TheArtistRose's Journal

TheArtistRose's Journal


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44 entries this month

Why am I ordering in my journal? xD Damnit, I'm hungry. lol

22:39 Jun 30 2012
Times Read: 437

I want a large banana milkshake and a box of seasoned fries.





05:48 Jun 30 2012
Times Read: 444

Everyone give me a minute, I brb for 7 hours. Okay? >_>




04:55 Jun 30 2012
Times Read: 448

It's been a long day. We went to Dunkn' Donuts to try the new Oreo doughnut and drink. After, my mom asks them to clear a table so we can sit. They do so and this crazy old lady comes in, squeezes by and sits saying she was there but was outside and now wants her seat back.

Then she starts to put her hands on our drinks trying to move them. We tell her to move because she hasn't ordered anything and my sister needs a place to sit. She won't move. Okay, (Keep in mind, I'm as much of a bitch online as I am offline. >.>) I say, we take the whole table, she can keep the chair. ;) We all move a bit, bring up a chair for my sister and move the table. The old woman starts cursing and screaming like a little butthurt baby.

My mom asks for the manager there to get the woman to (1) buy something so she can stay in the store or (2) tell her to move away and not harass us. The manager laughs and doesn't do shit. That's all good. We'll complain on their number. You might think it's awful to be fighting with an old lady; I say, people should respect the young as much as they respect the old. If she's loitering, like a young person, then as a person, she shouldn't harass us while we paid to eat there.

Long story short, it was hot out. We went into Manhattan to take care of a few things. Passed by my grandmother's (R.I.P.) old apt along the way and stopped off at a few other places to eat. Ahh the childhood memories...

Then took the train back into Brooklyn to wait for the Fireworks. Ugh, too many Jesus people harassing others there. -.- Bumped into an old co-worker during the Fireworks and she said they fired her.

Tomorrow the Cyclone is having an event where people pay 25 cents to ride. Wonder if I'll make it there. -Faints-



17:24 Jun 30 2012

You really shouldn't talk about me like that, I know I'm old but geesh :P


17:59 Jun 28 2012
Times Read: 459

Well damn. :( I didn't know they brang back the Brooklyn Zine Fest and that I missed it months ago.

What I love about zines are how indie they are. So pure, so fresh, ideas that you can't get anywhere else, or can if it ever becomes popular. I have a few zines myself, I just never gave them away.

I remember the first one they held at a different location. What I got most were buttons. lol They had all sorts of funny sayins. I wish I still had the one that said, "I'm an artist because I didn't want a real job." lolol



18:27 Jun 28 2012

To this day, I've never owned a zine, but I've really wanted to read one. I've even wanted to under take the project of making my own. Once at a hippie store about an hour a way from here, I found a single copy of a zine, but it was about anime and therefore I was not interested. Still though, it'd be neat to create one.

18:38 Jun 28 2012

Did you know some have moved to being online? Though that makes them become popular faster. Not all zines stay self published. Some are the very TV shows and comics we all enjoy now. My favorite indie publisher is the Oni Press.

I created one by hand about 3 years back and and unfinished version online. Some zines are zines without you realizing. Those church zines that talk about God with artwork all over. Sure, I don't like those but they are zines none the less.



13:50 Jun 28 2012
Times Read: 463

How the past few days make me feel. Then I remember tomorrow is Friday. Nothing else is worth the write. Sleep it is, where dreamers can dream on.




00:42 Jun 27 2012
Times Read: 476

I almost forgot to post a picture of the Mermaid parade that I found. The picture isn't mine. If you want to see more of them, go to the Village Voice newspaper and look. I won't post the link because naked women nipples, (Which is okay to have out in NY.) might be showing by some. Not mine.

The picture isn't clear, and I'm pushed to the side so I don't get squished. The reason why Bubbles the Goldfish is on the floor like that is because we were holding him down as to not hit that wire above. Wire would have fried us. haha!

Text here in the ALT code will be displayed when you hover over the image.



01:22 Jun 27 2012

He's a cutey, bet it was fun :)


21:06 Jun 26 2012
Times Read: 481

I came back from my sister's graduation. She got some sort of medal. I'm happy for her!

