TheArtistRose's Journal

TheArtistRose's Journal


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82 entries this month

17:51 Mar 31 2012
Times Read: 494

"Give me the wifi code."

"You have it in your phone!"

"Check it again, I don't have it right."

I go to check it, "You're an idiot, you switched around all the numbers, you dyslexic!"

They go to type it into their wifi; they still can't get it connected. They bug me to no end to type it in for them. I type it once and it works.






08:57 Mar 31 2012
Times Read: 497



01:16 Mar 31 2012
Times Read: 499

I found one of my favorite comics that I never finished reading. Dr.Slump. It's by a famous manga artist but I'm not going to tell you what else he's made because that would spoil it for some people who don't know the style.

Read it, READ IT! >:| Now.





23:37 Mar 30 2012
Times Read: 505

Yay! I got my first paycheck and I happily handed it over to family. lol The first week hardly had much.

Found out the other noobie isn't going to be there, heh. I did a better job. >.> -GloatGloat-




07:05 Mar 30 2012
Times Read: 514

Been thinking of other jobs after my summer fling. There are different things to choose from but it's a matter of what pays more, what I can even get and what I'd enjoy. It is silly if I even considered bartending? I don't know shit about it. There are classes I could take for it and considering I'm gaining experience of food from the job I have now. I think I'd rather read up on it if anything.

There are things I still wish I had like being a mailwoman but I found out from someone that it's a frozen job. I'd have to get a driver's license and take the test for that only to not get it? Blah. I could take security training, which is a job I'd like but there are so many scams. I can't just waste money.

People say young people like me should be in college I suppose, no? I just don't believe in it after my application papers got fucked up so many times a few years ago. Someone said "You're young, you have time." Why the hell don't I feel like I am or do? I want to be something and one day not struggle. College is not for me. I know I'd fuck up with the stress I get and I don't feel like I want to owe money in the end. Heh.



08:23 Mar 30 2012

I think you'd make a good bartender. :)

There's no shame in that job. :P


06:46 Mar 30 2012
Times Read: 514

Ah, I think I can understand that last one now. I had bitten my tongue, since it's aching on one side. Damn my crazy sleep. o.o




14:21 Mar 29 2012
Times Read: 519

Oddest dream. That my mouth was full of blood. That salty, metallic taste and when I woke up I realized that I drooled on my pillow. >_>'




05:34 Mar 29 2012
Times Read: 522

I like quoting myself at times. Though I don't know if anyone will understand it. "You can't expect much from a cold person. They'll get a jacket from someone else eventually. That's just the way things are."

All this missing feeling, the worrying, the pushing like a lost puppy, it makes me colder because I don't want it. I want space, friendly space is okay, but I need to be on my move. It's not right what you've done to someone else, let alone me. The thing is, I expect a lot out of life; what doesn't hurt me, makes me stronger. In this world, I see myself as a leader, at all times, even if I'm the right hand person. That being said, I strive for the best to match up. Game over, bro. When you don't deserve me, you don't deserve my lovely personality.




22:40 Mar 28 2012
Times Read: 524

No idea of why I'm in such a good mood. o.O It's crazy that I can be happy when something stupid happens. I did a few bad things myself but I deserve my wins. Sometimes two wrongs do make a right. The best part is not saying a word.




13:34 Mar 28 2012
Times Read: 525

Nah, I pretty much made up my mind. It's my fault for believing idiots in the first place. Freedom rings on my side!




06:20 Mar 28 2012
Times Read: 537

I don't know what to do anymore. Stay with my mind made up or forgive them? It's hard to pick. I really want to forgive and forget but I also can't just say everything is okay when it's not.

Oddly enough, I feel fine. o.O Just hard to make a choice. Guess I'll see how everything works out along the path of life. Eh, I'll see what happens this summer.



06:50 Mar 28 2012

Just wait and watch and listen..


03:29 Mar 28 2012
Times Read: 543

FoAmY tHe SqUiRrEl! Pictures, Images and Photos

This is me today. HAHAHA!



06:50 Mar 28 2012

I love me some Foamy


01:43 Mar 28 2012
Times Read: 545

These last few days I was sort of freaking because I felt like waiting a few years for something just wasn't going to cut it but I can see now that I can freely move on to whatever I want without caring.

I've been looking into a few other jobs. Just research and I haven't found much because of freezes or the level of education wanted. I'm trying to look for a government job where I'd end up with decent pay but there's not much that I'd want if I end up wasting my time.

I just wish I could stand on my own one day and not struggle. I was going to say I didn't feel young anymore if I had written this entry earlier, however after events that occurred, I feel pretty fucking awesome. Young, pretty and making new friends.




