ThePinja's Journal

ThePinja's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


14 entries this month

Shame, it blankets all.

06:20 Jan 31 2012
Times Read: 641

Jadee said something to me about personal behavior here on VR, and my response was simple.

My response... It's high school, and you're all a bunch of girls. Now don't get me wrong I'm not calling everyone here a girl. I was talking about the small group that's doing what it does. I do mean it though, a lot of you are stupid immature little cunts doing nothing but tearing each other down. I know life is meant to be competitive, but fucking A. Whatever middle school, and high school were like, let it go. You can't get it back. I thought the purpose was to live life to the fullest, to live life well. Not to be a miserable cantankerous thundercunt. The thought of society, advanced civilization, superior intelligence and cognitive thought, you people undo it all. By acting like children and rabid neanderthals you discredit the greatest advances and sacrifices of our predecessors. Be ashamed of yourselves. ALL OF YOU, I am not omitted of this, Just not so proud to think I'm above it all.



07:06 Jan 31 2012

Damnit, I AM a little girl! D:

I just act my age... :o

"cantankerous thundercunt" ♥

07:08 Jan 31 2012

You're right on the ball there. I have just had some very interesting emails myself from people I RARELY speak to, and their replies were less than admirable, LOL. One even threatened to block me if I replied knowing full well I couldn't block them back. Just goes to prove that they ALL show each other their emails and how tight they really are where gossip and bad-mouthing comes into it.

08:08 Jan 31 2012

Ceras don't you ever get tired of acting like you dont pull the same fucking bullshit. YOU personally have done and had your little clique do every single thing that is being brought to attention in this entry.

And for the record I LOVED high school, thats right every minute of it, the friends, the fun, the parties, the guys and my grades. No complaints from me.

09:11 Jan 31 2012

Do you actually go into every bodies journals when you think they are directed at you and post your fun little life? I didn't say any names, and I don't care to hear personal histories. I get what I gotta get off my chest, I don't need people starting fights within my journal, and I admit i've done this same wrong quite recently. For that I apologize to Robin, seeing as how I lashed out at someone within her journal. If I have to I'll block every mother fucker that starts shit in my journal with someone other than me and delete that entry.


Honestly, this is bullshit.

02:32 Jan 29 2012
Times Read: 712

Your own Procurator is being called a Dog fucker, and only YOU can see who did it. You say there is no abuse, but these are all brand new profiles people made because they are probably out of favor on their regular profiles. You wanna sit there and deny abuse can happen with your new additions. You can sit in stubborn denial, you can suspend me for eternity. I don't care, because honestly you failed at creating something that makes your site better, and only succeeded in increasing your advertising revenue by getting people to come back on the site. Anonymous negative, or positive favor function has failed because now you have so many members being cowards and saying horrible fucked up things without any repercussions. I'm sure you'll say it's a personal matter, but remember this is a member of your staff, a person who volunteer's her time to answer questions some stupid, some very good ones, who double checks your database for multiples of the same entries before accepting them. There may have been problems in the past, but I hear a lot and one thing I haven't heard lately is Jadee getting into fights with anyone. So past grudges and all this shit don't warrant whats going on. You can be the Prince, but what is a prince without his subjects. Without people interested in coming back, when all the intelligent, kind, and people who care about this site and its attempts are gone you will be left with a stale fury/online/freakshow dating site. Don't take sides, I don't care I'm voicing my opinion, and its that the honor feature sucks. But don't block this ip address or else your admin won't be able to login and do her job. You want me off, I'll get off of here. I can change the name, give the profile to Jadee, and never come back. Honestly though, i'd prefer you right a wrong you don't feel like admitting. I'm not saying creating and running a network such as this is easy. Not at all, but don't let admins treat eachother like shit, and don't let regular members who have not earned any form of trust treat your admins like shit.



08:21 Jan 29 2012

Well said, you are one of the few who has the assertiveness to voice what a lot of other members think, thank you.