Saw my old jr high art teacher there. I hate her fucking guts. She looked like she really wanted to talk to me. Lol, hell no.





20:08 Jun 24 2012
Times Read: 484



04:38 Jun 24 2012
Times Read: 490

The Mermaid parade was AWESOME! :D I didn't know what to expect and they put me with balloon handling. :P Balloon handling is when a group of people hold onto strings to move a HUGE balloon. Not only did I help out but I was the leader of the goldfish, Bubbles. :3 How many people can be that lucky?!

The only downfall is that my pasty cracker ass got sunburnt. xD My legs are bright red, my arms got a tan and the top of my face got a little red, though not where the sunglasses are so I have this "Raccoon" look going on. ._. Why didn't someone remind me I was pale? T_T

I googled it and found one video but the person must have had a bad camera because it's so light. Not worth posting here. I'll post my hair instead. :)

Text here in the ALT code will be displayed when you hover over the image.



01:46 Jun 27 2012



05:15 Jun 23 2012
Times Read: 502

Got no time to finish up the confusing site I made or make up a poster for someone to hold but it'll be alright. SLEEP is my life tonight of I'll bite someone's head off in the morning. :3 Which I'd never mean to. xD

Let there be coffee in the morning. >_>

I don't know if I'll get pictures of the parade but I'll have some of myself before I go.



07:58 Jun 23 2012

Coffee?!! Someone say coffee?

Now I'm off to put the kettle on!


03:05 Jun 23 2012
Times Read: 508

The Mermaid parade is one of the biggest art parades here. I went to their meeting today. It was at the freakshow. We listened to what the people in charge had to say and I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm willing to do anything they need me for. I get a free awesome mermaid parade shirt and lunch. :P I'm also gonna show up with enough body glitter in my hair to make the Cullen's jealous. lol! (Little vampire joke in there for you. >.>)



03:18 Jun 23 2012

Hay,mermaids like glitter! lol


06:22 Jun 22 2012
Times Read: 510

I helped my sister get to her prom today. I'm really sleepy, so I should be going to bed soon.

I was going to rest easy on Friday and skip the fireworks so I could see the Mermaid parade, but it just so happens that I'll be a volunteer. This was very much unexpected and made my day. :3 Didn't think I'd be a part of it till next year.

Friday we're supposed to show up at a meeting to get to know everyone and see the route. Sounds mega fun! (Hope it doesn't rain. Storms near the sea are bad.)

I have 3 people who I'm supposed to draw on my list. They'll have to wait this week. Art has really relieved a lot of stress and made bad energy into good. There are a lot of half finished rants that I didn't complete because I had something positive to take it out on.

During the begining of next week my little sister will graduate her jr high. I'm happy for her!




20:28 Jun 19 2012
Times Read: 517

I downed the rest of the bottle of soda that was on the table. One giant sip. Then I let out the longest burp I had ever done. xD

My mom's reaction was: I love you.


Then she called up her ex to tell him I burped longer than Booger.*

*Booger is a character from the movie, "Revenge of the Nerds" for those of you who've never seen it.





12:14 Jun 19 2012
Times Read: 519



12:16 Jun 18 2012
Times Read: 522

Arrr! Why can't I sleep?




My fb wall. >.>

09:17 Jun 18 2012
Times Read: 529

I was waiting for him to ask. By now I'd have thought there to be rumors. o:

Hmm, wonder if he'll tell me any of them. I'm not going to push it. But it does make you wonder.




05:22 Jun 16 2012
Times Read: 538

Despite what happened to me, I still had a fun time. I hope to report that woman, of course, but I'll do that tomorrow.

Went by myself to see the fireworks since the family didn't feel up to it. Which was nice because I like to meet people. Apparently when I wear my Batman shirt, lots of guys like to call me BatWoman. lol I like that, they end it with woman instead of girl. An old co-worker of mine was being super sweet and I saw him in the street. He was being a flirt and then a funny thing happened, my friend's ex saw me and said I was cool but I turned saw my friend (This is someone I've known since my first class in high school. xD She even has one of my cat's kids.) I was like "YO! Akira!" Haha, we hugged, she introduced me to her friends and her new boy friend and then said she was going to a rave later.

