TheArtistRose's Journal

TheArtistRose's Journal


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17 entries this month

tongue not spelled right

17:35 May 31 2010
Times Read: 667

for anything i'v not spelled right, i'm sorry. I have dyslexia. The school system doesn't take care of kids with it. yeah, i know another case of corruption. but i do love corrections. I always try to help myself, but I may not catch everything because my brain doesn't catch on to it yet. b's look like p's and d's and the list goes on. I am also not an orginized person and can get lost easly. However, I have been working ultra super hard to help myself!!! I sort of have to gain someones trust of knowing how not to get lost. :P and i should have gained the trust by now, but, well, whatever...... thats just a home issue anyway, lol. :p

thanks you anyone here on vr who has helped me with spelling, i love you guys! you are my 2 teachers. :P



17:40 May 31 2010

Hey...even I make mistakes if I type too fast and don't scan what I typed before I hit send.

02:04 Jun 01 2010

OMG Dont even stress that hun, I am a 4.o and I mess my stuff up as well its all good, We are human after all. And if someone gives you shit about it they are not your real friends anyway.

02:13 Jun 01 2010

ha! don't be mean now, i enjoy having my spelling corrected. it makes me feel better.

00:45 Mar 04 2011

"OMG hun"

I cried with laughter.


holey shit, my tounge

02:12 May 31 2010
Times Read: 673

ouch! So after my nap I wake up to the taste of blood in my mouth as usual. I walk over to the bathroom mirrior and stick out my tounge. It's as holey as a pop mark faced teen. I guess my k-9's get the best of me. Man when do i ever stop biting? :[ me-ow!!



04:02 May 31 2010

lmfao ouch. hey look.. you bled again. :P

15:43 May 31 2010

I know that got to hurt.

17:35 May 31 2010

wow... you be crazy mon lol


Poor Alucard.

23:33 May 29 2010
Times Read: 688

Alucard has been disobeying his master by going on to the computer. Alucard gets told every day about what a fuck up he is. Alucard takes care of his clan. Alucard has been sneaking on because he has no real friends. Alucard is sick with something that keeps making him go to the bathroom. Alucard wishes to run away and never come back. Alucard is an idiot so he would just bring his sorry ass home if he ran away. Alucard wishes his clan would forget the past. Alucard did take responsability after the hard ship was in affect. Alucard was willing to be homeless. Alucard wishes he wasn't caged. Alucard loves that hes sick at the moment cause at least he will have some sleep. Alucard wants to move the fuck out. Alucard is heart broken. Alucard has been yelled at for so many things and it gets on his nerves. Alucard said he'd run away last night and was ignored, then was yelled at for being a bad bitch. Alucard wishes he could help himself but needs to make a plan for life. Alucard never really disobeys by never rinking, or somking, or leaving the house, ever.... Alucard is a sad soul....... and wishes he could cry. but yet he can't........ poor Alucard..

hey and by the way if i'm not here, its cause i'm sick. and or i left the house for the moment. :) but of corse i'm not alucard. i'm rose. :)



00:07 May 30 2010

opps that reads drinking.

04:05 May 31 2010

WOWNES.. its sucks to be Alucard's COUCH it does.


i died.

04:26 May 27 2010
Times Read: 712

my god! my sister can't spell! i died today. *rest in peace* she was looking for her math book that she had to return at the end of the year to her teacher. so i found it in the place she should have looked first. then i take a look inside.


province: BoadeIeslandy


School district: David a b


Condition: BAD *note, she was the first one to even have the book*



*laughs* so i went into a laughing fit! then i took a piece of banana cream pie from the fridge. and she smiled and read it out loud to me. I just died!!! I laughed so hard i choked on a piece of banana. and i fell to the ground laughing like a mad woman untill my head hurt and i died. :) in fact i'm so dead i just wrote this.



04:32 May 27 2010

LOL Nice...You just died again....Sorry lol

20:01 May 27 2010

LMFAO That is hilarious!