22:52 Jan 29 2012

It's too bad that the staff are exposed to verbal abuse, but it hasn't always been the same as this is the first time the administration don't censor the contents. However, I too..agree that noone should be allowed to be so degrading to any staff member particularly when they volunteer their services. Pandora's service to the site has been exceptional, and in my opinion that remark is below the benchmark of exceptable behaviour.

23:08 Jan 29 2012

Well, unless of course it is some kind of joke and you are aware of who left that comment of course.. It's just someone messing around testing how thick skinned Pandy is maybe? K

06:07 Jan 31 2012

I don't know how many people actually think what I think. Let alone have the self respect and security to say it with their own name, in public not caring about the internet mean girl squad squawking amongst themselves believing them to be so secretive with their malicious behavior. Well they aren't, and I don't care. In the end its pathetic behavior.

06:21 Jan 31 2012

Sadly, no Emm, its not a joke.

10:23 Jan 31 2012

it's a pity that people use this feature to be bitchy. Can't just people ignore and live and let live?


05:45 Jan 28 2012
Times Read: 735

Funny moment. As Jadee is reading whatever she is reading and just speaking to herself in that crazy woman way I hear "Married, Hell no i'm not getting married." Cue my look over, as I go "oh, ok, cancel the ring, cancel the ring. Ok, apartments.com." Love these moments.




02:14 Jan 28 2012
Times Read: 765

FUCK YOU, You aren't getting shit for negative honor. My girlfriend however is. A LOT, and a lot of negative comments that aren't true, or are very mean spirited. You haven't suffered a bit of anything remotely close to what jadee has. She doesn't want to be at the top, she just wants all the negative comment bullshit to stop. So fuck you, fuck you all, fuck you all you dumb cunts.



02:18 Jan 28 2012

I think Jadee deserves the positive that she gets. The jealous remarks are rotten of people.

03:30 Jan 28 2012

I agree, she is one of the sweetest ladys on this site and oes not deserve this crap.

04:04 Jan 28 2012

Sad that people are being such shits to Jadee. She is too good a person for someone to be rude and obnoxious to. Must be pure jealousy.

05:58 Jan 28 2012

I love how someone on here loves to complain about getting one or two negative numbers in a row, when Jadee's getting so much of it, every day.

Talk about selfish and vain.


Because I AM a passionate American.

07:08 Jan 26 2012
Times Read: 820

Here is what I UNDERSTAND, and how I feel. Because my voice is mine and It DOES matter to me, I see the negative, and a lot more positive to this bill.

Well, I can see your point of view. I say this, how about an Israeli with dual citizenship who is faithful to Israel and is in the Mossad (sp?) convinced someone to give them very valuable weapons tech that Israel is not part of the R&D within the UN or American Military divisions like the Cruiser mounted High Velocity Electromagnetic Cannon. Should we A. Try them as a U.S Citizen under the Espionage and Spy act. B. Hand them over to their chosen country of Israel. C. Put them in some dummy Court of the U.N. where nothing really happens. Or D. Put them in a secure facility without trial as a spy where they will sit and rot for however long is deemed necessary. I choose D, Now I'm not anti Semitic, but people don't think about spies these days as something real. There is a reason You get black bagged in London if you take a picture of the MI6 building, there is a reason you don't video tape lots of official buildings in other countries. BUT HERE you can do whatever and tack it onto the 1st amendment, or worse-- Freedom of Information. Governments keep secrets so that we can barter our own people who went black back into our control. Perhaps we as a people are too fucking comfortable with abusing our freedoms and claiming we are being infringed upon. Perhaps we need a scary and REAL reminder that we need to keep our noses clean. No one is going to just randomly come and black bag you for speaking badly about the government. So I'm not worried about it, the government has better ways of destroying a rep, career, or life without putting you in jail without due process. Besides most of the local law does that well enough as is. Don't forget, a Judge can put you in contempt for an indefinite amount of time... that doesn't seem very constitutional but no ones getting angry about that... and that IS more likely to happen to any one of us.