15:43 Mar 27 2012
Times Read: 549

Medusa keeps turning the TV on in the other room. It keeps freaking me out, maaan. o_o All of a sudden, I hear noises behind me and it's her pressing the buttons, flipping channels. lol Crazy kitty. Gotta get her to stop somehow. Last time she did that it was when everyone came home to wonder who left the TV on when it was shut. o.O





14:54 Mar 27 2012
Times Read: 552



14:17 Mar 27 2012
Times Read: 558

Hehe, I know I'm late to enjoying those videos but I'm addicted to his phrases.

This one made my sister laugh, too. :P

Foamy Pictures, Images and Photos




23:02 Mar 26 2012
Times Read: 568

I cried so much today. >.o Onions are a bitch. Tears freaking dripping off my face. xD After all the onion cutting I think I sort of got used to it. Maybe. lol Crying in public = so embarrassing. :x

I was doing well today. One dude really helped me understand more about how to help around and what to do. Then this other friendly guy, who's give or take, 10 to 20 years older than me. I'm not good with ages but he's older and he made a joke like.. " So tell everyone when we're getting married." o_O Christ, lol. Flirting with a poor new girl like me. ._. Then a manager kept ninja'ing me while I was checking up on things and asked if my ink was real. xD Looks like I'll be known as the vampire girl, hahah. He said it was cool.

Man, I honestly thought that I looked lame in uniform but I guess I'm attractive. O.o I don't even like my cherry lipstick. lol



01:05 Mar 27 2012

Chew gum when you're cutting onions and you won't cry.

12:09 Mar 27 2012

Spiderling cares for your weepiness.

Maybe there's hope in the world after all...




14:18 Mar 27 2012

foamy Pictures, Images and Photos


14:31 Mar 26 2012
Times Read: 576

Fuck you firefox. Y u froze on me?




12:08 Mar 26 2012
Times Read: 579

I don't want it anymore. I don't. I want more. It took others for me to see that. Now where to start when you're lost? You start from where you're at, where you don't want to be.




09:16 Mar 26 2012
Times Read: 584

At this point it's hard to see what's worth it compared to what's not. Some things are tricky. Don't know who I piss off more some days, others or myself. Y'know, whatever.




00:26 Mar 26 2012
Times Read: 590

Things went better than expected. The rain was a blessing for once. Though it isn't good for me in the future, it was wonderful for today. I got to see them, not much happened.

Things are going extremely well and all with such luck, I just can't help as if I'm missing something. I'm missing that one thing I've wanted for a long time but maybe it isn't that bad. I know there are others who go through similar situations and hold strong. If they can do that, so can I.




08:31 Mar 25 2012
Times Read: 591

I hate the fact that you won't let me sleep. That you love to throw burdens on me. I'm a sucker every time. I need to save up to take care of myself but I have a feeling that will never happen, that all along, when I do make anything, it'll all just go to you like the sap I am.

Good people do finish last.




21:40 Mar 24 2012
Times Read: 594

Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I feel like a fool for not being able to stay. I miss you. ;_; Only an hours worth of chit chat.




23:34 Mar 23 2012
Times Read: 601

My co-workers are so friendly. One of the cooks saw me by the train station and asked why I was two hours early. I wonder why myself some days, I have keys now. I really have keys! :D It's been a while since I had keys because someone took mine. (So I don't have to leave when my sister does. I can lock the door myself.) Why do I love going to work early, anyway? Because I can spend the morning at the beach. :3 The water teases me though. lol

I love having new friends. I needed this socialization. So bad.





11:34 Mar 23 2012
Times Read: 606



10:50 Mar 23 2012
Times Read: 607

I need coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. Also a good Saturday would be nice. Yesterday, ugh. You know what else would be nice? Some damn chocolate to go with the coffee. lol




02:42 Mar 23 2012
Times Read: 608

When in doubt, cranky, moody, bitchy and over all pissed off... heh lay back, keep cool, take friendly advice from good, honorable people.




13:42 Mar 22 2012
Times Read: 619

Ow. Sadistic bitch, piercing puller. At least you did my hair better this time. I'll admit, that was sorta funny. Lol

20 minutes till l go. Woo!

Hmm, wonder if I'll get a chance to see a family member this Sunday. My late day. Ah well. I'll sure miss him if I don't.




05:38 Mar 22 2012
Times Read: 632

I always joked about wanting to be paid in bacon but never saw irony until now. lol I could get used to that. >_>



11:29 Mar 22 2012

... You got paid in bacon? That ... is pretty fucking ironic AND funny. ♥

11:29 Mar 22 2012

Not to mention practical and tasty. :P

11:32 Mar 22 2012

Sort of, during the breaks I can order it. They don't pay you but food is what you get instead so it equals pay. :P


04:32 Mar 22 2012
Times Read: 635

"Swan: You still looking for us?

Masai: We've found what we're looking for.

Luther: No. No... It wasn't us. It was them. It was the Warriors.

Masai: You Warriors are good. Real Good.

Swan: The best.