14:20 May 26 2010
Times Read: 722

so i get my bowl of count chocula ready and i look for my shoes. i put on my socks and tie my tripp pants. then i go to put on my shoes and i'm like .. wait a minute... are these my sisters? no they weren't? they feel tight on me. damn is everything getting smaller or am i getting bigger? *feels confused* i guess you really don't stop growing till you hit 21. nice i could use an ince or two in hight. :) but i don't think my feet need to get any bigger? they are already mens size 12, or 10 1/2 depending on where i get them. lol, one reason why i can't really get womans shoes. :P




A lesson in art anyone? :D

19:24 May 21 2010
Times Read: 753

its too bad i couldn't finnish the lesson. i love art!!

read from the bottom up.


awesome i would love to know more but most leave for work..

On 19:03:52 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

sorry, when i get into my art this artist goes crazy as usual. :P

anwser : brown and blue

On 19:01:23 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) Yoshimitsu wrote:

uh im confused

On 18:57:40 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

pfft......... gray is just a mixed shade. also if you know so much about mixed colors then what can you do when you have no black? mix two colors, but which ones?

*lol, nice test huh?*

On 18:52:37 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) Yoshimitsu wrote:

not off hand what about grey

On 18:50:43 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

ok so you know about the color wheel? the opposite colors are contrasting colors. if you want something to stand out you use those colors in a picture. and as you know these two shades black and white anr basic contrast. can you figure out the rest? i'll help you if you can't.

On 18:39:42 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) Yoshimitsu wrote:

sure,, all i know is about mixing colors

On 18:37:57 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

then you don't fully understand about contrast. want a small lesson?

On 18:36:15 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) Yoshimitsu wrote:

i use shadows

On 18:33:27 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

no. all about the colors and how you use them. ;)

On 18:29:12 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) Yoshimitsu wrote:

yes all about the shadows

On 18:27:10 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

do you understand about art and contrast?



20:13 May 21 2010

Meh... I'm good, thanks. *laughs*

22:01 May 23 2010

Yes, I actually knew that without art classes. I took one young in high school and the teacher had fits over me and one guy in it. We were opposites and both quite good. I drew animate objects and he did wonderful cityscapes and still life. We couldn't seem to cross bounds though and it bugged her. I got the color down fairly good, but never understood most of what she said. I should have taken another class, but never was so interested in my own art. I loved writing, then and now. I still should take another class. People have fits when I work on something, but I rarely finish my drawings. They just...lose my interest. Even the girl I use as my avatar. If you look close on a bigger sample of it...the face is unfinished. I just...stopped. Oh well...People like it anyhow...

Jenna Karro


05:44 May 31 2010

who needs to that even as a artist. do what ya want lol...


kiss me already!!

20:31 May 14 2010
Times Read: 787

ok so today i had to take my sister to school. so i usualy go into school by 10:00am but i left the house with her by 5:00am. then i walked to school to kill time. i also got some iced coffie. but i can't sit still in one place with no one for very long so i left the store and finnished walking to school. it was like 7:00am by the time i got there, so i watited outside untill it was like 8:00am

so i walked in went to the 3rd floor at 8;05am, untill i saw a friend in the hallway. i told her i was bored, so i would walk her to class. shes like its back on the first floor, i was like "BORED" lol. so i walk her down, then walk around and bump into.. JASON!!! and we hug and i say i missed him. and then he calls his friends out of the lunch room, they talk about game repairs and nintendo stuff, untill a b.itch dean says get back in here. then jason and i start to walk towards the stairway. he puts his arm around my sholder as we walk. but then a friend of his starts talking to him and hes like get away i don't even know why you say hi to me? and i'm like aww's he told his friend off for ruining our moment. and we walked upstairs to his class and we huged and he kissed at me while we huged so i did the same. hes real close to becoming my boyfriend. :) i can't wait to call him up and go out with him sometime, soon.



