Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 23,604    [ Give / Take ]


57 entries this month

Changes come even when you don't want it.

03:24 Dec 27 2008
Times Read: 1,314



20:54 Jan 01 2009

this is so sweet. they grow up way to fast :(


03:17 Dec 27 2008
Times Read: 1,319

How did my Christmas go? It didn't. Sister got sick Tuesday night, other sister came in Wen and not feeling good as of tonight (Friday)

Mom and brother got ill on Thur.

Me? Woke up Wen with a sore throat, ears ringing that two of my guys has had this cold this week. I spent about half a hour at with the family on Christmas but as I am the only one with a sore throat, cough- I left to keep them from getting this cold. Not that they did a lot. All of them has ended up with the tummy problems. Let's just say its a good thing they have lots of toilet paper in the house. So dinner was called off. :(

So what happens? You know what happens... I get the illness early this morning when I woke up coughing around 2:00 am- then running for the toilet. A place I have spent most of the day.

I feel like shit, and really wish my family a better Christmas. We so needed one.

This just sucks... and so very depressing.



03:21 Dec 27 2008

Then make the New Year your Holiday! It's about spirit sister, don't ever forget that. The love you all share is more than what the holiday is for, it is what it is about.

*hugs* Keep your strength, because you inspire me by it, and your honesty *hugs and leaves some cheese*

16:09 Dec 27 2008

This breaks my heart sis and makes me mad that I didn't know so I could bring you a plate. :(


03:33 Dec 25 2008
Times Read: 1,372

Just popping in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Is that cheese I see next to Santa's cookies? Well... it better be. lol

*rat hugs*

Be thankful for all your family and friends, as I am. Thank you to all that has helped me these past few months, meant the world to me to come onto VR and finding the support, friendship and a smile.

Thank you all for being my friends. :)



03:50 Dec 25 2008

Merry Christmas :D

05:35 Dec 25 2008

Merry Christmas to the worlds most special Rat :)

11:17 Dec 25 2008

Merry Christmas...and some special English stilton cheese to you.

18:33 Dec 25 2008

A very Merry Christmas to you :)

20:43 Dec 25 2008

Meery Christmas to a great person.... errr Rat. Hugs and have a happy holiday.

21:17 Dec 25 2008

Merry Christmas Rat!

*leaves out an assortment of cheese*

04:13 Dec 26 2008

Merry Christmas little rat =)

20:12 Dec 26 2008

Does the Rat understand how much joy she brings the rest of us, with her hugs, her hilarious journals and her different ways of looking at situations?

I hope the following year, brings you alot of joy and happiness. You deserve it dear.

Happy New Year!!!



14:40 Dec 24 2008
Times Read: 1,396

I have to ask- when did it become alright to use stamps in the main forum? The last thread I read makes me question this and I am not talking Happy whatever, or congrats stamps- I am talking member’s stamps? The little stamp that tells everyone who you are, with the pictures and stuff? And the youtube videos? I am talking in the general forum, not the sandbox.

Just asking because I think it looks tacky as hell. Just my opinion and like assholes, everyone has one.





14:11 Dec 24 2008
Times Read: 1,404

At this time of year this is good to know. lol

You Are 32% Spoiled

You're barely spoiled. You may have some nice things, but you never let them go to your head.

You appreciate each gift you're given - and you don't dwell on what you "deserve" to have.



14:32 Dec 24 2008

I got 40%...lol.


Should of known better... lol

16:53 Dec 23 2008
Times Read: 1,442

Rat waves bye to the UPS man as she walks back to her desk. Opening the box she sees a card. "To Bird, Cat and Rat." Opening it up she reads Lady C's words and smiles. Lord V is a eagle- coolness.

Then she sees the two big tins. Licking her lips, she remembers the candy and goodies they was to get from the Owl.

Rat belly roars to life, and rat looks up at the clock and says in a sweet voice "Why look- it is lunch time. I am sure they would not mind me having just a little bite..."

Rat pops the lids and a wicked smile comes to her face. "Mmmm... they look so good. But I must not eat them all...that would be mean of me." *gives you her big eye look*

One, two, three...maybe a few more...and the Rat sits at her desk, happy.

Thank you Lady C and Lord V. Have a very Happy Christmas and Yule my friends.

Rat sneaks one more...then closes the lids.

Or so Birdy and Cat hopes.

*grins as she pops the goodie in her mouth*



17:56 Dec 23 2008

Lord V's online name when I met him was Eagle....

I'm glad they got there before xmas. Hope you enjoy.

18:17 Dec 23 2008

oh i will veyr enjyo thme.

*can't type with hand full of fudge*

19:59 Dec 23 2008

I want a taste at least!

17:38 Dec 24 2008

MMMM.... I bet those are really good. Maybe I will get to try them one of these days lol.


15:36 Dec 23 2008
Times Read: 1,451

Had a hour or so to take some pictures yesterday. Trying to learn the shuttle speed, but I think all of these are the ones I took with Auto settings. In other words- still learning. :0

*Local church. Kind of cool I got that shot, in the dark. Got to love auto on this camera.



15:38 Dec 23 2008

Nice pics.

15:53 Dec 23 2008

Indeed, very nice pictures.

18:35 Dec 24 2008

Beautiful :)

13:19 Dec 26 2008

very cool


15:28 Dec 23 2008
Times Read: 1,456

Reading the news off CNN site about the man in TX who went along the road shooting people.

"A few minutes later and two miles away on the LBJ Freeway, a gunman fired at two tractor-trailers.

One driver escaped injuries, but the other, 42-year-old William Scott Miller of Frankfort, Kentucky, was shot to death behind the wheel of a United Van Lines truck, police said.

"He was going to be traveling home," said Dallas Police Lt. Craig Miller. "He was about to park his rig. He was going to get on a plane to fly to be with his wife and children for the Christmas season and then come back to this location."

Mom called me about this- upset, saying that could of been dad years ago. Poor guy was just trying to get home, make a living for his family.

I still think public hanging should be done. Really... I do.

Gods- could you see trying to handle that problem at work...having your driver shot and killed. Sad...same age as me with a family. :(



19:57 Dec 23 2008

Hanging works for me and for this one use an old rope!


13:37 Dec 22 2008
Times Read: 1,470

Temp is 8 here. Cold cold cold. Cloudy, gray and cold. Have one job today and the crew was to leave at 6:00am but I put a stop to that. Sorry- but if you are going to work in -12 wind chill it will at least be after the sun comes up. I also didn't want them on the road when its that cold.