Unless you are an actual victim of this bill being implemented no right to due process is actually being infringed upon. No constitutional right is being denied. Now if it does happen, THEN you are right... UNLESS you posed as a united states citizen, unless you have dual citizenship and would most likely be given bail and flee the country. So instead of allowing you to get away free and clear without paying for a crime you probably did commit against people and country. What sparked this bill was nothing more than a Spy ring cracked down upon years in the making.

BTW don't talk down to me like I didn't read the fucking bill. I read it, I made a brief lamens statement. Here is your revision shove it up your ass you smug bitch. Yeah i'm talking to you Sarah

I'm leaving that last part cause really I don't need you talking down your nose at me. You aren't better than me, you just spend more of your time online.



14:29 Jan 26 2012

OK, one can only hope the bill works in the way we hope for. BUT how many times have we heard cops faultafing arrest records, and lieing in court to make themselves look good??? What makes this any different?? But your right that never happens does it...... Why did they word the bill in this way???

Walks off.... need some air, i'll post more later.

Btw, not trying to talk down to you. We just have a matter of opionings that matter alot to us.

22:28 Jan 26 2012

Robin, YOU weren't talking to me like I didn't know what I was talking about. She was.

Now, putting something like people suspected of terrorism, espionage, spying, and being a traitor has been, and should always be a matter for the Military process. You CANNOT treat someone who has given up ALL rights to do something to hurt our country and aid another, or even a small faction somewhere else in the world or within the country LIKE they have retained all rights. A traitor deserves no rights, a terrorist deserves no rights, a spy deserves no rights. Is this a step to bettering society? I don't know, is it a step back towards the natural order of right and wrong... God I hope so. Right and Wrong by todays standards are so convoluted and shadowed by extenuating circumstances which may or may not exist that we've forgotten the basic tenant of how this country exists. We the people have the right to live, and love, and drink, and bleed, and do whatever we like in the pursuit of happiness. So Long as it does not harm others, so long as we do not break the basic and most simplistic of laws of not just man, but humanity. We have long since destroyed evolution and natural selection. We pump our bodies with preservatives both internally and externally in the vain effort to live long enough to have a fucking colostomy bag and a shower stool.

Now, in order to make a truly civilized society, we need to hold people accountable for ALL actions. For actions intended EVEN if only partially acted upon. Just think, our minds are what separate us from almost every other animal out there, and that disturbing truth is why there are charges for criminal s like Conspiracy to commit murder, abduction, rape, extortion, etc. The thought of doing something and the Planning to continue to do so is something you are tried and punished more heavily for in this country than the act itself in most cases. This is because at some point you just didn't care about your fellow human being, your fellow citizen and your sense of morals was outweighed by your desire for satisfaction.

I digressed a little, all of that leads up to this point. Potential crimes against our country on a scale that could damage our security, safety, agriculture, economy, and general way of life are considered in essence, an act of WAR. As such this is something that should be handled in a Military court. Cover ups happen, mistakes happen, but the penalty for making a mistake in the military when it comes to someones life isn't just a demotion and potentially a dishonorable discharge. You'll probably spend time in a military prison too. Those people are trained damn well to NOT fuck up, these aren't your average grunts or techs. THESE are military LAWYERS, JUDGES, and OFFICERS. They are held to a much Higher standard than that of a U.S. Citizen, even one employed on the Judicial branch. I have more faith in them, than I do the civilian courts. They don't get honor or glory, they get information from intelligence departments, the DOD, then the military courts will handle it.

01:07 Jan 27 2012

That is info i didn't know, great info as well. But what i am trying ti make point of us seeing a us citizin on the road, or anywhere.

They getting arrested for what ever reason. Then the goverment looking into there lives, there computers, where they go... and if they see just one thing they don't like. Like a Ron Paul surporter for example. Thats it, is all they need. ( I have heard storys about being pulled over just for a bumper sticker) And the goverment steping in and throwing away the key, via adding on that they are a terrorest via by the bill. It can happen via that bill.