Masai: The rest is ours.
" -The Warriors




16:24 Mar 21 2012
Times Read: 639

Ahh, what a sweet day to be off from work. God, has this been one hell of a good month. 2012, I knew you'd do me right. Mmm, mmm. :3




01:24 Mar 21 2012
Times Read: 650

Silly me thinking I was some sort of invincible. I knocked out today because my tattoo was irritated by the socks I had to wear. (Also because I had done a bunch of walking out of un-needed nervousness.) Ugh. Not bad choices. Good choices done at bad timing. I will used my day to heal it, if it can be helped.

That one other place never called back. Fuck that, I'm staying with what I've got. It's fun. It really can be no matter what other people say. It's fun because it's not wasting my time.




08:31 Mar 20 2012
Times Read: 659

" I used to think about one day, just not telling anyone, and going off to some random place. And I'd just... disappear. And they'd never see me again. Did you ever think about stuff like that?

....Just find some totally new place and start a whole new life. Fuck everybody.
" -Ghost World.



23:45 Mar 20 2012

Yes. ... Gods, yes. :(

07:33 Mar 21 2012

*Nods* all the time.


07:04 Mar 20 2012
Times Read: 662

Do I really want to bother like some of you? Writing down your progress. No, I believe that if you want to get something done like that then you just do it. I have one last ring to slip off. That's my new goal. It's damn well stuck. I believe that I can be better at stuff than most people because I'm that kick ass kind of chick who gets shit done her way.




01:57 Mar 20 2012
Times Read: 669

I'm nervous and I don't know why. >.o

Maybe I shouldn't have had so much coffee today...




23:08 Mar 19 2012
Times Read: 672

I really do have the job! Woo! Rules, rules, rules, blah. >.> I need to hide my industrials. ._. Thank god for long hair, and I love being a woman. We're allowed earrings. Just the one set though.. xD One ring for each finger, too. I'm down to one silver ring and that's because it's stuck. The rest slipped off. o.o

I'm not going to be on as much and I go in tomorrow at 10am for training. :P



01:38 Mar 20 2012

Congrats rose.

01:59 Mar 20 2012

Thanks Smokey! :)

07:33 Mar 21 2012

Told ya :P


13:59 Mar 19 2012
Times Read: 675

Thought of the day; Is cheating on school tests wrong for a person to do? I'll admit that I've done it. Never on any major tests. I don't think it's wrong in my opinion. If you've done it well enough to get away with it, then where does the information go anyway? You haven't cheated yourself out of anything, you've succeeded in life to get a better score. Survival of the fittest. If the test isn't an opinion, why is it SO "wrong" to cheat? It's not fair, but sweetie, life isn't fair, so why such a fuss?

That's probably something I should have asked in the past, seeing as I don't go to school. Yes, I could have done better back in the day but didn't like the stress of it. I failed when a teacher was bias but if challenged with a better teacher, could get an A. I don't think it's wrong at all, seeing as how I believe that not all teachers are meant to be. Some are wonderful, some are corrupt.




04:15 Mar 19 2012
Times Read: 683

My plan worked. To stay up for most of the weekend so that when it was time to rest up for Monday, I'd be sleepy enough. I have that orientation to go to. I forgot what time he said to be there exactly. Oh well. I'll just get there super early. Afternoon, I think is what he wanted.

Going to be dressed up again, blah. My tattoo itches like fuck and I can't scratch. Me, not scratching, hah!? I'm the kind of person who scratches till I bleed. Can't do it though. ._. If I talk about bod mods for the next half a year, someone talk me out of it!

Also waiting for a call on Monday but I'll let my mother answer it if I get the call. If not, then I'll call them later on Monday or Tuesday. Like I said in a later entry, I'm still hoping to get both jobs. Wouldn't mind just being away for a while. I hope that other people get jobs, the friends that I have on here looking for work. They deserve it too. Noticed a bunch of interview status on my newsfeed. I hope people get lucky because it's such a pain in the ass to have nothing.

Life is getting better. I may have had a few hard years and felt like my last teen years were wasted on nonsense but in reality, some shit just happens. I hate waiting for things to be right but without the wrong, we wouldn't appreciate the good. I have new influence, a man to look forward to, the best-est friends I could ask for, even if that's not many as of recent, and a loving little family who I stuck through harsh times with. I look forward to my later years now, seeing as I do have enough strength to pull through anything.




16:28 Mar 18 2012
Times Read: 695

I cannot stand it. The itchiness, the pain from the other thing. No, it's not that I'm any sort of weak person. I just know my limitations and they scream, "Enough already."

It's a lot for me. I do enjoy it all the same but it's a bit much. I don't want anymore for a good long while till I'm fully healed.

Hell, I don't even want more stuff when the summer rolls along. I want to learn how to swim in the ocean by myself (Or with my sister, who also doesn't know.). The ocean and the beach have been on my mind for so long. It's a phase for the love of the waters and it's creatures because no one else ever really did much to show us. Just a little bit here and there. I want to see more.