But all three showed up at 7:30 am, little work getting the truck to start, but they pulled out at 8:00am for a hour and a half drive, about a 5 hour load, hour and half back, 3 to 4 hour unload into a large three level home. I told them if we don't get it unloaded today- we can do it Wen. I mean- it hurts your lungs to try and catch your breath in this cold, carrying couchs and furniture.

I mean...I really expected to be calling and putting the move off... no fault of my guys...but they showed up and went out with smiles to work.

*Pulls coat tighter around her as she waits for office to warm up*

I have some great guys working with me.



13:17 Dec 26 2008

you are lucky to have such wonderful, devoted employees.



20:08 Dec 21 2008
Times Read: 1,494

New camera- a Nikon D40. The pictures I have taken so far for these past few years was with a point and shoot type. But I wanted to take it a step up so... here is my first pictures with this beauty.

*too much light

*little too dark

*little blurry

*love the light on this one




20:23 Dec 21 2008

Wow those are beautiful. The last two are stunning.

Eeeh like the purple one.

22:09 Dec 21 2008

I can't wait to get a camera like that :)

04:02 Dec 22 2008

I agree- you have a great eye for spectacular color, sugar- love them all

04:06 Dec 22 2008

I still say you have the best eye for pictures I've ever seen!

06:31 Dec 22 2008


ooh ... very nice!

04:38 Dec 23 2008

Those are awesome hon. Nice job!!!

13:15 Dec 26 2008

i loved that you did shots of the ornaments, lovely.


19:11 Dec 20 2008
Times Read: 1,515

I, in no way shape or form, called Cancer fat. No matter what Morrigon is saying. In the House we was sharing *wink wink* some desserts and I brought up that it might not be the time for a food fight, with Christmas just a few days away.

*rat twist her hands in worry* I said it was bad enough..not that it is bad at all...more that we was watched over by the Regents, but now we have the big fat guy in red watching.

*rat holds her hands up to the sky* As in Santa- not Cancer. Otter so going to get me in trouble.....

She even made a picture to prove Cancer was not fat.

*rat gives you a look of duh* Trust me... I know Cancer is not fat. Not at all. I mean..hello! Santa- big guy, out only the one night of the year, has a naughty nice list. I wonder- bet Cancer has one of those too. ;)

Anyway- let's recap. I *rat points to self* Did not say Cancer was fat. Santa fat, Cancer is not.

Ok. All cleared up. Otter you are so on Santa's naughty list .... I swear.

LOL :)



19:31 Dec 20 2008

Lol he is not, great picture :)

19:37 Dec 20 2008

*devil grin*

19:54 Dec 20 2008

Love the pic!

04:05 Dec 22 2008

LOL this is flat out great! But I bet you did give the hint, you rat! ;)

17:44 Dec 23 2008

oh wow i love it :)


Almost Christmas... bah, humbug to that.

17:53 Dec 19 2008
Times Read: 1,533

I was watching the Grinch movie with Jim Carrey last night as I laid in bed, thinking. You know- he had it right all along that Mr. Grinch. People are so worried about getting the right gift for that person they don’t see that is truly is the thought that counted. People are saying “I have to get this…” when you really don’t. Christmas has lost its meaning under all the packages, the questions of “What do you want for Christmas?” and the “What are you going to get?” that is asked or going thru peoples minds. I would say its just the kids but that is a lie. Adults do it too. Me? I don’t care what I get for Christmas- have not in a long long time. Our family stop exchanging gifts years ago, and just started to enjoy the time together.

Now I buy three gifts for my best friends but even they will tell you I bug the living shit out of them to find out what they want. If no hints then they get gift cards. If I do buy the gifts they are not shocked when they get them in the QVC box it came in, unwrapped. Asked what I want I will go for the sensible gifts- car washes, bird feed, candles. Something I use everyday. I would rather get something I could use then something that will sit there till I can get it to goodwill. I know- I am mean about it. Like I said- Mr. Grinch had the right ideal about what Christmas is. When he talks of his trash, how people just throw the gifts away or discard them for what ever reason- did not fit, did not like, got a newer one I just have to nod my head in agreement. It is so true of us, the human race.

I just hate this time of year. Hate is not the right word. I would say I am so fed up with the way it has become. Even as a child we had limited gifts, I even got old toys that my sisters did not want to play with any more, wrap and I treated them just like a new gift. Mom and Dad never went over board at Christmas, as they gave us what we needed all year round. They never made it all about the gifts. We would go visit dad’s mother, and my mom’s parents most of the day. Then have a good meal and spent the night together.

While I would never steal Christmas from those who love the season, wish I could get the love back for it myself. I see the joy around me, the children counting down the days. I know you are saying it is about the birth of the Lord. I understand that but also you have to agree it is lost in the lights and bows as well. When was the last time you seen a tree decorated, a yard done to celebrate the Lord? I mean- those big blowup yard decorations of Snowman and Santa are not helping people see it as such. I am a Pagan and enjoy Yule…but … *sigh* Cindy Lou put it best with her song, the way I view this time of year.

Where are you Christmas?

Why can't I find you?

Why have you gone away?

Where is the laughter

You used to bring me?

Why can't I hear music play?

My world is changing

I'm rearranging

Does that mean Christmas changes too?

Where are you Christmas

Do you remember

The one you used to know

I'm not the same one

See what the time's done

Is that why you have let me go



05:45 Dec 20 2008

all i want for Christmas is peace. no stress, no worries about blood sugar or people arguing. i would like to spend 6 hours playing Monopoly until someone wins. just time as a family, is it to much to ask?

19:33 Dec 20 2008

Eh I so much want gifts that can't be bought with money!


It's like Christmas morning for the guys.

14:05 Dec 19 2008
Times Read: 1,544

Is it bad when men who are not even working today come over to test drive the new truck? lol I have a line of them. But I kind of knew they would and that is the reason why I came to work, got the key, locked the doors, and was waiting for the two men, the only two men who was working today on a small move, to show up. A move that I called the customer we would be about half a hour late, and he said he would enjoy another cup of coffee then.

They pulled into the parking lot in the one's SUV as they share a ride. They get out and I yell out "Come on....been waiting on ya." They laughted and jog to the truck, getting in. One of these men is the 'owner' of the truck, meaning it is his I was replacing, the one who has been with me the longest.

Off to the truck stop we went. When you fuel a truck up they ask you the unit number. I remember that when he picked up the phone to give the information so they would turn on the pumps when he held up his finger. It should of been #9, but he says "TW #1"

My dad is TW. :)

He hung up the phone and said "I guess I just named it- T Wdubb"s" Dad would of just lowered his head, and let out a long suffered sigh...then walked away hiding a smile. It was just the name we needed.

