(for Joli)
Ohhh.. in preparation for the visit, did you protest to TSA - "PASSPORT? I DON'T NEED NO STINKING PASSPORT! I AM CORNHOLIO!!!!"
WHA? A cliffhanger? You're a mean one, Mr. Thoth.
I did that just to torture you, Joli.
I'm a cruel, cruel man.
It is great you found Kenny and you are going to see him after all this time
Admit it: you didn't fly to Florida for a surprise visit with an old friend, you did it so you could play on the beach and the friend was just an excuse. That's cold, man.
Your post took me back to the high school years (particularly 95, 96, & 97). Those were good times. My best friend from high school called the other night and was all reminisc-y and stuff: "Remember so and so?", "Oh, I'm gonna look at my yearbook; I think so and so signed it!", etc.
I hope the trip went well and that you had fun. :)
What the hell is with the cliff hanger!!!
Wow, you really took me back to my own teen years lol.
I too have been looking for one of my own long time 'pals' who just sort of vanished a few years ago. We tried and tried to keep in touch...but lost contact. With the help of my sister, we found her THIS evening and I find myself speechless. I have my own to be continued lol.
Soooo...I Hope that you all have fun! I hope that you all have T.P. for your bunghole! Lmao :P
I can't wait to hear how this turned out. I am so fed up with the jerks coming out of the woodwork on FB, that this will truly be a welcome interlude.
But please kick some of the Florida sand for me outta spite- You know how I HATE Florida...lol
So you didn't kill kenny then Thoth.
Did you?
I'm too cynical to be pranked by anyone on April Fool's Day. I'm suspicious of everyone and everything. Hell, I'm suspicious on a normal day. But on April 1st, I have it turned up to 11.
spidey sense: ENABLED.
Now I want to listen to Def Leppard.
Yeah - I'm the same way!
Or do people actually try to prank you?
Ugh, I freaking hate april fools day...
with a burning passion.
lol@ spidey sense enabled.
Dam you *shakes fist* I would get you if you lived near me.
19:27 Apr 27 2011
20:21 Apr 27 2011
~giggles~ girly bits
20:58 Apr 27 2011
Haha... I like yours better. :)
21:06 Apr 27 2011
Hope you don't think we will be satisfied with just one short tale huh?
Brilliant! :D
21:56 Apr 27 2011
I agree. Greg is my new hero. He is wise and should weigh in on all things of marginal importance.
17:11 Apr 28 2011
Yep, for an armored rat, he's pretty astute.
18:15 Apr 28 2011
19:23 Apr 28 2011
♥ I totally love this. ♥
I am inspired to now write one for Joli, too.
00:08 Apr 29 2011
Again. There are NO words. I assume it would take an armadillo to voice an accurate account of the rank stupidity of some hoomans....
12:10 May 04 2011
Could have put up a bigger picture....just saying ^^
04:23 May 06 2011
I know, right?
I'll see if I can find a hi-res 1200x800 version.