(yes, it pains me to use the word 'random' - more than you know)
A recent Facebook meme is the "Random Album Cover", or it was a few weeks ago. According to my friends with FB accounts.
The instructions for participating in this meme are simple:
1. Visit Wikipedia. Click random from the left nav [here]. The first article you see is the name of your band.
2. Visit Random Quotations [here]. Scroll down the page to find the last quote. The last four or five words of that quote is your album’s title.
3. Go to Flickr. Choose the option for explore the last seven days [here]. Pick an image from the available options and download it to your computer.
4. Combine the band name, the title, and album cover into 1 image.
5. Upload your creation.
This is My Random Album Cover.
it's so true...
I wonder if a VR therapy group would help :P
hehehe you make a cute couple though!
*cough* ummmm I resemble that...
Hahahahha... I am an Addict, I will admit it..
but being addicted to VR never felt so goood xD
You crack me up!
I don't think quiting CAN be a possiblity hahaha
Now I'm pondering starting VRholics anonymous.
Me first!!! *stands up*
Hi, my name is Pixie, and I'm a VRoholic...
Anonymous crowd : "Hi Pixie"
It...it started out as jus an occasional social habit, but as the years went by... *sniffles*... I couldn't find myself able to stop! I'm so ashamed.....wait....no I'm not; I love this shit!!!!!
*thunderous applause*
I look around this room... and I see a lot of pain.
/Tyler Durder
I am not an addict, I can quit anytime.. Like when I cannot get online for example..
Vampire Rave it sucks you in and never lets you go. unlike that poor for and excuses site facebook.
LMAO...that's great!
Ummm I guess it's better than having a crack habit -on having a Rave addiction
I,m gonna be honest here, why would you ever want to guit ? it's so fun and we get to mean Great and not so great people, make friends from all over the world , now really people be Honest , we might leave for a time but we,ll never Quite!
That is so funny.
I'm gonna take my angst and go home now :(
Boy is that true.......
That's it. I am officially banning the word "random" from my lexicon. Very few human activities are truly random. The term is over-used and needs to be retired like the Beanie Baby that it is.
If one more person says "I am so random!", I am going to kick them in the head.
*points at monitor*
You been warned.
"I am so random!", I am going to kick them in the head.
Well.. at least you wouldn't just be kicking people... at... random...
I randomly came across this journal entry, and thought...'Wow! This guy is so cool and random and stuff...'!
Thank you!! I have been thinking of this for a while.
Planned randomness isn't exactly random, is it? But only an illusion (and not a very good one) of randomness.
In the box I once saw some say "Pie. Meow Mix. Kittens. Beans. LOL! I'm so random!" True story. Just like that--or close anyway.
It's something. But I don't think random is the right word. You know, you should decide the word we shall henceforth use in place of random. Mh-hm.
this seriously made me laugh
you guys rock
thoth, if you do indeed make such a stamp please please please stamp my profile with it
it would make my day ;]
Thank you... I've seen years of that sort of bullshit, and their idea of random is..
*Licks you and sits in the corner, staring at everyone*
*randomly touches you on the nose*
I don't think I am random, more of the type to do or say things that are not within a certain subject, and never within a certian time frame....
like I will spontaniously pop out and scare someone for no reason at work or just to decide book it from one place to another... I even spontaniously make faces during a serious conversation to see what type of reaction I can get out of someone and to make them burst out in laughter and loose their train of thought :) but am I random? Nah, I don't think so?
Whenever you read that word... just read SHORTBUS instead. I'm sure it will replace it just fine.
You know PD, the windows on the shortbus taste a lot like strawberries....*snickers*
AWH, shit....now I want a beanie baby...thanks thoth, really! dammmit...LOL
testing.... testing....
ThothLestat has kicked you in the head.
That is so non sequitor!