Ahhhh... I almost gave him a hug.

We returned to find another driver waiting for us..."When I say the truck gone and Kay's car here- I knew where you was."

Ok- Now they are starting the "walking around the truck and pointing at things" stage. lol One told me when the dash lights came on it was like Christmas morning- all bright and working.

Dad is laughing his butt off watching this.





00:42 Dec 19 2008
Times Read: 1,566

Nothing like having this happen in front of you before day light to wake your ass up.

Crash Closes I-75 In Grant County

Northbound I-75 remained closed in Grant County Thursday evening after a morning crash by a semi pulling two trailers that left one of the trailers completely destroyed by fire.

The accident happened near exit 144 in Corinth. Police say the driver of the truck somehow lost control of the vehicle, which then hit a concrete barrier and flipped over.

Police say the accident happened in a construction zone, and that the trailer that caught fire was hauling industrial batteries.

The driver was taken to a local hospital with non life-threatening injuries.

Police are diverting traffic to nearby U.S. 25. At this point, they say the road may be closed well into Friday morning because of the damage done to the road by the fire.

There is a video at this site-


If you watch the video- the tractor is what is on the rollback- smoke stack and frame was all that was left. I mean... that baby went up like a fireball.

I will never understand how the driver walked away from it. Anyway... on the way back tonight- around 5:30, there was a 8 mile back up from it.

As I looked over at the 3 lines of cars and trucks all I can think was- You might think you are having a bad day but trust me.... someone had a hell of a lot worst.

*goes to bed with a blessing being sent to the driver*



02:40 Dec 19 2008

I'll add to your prayers and give thanks you were not involved in it. *hugs*

04:08 Dec 19 2008

What Cat said.....Huggles.

13:51 Dec 19 2008

oh wow! i hope the driver will be alright.

is it coincidence that when the video started the advertisement was for Safe Auto?



21:35 Dec 17 2008
Times Read: 1,598




20:29 Dec 17 2008
Times Read: 1,601




19:55 Dec 17 2008
Times Read: 1,603



Why do I even go to the forum??

14:43 Dec 17 2008
Times Read: 1,623

From the FAQ "Administrators will not become involved in member disputes."

What the hell did you think we would? Free speech... people bitch and bitch about keeping it till it is turned against them. God help anyone who tries to tells you to watch your mouth, but when you get it back in spades- NOW it is a problem. And yes- there is debate vs smashing. Yes- flaming is alive and well on the site. It is on ANY SITE! It is in LIFE!

Look in the mirror before you start on the Admins. And read the site rules you agreed to follow.



14:53 Dec 17 2008

And this surprises you? lol Right on as usual babe :)

18:20 Dec 17 2008

*Agrees with the x-man*

22:14 Dec 17 2008

Oh rat ...

22:24 Dec 17 2008

You nailed it Rat!

00:08 Dec 18 2008

03:06 Dec 18 2008

You hit the nail on the head Rat.....


19:38 Dec 16 2008
Times Read: 1,648

Like Cat says "Always something" to ruin a day. Well sort of.

I wake up before 3:00am to look outside to cold rain, but not ice. Turned on the laptop and tv to try and find out the weather north of us. Like the other side of the state north of us. I call my sister, waking her up as she lives 100 miles north of me and find out it iced and snowed last night before she went to bed.

Called and woke up my other sister to ask her about the military view on putting off a delivery. Safe to say we left a half hour later, to say we attempted the job. 50 miles north and we turn from rain to ice, snow. Temp drop from 32 to 26.

Salt truck, car getting into a spin and hitting the concrete wall was enough. I lead the trucks off the exit and we came home by 7:00am to cold rain again.

Since I had the whole family up since 3:00 am I closed the office and stayed home. Yes- I called in a snow day damn it.


Well- that and my sister is taking the phone calls at my mom house. Really no need to heat the office and I do live 100 ft. from the office door in case something comes in.

As Cat takes car of two kids- I am trying to pick how I am going to cook a roast for dinner. Maybe a nap.


But never fear Cat- Thur is a 4:00 am work time, 4 hours drive, at least 8 hour unload, 4 hours home. You can laugh at me then. ;)



03:07 Dec 17 2008

My darling Rat, I will not be laughing for that is a truly horrendous schedule. Also you had 1/2 a nights sleep, then drove on bad roads in horrible weather with workers who I have no doubt were questioning your sanity about that time. You went way above and beyond the call of duty especially since school was called off all around the area. Just get some sleep between now and Thursday is all I ask :)

13:44 Dec 17 2008

Oh hell yeah- they was fussing all the way. I said first sign of ice we will turn back...and I did. Still- they hated me for making them get up that early. lol

But I had to be able to say I tried.

Damn Military.


19:16 Dec 16 2008
Times Read: 1,654

I really wish I was a judge. Or the police that stop these guys.




19:30 Dec 16 2008

This is a disgrace how those three could of done that! Those people are just losers and just will never be anything else, or amount to anything else in their life. I say bring back the gallows for offences like that!

20:40 Dec 16 2008

Life in the electric chair would be too good for them.

12:16 Dec 18 2008

Can I volunteer to throw the switch?


00:28 Dec 16 2008
Times Read: 1,686

Acolyte Questions:

Member: XXXXX

Subject: Private Journal Entries [Vampire Rave]

Date: Dec 16 2008

Question: I know it says "Administrators cannot see private journal entries." Can the Prince see it though???


God I hope not!

lol But you know... it is a good question. I mean- who has not wonder that?

*leaves for another to answer*

Ok- off to bed as I have to be up at 3:00am to make the call if we are heading up to Ohio in the winter storm that is moving in tonight. Joy Joy... but the Major wants her household items. But I am not going into a snow storm at 4:00am, just not doing it, don't have to do it, no sir.

But just in case- time to try and get to sleep.



00:30 Dec 16 2008

I put naked pictures in my private entries in the hopes that he can see them ^.^

03:08 Dec 16 2008

Nope you don't have to do it even if they are a Major!

Dang Otter thinks really good and sneaky!

19:22 Dec 16 2008

I'd say a few here would just love Chuck to read their "private" entries, and probably make them private just for that reason too. In the hope! hah

19:36 Dec 16 2008

I've just always worked under the assumption he can see everything... after all - who else has access directly to the DB tables all this information resides in?


19:56 Dec 15 2008
Times Read: 1,707

Forgot to tell you- Saturday I went and purchased the truck I been talking about. Started at $27,850. I paid $23,500 for it, and they are bring it to me Wen/Thur as they need to take the bed off it. thanks to Doe and Bones for helping me with sites to check out, I spent hours online and looking at Truckers sales mag to get the price right.