00:32 May 15 2010

AWWWW *Rose and Jason sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!*

23:15 May 15 2010

Everyone together now..."AWWWWWWWW"good for you Rose :)

00:46 May 18 2010

Mein Got! I leave you for a week and you get all sappy and mushy on some boy? Ew!!!! *laughs*


he took the words out of my mouth, "I love you"

04:15 May 13 2010
Times Read: 804

today we huged and he said i love you, and i said i love you too. yea!!! and then we had to go to our classes. i had the toothy smile of a shark on botox, lol. and i can't get rid of it.!!!

LEO [July 23–August 22] According to a statute in the state of Indiana, you may not use your bare hands to catch a fish. In Fairbanks, Alaska, you're breaking the law if you let a moose slurp an alcoholic drink. In Flowery Branch, Georgia, you may be arrested if you shout "Snake!" And I've got to say that you Leos could probably get away with all of these acts and more in the coming weeks. The omens suggest that your levels of freedom are extremely high, as is your amount of slack. You'll have clearance to do many things you wouldn't normally be able to do.

that was mine!! but look at jason's. ME-OW!! has he had a nice one!!

SCORPIO [October 23–November 21] Some experts say methamphetamine is more addictive than any other drug. Here's one reason why: "The effect of an IV hit of methamphetamine is the equivalent of 10 orgasms all on top of each other lasting for 30 minutes to an hour, with a feeling of arousal that lasts for another day and a half." After a while, hell sets in and the body is no longer happy. Luckily, you Scorpios won't be tempted to fall victim to meth splurges any time soon. Without relying on anything more than your natural powers, your capacity for experiencing erotic pleasure will be substantial.

i want to be his drug!! LOL

this is the song that played through my head after i saw him. he said i love you to me first so.. he took the words right out of my mouth. but we didn't get to kiss yet, LOL.



13:30 May 13 2010

This is so awesome.

I'm really glad he feels the same!


i love you jason!!!!

20:00 May 11 2010
Times Read: 824


dear jason,

i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you

i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you

i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you

i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you

i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you

i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you

i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you

and out of all the pervs i choose you. stress and school have kept us apart for so long, so when we saw eachother in the hallway today i wanted to hold you and never let go. you are the guy who's been invading my dreams. (my dreams tell the future sometimes) i just want to stick my teeth into you skin and drink away all the pain of you not being here with me. but alas, the summer is coming and we will do what my pick up lines of poetry said. i want to ride that roller coster till we die. and we can run away into the night with you on my leash, like a good b.itch. and every perv out there will know your mine. and when the day ends i will leave my mark of black lipstick across your check, and the world will know you were with rose. and you can call me all those baby names, and baby, you are my knight and shining mr. voorhees. (saying hes jason voorhees) and i loved how you would fall asleep in history class and when everyone would try to wake you up, you would open your eyes looking at me and ask what i wanted. LOL, and when my b.itch of a friend called you over to her, you came back to me, because you loved me. and baby i love you, and even though your skinny, i love your brains. i'd love to be your zombie, if you could be my voorhees. and did i ever tell you how much i loved you? i just want to hug you to death!!





20:14 May 11 2010

that is the sweetest love letter I have ever read, especially since you don't hug people. Unless he's the guy you like. :p

13:24 May 12 2010

see i told you you would find your mistery man and love him



14:04 May 10 2010
Times Read: 842

This morning i woke up feeling great! I feel so great from last week and the comic books, that I think i might just buy some more. I think this song describes how i feel the most! I think i lost my Queen CD though... oh well, i'm so happy, i don't care. things are looking up for me! :)



15:10 May 10 2010

Love Queen and this is a great song ..

15:19 May 10 2010

yeah, i love my classic rock! i think i should put more songs in my journal. LOL, then its easy for me to reach them. :) hmmm, but which place to put them? i wonder?


huh? what?

