so I had to call him late and its mommy's fault. So fuck it. I stayed home and I give up.
And, as I had told some people in the box, fuck him, if I meet another flirt of a guy I would drop him in a hot second. Very true.
Only thing that made my day weirdly was being bad on my yim. >.> there I said it.
Well everything that could fuck up did. 2 days of no sleep and a dying body because of over working myself. *breaths*
Ahhhh, Fucked as usual. Change of plans in life. FUCK YOU ALL BITCHES! it just turned into my birthday minutes ago at midnight. Since it always rains and I always get nothing but heart ache on the 27th, I have decided to go out with a guy and mabey kick back with a cup of coffie.
LOVE ME! damn, too much to ask, lol. fuck my birthday! fuck it hard! its the # one suckyest day! I still want a clown. *pouts* lol, one day I hope I get a clown. You hear me! ONE DAY!
its my birthday too, lol
happy birthday to the both of ya :P
Please give me a bright idea, I ran out of brains.
Ok so I came back home from court and they are pulling our chains. We showed them pictures and they didn't believe it. looks like we might win the case. There are two problems.
#1. This monday I have to cancle a date with a new boy friend.
#2. Then next time we go to court it will be the day before my birthday. God knows what will happen on the day of my birthday.
So help me out on what I should do.
A). Run away for 24 hours with 20$
B). Call my new boy friend up to hang out with him all day.
C). Hang out in a hot spot and get another boy friend and then choose who I like more.
D). Go waste my money on scratch off's and hang out on the rave crying.
E). Sleep and cry all day while I bitch at people.
F). Tell my mom that I want a clown.
G). Go spend my money on some comic book.
H). Tell everyone to go to hell and do what the fuck I want.
got any more ideas?
I kind of like
I would do a mixture of A, F, G, H
There is nothing you can really do, but wait.
F B and H combo with a little A rolled in
i just wanted to say ... Could it be.. I found my true coven? I LOVE THIS PLACE! It's so me? It's like I died and have made it to heaven. Thanks for getting rid of me old cm! You have done me a huge favor. ^^
I LOVED AEM but was traded out. I'm sure you will like it too.
*throws confetti on you*
new coven!!!
as long as you are happy ... thats all that matters babe ...
Babe? O.o
Ok, so here is an update on my family situation. I have been working on things night and day to get my little sister back from child serveces.
I know I'm only one woman with her mom but I really do a lot for my family. It's hard but as 2nd head of the house hold I am responsable. You may think I'm crazy for helping them when most of the stuff wasn't my fault but I love my family that much.
Plus >.> don't tell anyone but... I have such a weak heart for little kids. A lot of the time I treat my little sister as if she were my child and not my sister. I even let her beat me up, lol. :p
The whole cops thing started because the super of the building was spreading hear say about my family. What he said is so crazy I just don't want to tell you because you would be scared of me. Damn cops were yelling at me and stuff. :( They even got a lot of the report wrong. T_T Even my birth year they got wrong. I mean seriously do I really look that old?
Anyways, I'm going to be doing a lot more work on things. Today when I was taking out some trash, I didn't lock my door and the super walked in and started yelling at my mom. Seriously he should STFU! Then when hes outside he acts all nice. UGGHH! Bi Polar much?
I just hope he leaves us alone. We are not monsters, we are people damn it!
A note to my journal readers,
The cops came here today. They have my little sister. I got to stay at home and help out because I am an adult. A lot of stuff went down here. They complained about noise and stuff.
They banged on the door and woke us up. All I can think about is my little sister. My hands are shaking and a pain is shooting down my right arm. I feel like crying so hard. Yet I can't because that would cause me not to breath well.
I feel like running away. Running away and being a free spirit. I know I can't. I have to have responsabilities. A lot of them. I wish I could be a regular teenager. :/
I feel like I might die right now. I'm in such shock and stress that I feel like I might have a heart attack.
I hate my mom's ex so much. I wish that he was never in this atp. from the start. He cause so much trouble.
If you think I am a weak woman I'm not. I have done a lot of work for my family. More than one person could do. More than what some people could live through. .....
Why do I do so much? That is what family is for. So for any hater's of me, please leave me alone. I just need some luck. Please no rude comments. I don't need your shit right now. I just need some love.
Wish me luck please. I really miss my sister. :((
:( :( :( :( :(
Now this is a sign of wisdom. If someones being gross don't let it bother you. This is a vampire site. Blood is nothing more than blood.
I have written about this subject before. What I forgot to mention was that I was going to throw away the picture. >.> Opps sorry for leaving that part out.
However I could paint with it. i just don't feel like doing it. It's a little too much for me. Yeah, and I'm a "freak" LOL.