You know, I've never even been fishing. I wouldn't want to but it would be cool to see the fishies. ._. Nah, I couldn't go fishing. lol Poor little fishies.



01:33 Mar 19 2012

I take my son fishing all the time, he goes ice fishing in the winter too. Fishies don't mind :P

02:01 Mar 19 2012

I wouldn't eat them though and I'd feel bad for disturbing something I wouldn't eat. xD


"I wanna rock 'n roll all night and party every day."

03:09 Mar 18 2012
Times Read: 705

It's Saturday night. My "Free" time feels limited. >.> I feel like doing bad things for fun and staying up all night.

No more to say than that. ;D




20:42 Mar 16 2012
Times Read: 719

Sooo, I have a retarded question. If there's a welcome letter in this huge pile of papers, does that mean I got the job? >_>



21:09 Mar 16 2012

It looks like it, so a congrats is in order!

00:14 Mar 17 2012

Yes, silly girl :D

23:09 Mar 18 2012

♥ COngratulations!


19:26 Mar 16 2012
Times Read: 722

Just got back from the whole interview thing. I think the man really just enjoyed talking to me more than the other weirdos. My god though- I hate how odd I look being "normal". xD Must still have looked awesome seeing as how the dirty old bums around there were trying to flirt with me again. xP

Anyway, I gave them my good ol' Coney Island charm. Told them how much Coney Island means to me and their store and I walked out with a huge ass packet full of papers and a date to come back on Monday. o.o It's funny, everyone else walked out saying good luck- I come out with bunches of papers and him saying he'll try to get me to be a cook or porter. o: Sounds pretty awesome to me. And, did I just score a job? O.o I'm slightly confused. xD



00:14 Mar 17 2012

Yes! Sounds like it to me, my voodoo magic worked ;) Nah, good job sweets :D


13:19 Mar 16 2012
Times Read: 725

Something wrong with me that I'd put this gif in my journal. xD Shhh. No, not mushy at all. >_>





20:36 Mar 15 2012
Times Read: 730

I've already started making some plans. I wish to try to convince them that I'd want to work full time starting soon. That way if I find anything else, I'll work two jobs and ask if it can fit into what hours I have. Either way, I hope I get both for fun. Overworking? Pft. I have all the time in the world and would do anything to get away once in a while.

Hmm, the tricky part is my new tattoo. See, I can't exactly wear tight boots to cover it and a skirt, yikes. xP It's going to be a half assed job at shaving my leg but it's not gonna hurt anyone if I missed my tattooed spot. xD




19:40 Mar 15 2012
Times Read: 732

Fuck yeah. xD Gonna go on another interview tomorrow. The original Nathan's called back. LOL Ah, fuck, two chances at something are better than none. :P I think I just might end up with something in the end. hehehe. Note to self: 1:45pm




15:37 Mar 15 2012
Times Read: 735

Know what I just realized? >_> This July 27th lands on a Friday. Fire works for a 21 oldie? Fuck yeah bitches. Okay, done gloating till then. >.>




14:16 Mar 15 2012
Times Read: 736

What do you know! Ruby's is still open for this year! :) Another part of Coney Island saved for the time being.

I should really get my butt on making a page for one of my favorite areas but I don't think I can for today. After watching a video on their history tour, my god, what I wouldn't do to see the old Coney and all it's glory. Sad to see that I've seen what little I had when it came to the old abandoned coaster that was destroyed in the early 2000's to the candy shop that moved out to Staten Island years ago.

Enough about this though. Most of my words will go un-read unless I do end up making a page. On the plus side, I'll hit 21 at the end of July and can go into that bar just to be there. xP Don't want to miss out on history before it's gone one day.




20:52 Mar 14 2012
Times Read: 745

I was worried last night. Having gotten no call back, I checked with them and called. They then said to call back later. So I had. Apparently, the manager hasn't picked people out for the job yet. I will wait till Monday to check back. (Which probably means I'll call Tuesday if I get no call.) They did however take down my number again. I hope they saw my call as an initiative to want it even more.



21:07 Mar 14 2012

Showing initiative usually is the point of the call back. It keeps your name under their nose and shows them that you want it. If you work as hard for them as you do to get hired they will usually want you.

It honestly wouldn't hurt to just casually walk in and pay them a visit if you can get away with it.

21:15 Mar 14 2012

Can't just visit them without having to pay for it. Thanks for the advice though. :) I just really hope I get it instead of worrying. xD Last night I was so worked up that I applied for even more work there. If by chance I do happen to get what I want, I'll just tell them to forget the other stuff because I'll have been hired. :P If not, I'll take my chances again.


