Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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3 entries this month

Doing good deeds... never work out for me. I should learn that by now.

13:23 Dec 31 2007
Times Read: 916

Customer called. Lady who is using a local charity to pay her bill as she is a "victim" of abuse from her female lover. And she is just a little strange acting at loading, talking to herself.

I agree to let it stay on my truck for over two weeks as they got her into a home. Even worked extra Friday to get her delivered out, not making her wait till the 3rd- first day I had open with a crew. Nope- I asked the crew after working 7 hours to work 2 more to get her done.

My good deed for the year....

This morning she called me and said someone stolen 4 bic lighters from her nightstand. They left some, but four of them was missing. She then tells me she found two in the bathroom under her dirty clothing pile.

Those plastic 50 cent bics lighters.

See? That is why I don't go out of my way to help people. Now she is calling the police.

Crazy ass bitch.




People in General.

22:46 Dec 14 2007
Times Read: 950

Went to a job today that I knew was going to go badly. I mean “Can’t sleep” its going to go badly. A few weeks ago I made an estimate for some government housing. People who run this apartment complex need to move people about, changing apartments as they remodel. An appointment was made and I went to meet with the office staff.

That was a total waste of time. Questions of: How many apartments? How many are two bedrooms/ one bedroom? Packing? And what floor would they be on? Safe to say I got no answers. Am I to meet with the tenanted? See the apartments? No.

Okkkk then. Estimate was just a hoot to do. I made the estimate a break down of estimated time on all different type of apartments. Like one bedroom to another- on the second floor estimated at 5 hours.

Never heard back from the people. Then a call out of the blue on Wednesday and wanted us the next two days. I pulled one crew together for Friday. Going in blind we started early, sitting at the place at 8:00 am.

The worry I had last night about it was not wasted. Office people not in till 11:00am, even thought they knew we was coming at 8:00am. A man came to us and asked if we were here to do the moving. I bite back the “Here’s you sign” as we was standing in front of the moving van. I wanted to say we came to shop, had to have a truck to carry it home with. Sorry- little sleep makes me snippy.

He tells us he knew the one we was to start with and showed us. Nothing is packed. Lady was mad at the early time, the other movers not starting till after 9:00 am. Seems they had been using other movers before us. Well well… and they had been doing a shitty job. Every one in the complex was pissed off. Broken items, not finishing the job, even not showing up at all some days.

Now they made it CLEAR to me Wednesday NO packing was to be done by us. All was to be packed and ready. She was about half way. We started and the other apartment she went into was only a one bedroom. We dealt with that. She was not packed, we dealt with that. We had to arrange her furniture two or three times, dealt with trying to help her. I even carried her hanging clothes from the closets to help her move on this cold day. I did draw the line at moving her food from the ref. Some shit I am not doing. Did I mention the sidewalk that was dug out and mud pit that was the entrance?

As the guys took a break I went to the office that was open finally and asked what was next. In the office is a woman I meet before, but also a male in nice clothing. He is talking to another man who looked to be a builder by the clothing. I waited for the woman to finish with a customer and listen to the two men talk. Nice dress was bitching about the apartments not being ready to be inspected. Builder was bitching about the apartments not being empty. Then the customer left and I step up to ask what apartment was next when I hear this comment. “It’s the movers that are the problem. The people are ready, but they don’t do their jobs.”

I looked over at him, and see him looking at me. I bite my tongue, and anyone will tell you “You want Kay to play nice, pay her.” I was being paid, so… I took the list of apartments and the builder said. “That’s what is holding us up.” Bull fucking shit. Hello??? Sidewalks would be freaking nice to move on.

I looked over and they both are looking at me. Now remember- this is the first time I have ever been here to move. I turned toward the door, and just pause. Sorry…but that shit just rubbed me the wrong way. In other words I was going to have my say, damn it. I turned back and smiled at them. “The movers you had before me I can not say anything about them. But let me tell you what your problems are.” And I did. People are not ready, not ever up out of the freaking bed. Sidewalks being removed, framed and left for warm weather to pour them. Hello!! It’s winter. Thanks for not having sidewalks and only mud to move furniture on.