It is a 2005 4300 International. Motor is a 466, like the other ones we have but this is at 225 HP, not the 175 I think the others are. Fuller Tran, air brakes, A/C, power steering, bench seat with high head rest for all three seats. Mieage of 91,820. I just loved the nice hood- how you can see so much better then the old box style we have. It has cup holders. I know- such a little thing but that is all I can say about it.

Anyway- here it is.

I know its yellow but I still got to get the moving van switched over, inspected, tag and pay the taxes on it. Must less the higher insurance for the newer truck. In other words- it might be that color for a while. :)

My life is changing so much- at least this one would of made dad happy. Even though I swear he would shake his head, and give out his deep sighs/suhhh and tell me I should of only paid $18,000 for it.

But I know he was looking for a truck to buy when he pasted away, I know he always kept his trucks up, I know every freaking one of them knows he is gone and is giving up the ghost on me. From tires, belts, running out of gas- gauge stop working, not starting, brakes, air leaks, short in the electric, finding parts that are not to be found. All those in three months.

Dad had a job keeping them going. He would spend three or four hours finding or doing something it takes me days. I lost a lot of information with him. He could listen to a truck and know what was wrong. Me? I sort of can... kind of. But it has to break down before I see it- instead of Dad saying "I think the ford has a plug gone. Listen? Can you hear that?" and him pulling them off to be fixed before it got me someplace and just would not run.

Dad spent 67 years around trucks. I can never know what he knew, I could never understand all that he did. I used my best judgement and brought a newer truck, at a good price. I know the news for jobs are bad, might not of been a great time to put us in the hole for $10,000.00 but you know what... it is what I felt needed done.

And that is all I can go by.

Boy- that got long winded. Can you tell I had my own inner debate? Sorry- I meant to just show off the truck. :)



21:45 Dec 15 2008

Dang sis I sort of like that shade of yellow! :)


18:50 Dec 15 2008
Times Read: 1,720

Phone rings and I am sitting with our Rental repair man in my office going over a list to prep the properties for winter. (Closing air vents, checking on heater wires on water lines)

It’s a man who ask to speak to Tommy. Now I am not telling every person who calls that dad has passed away. One- its private and unless he knew you he would not want to make something out of it. And…well…it upsets me to talk about it still. I take a breath and ask him how I can help him. He ask if the “old man” was around. “No sir he is not. How may I help you?” “Is XXX in?” That being my sister. “No sir, how may I help you?” “Who is this?” “This is Kay. Now can I help you?” Really- starting to piss me the fuck off. My temper been holding on by a thread of late and this guy was way big to pushing me.

“Kay? How are you?” “Fine. Can I help you?” I just know it is a salesman. He had that whole suck up tone, the ‘You are going to love me when we are done, let me help you understand what you need to understand’ bullshit tone. “Why- you are Tommy’s wife. How are you.” “I am not his wife. I am his daughter. And I am getting really sick of asking you- How may I help you?” “You sure… I swear his wife was Kay.” I looked at the man with me and rolled my eyes. “Yes I am sure I am not Tommy’s wife. His wife name is June.” The guy with me gave me a stun look. “That would be your mother.” OMFG!

“Listen- tell Tommy I will call him back.” “I can’t. Dad died.” “Oh. Was it just recently? I talked to him a few years ago on the …” “Yes. Three months ago.” “Well…I did not know.” “Now- can I help you with something?” “Are you going to stay open?”


"Fucker!" The rental guy busted out laughing and I flip him off. So not in the mood to deal with today.



19:05 Dec 15 2008

Some people are just really, really dense...

19:23 Dec 15 2008

I think he would have deserved a "fuck you!"

15:30 Dec 16 2008

It gets really aggravating after awhile specially with sales people.


Building on Lady C's ideal

14:54 Dec 15 2008
Times Read: 1,744

Been thinking about the Sentoran messages you send with suspensions. Lady C has made a few of her own and shared them with me and I have been using them but am now ready to tweak them a little for myself.

So when or if you get suspended we send a message explaining why. This is also the only thing any other Sentoran has to go by if they are asked about the suspension, to review it, or asked to remove it.

Got this so far:

1- What is suspended. (as in pro, port, journal)

2- Rule that is being broken. (linky)

3- List exactly what the problem is. (very important for other Sentorans to know)

4- What it will take to get suspension lifted. (edit, make it private, coding correction)

5- You need to message any of the sentorans for a review before being released. (most think they have to wait for me to come online- and we all know that it is rare for me to be seen)


Suspended- Your profile is suspended.

Ruling: Please review the VR Manual concerning nudity (linky) found here.

Item in question: The third picture down has bare breast.

Required: You will need to remove this picture or edit so the nipple area is not shown.

Release: Once you have done so please message any of the Sentorans for a review and release of the suspension.

Thank You.

Who, what, where and how. Seems simple enough.

Thing is- some people I have dealt with don’t understand why they are suspended. I have changed some of Lady C comments and that might be my mistake, but even using hers they still don’t get it. *cough cough don’t read cough*

For that reason alone I ask- would you add anything? If you was to come online and find you profile suspended- what would you want to know? I think Lady C messages are clear, but still… want to spell it out as clearly as possible for members.



15:06 Dec 15 2008

"Release: Once you have done so please message any of the Sentorans for a review and release of the suspension. "

Maybe make the word Sentoran a clickable link that leads to a list of all Sentorans? Maybe you've already done that. Really I have no idea why people are so slow about figuring out what happened.

15:08 Dec 15 2008

I had my portfolio suspended a while back by an Admin. I threw a fit, removed the images that were supposedly breaking rules even though 2 against 1 in my favor said that they weren't. The suspension was lifted.

Not a week later one of the Sentorans comes through and says that my portfolio is going against policy and poof it was suspended. She didn't tell me which images she thought were against policy. She didn't send me any type of message in regards to what I had to do to lift the suspension.

Now mind you, I JUST had an ADMINISTRATIVE suspension lifted. I even posted in my portfolio that 3 Admins had cleared my portfolio and NOTHING in it was "illegal". After much arguement with her she still refused to lift it. This is the only time I've had to use ToiletDuc's power to get my way. He lifted the suspension for me...as he had been working with the other admins to clear it he first time...and had a "nice" conversation with this Sentoran.

If I were going to add something to the message, it would be to the Sentorans themselves. Granted not all of you are like this one, but I would ask that you simply pay attention. Read the description area for any important information you might need. If there is a description on a photo you might have an issue with, read that as well. Maybe message the person, especially if you are unsure of the issue at hand.