True. If by random they mean, I just happened to be as shallow, and cliché as everyone else that has professed randomness; then yes they are random. I would call that.. Predictable though.
you should soooo use that on VR xD
like a rating stamp haha
all I have to say is............HAHAHAHAHA! Very well said friend:)
The word should be spelled like this:
Run, Dom!
or even better:
Rum Dome
What the eff? Some kid just went zooming by my office on a Razor scooter. Inside the building. Down a hallway.
Please stop bringing your children to the office.
(and why the eff did he bring his scooter??)
Damn this economy. Damn it.
*shakes head*
At least they wern't streaking LOL
Time to string a fishing line across the hallway.
*rubs hands evilly together*
*grabs a broomstick*
Time to play JOUST.
-shifty eyes-
Hey, when the kids start calling you "Daddy" and following you around the office.. you should be worried...
til then, a trip wire works wonders for the scooter problem ;)
*inspects broomstick, sharpens and returns it*
Where is the guy with the hot cup of coffee, you know the one that never expects a kid zooming down the halls on a razor scooter.. If I had a time machine I would arrange that..
well, apparently, the kid's mother went back in HER time machine and sabotaged your efforts. Please try again.
You know who has a key to the "Executive Washroom" when...
I used to have the daughter of one of the Creative Directors follow me around all day and insist on handing out under my desk... in my office... and she was at the age where there was no shame with flatulence.
I would like to assign myself as Lord High Chancellor of Natal Affairs. Someone has got to start weeding out the assholes and asshole-to-be's.
I second that Nomination Crying Duchess, they outa' have a test at least, no pass , too bad no brat permit. I have no problem with kids, just the ones that people didn't want, or plan for.
When I went to the cashier to pay for breakfast, I noticed that the young woman at the Waffle House had glitter on her face ands hands. Part of me wanted to say "Glitter! That is so HAWT!"
but another part of me wondered how much glitter I had just consumed in my bacon & egg sandwich.
Wait till you crap!!
So, people do still like glitter? Oh good. I'm okay then.
And that's true. She shouldn't be wearing something like that when handling food. Gives a new meaning to "I'm so happy I could crap sparkles" though.
Just check your stool later. If it looks like there are coins in it and you haven't been ingesting dimes -- you'll have your answer. Do post a picture for all of us voyeurs, yeah?
"Things to Ponder at the Waffle House, #32."
Hmm you might want to cheek your teeth too. Glitter smile.... bet you can bring it into style. :)
What color was the glitter? If it was gold, it would at least, going with what others are saying, bring a new meaning to 'sh*tting' a gold brick. (wicked grin)
I,m sorry but the last time I looked glitter was for little girls and teenagers. and I don,t think Waffle House allows you to wear that while working ,she could lose her job.
lol oh i love my glitter it makes me all sparklie and such hehehehehe so does my man after he gets done rolling around we me!
A Raver no doubt. She was probly comeing down from extcasy.. Or she could have been a Twilight vampress.
First of all *points* Eeeeeeew you eat at awful waffle! hahaha
And secondly that makes me think that she's a horrible stripper which explains her second job at awful waffle.
o.0 Everyone is pondering your sparkly poo.
Is it going to be like that time I was a kid and my dog at my box of crayons?
well, to be honest, I think she was just working the register. I don't think she was handling anyone's food. I got a little glitter on my change, but that's it.
I thought it was funny, even for Waffle House standards.
oh, and her fingernails were painted bright purple -- I'm thinking stripper isn't too far off. Probably not a vampress. I should have asked for a lap dance, smothered & covered, of course.
"What if" she was seduced by fairies?
*also points* ThothLestat has Waffle House stripper fantasies!!!
I do!
I like 'em a little on the trashy side.
(I never said I was classy)
Well hon, better the glitter than the USDA's 'allowable rat hairs'...
It's all coming together...
...strip clubs and the waffle house...
...add it to the list of "Don't get a lap dance from the stripper wearing glitter..."
22:55 Apr 28 2009
That's random.
13:16 Apr 30 2009
Oh, if only I could muster enough gusto to do this again (I am one of the sheep with a FB account). If I ever work out how to do it, I'll re-post it for you....