I do not like it when people are untrustworthy and an overall disappointment. It is hard for people to disappoint me, because I have little to no expectation that people are inherently good, yet I still find that, from time-to-time, I am wholly and completely disappointed by a certain individual who crosses my path.
I loathe insomnia. It is one of those things that just pops back into your life as if it never left.
Most of the Christmas decorating is done. My house looks gorgeous. Decided to go with traditional colors this year for the most part. I finished at about 6 AM this morning. Of course, Kopi, my cat child, slept under the tree like a real human child when I finally did go to bed. He is lost to the magic and wonderment of Christmas. I have to say that I find it adorable that he loves the decorations. He leaves them alone.... mostly... losing his toes to cancer keeps him from climbing the tree and the ornaments on the bottom that are Kopi level are wired on well and non-shatterable to keep him as safe as possible. Now I can start baking tomorrow. :-)
22:00 Dec 30 2014
Sharp words. :(
People suck.
05:40 Jan 03 2015
They do suck. But not you my friend; you are one of the rare gems in my life.