As for the members that are having problems understanding the message, maybe add a screen shot of the "rule violator" to the message you are sending them.

"Here see this? This image right here, this needs to go!"

K, rambling over, sorry.

15:19 Dec 15 2008

Thank you Night. I asked for input to make my messages clear, and you and Otter has helped. I can say nothing about your last suspensions as I don't know anything about it, and I don't think you wrote that to start anything up again. :)

I thank you for your words- they will make me see your side of a suspension and what I need to do to help members understand what I am talking about.

Its hard to come online, more so as a new member, and all you have to go by is this message. I want to make it as clear as I can.

I would not ask for input if I did not want it. :)

Thanks for helping.

15:33 Dec 15 2008

No no no, that was definately not meant to stir up trouble in anyway whatsoever. But that issue is the perfect example of an equal side to all things. That issue has been taken care of, is long in the past, and I hold no grudges against the Sentoran that I had the issue with. Sorry, should have thrown that in there the first time.

19:56 Dec 15 2008

When I first became a Sentoran, I was given a list similar to the one I gave to you. Once I was comfortable, I rewrote it. That is what I passed to you.

You are doing a wonderful job hon. I'm so proud of you!!!


01:39 Dec 15 2008
Times Read: 1,759

Rat walks the Cat around the lump when another knock comes on the door. They stop and look at each other. "Wonder who that is..." Rat says as she walks to the door, opens the door to find the Otter.


*leaps in the air and hits her hard as she lands with a thump on her*

I am SOOOOO happy you are back.


*nigh could not get any better for the rat, the family is home*




01:16 Dec 15 2008
Times Read: 1,766

Hears the knock on the door of the House "I got it!!!" Rat runs and opens the heavy door, pushing it wide to see Nightgame, the cat, in a clock.

"Well get on in here. You can help me with the Halls, and get the gifts wrap for the virtual Santa thread. Ohh...and we need to feed the lump. You got any members you want off the forum? As in for good? And don't slip in ferret marbles...she leaves them laying around..."

The door closes after the cat walks in, pulling off her clock.

:) Nightgame is in the HOUSE! lol



21:49 Dec 15 2008

and already been shown where the broom and mop can be found, was that a big enough hint?


20:06 Dec 14 2008
Times Read: 1,780

*sigh* Sometimes at work I just stop and ask myself- What the hell are you doing?

I have to get these doults under control.




05:52 Dec 13 2008
Times Read: 1,803

Can't get back to sleep, reading the news online.

"How the Duggars Keep Spark Alive

With 17 Kids (& 1 Due Soon) Creativity

Is Essential."


Creativity? Sounds just freaking as horny to me. And with 18 kids I would be telling him to keep the hell away from me. Creativity with how to keep from being knocked up is what I would be doing.

Wonder if they get state aid? Why the hell would you need that many kids? Swear if they are getting medical card, food stamps then he should have to get fixed.

It is not the 1800's and we don't have hundred acres farms to take care of by hand, need free labor that kids was back then. No reason to have that many kids. No reason at all.



10:42 Dec 13 2008

i have to agree, it seems excessive. my question is, now that there are 18...when do they have time to f***? does he nail her in her sleep or something?

21:47 Dec 14 2008

Couldn't agree more....


20:35 Dec 12 2008
Times Read: 1,813

My idea of Christmas music. ;)



10:47 Dec 13 2008

LMAO! i love it!



20:29 Dec 12 2008
Times Read: 1,814



12:58 Dec 12 2008
Times Read: 1,837

It snowed! Yes I got my wish for the white stuff. Not a lot, but enough. :)

Yesterday it rained all day- then turned cold. By 4:00 pm it was had turned into ice. So we had wet roads, ice, then snow. Went out last night and took a few pics.

This morning I was up at 6:00am, walking down my driveway to see what the road was like as I had men coming in at 7:00 am to start a job. I knew they would start calling to see if we was working today. While dad always viewed snow as fun to drive in, and one driver I have is just like him... ice is nothing I will play with.

This is my street, after being scraped by the road department that is just down the way. Yes- I get my road cleared first thing as they do it on the way out. :P

Still it is a sheet of ice. So I start my pickup to make the short drive to the office to call off the job. Yes- I had to play a little in the snow. ;) When I hit my brakes at the end of my driveway I slid about two feet before I stopped. Put my old truck in 4 wheel drive ( I am pampered- its just a level to pull inside the cab- not having to get out and lock the hubs in. Hey- back in 86 it was the fancy 4x4 thing. lol )

So I felt the tires spin till the jerk that let me know I was locked in. Off to the office, playing a little in the back lot - doing some 8 in the snow... then called the customers, men. Customers are not happy- but not much I can do. I will not risk my men or my trucks. But I think I have it plan that if we work some today after it warms up ( to be in the 40's) and Sat we will get all of it done.

Came back home and now it's 8:00am. Sister is answering the phone at mom's house as it rings into her house as well. I am home till around 11:00 when the boys are to come in.

*sits and waits, looking out at the snow covered trees in the yard*

Dad would of loved this. :)



16:23 Dec 12 2008

It seems so strange to hear someone be excited for snow. I live in Idaho where we get tons of it and we wish it away usually lol.....Glad it makes you happy :)

16:50 Dec 12 2008

ok....only one more wish for snow allowed....:) So make it a 10 foot deep one!!!!

17:27 Dec 12 2008

Time for the coco and the snowmen. Glad you're getting the piles instead of me :X

18:14 Dec 12 2008

Oooo, snow, did you say? I miss that white stuff. Hope that your day is safe with the snow on the road.

10:50 Dec 13 2008

i am glad you had fun. the snowy pictures are very nice.


02:43 Dec 12 2008
Times Read: 1,863

As Vampy as I ever got. :)



02:47 Dec 12 2008

I think you should enter the second one, into Cancer for the contest.

03:11 Dec 12 2008

all of the photos are lovely.

07:26 Dec 12 2008

I love the second one, too!

10:21 Dec 12 2008

They are all beautiful but I like #2 the best as well...

13:42 Dec 12 2008

They're all great :) But yes, number 2!

17:03 Dec 12 2008

Well uh... I wasn't going to send any in, I was just bored last night and started to look if I has any goth makeup pics...then played with the edit- I love the last shoot myself but for the haze. Hmm... Anyway-

I sent the second one in this morning. We can all have a good laugh when he turns it down. lol

21:15 Dec 12 2008

Im with everyone else on this..that second one is great.You really should enter it.