08:27 Mar 14 2012
Times Read: 746

Heh, my god, your design was really based off Jeff now. No one tell him I said that. Lolol




07:29 Mar 14 2012
Times Read: 747

Heh, you know, maybe she wasn't half wrong when she said you looked like Jeff. Makes sense. I think I need to clear my mind and get back on track with my art project that I promised you months back. Speaking of which, there's a pervy mindset for the next panel that I can't get out of my mind. Hope the writer doesn't mind, heh. (Yes, that says panel, not paddle for anyone reading it wrong. lol)




04:11 Mar 14 2012
Times Read: 757

I'm frustrated. About life. I haven't called them back yet but I haven't gotten a call, which makes me think I didn't get it. I hate this. Every fucking moron and retard can get a job and I suffer. Fuck you all. I hate rejection. >_o Fuck you, just fuck you.



04:30 Mar 14 2012

Call them so you can just get it over with and move on.

04:31 Mar 14 2012

I will tomorrow morning.

06:02 Mar 14 2012

*hugs* That's right, I hugged you :P


04:21 Mar 13 2012
Times Read: 767

So just now I stepped on another toothpick in my other foot. :/ Bleed for a while. God, why don't I just get crucified. Not to jinx myself that is. Plz no. Plz no more sharp objects and bad luck. >.o



04:31 Mar 13 2012

What is with the toothpick love?

04:34 Mar 13 2012

Sister dropped them all over the floor. I thought she picked them all up but apparently one was stuck in the carpet. I walked on it and bam, my other foot got it deep.

I'm totally going for the whole crucified look, you know? lol Such a fashion... >.o I need things to happen to my hands now like I need another hole in my head. :D Hahaahaha!

04:29 Mar 14 2012

So painful and the payoff for crucifixion sucks.

Salvation for everyone else and you get eternity with water leaking through your palms. Forget it!


02:24 Mar 13 2012
Times Read: 770

Thank god for profile back ups. That is all. >.>

Sorta messed up my profile while explaining something to someone.




02:06 Mar 13 2012
Times Read: 776

I don't understand how to vent about this exactly. I know we don't mean much to him and that we're probably thought of as.. as... well, I don't know what we're thought of as. Nothing good probably. Only one visit per year and I'm a bit disappointed. I've known for years that he doesn't really know me well. Who knows if that's good or bad? I just wish... I just wish we could all get along and he'd put the petty differences behind him. I know we've been fucking up in the past but he doesn't know how hard it can be sometimes. I've got nothing to prove too since I'm probably considered a fuck up as well but I just wish for us to be closer as a family. I don't know why that gets to me. Like I said, I'm a bit envious of those who had more. Guess I let it get to me.

Ah well. One day I'll do something for myself and I'll see this as silly.




05:33 Mar 12 2012
Times Read: 784

I'm sitting here being creepy, drawing a person. I hate drawing people I know because if there's a chance I fuck up, it'll be judged. It'll be judged upon being good or not and personally it's hard. No matter how much I try, that goes for anything (Anything that's personal), even myself. Jinxed by my own thoughts.

But you know.. us artists do like a good challenge. Here's to something. >_>




22:24 Mar 11 2012
Times Read: 800

Call me a sicko but I can't seem to get rid of this. I want to save such a thing.

It's the bandage imprint of the tatt.




22:26 Mar 11 2012

Sicko :P

22:34 Mar 11 2012


05:12 Mar 12 2012

Why did they bandage it? Mine was wrapped in plastic wrap and taped both times.

05:29 Mar 12 2012

Bandage is just something I'd call any sort of bandaging. They use paper towels and tape at this place. The other tattoos I had weren't as big and didn't bleed as much as this one. It's so pretty, yet it's someone's blood, MY blood, and I love the creepiest things at times. LOL


02:45 Mar 11 2012
Times Read: 816

New ink. o:

Text here in the ALT code will be displayed when you hover over the image.

It's on my other ankle. I can't seem to get a good shot. xP This will do for now.



02:47 Mar 11 2012

Wickedness :)


14:21 Mar 09 2012
Times Read: 826

Today could end well and in different ways. Just realized this is my 1001th entry for this section. o.O

I'm using this space to save a song since I want to take a break from here.

This morning was amazing. He messaged me on every site just so we didn't miss each other and the conversation lasted all morning. :3



15:30 Mar 09 2012

1,001st. Heh. 1th sounds like "once" with a lisp.


I mean of the art kind!

08:48 Mar 09 2012
Times Read: 832

Nothing is as refreshing as a new pad.




02:30 Mar 09 2012
Times Read: 841

The 25th is when we get to see him. Can't wait to finally see some family...

Only happens once a year, unfortunately. :( I envy those who get to spend more time with others. I wish it were that way with us. It used to be when all the others were alive, heh. Miss those days.



04:10 Mar 09 2012

Would be good for everyone. Miss the friday game night with family


04:30 Mar 08 2012
Times Read: 854

I had everything set. Took the train there, had, normal clothes on, a thick red lip gloss with just a touch of black to darken it, and regular glasses. I hate looking like this, but hey, in the end I'm still me and I can rock it.

