Dark Father
That's all I wanted, something special,
Something sacred in your eyes,
For just one moment, to be bold and naked
At your side
Sometimes I think that you'll never understand me
Maybe this time is forever, say it can be
That's all you wanted, something special,
Someone sacred in your life
Just for one moment, to be warm and naked
At my side
Sometimes I think that you'll never understand me
But something tells me together, we'd be happy
I am your Dark Father (Oh baby)
Put your tiny hand in mine (I'd love to)
I will be your preacher teacher (Be your daddy)
Anything you have in mind (It would make me)
I am your Dark Father (Very happy)
I have had enough of crime (Please let me)
I will be the one who loves you
till the end of time
That's all I wanted
But sometimes love can be mistaken for a crime
That's all I wanted just to see my baby's EYES shine
This time I think that my lover understands me
If we have faith in each other
Then we can be
I am your Dark Father
Put your tiny hand in mine
I will be your preacher teacher
Anything you have in mind
I am your Dark Father
I have had enough of crime
I will be the one who loves you
till the end of time
If you are the desert, I'll be the sea
If you ever hunger - hunger for me
Whatever you ask for, that's what I'll be
So when you remember the ones who have lied
Who said that they cared
But then laughed as you cried
Beautiful darling, don't think of me
Because all I ever wanted
It's in your eyes baby, baby
And love can't lie, no...
(Greet me with the eyes of a child)
My love is always telling me so
(Heaven is a kiss and a smile)
Just hold on, hold on
I won't let you go, my baby
I am your Dark Father
Put your tiny hand in mine
I will be your preacher teacher
Anything you have in mind
I am your Dark Father
I have had enough of crime
So I am gonna love you
till the end of time
I am your Dark Father
I will be your preacher
I'll be your daddy
I will be the one who loves you
till the end of time
.by Cindy Diamantis Spore on Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 12:37am.I have a remarkable friend, who I esteem as my brother; I admire his honesty, his courage, and sacrifice. He has given up a conventional lifestyle, in order to devote his time, to something greater then self. He is dedicated to what he believes in and is passionate about. I find this person, perhaps to be, one of the most fascinating of a person that I have been acquainted with, in a long long time. He is so pure and his heart is filled with such passion, such a refreshing fire that burns white hot. To live your life, wide open like that, because you believe in something, and stand for something, much greater, then us all, that is truly "Remarkable". Some will never know, some will never understand, and some will never wake up. A lot of people are impervious to anything, past the realm of materialism. Most are too busy living life, running around like hamsters, on the spinning wheel, the mindless and the mundane. What is mentionable, in this life that we live? Is it most important to acquire wealth? Some think that money equates happiness, but what I have seen, is with much, comes many headaches, and no guarantee of any such thing. I have met some, with extraordinary intellect, however not an impressive earning potential, makes for interesting conversation. Then I have met some brain lame bullshit con-artists, with great fortune and wealth that are complete imbeciles. Who are more lost in life, then a wandering vagabond, a fool, with no real purpose, or a home? It seems that anyone now-a-days can make a quick buck. Money is nothing more than a currency, trading one thing wanted for another thing valued. Greed is a deadly sin, and it can cause a person to act dishonorably, with illusions of more happiness with greater acquisition of wealth. Take heed, and pay attention to nature, and the survival of the fittest, in the wild. Notice how the strongest predators, they only hunt and feed, when they are hungry. Lions eat when they need to, they do not hoard, they provide for their own. The life is in the blood. With nature, everything is simple, and in balance. Men, who want to put a thing that is wild into captivity, will cripple and weaken such an animal. Men who try and control others with their money, those bribes can poison and kill a person. There is nothing more beautiful than a strong and mighty hunter, to be in one's true form, to roam, born free, and to come and go, as one pleases. To be true to yourself, to live a life of purpose, to do something that you believe in, now that is something mentionable. To be dedicated to a cause, or a brotherhood, a yearning, that lives deep within one's soul, to be on fire with a passion, that is something worthy. Making this world a better place, for our next generation, for our own kin, making a positive difference, now that is something mentionable and something remarkable. (Dedicated to my brother the warrior)
Ave my brothers and sisters and fellow members of the V.C.
This is my View and the view of many members of my house.
We feel that is is much needed for the over all community to have in place a strict code of conduct with consquences if broken.
Why do we feel this way? Well we have seen MANY who think they are qualified to speak on behalf of the community to the media and it always has a bad impact.
Then we have members of the community whom know nothing and open households and run amuck.
Thus making us look bad again. we have way too many members who say and do what ever they feel because no one is there to stop them and teach them the right way.
The community has lost it's honor as well as it's substance due to the lack of order.
We know for a fact that a J.C. works because it works here in Septem Civis ( VA ) and it has for a few years now. Do not think we do not have problems because we do, like any other system nothing is perfect...We work together to make sure things go well within our part of the community.
Both Ronin as well as members of groups. The way we work is this: what happens in a house stays in a house unless it can bring harm to the over all community, if Ronin have problems they can come to us for mediation. We bust ass to keep our community safe from those that would cause us harm. Like it or not if you come here you will obey the laws put into place by the community here.
If you take time to read them you will find that they both are common sense as well as go along side with mundane law.
Things that can and will get you exiled are as followed.
1. Sexual misconduct with any one in any form!
2. Harming another member of the community!
3. If it is not legal to the mundane it is not legal to the community here.
4. Speaking to the media.
Now we do contact those whon we know when one is exiled to inform them.
We feel if it works here we know it will work else where if we as a community work together.
Yours in Blood and Shadow Ryu Noctem Aeternus.
a prick by a fucking cyber vamp.
I was asked to be an admin on a sang site I didnt want to because I hate the OVC to many big mouth people who lack the balls to back up their words, but the brother asked me to help so my dumb ass said I will do as he asked but I told him I am a dick when it comes to laws. YUP I AM A FUCKING IF YOU BREAK THE TOS I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK WHO YOU ARE! NO ONE IS ABOVE THE TOS....LAWS AND CODES OF CONDUCT! so yeah any ways I am done lol