More or less moved. Woo hoo!
Set at 15:28 on August 11, 2009
![Vampire Rave member for 16 years.](/images/year_badge_16.gif)
Quote: great minds think for themselves
If anyone has tips on how to fix this, please message me directly. Looks alright with classic skins, but the new skins add a measure of funkiness that I am trying to remedy. Please be patient.
I was directed here by a friend. I think I will like this place.
I make no apologies for any brevity on this page. I enjoy my privacy and let very few inside.
While often provocative and pleasing on their own, I choose no artwork to litter about my profile (OK, there's a few things around now, but there won't be much. I promise). For this, I like the simplicity of black and white. Out of nostalgia, I should like one day, to make this black and green, reminiscent of monochromatic monitors. This would please me. This is not to say that I do not love all the artwork I have found here. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Since there are many other pursuits in this life, I will only update this from time to time and so, the page will grow. Please come back from time to time to see what's new.
As you can see, I have mastered the skill of making text green. Wow, I am happy! I didn't even screw up the tables on either side...Woo Hoo!
Now, as you can also see, I've worked out the FONT. I know, I know...you're all looking at the text and thinking "Whoop-ti-do". Little steps. These are all little steps. One day, I will get this profile up to a level deserving of a seven or an eight...
"Son of a whore monkey shit fuck. Grr." - NightBlossom
"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein
"The difference between what the most and the least learned people know is inexpressibly trivial in relation to that which is unknown." - Albert Einstein
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." - Albert Einstein
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein
"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it." - Oscar Wilde
"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices." - William James
"The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground." - Buddha
Ongoing updates
Update: December 2008
So, I cheated a little and bought a premium membership. I've already had enough enjoyment from this site to more than justify a year's membership. In my mind, at least. So, I was able to tone down the profile and make everything grey. This pleased me too. The astute observer amongst you reading this will also notice that I have cleverly worked out how to align this to the center of the page. The weirdos amongst you who can remember every affiliation of every member they ever rate will also notice that I am now a PROUD member of the House of Nocturnal Retribution.
I think now, I will work on the journals a little more.
Update: December 2008
I've made a few changes to the Profile and to the Portfolio, mostly. I think of this space as an ongoing work.
Update: December 2008
I'm continuing to add some quotations that appeal to me, the first one is currently my favorite! I had a small issue with 'cut and paste' while doing this and all I can say is thank God for the premium members daily backups!!!
Update: December 2008 (it's been a busy month)
Finally figured out what was wrong in the style sheet and fixed it so that the background is now displayed. Woo Hoo!!!
Update: January 2009
Added another box for Protection Stamps. I only have one so far and was honoured to receive it, unsolicited.
Update: January 2009
Fixed a few links. All should work now. If anyone finds a broken link, please bring it to my attention by way of a message or comment. Thank-you.
I have found that many people have a brief explanation of their particular rationale for rating various things on VR. This only leads me to believe that how and why someone has rated something is important to at least some people. For myself, I don't really care why someone rated rated something the rating that they did. In fact, I think that I have a Journal entry on the topic and after a short read and a slight grasp of mathematics, you too will soon realize that it does not matter what anyone rates anything. Not unless we all, collectively as one, change to the same paradigm for ratings. An event, unlikely to occur.
In any case, below is a quick synopsis of how a choose to rate things. Database entries, followed by Profiles. Enjoy.
Database Entries
I find that rating the database takes up the bulk of my rating time. Here are a few simple rules that I tend to follow:
Assuming the rating starts at a ten,
1. If there is no price, one point lost.
2. If there are no other fields, another point lost.
3. No picture, another point lost.
4. No mention of vampire, or not related to vampires, in a description in the vampire database (there are many, go check), an automatic one, regardless of content.
5. For books in the vampire database, if there is something or someone on the cover that is "smoking hot", in my opinion, automatic ten, regardless of content.
6. Anything Buffy or Angel will receive a ten.
7. Any of these rules subject to change without notice, depending on my mood.
I find that rating Profiles is occasionally a bit trickier.
There is no assumption as to what the rating will start at for a Profile.
1. If you have put forth a little bit of effort and have said something about yourself, you get a ten.
2. If you have put forth tremendous effort and have said nothing about yourself, you'll still get a ten.
3. If you are less than level five or six or seven or whatever I feel like on any given day, and your profile is a work in progress with very little content and very little or nothing said about you, you will likely receive a five or so. Generally, I will not leave a comment.
4. Pertaining to Portfolios, if you have more than two pictures and at least one is of yourself, you get a ten. Anything else will likely receive a nine. Unless, of course, you are "smoking hot" in which case you'll likely get a ten regardless of content.
5. Members of The House of Nocturnal Retribution will receive a ten for everything always. Past, present and future members.
6. Any of these rules subject to change without notice, depending on my mood.
Again, thank-you for stopping in, I hope you will enjoy your stay.
Member Since: | Jul 14, 2008 |
Last Login: | Dec 17, 2009 |
Times Viewed: | 6,324 |
Times Rated: | 512 |
Rating: | 9.458 |
Rate this profile
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