The fireworks were fun. People loved me, as always. Gods, the only thing I find annoying is that all these guys have the nerve to flirt but never the balls to ask me out or leave a number. >.> Guess there's always next time. I know I look damn good. Hah. :P




04:53 Jun 16 2012
Times Read: 540

I went to pick up the last paycheck from my old job. Here's how it went down without me adding any feelings:

Asked the manager Mike for the paycheck. He goes to get it. T comes out saying, "Hi Rose, HI ROSE." I ignore her, "You must be deaf." She then says, "I like your kind." Muttering, "Such a waste."

S, another manager comes out saying "You left too early." Mike comes out with the paycheck, has me sign it while T comments with, "She don't talk. It's her black lipstick that keeps her mouth shut." I tell Mike, "Wow, I didn't need that..." and he walks off saying, "Bye Rose."




20:09 Jun 15 2012
Times Read: 544

Damnit, I don't know why I worry. I don't have to do anything this week except have fun, so I should have fun! So much research is gonna make my brain explode. >.>

I'll call for training when I need to. I've entered a bunch of contests that end on the 20th. Lets hope I hit one right.

Hmm, met someone interesting the other night. I wonder if it'll go anywhere. I never get my hopes up when it comes to that. Because I don't need anyone. As for J, he's said he'd like to hang out but, lololol, I DOUBT it! He's a joke. A horrible joke.




17:04 Jun 15 2012
Times Read: 548

There are some things I'd rather not talk about. Though I will say that I care about them more than I do my pride. I need to take job training, even if I don't want that kind of work, because I know I'd be good at it and it would be a quick fix.

Since I don't want to pay for training for what I'd like (there are so many scams out there and I can't afford to waste my time.) I'm going to look for free training. As to what it is, I'm not saying.




12:32 Jun 15 2012
Times Read: 553

I'm worried for them. Can't shake off the feeling. To feel guilty, knowing I could do more and not having the chance.

I know things will be tight but hell, I can't seem to express anymore now. Art is the best way to escape the world some days. That's all. I need to enjoy myself more. Besides, tonight's the fireworks.




18:29 Jun 13 2012
Times Read: 557

Ahh, the taste of summer. It's here, right now. Friday are the first fireworks of the season. I adore summer. So many places to go and see, along with events. There's not a minute I don't check back onto the sea side concerts site to see what they'll have playing, only to know they won't have it listed till July. I can't wait! :3

I want to head outside more and follow the dreams I held aside two years ago. There are also some people on here I could never repay in kindness of the way they've been there when life was hard. Even people who did dishonorable things to me. They've helped show how strong I could be and gave me ideas. For that, they get nothing but it's besides the point, I'm still grateful.

Got two bites on my idea, on another site, which I won't write here. My main plan is to go from the internet to life. Holding signs and maybe being something, doing what I love for nothing. Most New Yorker's do this. Only some get what they need. I'm not going to stop till I'm one of the best.

Funny this morning, I took my shower and couldn't see where my sister had put my clothing. So I stole hers. lol She owes me one for taking my shirt yesterday! She's almost my size. Little kid is growing up. :P Going to be in my old high school this September.

This is the internet so I'm going to lie. I'm 500 pounds and I take up two seats on the subway. Only it's with my feet up on another seat and I guess that doesn't make me tall, does it? Lol

Couldn't help rambling on and being silly. :P




08:35 Jun 13 2012
Times Read: 571

I'm so not thinking well. lol 3:30am and the reason why I'm up this early is not because I've stayed up. I was sleeping. Had a dream about ceepy bugs. There are no bugs where I am. But still, I dreamed of it, then swatted my nose because it felt odd to an asleep me...

Fuck. xD Good thing is that it hardly hurts now. I'm so tired from yesterday between job hunting, going to my sister's school award thing, getting caught in the storm for hours and chasing off little pricks who think they can fuck with family, heh, I'm sleeeeeeeeeeepy.



