totally stupid to break the ice. I would see the small loving things my father would do for my mother, coming out of the gas station to get in the car, me reaching for the candy he brought to be told “That is for your mother- leave it alone.” The times I would call them to talk to one and get the other one answering the phone. Mom would do the “It’s you baby. Come get the phone and see what she wants.” Or his “It’s one of the girls. I don’t know which one… she don’t want to talk to me.”
Those tender moments of dad letting our own nicknames he gave us as children slip out, his tone so loving and caring. Yes I lost dad this year and truth told I don’t remember much of that time. I think I was on auto pilot, smiling, doing this, saying that as I had been taught all my life.
I do know if I did not have Connie and Juanita beside me I would have been so very lost. I remember the fries at McDonalds, I remember the hunt for my keys. Lol So very much a family trait. You two mean the world to me, and standing behind me as I try to get back on my feet… me wanting to crawl in a hole and just be quiet and cry, and you two grabbing a foot and pulling me out so that I want.
September 13 my life changed. I have faced that, seen the other side of the dice thrown down by the gods. But that is not what all of last year was about. Our company won a few awards, business doing well. The family was well, jobs still being kept. My brother faced medical issues, changing on us with his mental illness that we tried to get help with. Mom and Dad stopping that, not wanting to put him in any type of home. As we face this new year that is not an option anymore. Dad was the only one who could semi control my brother, and with dad gone it is just getting worsted then before. Birdy- the social worker is helping so much with that. My older sister is spearing that as she is trying to take some of the pressure off us. The sister who works with me is now a full time care giver of mom, moving out of her apartment, giving up her own home. Something I could not do- I am not a caregiver.
I also remember another loss of last year- my second mom. Cat’s mother was one fiery redhead that could smile and tell you to fuck off at the same time. You want to talk true southern lady- then right there was an example for the books. She took care of her family, and I really think that is all she wanted in her life, her family. I remember thinking how very sad the family looked, having lost her suddenly. A look that fate would give my own family just a few months later. I sit here, sick, throat still sore, head pressure from the cold, and having just hung up the phone with Cat a few minutes ago, thinking what a crappy friend I have been. She had to go thru Thanksgiving and Christmas cooking meals that she kept saying “Hope it taste as good as mom’s.” I should of step up and said something, I should have helped her. Not with the cooking but with understanding it is not “mom” cooking they was looking for.
We can’t be our parents. We can do almost, kind of like, but we are not our parents. She is her own woman, with her own ways. Step up- do it LIKE mom, but it is you who is doing this. You who is getting up and working your ass off. It is you who has to listen to them if it did not turn out well. That is not your mom- that is you in the kitchen. And I dare anyone to say a fucking word to you for doing something to bring your family together. I know I am late with that Connie- but I mean it. Stop trying to be your mom, judging yourself by her. Trust me- we will loss ALL the time. We are who we are, we will make mistakes, we will fuck up so badly we want be able to see how it correct itself. But it will. Why? We are alive and breathing, we are facing the sunrise and sunsets. Your Mom and my dad would want us to take what we learned and move forward. No parent wants there kids to stay in a runt, live in their shadows. If that means you use pickle relish when you never used it- then guess what? That is what Connie does. Same goes for me. I can’t live in dad’s shadow but keep it behind me as a reminder. He is always with me… as I walk my path.
I am sitting here trying to think of anything that happen in 2008 I can mention and there isn’t anything that is popping into my head. I think that is normal thou, for what happen just over three months ago. But there has to be more then my father’s death… he would want me to remember so much more then that… We have a new puppy, I killed a dog by hitting it with my car on the highway, all loans was paid off this year at the bank making the family secure and out of debt, the two business decisions we made about the bank and hotel turned out well for us, my love for taking photos has grown more this year, my inner battle of wanting out of the family business became kind of mute this year, fall leaves was wonderful this year due to getting some much needed rain.
So what do I face 2009 with? I could make a list three pages long of what I need to be doing, what needs to be done. But that is not what I face 2009 with. I face 2009 with sadness over my loss, a crack in my heart still. I face it with a smile at my mother as she smiles at me as I bring her candy from the store. And yes- I do it as dad always did. Why? Because it makes her happy to remember him after 65 years of marriage. And because it shows her someone is still thinking of her.
When I feel I am being impatience I ask myself- does it need done right now? Can I address this another way? I face this year with wonderful friends who know that me being quiet and withdrawn is not me being mad and understand it. They are the ones who I call when I have a few minute, who I meet on Friday night to have dinner with. To laugh and just let the week go.
I face it with two sisters that I know is there if I need them, who will stand by me no matter what. They might not see the point, but they know I would never do anything to harm our family and what we have worked many years to make. Still- family is the one thing you can not buy and we all understand this.
With people helping my brother. I wish all the best in his new life as people talk of him moving away from us, getting his own apartment. He is happy about it, all the new things to do. I really hope this works out alright. I hope his new med’s help and that he finds the calm he use to have when I was a child, being pushed in the swing by him, him being here when I got off the bus, waiting with our pet. A child hood of him taking care of us… I hope we are doing the right thing in trying to take care of him in his later years.
And a puppy who still thinks I am the biggest chew toy she has ever met. :)
All in all- 2009 is starting out mighty good it seems. I just have to remember the good with the bad parts, see the love around me, and ....punt. lol
I think of your 2008, too. I think of the people you helped with your generous soul. I won't embarrass you, but it was inspirational in scope. I think of the new camera and your eye for capturing things with your own unique artistic flair, not above putting thongs on your head for art!
I think of the woman I don't know so very well, yet know with my heart that if I needed her to listen or help, she'd drop what she was doing to be there for me...or anyone in need.
I think of your 2008 with sadness for your loss, but admiration for the woman you are and the woman you continue to grow toward being.
Thank you for sharing your ups and your downs with us. We are richer for having a piece of you in our lives. I admire you and pray always for your happiness and blessings for those you love. May 2009 be a year that embraces you!
*hugs Joli*
i have a poem in my journal for you
yes it is hard to cope with losing the ones we love our guides in our early days
but we will survive
00:08 Feb 01 2009
aww thank you. :)
00:44 Feb 01 2009
She is one of the nicest people on her, and was one of the first to help me with my first profile ,nearly two years ago lol.