This is a expamle of how things could go.

Via this bill, What i see happening, with everything else that is happening via other bills on the books now. We got poisions in the food to kill us off, don't believe me, look up some of the ingredients that is in your food now a days. msg, floride, ahh the list goes on there. The NDAA Martial Law bill is just another way for our goverment to take us from our homes, our familys, our way of life, just so they lie to the rest of the people of how wonderfull they are. And never hear from those people again. JFK..... I guess he was shot by a crazy person??? and not set up to be killed by the goveremnt?

The NDAA bill, the way i see it, is just another way for the goveremnt to clean up the streets of there (goveremnt) unwanted.

If i typed anything in cunfuseion... let me know... got alot to say, fingers not keeping up lol

05:28 Jan 28 2012

You know, it's not an accusation that you don't care about America or you don't understand anything, but when you throw out an opinion without your knowledge of the subject behind it, it seems baseless. Now I've read this and I understand more what you mean.

You're absolutely right that people who are threatening or planning terrorism in any way should be caught and punished. It's important to stop people before they get a chance to cause harm. My concern is that the law already allows for arrests of that nature and that giving even more power to people to arrest people for whatever reason could be abused. The concept of the law is good if I look at it from one point: That it will be used appropriately.

My fear is that it won't and that people will be made victims. The government can be a big bully at times, I hope we agree on that and I don't mean to bring a political argument to your journal.

I'm glad I got to see more of your opinion because what you said makes more sense. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. My fear really comes down to the fact that I don't trust our officials to not abuse this law and arrest anyone who is "suspect" without real cause.

05:56 Jan 28 2012

I do Agree that things get messed up in the clock works as cogs either stop getting greased, or greased too much. But to my understanding the way this will work there is little chance of serious bias going on, as information transferred from intelligence to the Military prevents any person involved in the court process other than the prosecutor who will be DOD from any of the departments to have real prior contact, knowledge or influence of the potential criminal. An almost untainted slate in court except for of course the charges brought up against them. That is the IDEAL court proceedings especially for such serious charges.


05:17 Jan 25 2012
Times Read: 835

I hear you people bitching about constitutional rights being tread upon.... Well usually people only bitch about rights being threatened when they are about to be directly affected... with this. HOW THE FUCK does it affect you? I'm no terrorist, I've done nothing to undermine the structure and security of our country so I'm not worried about it. Any file of a muslim name or who is faithful to islam is scrutinized before actually being passed on to intelligence to be put on surveillance these days. Don't fuck up, don't threaten political figures and most of all don't waste your breathe standing in parks claiming to be the 99 percent now doing nothing to help progress the economy. Go OUT OF YOUR HOUSE, WORK donate TIME, do something USEFUL. Most important don't do something that gets yourself into legal trouble?




02:38 Jan 25 2012
Times Read: 854

Umm I'm Pinja.. I'm me, Rodney... Not my girlfriend. My girlfriend has never used my profile to downrate another profile. I'VE downrated people... wtf are you going on about? You stupid or something?

According to some anon Pandora is not just her other.. obviously her profiles but is also this one.... WRONG. WE MET on vr I've been here for quite a while and last time I checked this is my profile no one else's.




The Definition in case you were rusty.

18:55 Jan 22 2012
Times Read: 901

1hon·or noun ˈä-nər

Definition of HONOR


a : good name or public esteem : reputation

b : a showing of usually merited respect : recognition


: privilege


: a person of superior standing —now used especially as a title for a holder of high office


: one whose worth brings respect or fame : credit


: the center point of the upper half of an armorial escutcheon


: an evidence or symbol of distinction: as

a : an exalted title or rank

b (1) : badge, decoration (2) : a ceremonial rite or observance

c : an award in a contest or field of competition

d archaic : a gesture of deference : bow

e plural (1) : an academic distinction conferred on a superior student (2) : a course of study for superior students supplementing or replacing a regular course