13:12 Jun 13 2012

Wow...swatted YOURSELF in the snot-locker while you were asleep?

14:46 Jun 13 2012

Yup. Just realized I spelled creepy wrong. Been having the oddest dreams. O.o It's been one week since I got this and I'm guessing it felt odd because the open window to the storm outside made the metal become cold. The asleep me totally forgot I had it but it doesn't hurt as much as it had a few days ago.


01:08 Jun 13 2012
Times Read: 575

Video game did the trick. Found a game I hadn't played for game cube but it fits on my sister's Wii. Long story short about having a Game cube game is that I had the system at one point, never played it and lost it in a move. -.-

Game is Pokemon XD gale of Darkness. Painfully boring so far - though, my humor kicked in and I named the guy, PENIS. lol So funny when a character says, "You've grow so big PENIS, if only your father could see you..." Lawl.




23:43 Jun 12 2012
Times Read: 576

Don't know how to explain it. I don't say a lot of what's really on my mind as a means to stay positive. Today, ehh, nothing but over thinking and bitchy mood. I think I'll sleep the rest of the day or get a chance to take it out of video games for once. I feel rude even writing this. Maybe it was scaring too many bitches off today, who knows.




20:12 Jun 11 2012
Times Read: 578

So, there's that funny superstition that depending on what palm is itchy, you'll gain money or lose it. So what happens if a mosquito bit my right palm? Do I win the lotto or something? Hahaha!




Dear J,

19:19 Jun 11 2012
Times Read: 581

Stop it. >:| Just stop it. Ohh, fine, you.

I'll tell you what, you can be my groupie.




This is me all day:

02:22 Jun 11 2012
Times Read: 593

I feel like I have to.. uh... ahh, ahh-choo! Ahh-choo!

I want to blow my nose... Throbby-throb, throb. Fuck this, I give up. Fall asleep with my face in the window for air.

The end.



02:27 Jun 11 2012

Oh no. :( Allergies?

I have them and I hate them.

02:30 Jun 11 2012

Nope, waking up on the wrong side of the bed so to speak. :s

I'm on all my allergy meds. :P


03:07 Jun 10 2012
Times Read: 610

I did it. I'm out and it's over with. Wasn't hard at all except to avoid telling the other nosey people. I bet they'll miss me. "We never had a problem with you. I'll speak to them." Of course there was never a problem. I'm strong, hard working, smart and I don't fuck around the way kids do these days. Hate cell phones, don't play with them or talk back like people my age. I take shit seriously.

Well, I'm free. Feels like I can rest for a while. Though I have been applying for things. Random stuff. One is a Library job, another a coffee maker (Forgot the fancy word for it but I'm not thrilled) and I want to try and apply to Claire's. That Fashion accessory store where little kids get retarded piercings. I think it'd be fun. LOL They told me to come back next week for an application, so I will.



03:25 Jun 10 2012

I'm glad. That was a bold, positive step for you.

04:25 Jun 10 2012

Woot. :) I'm glad you got away.

05:43 Jun 10 2012

I'm kinda sad for you actually, I know how much working at that location meant to you but it sounds like you will be happier :)

05:50 Jun 10 2012

Yeah, I know, they asked if I really wanted to go. I did, because there are so many things wrong with it besides what I say on here. Like the fact that I wasn't getting all my hours. Making shit pay upon shit pay, every week. Never getting a full 40 hours and never getting my break on time. It can be sad but I want to stay positive, besides, I'll be working on my art more and at least trying to spend my time wisely while looking for a new job.


This might sound stupid but...

14:22 Jun 09 2012
Times Read: 620

You know what bat I always thought was cooler than the Batman logo? The bacardi logo. If I could I'd get something like that as a tattoo, but I'd change it up a bit.

I don't drink, I just really like that bat. Something to think about I suppose. Don't want anything this summer. I want to swim.



14:29 Jun 09 2012

It isn't stupid. Bacardi has the coolest logo.

05:34 Jun 23 2012

There was this guy who was in a liquor store in my state who had that tattooed on his back and underneath it, it said:

"This is the reason my wife is now an Ex. She loved the bottle more than me. In fact, I think the bottle loved her in return. The EMTs thought so, too."


