Theban's Journal

Theban's Journal


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11 entries this month

Profile Look

09:23 Jan 31 2009
Times Read: 774

I have been chatting to some great people here and have enjoyed the converstions. They are all interesting people and I would like to say many thanks to LadyChordewa who has revamped my profile for me.

Quite out from the blue the offer came as she had rated my profile an eight*smiles* after we had been speaking. Top marks and a top quote on her profile.




Joys Of Being A Parent

20:35 Jan 30 2009
Times Read: 781

What a week, it's been a strange one. Applied for a couple of jobs one of which was working for job centre plus. The other one was a driving job. I found out during both informal group interviews that at least a few thousand people had applied.

I have attempted to get on the internet as much as possible this week, unfortunately it's been minimal. because of family commitments. Which has been a blessing, partly because it's given me time to fill in application forms and also because I have been able to spend time with my son.

He had his tonsils and adenoids out on Monday morning and I was able to pick him up from the hospital on Tuesday morning. So at the time, it was fingers crossed for him to recover as quickly as his body would allow....

He hasn't been able to sleep much and been waking in the early hours of the morning and I have given him his medicine when it's needed. He got a temperature and I had to drive him to the doctors today because he had an infection, nothing serious and quite standard according to the doc! He prescribed him some antibiotics and away we went.....

We got home and is Sister not long afterwards was dropped of from School. Time to relax...so I thought!

The little blighter is buzzing like Bee! He doesn't feel tired and doesn't took tired....and wont go to sleep! Looks like I'm in for an early night tonight unless I get lucky and he finally drifts off. Still at least he is better and is almost back to his old self. So I've snuck away for a few minutes to. Grrrr... rate...if I can get away with it.





00:07 Jan 28 2009
Times Read: 810




22:09 Jan 27 2009
Times Read: 828

It appears that I have been blocked for the first time...I think, since I've been here on the Rave...by a person who talks of freedom of speech!! Bah

For you ADOLFI488

“Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”



05:47 Jan 28 2009

Macbeth. A favorite.

09:13 Jan 29 2009

Yes and mine



12:27 Jan 27 2009
Times Read: 854

I was watching the profiles as I do when I'm resting from rates and I saw this!

It was a odd looking profile lol

This was my rating and comment to ADOLFI488

Boring.....As stated below has been done before! You obviously have no concept of evolution and the migration of the great tribes!! Don't tell me you still think we came from Adam and Eve..Bah!

Rate :1

This was his comment:

Fucking n@@@@@ lover

Rate: 1

So I couldn't help but send a message:

Lol soooo funny, you must be a child right*smiles*!

His response:

have a problem? whine to someone who cares n@@@@@.



Lol this child is soooo funny and so boring!

So I sent him another message:

Actually I'm Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and English. You obviously are unable to send me a message...*he was doing it through my profile..clever idea really* So why don't you set another profile up and you will get another ten messages!

I'm a professional therapist if you need help with your issues let me know and I will help you.





00:06 Jan 26 2009
Times Read: 866

So it's quite strange really,...blimey is that the time!!

Have to take my son to the hospital for 0730hrs. He is having his ananoids out and I had better go to sleep..later and night journal



00:14 Jan 26 2009

Aaaww...good luck, guys!

08:58 Jan 26 2009

I hope all goes well for your boy.

18:41 Jan 26 2009

All went well, he is out on tuesday morning thanks guys.



18:26 Jan 25 2009
Times Read: 875

From a mans point of view...Names are deleted for security reasons!!!!

I am so fucking fed up at this, it's starting to make me go the same way as other men here on the Rave! Do I need to put a wanking disclaimer on any thing that I fucking say!

Now I'm sober...It makes me want to vomit with pissed rage!

What makes you think you are so special?....ok so I left a comment in your journal...I had not looked at your profile I didn't know your age and quite frankly if your old enough to be here then your old enough to converse.

Just because you are young does that mean that all old men who converse with you are pervs or worse....

At any time did I leave suggestive remarks about you? No I fucking didn't!

What makes you so special is that you have feelings, you are scared at being the target of the monsters who seem to troll here....remembering that in fact my dear, most are young and not old!

Perhaps I should put on my profile anyone under 30 I do not want to converse with!


How old are you?

I only ask because if you're past a certain age I'm not comfortable with your comments, well-meaning as they may be.

Your profile doesn't say, only "old," which is no comfort.

Sorry to sound so rude



18:33 Jan 25 2009

seriously if they can talk one way in their journal,they should expect comments sometimes,i actually think kids are worse than us adults

20:59 Jan 25 2009

There is more to the conversation which I saved just in case....

I do feel sorry for these girls/women that they have to put up with dweebs who harass them...

