ZuberiUrbi wrote:
well sounds good to me...my views on vampyres:
our bodies are not immortal, nor are we able to change our species into another. We are human whos sould are immortal. We feed off the essence of others to maintain our own existance, and because we need to consume, we have grown to enjoy our feedings like one would enjoy a steak. we can sence our own, sence feelings of others, and have the abilities to look into peoples souls..to know their desiers and fears.
yet even though we are attrated to people and thus them to us, we are never really part of anyone or any group. we may gather together to help and teach and befriend, yet we still remain alone in our souls because we are so different.
some are more advanced in their abilities, have gained more knowledge then other..yet we are still human in most aspects.
Let me state this. by no means am I pushing my views on anyone.
My intentions are to just give other prospectives on the origin of Vampyres.
In the beginning...
God began to create Heaven and Earth...
The Earth was first unformed and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep,
and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters..
God said “let there be light”...
And there was light; and God saw that it was good..
God divided light , from the darkness;
calling the light day and the dark night.
This was the first day.
God said “ Let there be an expanse in the midst of the water that it may divide the waters from the waters”...
And it was so. God called the expanse Sky. And this was the second day.
God said “ Let the waters be gathered in one place, so that dry land may appear”
And it was so. God called the dry land Earth; The gathered waters Seas.
And God saw that it was good.
God created behemoths called Chalkydri to be the guardians of the new born world,
and these were Dragons, and they lived through God’s glory and kept watch over the Earth...
and God said “ Let the earth bring forth Vegetation;
Seed-bearing Plants, and Fruit Trees of every kind... and God saw that it was good and this was the third day...
On the forth day God said “ Let the seas bring forth swarms of living creatures;
and Birds that fly above the Earth across the expanse of the Sky..
God created the giant Sea monsters , and other creatures, and the winged Birds of every kind..
And God saw that it was good and blessed them all and bade them be fertile and increase upon the earth...
On the fifth day God said “ Let the Earth bring forth every kind of living creature;
Cattle , wild beasts of every kind , and Creeping things” and it was so. And God saw that it was good...and God said “Let us raise up beings who will have dominion over the lower forms”
and it was so..
But this was not good , for these called Grigori had no souls and would not worship God.
And God was displeased, and these fell from his favor...So God created again and God made the human in his image, in the image of God were they created; Male and female.
God blessed them and bade them be fertile and increase; to fill the Earth and master it and God gave them reign over all lower creatures that creep upon the Earth.
Another creature there was , who was seeded with pride. She was Lillith.
She had been created to mate with Adam, the first human but was not of the same flesh, thus she felt she was his equal and would not bow down to Adam.
And as with Lillith , God seemingly forgot the Grigori, and they fell under the sway of the dark fallen one, and he began to scheme with them how to reclaim creation...
Before Earth was, God created Angels to help minister to God’s creation.
Mighty were these in strength and grace, and near to God were they in power.
The Angels served God in joy and glory.
All the Angels served God save one called Lucifer,
whose name meant “Light of God” and God loved him, but Lucifer was jealous of God.
And Jealous of God’s creation of all the worlds God had made , full of Creatures who loved and worshiped God..Lucifer desired all this for himself, and sought to wrest it from God’s grasp..
Lucifer sowed seeds of discontent among his fellow Angel’s and with his God given light won many to his side..
And so began a war that shook Heaven itself..and God saw what Lucifer had wrought and was sore displeased..God stoped the war and banished Lucifer and his minions from Heaven..Forever out of the light of God..Despite his desire and black conceit, Lucifer had not the power to contest against God. And was cast out of Gods light and into eternal darkness...
Though he failed in heaven , Lucifer came to Earth with his seed’s of envy..
These seeds bore fruit among the soul-less ones, thus the first of the devourers of flesh and blood were born into the world God created.
Our strength and our weakness is life. We depend upon the vital force, for lacking enough of it ourselves, we are forced to glean it from others.
In this we are self-serving and self-preserving, though good and evil cannot be applied to our state. We know what we need, and we know we must take it, sometimes to the detriment of others. This is an unavoidable fact of reality.
We are predators at heart, even though we are physically indistinguishable from our prey. The spirit within us sets us apart. Our perceptions, our passions, and our powers make us strangers among ordinary men. Even if we refuse to act upon our more destructive impulses, we keenly feel the difference between us and those who do not share what we are. No matter how hard we try to blend in, we can never truly belong.
This is a blessing and a curse. The lives we live are fuller and more dynamic than anything most others might imagine. The levels of reality we are privy to make the world a profound and wondrous place. Yet there are few who can share our insights. Thus, we tend to be solitary, feeding alone, rarely interacting with those who would not and could not understand. Our utter separateness drives us to seek out companionship among our own kind for it is here only that we find true acceptance and understanding.
We may find friends and allies among the Awakened, but they can never truly understand what we are and what that means within the context of so many different lives. There are some experiences they can neither accept nor share, and thus there is always something lacking when in their company.
Thus we should always treasure those who are of our nature. They are our companions throughout the many, many long years. Time and again, we will find one another, for the bonds between us are never broken or worn thin.
We can love and hate one another with great passion, yet we are forever loyal to our own.