06:09 Jun 09 2012
Times Read: 629

I'm supposed to be a strong woman so why am I nervous about tomorrow? I'm going to stand up for myself. For what's right! No worries, also, I'm free. No more putting up with people. I hope they get in trouble. I really do.

(Also, I've learned trust no one. "He said it's his way of being friendly. xD" Good going jerk, to take his side over mine. If a person walks away from harassment like that, why would you take his side? It's not right and bothering them. People these days, heh.)




20:25 Jun 08 2012
Times Read: 637

My first mistake. xD "Give me a kiss!" You know how cats are? They'll give you kisses by rubbing their nose on yours. You see the mistake there, yes? lol Totally fell for that!



04:02 Jun 09 2012

Oh god >.o


17:55 Jun 08 2012
Times Read: 639

I know all I do is talk about food some days but seriously, I love these.

Text here in the ALT code will be displayed when you hover over the image.

They're veggie flavor biscuits. :P




00:43 Jun 08 2012
Times Read: 659

I've had it. I need a place to rant or someone to talk to about what happened. I don't know...

I need to speak with the head manager at some point. I am sick and tired of being harassed by the English dude and not being able to pick up my pay because they won't give me my break in time. I need advice... and so, I think I'll talk it over with my mother.

So pissed. That man ticks me off to no end. I can't see myself working in the same room as him. Or one of the managers. He's always making comments about me or asking me if I'll marry him. This guy always goes on to talk about race and made a statement about me being Jewish. I know I've put up with it for work, but why? Why do I deserve to be treated like this? Isn't it sexual harassment for this guy to keep asking me if I'll marry him?

The manager on the other hand is always mean (She's yelled at me, saying "She knows how to do her job." when I told her I needed to be clocked out.) and today she thought it was cool to touch my arm and say "Oh baby". It makes me so uncomfortable. How am I supposed to clock in or out when this woman makes me not want to talk to her?

What to do...



02:25 Jun 08 2012

Wait a sec...this is going on at your new job?

02:27 Jun 08 2012

Yup. It's only a summer job, so it's inevitable that I'll go at some point. Be it fired, or getting up the guts to quit, which I think I'll do.

03:00 Jun 08 2012

Write everything down as it happened ( not how you feel) with date& time in a journel, then present it to authorities.

13:46 Jun 08 2012

Thats a shame.:(

Keep track of everything as it happens.

For sure Id talk to my mom if I were you.

Sorry to see its going on,I know you were really excited about getting the job.:/


06:08 Jun 07 2012
Times Read: 685

Been on such a piercing high for the past five hours. Ended up sneaking home from there on one fair ride and then as soon as I get home, she calls me up saying. I know what you did! O: And I said, yes. ;3 I did go out and get it.

Ended up saying I'd go bring them hoodies because it was going to rain. I get nice dry hoodies for them and get soaked myself. T____T Felt the worst head ache on the ride home. Froze my ass off.

However- Now I'm home and dry-

It hardly hurts. I felt my left eye water and the rush was gotten from the piercing. Now it's up my nose, hidden. The tip of my nose feels odd. lol Like a semi-numb feeling. The tattoo shop was hardly full. I had gotten there half an hour after they had opened. The tattoo artist/piercer was friendly as always. :)

I'm not even going to quit tomorrow. o.o I'm going to go in hoping I won't be caught. It's amazing how hidden this bad boy can be. :P ♥ Love it!



06:14 Jun 07 2012

Awesome! And cute pic of it.

07:14 Jun 07 2012

Congrats - don't bump your nose! I'm gonna assume it didn't hurt much? :)

11:14 Jun 07 2012

The last ear piercings I got hurt more than this. Almost doesn't hurt at all now, though I'm not taking the chance to bump it on spite. :P



00:15 Jun 07 2012
Times Read: 688

I got it! My septum. :3




13:43 Jun 07 2012

Yay! That's the spirit.

17:39 Jun 09 2012

The heading for this just MAKES the photo!