: chastity, purity


a : a keen sense of ethical conduct : integrity

b : one's word given as a guarantee of performance


plural : social courtesies or civilities extended by a host

Now, I know we ALL have the potential to be real assholes now and again, but you people take the cake. Jadee didn't ask someone to give her honor with all of their profiles, she didn't expect it to be given with all of these profiles or at all. BUT when she merely is friendly with someone with a few profiles and is nice to them regardless of whether or not she approves of all of their past actions that is a fairly nice thing to do. In kind that person bestowed upon her a SHIT ton of Honor. So what do you do? You and your buddies since I can't be certain its just one person goes and takes over 200 honor from Jadee for no reason other than you can't stand to see her above either Images, or LKD.

Now I will in no way make an outlandish claim that Images or LKD had anything to do with it. What I WILL say is thus, you are probably a friend of LKD since even in your wimpy little hiding you can't leave someone you like positive honor. But over her past honor pages someone left a LOT of six's though just last night/this morning she didn't get a lot of those but Jadee got one hell of a lot of Negative six's, and eights, and fives, and fours. Hmmm something doesn't add up.

Honestly, I do believe this because I don't back down to mob mentality unless at times I realize it can deeply affect someone else I love. If you have the balls to take away honor from someone enough, be honorable enough to state your reasons why. I give my honor to people who've remained nice and kind or have given me no qualms with them and generally I don't see doing much if anything wrong.

If you're taking honor away because of something petty like past disagreements?. Or worse she denied your submission to the database because that item was already in there, you just put it in the wrong place, or perhaps someone else put it in the wrong place... that's not her fault and that is not dishonorable. That's her job.

Seriously what the fuck is your problem? Everything about you people, 99 percent of you on here is so goddamn fake. You're done with someone the moment they don't agree with everything you say, or have raunchy discussions with you anymore, or pick on someone en mass for a past time anymore. GROW UP people, judge people on beauty if you want, all the fake beauty you can throw on your photo shopped and not really your images you want. Have a Holier than thou attitude, live your online life thinking that you're better than everyone and be a dick just because you don't know them in person, and think just because its the internet it doesn't count. You still have to answer to God, you still have to look Jesus in the eye and convince those two your life was well lived, was decent, that you had HONOR, that your sins while numerous you have remorse for. Most of you don't even really know what remorse is.

For me... that is wishing you were dead every day to take back the worst crimes against man,god, and woman but pushing through because you hope there is forgiveness one day.

Regret is not always a wasted group of thoughts and emotions, especially when it allows us to seek redemption.

We are not alone, we ARE accountable remember that upon your deathbeds, maybe then you people will have the soul you lacked today.

End Diatribe



19:14 Jan 22 2012

If a person spends all of their life on Vampire Rave.. then, they deserve to have VR virtual honour. In the real world though, that doesn't count. Continuous honest hard work, earns credibility in the world that most of us know.

I know Pandy works hard, but also plays hard here so she has much honour in both worlds :) Luv to you both.

19:19 Jan 22 2012

"no reason other than you can't stand to see her above either Images, or LKD." - exactly the same thing happens to me. I didn't get any negative honour for days, and as soon as I moved a space above Images... :P

Well, now.

I know you're not asking for people to give honour to Jadee now, either. It's not a "Poor Pandora" thing.

People don't realise that it could make her feel bad.

People are petty.

20:44 Jan 22 2012

What a wonderful entry that was Pinja. Yes I give Jadee honor, because she is a good friend and always has been =}

22:09 Jan 22 2012

Hah, I guess that means... I too, give your lady honour, because she has always been a good friend to me and never two faced :) (darn touch mobile phones! )

16:51 Jan 23 2012

humph! Well screw 'em! Bastids!


23:59 Jan 21 2012
Times Read: 916

For serial? LOL


My only comment is.. Why not? You could have a different students Single Mother be mascot each week?