21:41 Dec 11 2008
Times Read: 1,881

I could not take the dead bunny on my head anymore. lol ;)



22:05 Dec 11 2008

I like it. Very sexy. Very you!!!


14:16 Dec 11 2008
Times Read: 1,900

The Sentoran job is very serious. I mean- we work to keep all the members of VR safe, to keep the site running smoothly. There are parts of the job you don’t see- rules, guidelines, updates, messages you have to read and keep that information in your head as you look at the thousands of pages on the Dark Network sites. 18,611 pages total of profiles, portfolios and journals. And eight women and men do this. Only eight. And as I have checked at least fifty pages since my last suspension- it seems we are keeping a handle on it.

Very glad to be a part of this team, a team that has welcome me with open arms and cheese. :)

But it’s a never ending job for us. I spoke of the things you don’t see that we do as part of our jobs. One more is classes. Yes- I am looking forward to my first one of these. Joli is going to give it on boobs, nipples shoots that are allowed and what is not. She wants us to have a clear understanding of what is permitted, be on the same page for the reason to suspend. See- we are watched over and the Admin do listen to complaints and take steps to handle them.

So you have to be willing to learn at this job, and I am. But I wonder...is she going to use her own boobs to show us?


But back to the point- Sentoran job is very very serious.




15:47 Dec 11 2008

LOL! it sounds very serious indeed. i know it is a hard job, thank you for everything you and the others do.

20:50 Dec 11 2008

That suddenly became a class I'm interested in sitting in on.

22:04 Dec 11 2008

Hmmmmm....The otter taking the pictures of a regent.....that might be interesting. BLACKMAIL MATERIAL!!!!!

*Grins and hugs the Fellow Sentoran in rat form*

07:30 Dec 12 2008

augh...I'm SO late on that! Soon, I promise!


13:34 Dec 11 2008
Times Read: 1,907

Nothing like checking the spelling and picture/icon on the family headstones order first thing in the morning.


No wonder I am not in the Christmas mood. Or any good mood for that matter.

Merry freaking Christmas.




Plans for the night....

00:45 Dec 11 2008
Times Read: 1,927

A pint of chocolate Haagen-Dazs ice cream, snuggled in my nice soft bed all warm, in my dark bedroom to watch the season ending show of Ghost Hunters on SciFi.


*rat is happy*



01:15 Dec 11 2008

What would it take to get a bite of that ice cream?

02:25 Dec 11 2008

A happy rat is a good rat =)

03:13 Dec 11 2008

sounds nice, i need to cuddle up to the computer and watch some Hulu....oh that is what i can do with my free time off of VR!


19:09 Dec 10 2008
Times Read: 1,955

What? I can only log onto VR 12 hours a day?


*rat rubs up against Cancer's hand*

Now can't we do something about that? You know I have to have my VR fix, and with me spending more time in the office... I will go crazy if I can't rate or write in my journal to calm my mind, keep from killing someone.

*Gives sad eyes, lips pouting*

Not even for your favorite rat?


Oh well...



21:03 Dec 10 2008

i know how you feel. i only get 3 and a half days a week online and then i need that extra 6 hours or so to catch up with everyone else! whatever will i do?

don't say sleep, lol.

22:45 Dec 10 2008


You can only be logged in for 12 hours? Damn it's been a long time since I've been logged in that long.

00:22 Dec 11 2008

I've been crying all day! lol This could seriously mess with me since being an old retired soul, I spend much more time here than I should. Guess he got tired of all those VR addicts and is cutting us off!

02:27 Dec 11 2008

Well if you have 2 accounts then you will be able to still do 24 hours lol

17:35 Dec 11 2008

say,,,,what?>? I guess I missed that somewhere..


17:11 Dec 10 2008
Times Read: 1,964

Profile reading at luchtime:

~Been worked on~


Why does a picture of frankenstein monster pop into my head?

"I just wanna play wit somone.. and SEDUCE THE FUCK OUT OF THEM

Just remember im BI BITCHES!!! lets play some dirtynessness and get kinky"

HO HO HO Christmas is here!




21:03 Dec 10 2008

Hahaha, saw those *cringes*


00:30 Dec 09 2008
Times Read: 1,991

People always talk about those three little words- I love you. But I like these three little words better- You are welcome.

When I say them I have done something to earn them. I have made the effort to help, to treat a person with respect and care about what is going on in their lives. They show me they appreciate the effort I made for them.

And when I hear those words after I have said Thank You I have recognize the effort they gave to help me. Thank You are powerful words too, don’t get me wrong. But if a person does something for you, that you hear the words “You are welcome.” you should understand what it is they did for you.

So which one is better- hearing those three words?

Or saying them?



00:44 Dec 09 2008

*climbs on her soap box* And when did "Thank you" become "Cool."?

That makes my hair catch on fire. grrrrrr

02:33 Dec 09 2008

In their own way both are equally satsifying, to say thank you means someone cared or was responsible enough to help you in some manner but when I get a You're Welcome, I do get a really good feeling. Manners are one of the best inventions of humanity but somehow we keep trying to forget about them.

12:05 Dec 09 2008

Funny you should mention that, I've found myself saying those words myself over the last few weeks, guess I must have picked it up from someone saying it to me too.



21:43 Dec 07 2008
Times Read: 2,039



21:11 Dec 07 2008
Times Read: 2,043

I like to cook with fresh herbs but have never understood what herb goes with what.


I wish I could find a list someplace. A site that talk about the simple things about cooking.

*looks at her herbs and the pork tenderloin*



21:16 Dec 07 2008

21:48 Dec 07 2008

LOL. I'm a cook that tries everything LOL. I put Italian seasoning, ground sage, garlic pepper in a spiced Alfredo ground beef ;) try things till they just taste great

22:08 Dec 07 2008

Honestly hun, it depends on your taste's as to what herbs go with what. My main herbs on any meal is garlic powder and onion powder. From there, I will add a little bit of Tony Chachere's Creole seasoning. Those work with just about anything.

Will see what all I have stored on my PC for you.

22:13 Dec 07 2008

barbeque sauce works with pert near everything!

02:23 Dec 08 2008

Stabb pronounces the "h" in herb. Shhhhh...don't tell ;)



19:02 Dec 07 2008
Times Read: 2,046



20:14 Dec 06 2008
Times Read: 2,076

I use philosophy brand fragrances, facial items. I love them. :) Order some more Amazing Grace fragrance and it comes in a package with this print on the carton:

How you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get down the mountain. And so it is with life, which for many of us becomes one big gigantic lesson. In the end it all comes down to one word. Grace. It's how you accept winning and losing, good luck and bad luck, the darkness and the light.