When I got off on West 8th, I saw a clueless woman asking people for directions. xD She said she had only been there once, long ago with her son. Her clothes weren't so professional and she said she lived in a further part of Brooklyn. She was waiting for an interview, also. Don't know where exactly, seems bunches of people were for the seasonal stuff.

When I got there, I was early. I waited a while outside and watched a few younger school classes along with their teachers walk in. They were brats by yelling for excitement but they sure did look cute. lol

I showed them my invite at the ticket booth and got in. They gave me directions, to be honest, I haven't been there in the longest, however, when I did go inside the Aquarium, I felt my childhood path take over. >_> I remembered.

I walked to the cafe' and asked about the interview. They told me to sit down and they'll come over. I sat, noticed someone in the corner had been there before me. She was more dressed up but yet, she had beat up nail polish and though she was sporting long sleeves, she mistakenly wasn't paying attention and when she moved her arm a certain way, you could see her tattoo.

A few more people showed up. Mostly females and a few males. Young people. They gave us math tests. Oh boy, math, heh. I think I did well, except for one tricky question. It was about the prices and the membership, but how the hell am I supposed to know about discounts if they aren't listed? Ah well, I tried my best.

We were given another form to fill out. After that I had to wait for the order of the interview in order from when people came. I was second to be called. People who were "bored" were texting others. Great way to show you're ready for a job, hah.

I was super friendly. The interviewer asked a few questions. I made sure to shake her hand. Ask her how she was doing and all that. All smiles. At the end she asked if I had any questions and I did what I usually do which could make or break my chances. Gave her a cocky smile, good body language and asked, "So when do I start? ;)" She laughed! Horah! Haha. Said that everyone has a background check and that I'll be getting a call in two to three days if I get it.

She also went onto explain the rules. Like what is okay and what isn't. No nail polish (Check! I don't really wear it, though it's cool.), No face piercings (Check, I only have my ears pierced.), No earrings larger than a dime (I showed her the bottom half of my ear and she said my small hoops were fine), less rings. Hmm. I hate to see myself with less silver rings on my fingers but to tell you the truth, they've been slipping off as of recent. :/ Guess I somehow lost weight? I never cared about my weight. I'm not a diet person. I'll always yo-yo because if I want to eat, I'll do it and enjoy life. Looks like I will wear less for the time being, anyway. It would be a shame to lose them from stubbornness.

Uniforms will be given to people who are hired. Two sets. If it's damaged then you have to inform them. If it rains, then you have to see if you'll be going into work, because rain means it'll be closed. If one has an emergency then they have to call two hours in advance. Work hours can vary. As short as 10am to 2pm or as long as 10am to 7pm. I wouldn't mind that at all. In the summer, everything good starts late most of the time. The concerts are at 7pm and the Friday night fireworks at 9:30pm.

After the interview was done, I walked out and saw a cute walrus laying on a rock, sunbathing. :P

I walked towards the boardwalk, sat on a public bench and took my glasses off, replacing them with the sunglasses, also layering a new thick coat of black lipstick. I was myself again. lol While I was passing by this old bum, he said in a raspy voice, "Gothy. Heeeeeeey gothy. I know what goth is. ;)" I ignored him. First off, I'm not goth, secondly, I don't like old creepers hitting on me. >_> Funny though.

I met my mom outside and we did a few things. Like going to that Purim party. It wasn't all that good, it was okay at most.



10:00 Mar 08 2012

Only you... xD

12:16 Mar 08 2012

Hey, Gothy! Heeeere Gothy! (Does this make me an old creeper? :P)

i am SO sending happy thoughts your way!

12:24 Mar 08 2012

LOL. Makes me sound like a pet named gothy. xD He did it in such a voice though, it was more like, "Hey Goffy". xD

Raspy voices remind me of those chicken fast food ads and make me want to shout out, "Bona fide". o.o Which takes my mind to a dirty place and makes me think of Boner fried... xD


00:59 Mar 07 2012
Times Read: 867

Today was odd. I went to help out my mom and we ate somewhere. Then I went to the library near me that was open up late. They said I could buy a card but I couldn't put money on it to print out my paperwork.

Fuck. I called my mother and told her to pick up (the phone) , via, pay phone. lol Since she had the cell. She went home with her stuff but before we could all start on our way back, I felt something stab me in the foot. I had to unlace my whole boot because yanking it off would have hurt me more. When I got the boot off, I saw that it was one of those huge staples from a staple gun. In my foot, through the sock. I pulled it out, noticed that my lasting boots had a hole in their worn down soles and said, I had to get to the other library before it was too late.

My mother told me to take the bus, but fuck that, I'm a walker. Buses take forever. I walked my ass about 9 city blocks, to and back from that library. Managed to print everything out and come back within an hour.

Nothing is going to stop me. I hope I kick ass on tomorrows interview. :)



01:36 Mar 07 2012

You are going to kick some seriousl tailfeathers. :)


14:25 Mar 06 2012
Times Read: 870

Watching the movie, "Ghost World", on TV at the moment.