I know My baby would volunteer ;)



00:21 Jan 22 2012

*Shakes Fist* RAWWWR

00:40 Jan 22 2012

Ridiculous. I'm sure only 5% of the voting student body was thinking about making it with Stacy's mom while voting...


Because I don't have to say your name, you're so vain you probably think this journal is about you.

06:06 Jan 19 2012
Times Read: 938

Ya know, It isn't the influence of my girlfriend, or a lapse in talking that has me not liking you. Its the way you talk to people. You act like you can be a team player, and get along. Though you are actually quite incapable of playing well with others, especially when they don't share your views. You can canoodle the sad and desperate to be the internet prom queens to your side because to you and those like you, high school must have been quite difficult not being super popular, or nearly as attractive as your family. So now, with a piece of paper that says you are slightly more educated than people like me that you probably had to pay way too much for, and the ability to make people not look like they do in their natural state you think you're sooooo much better.

What really pisses me off, is that you are such a selfish cunt, and so moderately intelligent you combine those to create a pompous self important twat waffle that doesn't even think her shit stinks. Oh yeah you'll help inform people when it affects your own monetary and business affairs. But God forbid anyone on here asks you a question YOU are SUPPOSED to be able to answer, and do it without being a condescending asshat. If that is the behavior of an esteemed volunteer, perhaps you should unvolunteer.




Smoochy boochies

00:44 Jan 14 2012
Times Read: 950

Just checking out web browsing on my PS3 Suck it qwerty, I need a freakin key board for this.



00:45 Jan 14 2012

You big Dork :P


09:42 Jan 08 2012
Times Read: 970

Emotive children of the current fad and fashion days. PLEASE stop making profile names out of AFI, MCR, The Used, and any other band song titles. I don't care how messed up life seems, I DOUBT your life has been the roller coaster ride these people have had to write the songs they do. Experience is the greatest muse that's why they do so well. Don't cheapen it.




04:31 Jan 05 2012
Times Read: 987

So, the food health fanatics are breakin in. Stupid Dr. Oz and his appeal to Jadee. Looked up some Antioxidants, surprised to see some of these on the list.

Cloves, oregano, allspice, cinnamon, sage, peppermint, thyme and lemon balm lead the pack. Blomhoff says both fresh and dried varieties work: “Many fresh herbs contain so much antioxidant that when dried they are still very good sources.” And benefits can even come in the form of teas, “may be a significant dietary source.”

Antioxidant Sources:

Top 10 Dried Herbs & Spices

* Cloves

* Allspice

* Cinnamon

* Rosemary

* Thyme

* Marjoram

* Saffron

* Oregano

* Tarragon

* Basil

Top 6 Fresh Herbs

* Oregano

* Sage

* Peppermint

* Thyme

* Lemon balm

* Marjoram



06:02 Jan 05 2012

Worked at a health food store for over 8 years vegetarian for over 17...so funny how old news to me gets airplay on TV and is the newest craze.... Always around for advice and answers. And what works for one person may not work for the next.

07:58 Jan 05 2012

Don't you bad mouth my Dr. Oz, you are just a closet Oz fan and you know it :P

02:14 Jan 07 2012

Except for saffron, being so expensive I cook with the top ten a lot. Cloves are tricky but great for brines and dry rubs.


22:05 Jan 01 2012
Times Read: 1,006

Why Sexually Active Vegans are hypocrites.

Whether Straight, Bi, or Gay they are probably ingesting some part of their lover at some point so they are not only ingesting a bi-product of meat, but also consuming PEOPLE. CANNIBALS!!!!! THEY ARE ALL CANNIBALS!!! DON'T TRUST VEGANS.

This message brought to you by the Pinja Network and its voluntary participation in cannibalism with Pandora.



22:09 Jan 01 2012

HAHAHAH! AND - if they bite their nails - they are engaging in ::gasp:: auto-cannibalism!

23:24 Jan 01 2012

I have two words for you.

Fellatio. And,


That is all.

06:00 Jan 05 2012

ROFLMAO! Have to share this with my vegan bestie!

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