I am so in love with Judy, I would even leave Mrsban for her though perhaps that would be to do with all the money Judy has because she certainly isn't a looker, and she is a lot older...What the hell she is a millionaire!
I like her wit and bluntness and she really makes me laugh because most of the dum ass people who appear on her show even if it it mostly faked, get what they deserve.
I mean come on, they are appearing on TV in front of a ex Judge who is known to be an hard ass! Your on television people, of course you are going to be exploited!
Five things I found out about the show....
1.It is in the TOP 10 of Syndicated Shows on TV. It is a big money maker.
2.It is NOT a small claims court, it is a TV show, and Judge Judy puts on a good act and show.
3.When one of the parties wins a judgment, the producers pay that amount of money to the other party. Both parties are paid $500 each as an appearance fee to be on the show.
4.Judge Judy Sheindlin is not licensed to practice law in California. She is a retired Family Court Judge from New York.
5.The $5,000 limit on claims they use on the show comes from many real small claims courts, but as a limit it does not apply to arbitrations unless it is written into the agreement.
JUDGE JUDY YOU ROCK and I love you!!
So it's ok to bomb Libya while nothing is being done about Saudia or Bahrain where innocent civilians are also being butchered by the governments there.....Hmmm double standards.
So we are in a depression and the government has no money and yet it can afford to spends millions on the new war...oops that should be peace keeping in Libya.
No ground forces they said and yet the SBS and SAS are already on libyan soil.
EZIO why am I not able to send a message to you or to rate your profile...it just logs me out when I attempt to do it?
On every other profile it works just fine, just not on yours.
Woah. I tryed that just now and the same thing happened. O_o
Sorry about that. I have been writing an app for my profile and it didn't like the code. I have removed it and it should be fine now.
HA! Looks like he found a way to not get his profile rated. Now all he needs to do is change his name, rate himself a 10, then sit pretty at the top. Sound shady? Eh. I'm a shady lady. ;)
wouldn't it be great to write a code that comes up with a box that says 'I know where you live' when they rate you a 1
I think it was to do with a song he had on his profile...
You can write apps for this website?
I am attempting to send a message, but every time I attempt it just logs me out!! Dam it was working just a minute ago!
Think the message system is down!
Frankie is the one that is interfering with your internet
I'm being logged out tonight for every little thing I do,It's so annoying .Feel like slamming my cricket on the wall.lol But then no web access.lol It's only doing It on vr although.
Dam phone didn't work at all last night. Every time I logged into the Rave it logged me straight back out..at least my old cheap phone let me log in to get time spent!! Even though I down loaded another server for the phone it still doesn't work like the old one! Oh well Baaah!
Well blow me! If it isn't one thing it is another...After spunking £40 on my car to have an oil leak on the sender unit fixed the bloody oil filter decides to split and give up the ghost 2 weeks later. So now I have to clean my block paver's on the drive again AGAIN!!
Graaa shakes fist at the garage and car...whilst doing a John Cleeves with a rather large branch!
c'est la vie. Innit :P
Lol I hate ....really I do, my car at the moment. It's like it did it on purpose!
My mom always says that bad things happen in three's. Sorry. :(
In 3.... hmmm more lke 33
Bloody grumble...spit...cough...hack..
Still there is a good side to this Mrsban has stopped me parking on the drive. "How is that a good thing" I here you ask. Well it means slightly more exercise for me ^^
I take the train and/or a bus to get where I need to go...and deal with the wierdos...
I park on the street so it doesn't matter what deposits I leave behind and I know it's bolting the stable etc but a piece of cardboard under the car where you park may do it ... :-P
You know it's one of those strange times, where I find myself thinking of a conversation I had here on the rave not to long ago.
We were talking about getting low rates on profiles and what I normally* do when I get a low rate or a 1.
So I had to smile when I look at my port and notice I have a 1.....I know I know. I am NOT (lol) bitching about getting the low rate. What I am in the process of doing is responding to the person with kindness...well that's what I keep saying to myself lol!
With wisdom and hindsight I shouldn't of but....... I messaged the person to say
“Thank you for you 1”
Fair play though, they did respond with
“Your welcome”
Then they rated my profile a 1 lol and yeah it sort of made me twitch and laugh.
My response!
I'd like your honesty *chuckles* So what is it about the profile and the port that deems a1?
Oh by the way, you wouldn't mind if I add you as this will help with your stats and you'll rise up the levels faster.
I am waiting to hear back..it will be interesting to see if I get an answer.
*It depends on the persons response if I will give a 10 again or if I put my finger on the 1 button!!Though I must say that I do not generally converse with such types of people and most still get a 10.
I'd like your honesty *Chuckles* So what is it about the profile and port that deems a 1?
Oh by the way, you wouldn't mind if I add you as this will help with your stats and you'll rise up the levels faster.
You just want to kill them with kindness!
It is funny how a number can cause mixed emotions..
Ha, I love that story. :P
Me I always rate a 10.Because It's that person stuff.I'll take whatever someone give me and not complained although.But although I do loved the mail you get every so often when someone sees something that they don't like on your page and decide to go off on you.I just replied to them If you don't like my profile then say off of It.But don't think for an Instance that you gonna mail me and go off on me for what I believed In.I've had too many friends and family died In wars to give my freedom to not used that freedom.
I'm very curious as to what the person responded eventually..
If they didn't, that just proves you came on top lol
Good for you! :)
Mrsban is annoyed because the Rave is getting more attention than her again...I told her there's not a lot different from her and the Rave really.
I get drama and humour from both and they both have the same nudity policy!
Dam it!
O.o Mrs ban has a nudity policy?
but you are married damn it!
Maybe i should stay single... forever
if this is what marriage does to you ~giggles~
Poor, poor Theban.
lol ... careful or she'll have you grounded!
I know, I know there was even a mention of a suspension!
I haven't seen you around much lately, and am glad to see ya' back!
Lol If I'm talking to a girl that I'm with she'll be getting my attention first.After all I wanna make her happy,and beside most of the time they only last 3 hrs and then they are sleeping like a baby.eg I've that effect on girls,I tired them out really fast.
Haha and after she reads this it will be more drama, less humour and no nudity for you at all xD
10:43 Mar 30 2011
Oh you have just ruined it for me now
it's not real *cries* lmao!
thought you were talking about
Judy as in Richard and Judy at first
until i came to read in full O.o
10:53 Mar 30 2011
Now there is one Judy who scares the hell out of me!
11:30 Mar 30 2011
hah. ~.^
08:44 Mar 31 2011
I never watch the show, but TV and courtrooms are all one big stage, so I can imagine the appeal.