My favorite part is when she asks the guy to take her into the sex shop and get her a leather Batgirl mask. I wish I had that. D: It's cool.

My least favorite part of that movie is when she gets her art work taken down. It's like dammit. >:




08:57 Mar 06 2012
Times Read: 873

Finding a whole movie on you tube because you want to see a re-make on a movie that's coming out? Priceless.

I would post it here, but, eh, I'll make a thread about it in my coven, after I'm done watching, simply because I can. It has to do with a form of artwork anyway. :P

That's right, I'm keeping stuff from you readers, about film. I'm a meanie! Haha




00:43 Mar 06 2012
Times Read: 881

The next two nights, I need my sleep. Here it is that I only woke up an hour ago. Heh.

These days, have been hard to explain. Still sleepy enough to sleep.




14:11 Mar 05 2012
Times Read: 887

I never set my time on here because I always thought I would fail, well, look at me, google helped bunches. :P I've got a perfect match. I blame Katie's entry on setting it to the right time. After two years on here, I tried and succeeded!

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave.




08:07 Mar 05 2012
Times Read: 897

Some laws are plain retarded. I know people will disagree with me. They just, seem like it. An ad on my FaceBook caught my eye just before I decided to call it a night.

Apparently something called choco treasure is okay to sell in the U.S. but the Kinder eggs are illegal. Hah! I call bullshit on that.

Funny story, a lot of the time those kinder eggs can be bought on the streets of New York in small stores and shops. Mostly little European ones, from what I've seen.

I read that if you're caught with the wrong egg then you get fined. Sometimes I buy that shit just to be badass. Joking, I buy it because the chocolate is damn good and it has a cute toy. Not that I get it often.




01:39 Mar 05 2012
Times Read: 907

She's home now and lol at the conversation that she had on the phone with them. >_> That is all. :3 Been waiting for that woman to see their lies. She's a bit hurt because she thought they were her friends but heh, I'm glad. I'm selfishly glad she stopped being friends with them.




00:28 Mar 05 2012
Times Read: 915

My sister went out with her friend along with his parents and his siblings. I can't for the life of me, stand those people. The kid's father is the guy who once invited us all to a kids party and then had the nerve to sit on his huge fat ass and call me a kid scaring, vampire for hours. -.-

They didn't just go to a party to hang out with her and then come home. They did shopping, went to the party and then went out to eat. Which means they lied to my mother and how long she'd be staying out.

Heh, they don't know my mother as well as I do. Apparently nor does my sister, idiot. She was calling them on their cell for hours and they never picked up. What did she do? She called the restaurant, described the people and got my sister on the phone. Hah! My mom will track you down by phone no matter where you are. Your biggest mistake would be to give a location or call her, for which she'll find a location. lol I love her for that. :3 Even if it is creepy. xD She's only protective in a good way. My sister has to realize that what they did by lying was wrong, even if they are her friends.




21:29 Mar 04 2012
Times Read: 917

I fucking love the insults this game has. Every time I press the share button for my scores, I do it only to read how it wants to leave an insult. xD

From "Unhealthy obsession" to "Most people would be embarrassed at getting a score of 16131 in Robot Unicorn Attack: Evolution, but not Rose. Rose doesn't care what anyone else thinks." They're right though, that was low for me. :P

"Average players don't get enough respect on the leaderboards. So here's Rose, with a score of 30100, asking for some."

This game is an obsession alright. Makes me have a love for unicorns, pink and butterflies. T_T




19:50 Mar 04 2012
Times Read: 919

The new Robot Unicorn Time Attack game is addicting. The only thing I dislike about it is that it's on FaceBook and not on the Adult Swim site. Which means, every time you get a message or comment, it'll lag like fuck and you'll probably die. lol

So far, I've gotten the panda and the wolf. They're cute robot animals with horns! All which have names that start with Rose because that's my name. :D I'm a Rosecorn. lol Sounds a bit corny to me. :P Or like odd plant breeding.. xD




10:49 Mar 04 2012
Times Read: 924

I want to set a new goal but I don't want to write it. The past two days have went well, but the control never stays the same any other given time. I'll only ever tell my goal once it's done because these things get thrown away too easily.




01:16 Mar 04 2012
Times Read: 946

Omg, omg. I think I could cry with joy. o.o

Someone finally got back to me for an interview and it was unexpected. o.o The NYC Aquarium. Fuck yeah.

Now, I shouldn't be excited because it's only an interview but, yay! :D :D

It's a stupid cafe' job that pays shit, but damn, it's cool. Seasonal too. :P

Just a reminder to myself:

Print out resume, twice. Bring a pen and a copy of my invite. 11:30am, meeting time and March 7th. Taking place at the New York Aquarium in the Seaside Cafe.

Woohoo, doing this on Purim? Hah, I feel super lucky now. :3 What a fun, interesting day that'll be.