22:34 May 09 2010
Times Read: 888

OK, i am an 18 year old who is one of the nicest people you would ever like to meet. i have never smoked, never done drugs, never had sex, and i don't drink. i am true to my word, and i love my family.

i hope to graduate high school, and try to get a job so i can support my family, or at least myself for the time being.

i chose to be single untill school is over. i have lots of friends. and only a few have my full trust. i may look like a badass, but i am a mature young adult. i know how to always say please and thank you. Right now i can't afford much. so i thank MyArmyLife very much for getting me the most awesome profile. She's such a hero!

I whish the drama between me and Angelus had never happened. I always rate people 10's out of kindness. however if someone rates me something lower than a ten, i rate them the same as what they gave me. i feel its only fair.

i don't have the time to make another profile. in fact if you look at the date my profile was made, (April, 6, 2010) and you look at my high level, you can see, i spend time souly on this profile.

i don't play games, and why should i?

Angelus, can't say much about me. thats why all his journal entries about me are hear say.

Heres a bit of advice from me to you Angelus. "Look in the mirror. what do you see? mabey this web sight is your life, but you know what? you could do something better. and i'm being very nice in my last words to you. go look in the mirror, get a pen, or paint whatever you like, and draw yourself. mabey smile and have a good time. please don't pick on me or MyArmyLife. just drop the subject and move on in life. draw a few things, and remember to smile."

And lastly i would like to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day!! be well! and have fun!



03:05 May 10 2010

thats a good advice best to move on and let it drop

and thankies :)


some messages from him, for proof

02:40 May 09 2010
Times Read: 924

well, you ask questions that interest me.

you pique my interst with your inquisitive manner.

and, you draw well. and, you're not modest.

Aye, I like all I know of you Rose.

tell you, no. teach you as you teach me, with your verve and opinions and.. well, yes.

I like all I have read of you.

On 03:09:27 May 07 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

ok, well, is there something you want to tell me?

sorry i threw most of my messages away which was pig headed of me, but he was talking about his dad and adoption. and i said i'm still a virgin and i'm for abortion but i'm glad hes alive. i didn't want to sound mean or anything. and he tells me about the young going at it all night long, and i ask what? and he tells me to enjoy myself with flesh and stuff. and i try to be nice and talk to him less and less. why? not to insult him but hes a major cry baby. there i said it. i don't want to talk to him anymore ok. is that so wrong? and make sure you read his comment on "pervs , pervs, pervs, my mom would kill you"

first of all hes not my type for many reasons.

#1. hes old

#2. hes square

#3. hes an artist

#4. he lives too far away

#5. did i mention hes old?

#6. he lies

#7. he hates my friend

#8.he hates at women too much

#9. he should see women as people

#10. i let him off easy and he still hated at me

#11. will he let something simple go?

#12. should i add on to this list, or is he still not going to drop it, like i did? because if its something big, i'll fight till the end, and my friends agree with me, he was being a jerk.

#13. when he fought with MyArmyLife, he yelled at me when i was in the vampire chat box. and that hurt me the most. did my friends have to see that. i'm having a good time and this guy just yells at me for something i had no control over? what do you think? any advice? cause this case is closed in my book!



02:51 May 09 2010

His comment isn't there, dear....

02:56 May 09 2010

oh yeah.... my not thinking pissedoff ness, got rid of that too, sorry

04:05 May 09 2010

I am reminded, once again, that this is VR...a website about fictional creatures :) I know FULL well that MAML wouldn't whore herself out for a coven...laugh..on a website...for fictional creatures. Nor would she desperately leave a career she truly loves..for said coven. I would hope, dear Rose, that you realize that this, too, shall pass. It's time for everyone to see that verve Angelus spoke of. I'm telling MAML to give it the ol' Mono try...give it right back to them..pointing out the lunacy in the argument is probably a quicker end than trying to defend herself...since...well...it would be like me trying to defend this charge:

Kyriele..you have been charged with mating with purple aliens and eating butterfly wings sauteed in garlic butter on the planet X-Pak. How do you plea?