Grace- we all need some.



20:21 Dec 06 2008

Darlin you got plenty of Grace (you just wrap it in concrete sometimes) :)


04:01 Dec 06 2008
Times Read: 2,108

Maledicta I owe you a big hug for this song that you have on your profile. :) South Park- Merry Fucking Christmas. I sooo needed this laugh.



05:58 Dec 06 2008

Well, spreading holiday cheer is what I'm all about...that and stealing Birdy's twigs :-)=

15:24 Dec 06 2008

LOL! wonderful!

20:20 Dec 06 2008

I laughed till I cried :)

21:34 Dec 06 2008

*Holds left jaw* thanks for the laugh, I just wish that my jaw didn't hurt *smiles*


03:40 Dec 06 2008
Times Read: 2,114

This is going to be long so if you do read, get comfortable.

Earlier this week we moved a man from one town to another, 30 plus miles away. That morning it was cold- I mean wind chill cold of low 20’s. Some schools in the area were called off but no snow landed in our town. (Go figure, right?) Crew left the office at 8:00am, all bundled up in coat and coveralls. 35 minutes later the man they was moving called to inform me they had not arrived yet. A route that takes them past 3 schools, with ice spots that morning. I listen to him telling me that if I charge only 30 minutes return trip after the job was done so why does he have to pay more in the morning. Gosh- because you are a town over? When they get done they are in town so they only need 30 minutes? Before he ended his rant they pulled into the drive way.

Then at 2:30 pm he called to tell me the men were not working as hard as he though they should be. Issues he had was the four or five times they stop working, went to the cab of the truck and sat for ten minutes, with the motor running. You think? When he made the comment to one of my man that they needed to rush up- he said alright, but that is when damage happens. I asked them a few questions and found out they had already moved his min storage two buildings to our town, unloaded, drove back to his town and started loading his two bedroom apartment. And it is only 2:30pm? When asked how much more they had to load he said three or four big pieces is all that was left. Yeap my men wasted the day away. But as the man tells me when I pointed this out to him- he tells me he was not complying about the time. What the hell, right?

Forward to 5:30 pm, its getting dark, colder by the minute when I get the third call- Seems the entertainment center bottom trim piece was ripped off, hanging loose and busted. And they did it on purpose. Why does he think that? “Because I told them to rush it up.” Seems the warning they gave came true. I said I was sorry he had damage but I doubt they did any damage on purpose. But I would tell them to remove the piece and bring it to me, have a new wood piece made and stain to match, replace it with corner braces underneath so it will as strong, if not stronger then before. He gave me several reasons why that would not happen.

So I said we would have to turn it into the insurance company. He ask how that worked and I told him. He was not happy with the amount he would get as he did not purchase any extra coverage. So here I am- offered to repair what turned out was a chip on one side, the piece not even loose as he told me on the phone. I told him what the insurance would pay and he did not like that answer either. No way was I going to please him. Finally when he seen I was not going to give him what he wanted he tells me he would take me to court. “Fine.” I hate that freaking threat. He tells me a judge would see his side, and I told him no- the judge would see it as a move, with hours that are not above normal (damn good for the cold) with a damage claim that I have tried to settle with repair or cash.

Then we move to Thursday. A Major that we packed three years ago that has been in storage. Cold, wet, trouble with the directions, truck fuel line having issues we was 6 hours when it should have been 4 to even get to the job. Worked till 4:00 pm unloading, that is10 hour day with a 4 hour trip back home still in front of us. Major was not happy but really- only so much I am going to ask my guys with it being a temperature of 18. It was as we started to unload this truck I made the comment of “Be careful with the dish pack- dad packed those.” It hit me then- this was the last storage account that had dad’s packing on it. This was the last time I would see my dad’s writing on a carton. The last part of him that was a packing job. That just was the last straw. I fought tears all day. And when the Majors wife asked “Wasn’t there a older man with you before?” and I had to tell her… I just wanted to go home.

Then we have today, going back to finish the Major who was going to take two days no matter what. Started out eating at this little country restaurant that we eat at often. We have been here once since dad pasted away, and the lady who runs the place, does it all at 5:00 am as in cooking, taking the order, waiting on people asked me “Were is Tommy?” I told her and she told me she was so sorry, that Tommy was a great man. She gave us, me and four men, our food for free to “honor Tommy.” That made me cry yet again.

So as I unpacked my father’s last dish packs the boys took a knife and cut the writing that he put on the cartons, as we are to do to every box we pack. Major X. XXXX ZY104-XXX Kitchen, Dishes, lamps, ect. It was in his own form of shorthand. Dad would make it fun for me to inventory. His pots and pans was “P & P” Pictures was “Pc” I mean- half the fun was trying to understand what the hell he was meaning. Lol I busted out in tears as they gave me his writing on the last cartons they would carry, that I would see. They hugged me and told me it would be ok. Got to love these guys, don’t know how we would of stayed open if they had not step up to help me.

Now we got home by 5:00 pm today, to find that a local move had been booked for that crew. That I had a list of stuff I needed done Monday….but never mind. I fell like I never get anything done. I need to go to the next state and look at a truck, I need to hunt part for one of the older trucks, need to do... this list can go on and on. Safe to say I feel like I am just sinking. Someone who is use to having control of her life- seems like I lost mine. Doing dad and my job is not working out. And taking on a little more of my sis job as she takes care of Mom.

So I ran away. I ran to Nightgame. We had a good dinner, we chatted, I cried, she listened, she made me laugh. She is my sounding board and so much more. We left with the owner of the restaurant guilt me into taking one of the children off her Christmas tree. Poor lady- she came to take our order as I was trying to not cry…she was worried about me. So she made her goal to make me laugh, her and Cat getting me back to a good place. Cat made me pick a kid, so I picked a four year old girl. We went shopping and she got two sets of clothing, two sets of shoes (one being Mary Jane shoes) lol The toy she wanted was Pet Store. Now you should seen Cat’s eyes when I asked her what that was. Hey- I don’t have any kids around me. My toy days a slinky was a big toy, the little plastic toy that you could draw by moving the little knobs, shake and it would reset to a blank screen. So yeah- I did not know what pet shop was.

We spent some time in the toy isle and the only thing I found to play with was the toy guns. Lol I liked the toy grenade that ticked them BOMB! I so wanted it “Excuse me sir but could you hold for a second?” Push the button and tick tick tick tick…boom! I tell ya- great stress reliever. :P Then it was to her home to wrap the gifts. I wanted to just stick them in a bag but NOOOO! I now have to wrap them all. I mean… no one told me I had to do that. Bad enough I was at Kmart only a few weeks before Christmas, but in the toy isles, wrapping gifts for a brat? *winks at Cat* That karma better pay me back big time.