I want to have intelligent, intellectual, conversations with people of all sexes and ages...I see now that I'm unable to do this, which is a real shame.

05:52 Jan 28 2009

The pisser is that we only have our own gender to blame. It is unfortunate to realize that so many before us and beside us have very nearly obliterated the innocence of this life. It saddens me.

04:36 Feb 05 2009

kids usually are worse than adults because they are trying to behave in a manner they classify as "adult" meaning sexy/sexual. unfortunately most kids are learning how to be adult from movies which never show the consequences for those sexual actions. Go ahead, give the gift that keeps on giving kids, a kiss is for the moment, herpes is forever.



11:28 Jan 21 2009
Times Read: 888

Amusing because I'm going to cut my hair with the clippers...If anyone has ever tried to do this on their own beware the tuft!

I have gone out and had a coconut head because of this tuft...it makes itself invisible to the mirror and can only be seen by another, normally.

Do I shave it or try and trim....





20:15 Jan 04 2009
Times Read: 915

So as I sit back and click read and rate from one profile to another I feel I'm missing something. I have stopped the lager and stopped pigging out on crud....fruit is nice to nibble on when rating.

Yet another premium member with nothing of worth on their profile...and another...It's getting to the stage that I'm now rating them an eight or a nine. I wonder why?

I was asked about how much interaction I have with other people here on the site and to be truthful I don't interact with other members on this site because.....I....don't know why really. I should know most of them here by now because of my time I've spent here.

Maybe when my stats go up more I will interact more.

Only another thousand to rate and then it's the females and the portfolios.....ect

This is the really interesting, how the hell do people do this in six months...you would have to be here 24/7...sorry I've come across a few profiles where these guys were a Sire in six or seven months...ummm.

I feel so tired in reading 'Fuck with her and you'll fucking get it from me' or 'Fuck with me and I'll send in my protectors....' Oh yes the most used one has to be 'If you don't like me then Fuck off'

What's this juggolo and juggelete bollocks as well. Is this the new fashion to come across the pond that kids will dress like clowns?....I just don't get it!

I don't have any protectors because I don't feel the need for them, or to bully people because of a bad rate, but is this part of the game to have protection? Protection from what exactly, surely not just bad rates? It seems to be a fact that these people here really worry about it. One profile I came across had about fifteen protectors all proudly put in a nice neat scroll box!

Back to rates again......Later journal



21:39 Jan 27 2009

I never knew what to do with the protection stamps. I thought it was just something that people do.

I always wonder, will they really protect me?

I mean, I can "virtually" protect myself.

What am I going to do, kick someone's virtual ass?

It sounds ludicrous doesn't it?

Then there are the quiz masters that have quizzes for days...

I tried to make my profile my own space in the cyber world.

For whatever that means.

00:18 Jan 28 2009

In a odd way maybe they do protect...they are after all a form of written magic!

I still feel this is odd though lol


Give up to sleeeeeeeeeeeep

04:22 Jan 04 2009
Times Read: 920

It's 0415in the morning and as I type I have to keep changing the time*smiles* I just can't bloody sleep.

Had to take the old man to the bus station for 0215hrs

wow was it bloody cold! I got back after almost crashing the car with the old man in it, going around a roundabout coming off the motorway. Luckily I was only driving at 40mph where as normally I would have been doing about 55mph.

Bloody ice lol, was great fun after dropping him off. Should of gone home but I was like a kid again in his first car...you know the first time you drive in ice or snow and you just boot it....see where she (the car) takes you.

Anyway here I am on the Rave when I should be sleeping, which brings me back to the fact that I can't sleep!




As the minutes pass me by

13:37 Jan 02 2009
Times Read: 928

So I waited and waited for what seemed like an age.....whispers swirled not forming into something audible.

I looked down at my phone and at the number I had already dialed. 'Thirty bloody minutes' I said out loud. How long does it take to pick up the phone and ring a number?

I pressed down on the numbers again hoping to get some form of response worth my while.....Hearing the dial tone over and over...they must be there....pick up!

No answer.....I sigh as I replace the phone and then it rings....Wow

Hello @@@@@@@@ speaking.....a small pause and a mans gruff voice 'It's john did you ring?I have a missed call on my phone'

'Yes' I reply, 'I rang early for the job advertised for sweeping the roads' Ok he states that Dona had tried to call me but was unable to get hold of me.....Oh what bullshit I want to say, give me some help I want to scream!

So I tell him to ring me on the number that he has called me on and she wont fail to contact me.

Lets remember here that I'm applying for a job to sweep the roads, it's a shit job but as I was made redundant on the 24th of December any job is better than none! I don't care what I do as long as I can pay the mortgage and feed my family.

Just trying an edit

Did she ring back? No she didn't the nasty woman.



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