See..I'd have to plead that this are THE most ridiculous charges..so much so..there can be no defense..only laughter :)

17:51 May 09 2010

I say to let it pass. If you stop responding, he'll stop doing shit. ^_^

01:03 May 10 2010

Damn, not only do I feel like an ass for commenting in his journal , but I feel OLD too. I turned 25 two weeks ago. Just shoot me.

01:05 May 10 2010

he's not worth the time or the effort. just ignore him and hopefully he'll go away

22:27 May 23 2010

Have you ever read Angelus' journals? I am surprised he found the 'whatever you want to insert here' to actually tell you that you were talented. He has spoken to me several times...Aracon too. I have no qualm with either of them, but they take little notice of me. Well, Aracon does...sometimes...

I like both, but then I like you too from what little I have read about you. Yes, I can tell you are polite and sweet, but you have a bite if you are backed into a corner. Love, I say that is a great thing. Still, you could have misunderstood him somewhat, or stepped on his toes. They are such dainty little things. I have snooped into tons of his conversations and been delighted by much of it. Mostly because he hangs out with people I find fascinating and honey...

Old is not always a bad thing. For dating purposes, they might have blood pressure problems and be a bit 'start and stop' at it, but damn do they know what they are doing. Talent makes up for bad body parts. As far as mentally, I rarely get along with the younger set because they don't think like I do. I was raised by old people and I enjoy the way they look at things.

Still, if you understand Angelus at all...You would know he has reasons to be bitter. I am glad I have never run afoul of it, as he is quite talented with his own verve and verses. He is intelligent. That gives him the right to be a bit bitchy in my book and everyone is rude if you stomp a 'pet peeve'. Perhaps you stepped indelicately on something and he got upset, or perhaps he was simply having a royally bad time of it and took it out on you without consideration for you having little to do with it. I am sorry you fell afoul of his wit, but if you have seen him on a good day...you might see him in a new light.

Or perhaps I am deluded...I like Snape on Harry Potter too. He is a brain. I love intelligence, evil or not.

Odd, that I think you are cool.

*Yes, dear...that is a compliment.*


because you guys ask, here for now, is a piece of my mind

01:39 May 09 2010
Times Read: 936

hey, i will add on to my story, just busy now.

feel free to ask. and trust me i had good reasons.

"bros before hoes" comes to mind.

please understand how i feel when a guys being creepy with me. and yes there is a long story. yes there very much are 2 sides to one story. i mostly blocked him for myself, not just for myarmylife. do notice how he has nothing really to say about me? well just because i'm a woman huh? well because the "MAN" opened up his mouth, i will enjoy telling my story. personaly i call people, "people" but if he wants this to be a big thing? then this child which he has always been rude with will open a can of kickass in her childish journal. am i not wrong? or am i just a souless woman? i am a very strong believer in womans rights and i never wanted it to come to this. understand, but the truth will come out!, just after dinners over, LOL. sorry i'm cooking right now.




i don't want talk anymore

04:24 May 08 2010
Times Read: 967

i have been nice to bad guys only because i didn't want to seem mean. but you know what, that was foolish of me. if anyone has a problem with MyArmyLife then they have a problem with me. i'm such an idiot for being nice. no more ms.nicegirl! you hear? its blocking time. and my friends are with me on this one. i don't just block anyone , i ask for advice first. and have lots of reason to dislike you. don't like it? why not jerk off some more then? it will take your pain away.

have a nice day , angelus and aracon. jerks.

i can't believe how mean you guys are? leave people alone. by the way, read the poem if you like underneath. it will explain a few things, but the main point is that i want you guys to leave me alone and her. why? cause she is a truly nice person, and she knows what shes doing.