Told you this was going to be a long one.




03:53 Dec 06 2008

Big hugs to you hun..... the guys are right it will get better.

04:22 Dec 06 2008

Sorry I missed out on you shopping for a kid for Christmas...that would have been hilarious. Yeah Cat!

20:13 Dec 06 2008

She was absolutley awesome shopping for that girl though it was funny when she said pet shop??? lol Littlest Pet shop has nothing to do with a present of a new collar or a dog bed!

I must admit the look on her face when I said wrap them all seperatly then put them in the bag was wicked fun :)

*hugs* Karma has to love you sis you give it such good fun


23:49 Dec 04 2008
Times Read: 2,157

Fucking SUCKED!!

That is the answer if you ask me how my day went. And Friday is not going to be ANY better.

Now I am going to bec and have that good cry that I have pushed away ALL day.



00:03 Dec 05 2008

Sorry sugar, I'm here if you want someone to yell at *hugs*

00:41 Dec 05 2008

Totally do that, and then do some makeup and take some pictures and listen to your favorite music...

No wait, that's me...

Just do what you want.

00:46 Dec 05 2008

*hugs* I'm here if you need me. :)

01:04 Dec 05 2008

*floats in, dropping Christmas cookies off for the Rat, covers her up, snuggles her real quick and flies away whispering* Your loved dearest, remember that......

01:33 Dec 05 2008

*hugs and passes hot cocoa loaded with ameretto and bailey's*

02:36 Dec 05 2008


You know how to find us if you need us.

01:30 Dec 06 2008

Hugs to you hun. I am here if you need a should to lean on like everyone else is for you.


18:53 Dec 03 2008
Times Read: 2,189

Burger King burger is good. :)

Stink left in the office after is bad. :(

Smelly smelly.



18:57 Dec 03 2008

SOOO glad I can't smell because I am SURE that if you opened the door....it would travel the 25 miles to my house...yup THAT smelly folks! (evil med grin)

19:01 Dec 03 2008

Hmm and you just thought I didn't like their food :)

19:27 Dec 03 2008

Lol. Now people know why I don't eat there much as well..... *evil laugh*



04:05 Dec 03 2008
Times Read: 2,205



#12 Pains of Christmas. :)

19:50 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 2,233

Can't help it- I love the lights ones. SOOOOO me. lol



20:00 Dec 02 2008

Haha! Very cute...

I think they should have squeezed "trying to avoid mistletoe" in there somewhere.

It's a nightmare of epic seasonal proportions!

03:01 Dec 03 2008

You know that wouldn't be nearly as funny if it wasn't so very true half the time.

05:25 Dec 03 2008

LOL I needed that laugh! :)



18:02 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 2,253



13:29 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 2,270

Nothing like loving from a wet cold tongue in your ear early in the morning.

*tries to hold sweetpea as she makes her morning visit to the office and warehouse*




14:15 Dec 02 2008


17:09 Dec 02 2008

*snorts* now there's a visual on a cold snowy morning!

18:19 Dec 02 2008

I can think of worse ways to wake up lol


03:24 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 2,289

Message From:



Dec 02 2008

man did suspend myportfolio


And with that- I am off to bed.



04:01 Dec 02 2008

Damn those one missing words!!!

04:46 Dec 02 2008

That's funny, I got the same message from him. The grammar didn't get any better from there. You didn't miss much. ;)


I needed a break SOOOO ...stupid journal writing. lol

01:25 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 2,305

Rat clicks on the profile and waits…and waits…and waits. She flicks over to read the news and comes back to VR locked up. “Damn it.” Rat X out and reopens VR again. She returns to the profile and clicks to enter. Waiting she sticks her claw into her ear and shakes it, her leg giving a little twitch. She looks down and sees the laptop had locked up again. Rat growls and she does it one more time. Waiting….waiting…and waiting…she sniffs her claw and looks at the wax…and waiting…for it locks up her laptop again.

“Oh screw it.”

Rat moves along to the next profile.



01:27 Dec 02 2008

Maybe it was the radio active ear wax??

01:42 Dec 02 2008

I know you are sick- but...


You and Cat both tonight.


To close to Yule gifts to start being a smart butt. ;)

02:29 Dec 03 2008

I am so glad I don't have your job. I turn off images on my browser just so that those gigantic profiles can't freeze up my system.


23:31 Dec 01 2008
Times Read: 2,319

South Park Rules!!



23:52 Dec 01 2008

Well it sure as hell took you long enough to figure it out! lol Remember you don't like the stuff that makes me laugh. :)

01:11 Dec 02 2008



22:56 Dec 01 2008
Times Read: 2,330

Here is a article about gothic fashion- I just don't know how to do the database thingy. So if you want to put it in, please do. Just message that you have so others will not try and enter it as well.


:) Got to get Cat to show me how to do these things.... lol

Edit: Another one-


Ohhh I would love to go to that.




17:38 Dec 01 2008
Times Read: 2,349

So tell me... what part of these words

No thank you.

does a salesman not understand?

*rat shows her teeth*



19:00 Dec 01 2008

Ask him if he likes pepper spray! ;)

23:15 Dec 01 2008

the no part, its a well known fact that all salesmen are brainwashed to not know the meaning of any negative phrases and any word that is two letters long and begins with an n

23:53 Dec 01 2008

Since the two letter word don't work I know of a 4 letter one that will do the job in so many different forms!


01:51 Dec 01 2008
Times Read: 1,837

I swear- the pictures I just took look like a have a dead bunny on my head. See for yourself...

Now I know why I never wear this bonnet.

Still- need a picture for Yule. Maybe some holly? Silk kind- glued to my face, makeup of green and red? Or lights... how would you use tree lights in a picture? Or how about my red velvet cape and lights? Would the white lights even show up? Hmmmm

*rat walks off, playing with the white fuzz in her hair*

Well- I had fun playing. :)



01:58 Dec 01 2008

Ooooh your eyes look so pretty!

02:25 Dec 01 2008

You look awesome but I can't wait to see some of the other ideas they seem cool too.

08:44 Dec 01 2008

I think you look gorgeous, can I steal your lashes?

15:29 Dec 01 2008

On that picture you sure can. $2.80 fake lashes set from a local drug store with a little gold glitter brushed on. ;)

22:59 Dec 01 2008

A poor poor Birdy left out of the makeup play....again..... WHEN do I get MY turn???? (evil grin here)

23:55 Dec 01 2008

omg you've been hiding that hat from us!

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