By then I was on a roll. “If this project had been managed from the start- let me tell you what you should have done. Meet with the people, told them what moving entailed. Label of cartons, have an idea where you want the items placed at the new place. Be UP and AWAKE on moving day. Hand outs on how to pack, what is needed to be done. Reminders of how many days till the move and a call the day before to tell them again we would be at the door early, so be up and dressed. Pets needed locked up, kids kept out of the way. And it needed controlled a hell lot more then anyone had so far.”

Nice dress just looked at me and said it seems I had some experience with this type of project. I just smile again and said once or twice. Trust me, that whole project of 17 moves would have been child’s play. Not that freaking hard to do- if you use some common sense. I looked at both of them as I said “And just so we are clear on this- this is my company’s first move here. With a skeleton crew as your office can not even pick up a phone and book dates. Instead of three moves today- I could have had two crews running and had six done today. IF they had been properly prepared we could have had eight. Given me two and half days and I would have had all your moves done.”

Chew on that, business men with heads up your asses was my thought as I left the office. They still have not booked any other days at the time I left the office around 4:00. Hell…guess I should of kept my mouth shut, but ….screw it. Origination, communication and planning would have been useful on this project.

And I will take blame if my guys or I screw up, but I sure the hell am not going to stand their and let them talk shit about us when we did not deserve it. They sent me in after it was fucked up.

That makes them fucktards. Guess I shot those jobs to hell. Me and my mouth... stikes again.





Powertrak..... again.

00:42 Dec 12 2007
Times Read: 978

*pulls out the soapbox and hops on*

Ok- I got a bug up my ass and as this is my journal, then I am going talk about it. So if you don't want to hear about this bug up my ass- then move along. I work for the Dept of Defense as a Household Mover. Family has since 1953. Now- 2005 they finally got the fancy ass billing and payment program called Powertrak online.

I will not bring up all the shit we went thru to get that damn thing worked out, just trust me that it’s pissing me off. That and the damn Vista on this new laptop that will not open shit up. I have hours ahead of me to read updates, and regulations that I could not do today.

But lets not worry about that…no. Its not like I could of read them today as I spent hours off and on the phone, talking to a total of eight people to try and get #2 bills paid. I had to pay a company (and you JUST know they set it up that way- bet you that company, one of few, has something to do with the damn program to start with) to do the billing.

But they can not get these paid. After several people telling me they have no idea why it was not paid, the error code is not one they know, I got hold of a person who should know the answer. (Programmer) It comes out he doesn’t know either. *rolls my eyes*

Safe to say I raised holy hell, and got a answer. Now- this one you will love.

Both of these moves was packed, loaded, AND delivered on the same day. Meaning they was close enough, I had enough labor, and small enough of a move to do this. I swore I had this fight months ago- for the same problem. I swear I did.

So I told them they will just have to adjust the system to take this into account. “But the GBL (government bill of lading) is not cut that way. That is why it throws it out when it sees the delivery date as the same as the pickup date.”

“So what do you want me to do? If it saves me money to do it in one day and not waste driving time with all my labor, then I am going to do it.” “Then you will run into this problem.” O.O What the hell!??? “Its not my problem. You pay me to do a job, and I do. Well- you would if I can get this damn bill paid. I keep the customer happy- you know… the military member that we are serving you little paper pusher. It keeps them out of hotels, put them back in their homes and makes them happy.” “But the system is not set up for that type of move.”

WTH do I care? Really? Does it look like I give a shit? I just want paid. Simple- I do the work, you pay me. Were do you get lost on this fact? I do work- you pay me. The problem is that you can’t pay me because you damn program is fucking up. Admit the problem and fix it. And I swear I have had this fight before.


They are to do some kind of computer magic and override it, after the higher up checks the bills for fraud. Oh that pissed me off. I mean… Screw you asshole. Check it all you like, call the member and ask them. Look like the incompetent ass that you are.

I swear if the military members household moves was handle like this- shit would be raised. But what can we do? We can write a complaint up and it will be answer in a timely matter. In other words- Jack Shit Nothing.

Fucking asses.

Now I am going to get a drink, curl up in bed with the old laptop that will open the damn mail and files, and read the report on updates to Powertrak. And you know just how full of bullshit those will be.

*pushes box toward the corner with her foot*



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