22:33 May 08 2010

Thank you. ^_^

00:23 May 09 2010

I have read this and it was like WTF? when I read the part where you say Angelus mean, when she *MAL lied to me and made empty promises as well to get what she wanted, not to mention she just booted the person who helped her most in creating a Coven for her to have once reaching sire. Pot calling Kettle black comes to mind.

I think that many should really leave things alone that they do not know the whole story , yet only 1 side of the story.

Sorry, I just feel this is being mean by assuming that the story your getting is the only and the true story.

just my 2 cents and MyArmyLife is a friend of mine so I am not being mean just stating some facts.

She knows I am speaking truth as well if she reads this.

01:47 May 09 2010

Empty promises? I wanted to be in your alliance until I saw some of the members in it. I knew I wouldn't get along with them so I created my own.

I never made empty promises to him and you know why I gave him to you!

I asked you to take care of him for me because he refused to speak to me anymore.

So don't turn it all on me. He didn't want me anymore so I sent him somewhere he would be happy.

03:22 May 09 2010

I want to just say I consider everything done and over and I even shall move on. I just hope all works out or just moves on from now.

03:44 May 09 2010

i hope.


i wrote about my day yesterday in poem form

00:11 May 08 2010
Times Read: 974

“Acorn’s Are Nuts”

By: Rose Nizami

Manipulative ways

Reading into ones thoughts

What is your profession?

Driving the crazy insane

What’s your flaw?

You love your enemy too much

And she has your twin

Her friend shares your mind

Your pain, your suffering

But get a clue?

You can capture more

Souls with candy

Than you can with

Straight out bitterness

I wouldn’t fall

For such dreck

When I play

Games by myself

Talking, topics of fools

But that’s in the past

Vampire Kisses is dead *

And the zombies united

With the exception

Of three jealous flaws

Who can’t understand

My claws of cat fights

A warrior lives another day

But battle scars remain

For when I win the war

I will have eaten

All of their brains

And you will still be here

One of the few people

Who wants to love

What I took away

And when another Atom bomb

Drops on us

I will count with you

Lets just see who survives

*vampire kisses is a book, which they made a forum websight and its sort of dead now



05:10 Jan 26 2011

*Aracons are nuts


pervs , pervs, pervs, my mom would kill you ;)

05:01 May 06 2010
Times Read: 997

today i went outside wearing a hoodie. a guy in a car yells "hey i know your hot" and smiles. i finnish crossing the street and then say softly under my breath, "i'm so cool, i'm damn hot" LOL

I was happy all day today, it must have shown. lots of guys noticed at least, LOL. when i walked home today these group of guys said "i could do that body. " and the four of them looked at me like i was a piece of meat. and earlyer a guy tried saying "hello" twice, but i ignored them all. why? cause they are old dudes, and why would i like such dumb pick up lines?

well there was a boy on his bike that said "rock on" but hes what? a little older than my little sister? WTF? hey guys, if my mom were there she would soooo kill you. LOL!! but hey this cool cat's not doing anything untill after she finnishes school anyway. *winks* ;)



06:19 May 06 2010

Hahahaha nice rose ;D

18:32 May 06 2010

Haha! That's an awesome boost to the ole ego!

22:39 May 23 2010

Yeah, I got that alot too. I took it as a compliment. Pervs? I never thought that, but then...I don't live in a big city either. I got the lame lines and the quiet leers, but I just grinned and felt good.

I applaud you for not doing anything with them. I was twenty my first time and the guy had been...shall we say...snipped? I did not want to get PG. Still used protection as there are worse things out there than parasites (babies).

Honestly, I have found I am a much better (and more considerate lover) than any male ever could hope to be. I was a poster child for safe sex (masturbation) before I actually did the deed. Then, perhaps I picked the wrong guys, but it seems terribly over-rated to me. I am telling everyone now that there had better be two (or three) of them to even interest me away from my "?Hand Pickle?"...That doesn't go over so well.

