Installment number 1 in the 'not racist, just honest' Section.
Next person that says something about "remember the Alamo" will get the fucking truth about the Alamo.
Just so as ya know, The Alamo was Mexican Justice for the so called 'Independent Republic of Texas' Illegal annexation of Mexican lands for their cattle and settlers who weren't satisfied with the borders the way they were. At the time Texas, was independent from the United States. They decided to steal land from Mexico. Mexico, I.E. Santa Anna did not appreciate this and warned them, then he did what anyone does when their land is stolen. Takes it back by force and puts down any resistance.
It should have been over at that point. Those who voluntarily fought the Mexican Army were killed, unfortunately innocents were caught in the action, but when does that not happen in warfare? But the Existing U.S. were angry, and President Polk found a reason to attack the weakened Mexican army annexing the land that is now Texas, as well as many other lands. Which include California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and a small portion of land that was actually paid for to the Mexican Government.
So Realistically the Alamo was a way for The U.S. government to allow the sacrifice of several hundred people who were NOT Citizens of the United States any longer in the goal of RECLAIMING lost Texan land, as well as taking MORE land from the Weakened Mexican country.
Believe me I remember the Alamo, it sure as hell isn't the fucking Davey Crockett Story, and Jim Bowie story we all heard growing up.
So, yeah, not Racist, FUCK YOU TEXAS and fuck those who got what they deserved.
10:39 May 25 2013
I dun get it. Do you mean that people like... expect respect and reverence towards the Texans who waged a mini-war against the Mexicans as though they were heroes instead of morons? :P
04:14 May 26 2013
Can you say "Imminent Domain"?
Yeah. Gotta love the government on that one.