If I get this, it'll be like following in my mother's foot steps. lol Funny enough, she once did the same thing but in the Bronx zoo when she was younger.



01:30 Mar 04 2012

Best of luck in getting the job!!!! :D

Fingers are crossed for you.

01:39 Mar 04 2012

Good luck, mijitita! :e-hug:

02:52 Mar 04 2012

An interview at a place full of octopus?

... ;)

GOOD LUCK! I really hope you do well.

05:05 Mar 04 2012

I hope you get it.


00:52 Mar 04 2012
Times Read: 947

I just typed up an essay for my sister. My god, that was horrible writing. lol Not her hand writing like she wanted me to think; the writing itself. Just repeated for space fillings for stupid teachers. She'll learn one day. Things that are typed look much smaller once you type them.

She thought I couldn't read her writing but, aha, I can. I can write the same way if I wanted. Our family writing is comparable to a doctors. Funny, huh? :P

Why am I typing it up for her? >___>' That's what sister's do.




23:39 Mar 03 2012
Times Read: 949

That skirt or a tattoo? I have my choices just like I did last July. Really, I'm not mad, it's understandable. I've wanted a skirt like that for years but lets face it, chances are it's not going to fit right, heh. I'll pick the tattoo over it.

Tattoo will cost a little more but it's going to last forever. ;) I have till the 10th of this month to get it. xD According to that discount thing. haha. I don't even know when I can fit that day in during the week but I'll see. :P




08:09 Mar 03 2012
Times Read: 967

I want this.

I probably won't get it but damn it. I only own one normal black skirt and a Tripp one would be like a dream to own. T___T So pretty.

See, I don't look in the database for this stuff or online because there are so many punk stores that I never get enough of in the city. xD I just get picky around things because it costs damn it. ._.



14:16 Mar 03 2012

Very pretty.

15:56 Mar 03 2012

That IS lovely. :D


07:02 Mar 03 2012
Times Read: 970

New glasses can give a person such a head ache. >.o But what else is new?




23:43 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 979

I didn't even finish my last rant, I just fell asleep doing it. Talk about lazy, heh. Happens when I over think things through.



02:47 Mar 03 2012

I'm horrible about over thinking things :(


19:00 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 990

I don't understand. I never get to go out, just for the sake of going out. I've felt caged for years. Everything is questioned. Lets face it, I'm a goody two shoes, what am I going to do that's so bad? You fucked up your shit, and moved to another state when you were young. You got to be an adult and shit, but man, I'm wasting away. I know I'm fucked up in life too, I don't go to college, can't get a job, but fuck, staying here isn't doing me any good. It's not that I hate you. I don't, you're my role model.

I just have a need, a want, a desire to get the attention I used to have back in high school. I used to have so many friends, even if they didn't truly know me, I was popular and feed off of that. Now, I'm just.. ehh. Trapped, stressed and always trying to make things right. You have my keys. You've kept them ever since I started, "Running away", which was nothing more than staying out for a day without telling you shit. I just wish you'd understand. I want new friends, I long for a life, you'll always be my heart and soul, I just, want, something as lame as a long walk. Why can't I get that?!




15:33 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 993

Shhh. Don't tell anyone. I really want more piercings. ._. Yeah, this is coming from someone who used to be scared. I think it's because they feel so good...

Yet, that sounds creepy. O.o I can't explain it. Don't judge this hypocrite. ._.



21:43 Mar 02 2012

Sadist ;)

21:44 Mar 02 2012

Errrr, I meant masochist lol, sadist would be me ;)

23:25 Mar 02 2012

Nope, I'm still a sadist. xD I just like them more now.


00:51 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 998

A few parties to crash, even the day after. Hehehe.

It's nice to look forward to these things. If only I could skip April and head over to May for my other favorite day. >_>

I ♥ May and free comic book day.

Wow, it's almost been a year since I had some um, fun..? o.O April soon already? Hah. I like that what's his name ain't here no more. Just don't tell them that. :P




08:19 Mar 01 2012
Times Read: 1,012

I for one, can't wait till March 7th. Purim is going to come. :D

I know, I know, who am I to celebrate these things if I'm not religious? Hey, it's like Jewish Halloween, man and who doesn't like another costume party? ;P

That's right- I'm going to party then. :D I live in a Jewy area so I get to see the little kids in the hood dress up. Haha, it's cute.



18:17 Mar 01 2012

What is Purim?

18:38 Mar 01 2012

Ever see those hamentashen cookies? They're based off of the evil guy, Haman. I personally love the poppyseed ones, though they make other flavors also.

Purim can be compared to Halloween, because you'll see people going to parties and dressing up in silly costumes. And you know how people get Easter baskets? Well, we're supposed to give people Purim baskets. In traditional sense, anyway. We don't really get into much, but we still have fun when we're invited to parties. :P

There's more to the story, I would have told you more when I was younger, but forgot myself. >.>

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