Mostly because: What guy wants to share?

Secondly because: Males compete in all things. Which is why I say it will take two to interest me. Maybe if they are trying to get my attention over someone else...they will. Huh? Mean, I know, but some men need the extra prod. The dullards and slack-witted around here are too asleep or self-centered to pay attention properly and therefore...not worth my time.

Jenna Karro



Ah, kids , i love 'em!!

05:24 May 03 2010
Times Read: 1,025

yesterday i went out to manhatten with my little sister. we go shoping at 28th and broadway. i get some socks and other things when this little girl walks up to me. she says "Monster, monster" then she walks up to my sister and points at me asking her" scuse me is that your monster?" and i smile. then she walks up to her parents and tells her mom, "monster, monster, look their real" and her mom tells her to shut up. LOL

I love kids! i remember hanging out in the village with my mom and seeing the most beautiful thing. "look mommy, see that girl with the purple mohawk? shes so cool" i always wanted to be one of those freaks and i grew up as one. it brings joy in my heart.

last week my mom made me get some white castle and i watied for my order. (yuck i hate white castle) so this little boy comes up to me and says" hi, your so cool, look mom, shes cool just like me!" kids are the groovyist things!! i smiled and said hi to the kid and the mother was looking at her kid, like "stay away from the freak" LOL



06:34 May 03 2010

That is just freaking awesome! hahaha :)

13:39 May 03 2010

I have often been mistaken for Gandalf by Kids so I'm laughin happily with you ain't they just so cool sometimes?

23:23 May 03 2010

.. see? taught yourself. you did know what I meant.

06:19 May 06 2010

Awww thats damn cute :)

22:58 May 23 2010

God, I know what you mean there! I have much the same thing down here...only there are very few...?Purple mohawks? and the like running about.

I was a child and my father rode a motorcycle, but he is more the 'lawyer on a bike' type than anything else. I was walking into WalMart between them, holding hands, when I was very young. I saw a pair get off of a Harley and thought: Oh wow!

I said to my dad, "That is so cool, Dad! I want to be like that when I get older! Can you look like that too?"

My mom was horrified. My dad just smiled, but in a very pained fashion as he said, "I seriously hope you find better things to inspire you when you get older, pumpkin, but if you still feel the same way...we shall see. I think he lose the beer belly at least. Are you saying I am fat, Kitten?" I laughed and shook my head 'no'. My mother sputtered in shock.

The pair looked good to me, then and now. My dad probably agreed, but...not in front of my mother...he could never have admitted it. Still, you would have to picture what I saw to really 'get it'.

The Harley was a custom job. Didn't know that then. One of those things you find in Hot Rod Mags, painted like a dream...expensive.

The girl had long hair (past her knees and thin at the ends) and was dressed half biker chic and half hippie grunge. They both had frayed jean jackets (no sleeves) and lots of patches on them with logos and things, not sure what. It could have read (kill your local grocer) for all I knew. Shades to hide the eyes.

The guy DID have a huge pot belly, but I have rarely taken notice of such things. Being thin never made me see others as fat, so I never understood the 'let's pick on sally because she weighs more than us' mentality. He also had that half white and half gray-black hair that I like so much. He wasn't old, probably prematurely gray and muscled up nicely. Looked like a "Hell's Angel" and back then there were a bit of them in Memphis so who knows...he might have been. He acted so suave and cool. I loved his attitude! Quite and not rude, but then he never spoke either...so who am I to say.

Children's opinions are so skewed. Great though. and honest. I try not to hang near many, but that doesn't mean I do not find some of them adorable. Most are mean though. I hate that. Still, reflection of their elders and all of that rot. Did I mention the guy looked like ZZ Top? Beard and all...Hair down to his middle back. I loved it. My dad secretly loves ZZ Top songs. I guess I know where I got it from. My mom is a closet Perv. So straight-laced and uptight! It is a bitch...but we all love her. *wink*

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