Theban's Journal

Theban's Journal


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3 entries this month

Bring It On

15:46 Apr 26 2009
Times Read: 749

The headline was something that I had said out loud in the cellar while on my own...

Woodchester Mansion went well last night....I so want more of this place!!

The pros

A few people/women cried and got spooked which was quiet funny, I spooked the bloke next to me by my accidental knocking of his arm with my arm! No offence to the women but he screamed like a girl and grabbed my arm. I then had to quickly calm him, it was a little embarrassing for him! I asked him if he wanted to hold my hand. His friend said 'we just don't want you to move' For at least twenty or so seconds I wanted to rip his mates face off, then lucky for the both of us I was able to quickly shrug the feeling of hate and aggression off. The connection being a spirit apparently in the room with us according to the medium was a very aggressive man who had murdered a woman...transference possibly or just my old anger management issues lurking...Ummm!

Saw something as well which looked like a figure in a doorway and then repeated walking past the doorway about six times over five minutes. The issue with this is that the eyes may of played tricks...however five other people and the medium noticed the same thing. This was in what would have been the only bathroom of the house. Later I was in a group of three (me another man and a woman) where we heard a number of loud sighs which sounded like a mans. It sounded to me like a death sigh! I know that it wasn't the man with us, unless he was able to throw his voice!

A number of footsteps were also heard during the night. It was impossible to ascertain if this was a male or female because they were very soft. I as well as small number of other people also thought that we had heard laughter of children near the kitchen area, but very faintly. Thinking of this now it may have been children's footsteps that we heard.

While in the kitchen area I thought that I felt something stand on the end of my right foot while we stood in a circle holding hands. This could have been because we stood in the circle for approximately ten minutes and my feet were feeling tired...unsure about this one.

In the cellar was interesting as I was able to go in there on my own for about ten minutes...it wasn't enough time. I actually felt that I was being watched and laughed at by some thing unseen. One stone was thrown...by something I think, at least it sounded like something had been thrown while I was there. I ended off in the cellar by openly inviting something to tag along and come home with me in my own special way lol

Later in the evening the medium said that one of the spirits had spoken to him and had thrown something and been mocking me while in the cellar!!! I hadn't told the medium or anyone else about anything that had happened in the cellar.

There was many other strange things which happened to our group of 13 and also the other group of 14.

Touching of faces and the hair by unseen hands, happened quite alot.

The cons

I know that some people were deliberately making noises. I know for a fact that while in the middle hall one of the men in the group sighed and didn't admit it was him. Shortly afterwards it was a lady who didn't admit to the sigh! Then we heard a distinct sigh behind us while I know that it was another younger bloke. I also know that a couple of footsteps which were heard were made by this man not far from me. There were a few more things people in the group did which sort of confirmed why I like to investigate on my own!

Out came a table in the cellar where four people were using this with a glass, one or possibly two people were moving the glass. Of course they all denied it!

They changed over and used another four people where the glass didn't move at all. I was in the second group of four.....then I switched as I didn't feel it would fair because of my feelings towards the use of the glass IDM (ideomotor response)

On arriving home at 0630hrs I checked the images and recordings and noticed that I had captured a number of orb shots. I will attempt to add these later. Not finnished listening to all the recordings yet.



16:47 Apr 26 2009

Wow hold on....just in case, the holding of the hand to the bloke was me being sarcastic. No connection to him screaming like a girl..On reflection this may have been why his friend was a little rude!

21:05 Apr 26 2009

Yea....I'm still thinking about the hand holding lmao

01:34 Apr 27 2009

Wow...trippy. Kinda' sucks when the cons disturb what could possibly be a real phenomenon. I'm interested in what the recording will reveal.



10:02 Apr 24 2009
Times Read: 756

I watched the news today which I attempt to avoid most of the time because it gets under my skin until the rage I feel becomes painful. It reminded me of this~

How is one to live a moral and compassionate existence when one is fully aware of the blood, the horror inherent in life, when one finds darkness not only in one's culture but within oneself? If there is a stage at which an individual life becomes truly adult, it must be when one grasps the irony in its unfolding and accepts responsibility for a life lived in the midst of such paradox. One must live in the middle of contradiction, because if all contradiction were eliminated at once life would collapse. There are simply no answers to some of the great pressing questions. You continue to live them out, making your life a worthy expression of leaning into the light.



15:28 Apr 24 2009




11:23 Apr 23 2009
Times Read: 767

Got home late last night, my machine was on and whirling away to an empty room. I stuck it on my chest put the pulse monitor on my finger and cleaned my teeth. Then I stuck the nozzles up my nose and quickly went to bed.....

I'm not concerned that I missed about an hour...I fell asleep dreaming of death and destruction of some form...A pretty much normal nights dream.

I snored again and stopped breathing before the woman could take it no longer and slept on the sofa down stairs. My unconscious plan to dominate the bed had worked! *evil grin*



14:30 Apr 23 2009

First the bed, then the world lol

08:27 Apr 24 2009

Shhh, you know what will happen if this leaks out ^^ : )

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