17:29 Jun 06 2012
Times Read: 695

I'm being honest when I say there's a 50, 50 chance I'll chicken out. All I can think now is omg. :x




02:54 Jun 06 2012
Times Read: 701


I swear that if I get it and I manage to upload a pic via DSi (Which is annoying as fuck because lags don't load pics.) then I'll caption it with "Moo". xD




01:12 Jun 06 2012
Times Read: 706

Heh, It's sort of sad that I'll miss those people. Excluding the bitchy managers, (Not all of them were bad, some were always pretty nice.) the co-workers I'll miss. Funny when they say, "See you this weekend!", and I'm unsure I'll ever see them. lol

Got around to do the lemonaid for once. Yup, they finally taught me. Because so many people were sent home and I had been out yesterday. I feel as if I've proved myself of importance, but not really. Got caught in the rain on the way home.

Piss my pants excited about tomorrow. Or should I say, nervous? :s




15:31 Jun 05 2012
Times Read: 711

Mmm, nothing beats iced coffee in the morning.

I'm also going to admit that I'm fully addicted to a flower game. It reminds me of something in the Billy and Mandy cartoon where Billy is playing a retarded baking game. I feel that retarded, but I like it. :D

Why? Because I don't fail at flowers in there. EVERYTHING I TOUCH DIES in real life. >_>'' lol I'm lucky I take care of this Rose and a Daisy. ;P



17:35 Jun 06 2012

That's okay. I killed a bamboo plant twice and a cactus.

You can't be as bad as that.



02:44 Jun 05 2012
Times Read: 719

I forget to add in funny things that happen to me in here. So much happens. When you're with me, I'm attracted to crazyness. Haha!

Was at the store, Trader Joe's, picking up coffee, cheese, rice crackers, and cherry soda. The security guard there was a nut! He told people to stop and not go near the elevator. I told my sister he was the elevator police. lol Then his commentary on it- "IT'S COMMING, IT'S COMMING, IT'S COMMING!", I replied, "That's what he said. Lol" Geez, I was so glad to get out of there. And yes, I'm an immature brat who'll make anything into a perverted joke. >.>



13:20 Jun 05 2012

That's what keeps things interesting.


To do list:

00:33 Jun 05 2012
Times Read: 722

Why do I make these? So I can keep track of myself in case I need to find a date I might have forgotten.

Mon- Rest for today made me feel better. Stomach ache is gone, for now.

Tue-Work through a day to buy me time.

Wen-Doctor's visit, then sneak off to piercing place or I won't have another chance for weeks.

Thur- Probably quit if said piercing doesn't hide well. xD

Fri- Help out a family member to go to their doctor's.

Things I need to do soon- Go shopping for more clothes, an SD card and whatnot. While trying to find a day to send out more job applications. Or wait and say screw it, I want to see the Mermaid parade by the end of this month.

Also want to go to the art store as soon as I get my e-mail for my prize. They're being slow. >.>

Gonna buy water color paints/brushes. I've wanted to make some colored pictures. It's been a while.




03:34 Jun 04 2012
Times Read: 732

Came home from the Israel pride parade. Was really fun to be in. Got lots of goodies for breakfast (Coffee, juice, pastries, fruit salad, bagel and cream cheese) and a free shirt. Which I later ruined. Heh, was drinking coffee and spilled it on my chest along the way home. Yeah, fucked if I know why I drop everything there. -.- I'll blame it on the curse of the white shirt!

Also got bamba. I LOVE THOSE! They're a kosher peanut flavored snack. The texture is similar to cheese puffs but much, much better. This kind was the best I've ever had. Was called, "Bamba halva". Had a sesame cream filling. MMMMMMM!

We walked around Centeral Park after. It rained a little. The horses there make me sneeze and smell like shit. Beautiful animals though.

We walked through a fair. Blah, blah, blah, I'm too tired to write the rest of this entry! :P All I know is that I had a wonderful time.



09:33 Jun 04 2012

You've so put me in the mood for some bagels and cream cheese.


07:59 Jun 03 2012
Times Read: 739

Going to be in a Parade today! Hope to have some fun. ^_^ That's all, I guess.



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