Not all art is liked. I know that. Been there done that is right. Did you know that they have a picture of a religious figure made out of dung?
Another point. Did you ever visit the "Bodies" museum? Its a museum with dead bodies. Some are striped of things, others are there to show you what damage was done. Now I have never been there. Yeah, I must go one day.
Did you know that the bodies can be art or science depending on how you look at it? If I ever do visit I will make sure to bring my sketch pad. I would love to draw that!
Which brings me to my main point. Its all about how you look at things. Its in YOUR head.
Why was I laughing in that conversation? Because its not only men but woman who bitch and complain about it.
Personaly I think of it as a good thing. Do not view lifes pain as a bad thing. I rather you laugh at it. Understand. I would rather make a joke and hope you smile than have you bitch and complain. You should boast about your period. View it as a blessing.
I was never taught to love my period. When I found out about it as a kid, I just ended up wanting it more. its a sing of womanhood and life. Sometimes people fear what they don't understand. Love yourself and live life.
Its time for change! If I have to be the woman to lead that change I will. I know I'm not the only one. I went to a zine convention last year and one woman had a book of period myths that she drew and wrote. I regret not buying that.
Throughout history people who try to make "change" are often not understood. People are afraid of change sometimes. I understand, its just not part of whats "normal".
I could ramble on all day about what and who has changed history. Just wait for any new entries, lol. My rant is over. :p
Enjoy the conversation. Read from the bottom up. ^^ Please no negitive comments. All bad comments will be gotten rid of and saved in privite entries for legal reasons. Thank you.
Nightmare (97)
Jul 11 2010
Block User
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Email to Self
yeah well im old...been there done that, dealt with it
On 21:33:11 Jul 11 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:
Yeah I agree. XD I really do. :) I really like the men part. XD I makes me laugh. OH, how I love men so much, lol.
*inside joke* LOL, but yes your conversation has helped me a lot. Thanks. ^^
On 21:29:06 Jul 11 2010 (-0 GMT) MyrrhkuriTheFallenOne wrote:
O.o i dont see what the favor is...most people know this, its just normally a conversation most men care not to talk about
On 21:25:46 Jul 11 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:
OH thank you very much! I will now post this. ^^ You have done a major favor for me. :)
On 21:22:07 Jul 11 2010 (-0 GMT) MyrrhkuriTheFallenOne wrote:
ok...i guess...its just a natural thing women gotta go thru, dont see whats suppose to be gross about it...ive cut myself and bleed far
On 21:15:23 Jul 11 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:
the part where i ask you what you think and you say "blood is blood" I love those words. You want to know the truth? Blood really is blood. know what I mean?
On 20:49:13 Jul 11 2010 (-0 GMT) MyrrhkuriTheFallenOne wrote:
put what exactly?...
On 20:37:00 Jul 11 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:
Thanks for your imput on this subject. Your thought really counts to me. Do you mind if I put this in my journal? It would mean a lot to me.
On 20:21:56 Jul 11 2010 (-0 GMT) MyrrhkuriTheFallenOne wrote:
uhm...well not really it natural for girls to go through...blood is blood...
On 20:13:11 Jul 11 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:
really? Tell me, does period blood disguest you?
On 20:10:59 Jul 11 2010 (-0 GMT) MyrrhkuriTheFallenOne wrote:
lol...i knew it wasnt to me....thats kinda what i was thinking it meant minus it being a
On 20:07:50 Jul 11 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:
:p its not for you silly. XD its about period blood being smeared across a drawing. That drawing being someones face. XD
On 19:54:37 Jul 11 2010 (-0 GMT) MyrrhkuriTheFallenOne wrote:
hmmm....dont know exactly how to take that
Wow. Is that really a man? W-Wow.
Yes he is a man, and he's a damn good one at that. ^^ Cause sometimes I think some woman are can't even handle the truth. I know I can. I'm here to change the world. ^^
My new coven? Could this be true? Never thought I would be in another coven but this place is better already! :) I thank you very much Black Hawk, for letting me leave.
You see I was used and I just wanted to be somewhere I could be truly loved. This place seems awesome! There is much more to talk about there and a lot of room to post. I can't wait to post my ass off here. :)
I love it!! A place where I can be loved and friendly.
I only wish the former coven the best of luck. LOL, they just lost a great person. heeheehee, I hope to really overly post and keep the place alive. :) THE POST MONSTER IS IN THE COVEN! RAWR! LOL
Not to seem like a winey bitch but I really wish I was in a new coven by now. :/ Guess I will work on my other profile some more. I bet my levels will die on me again.. just watch.
Damn, I have a dead heart, lol. I wonder about people sometimes. The ones who say they have a problem with you because you talk less and then they don't return messages. :/ Fuck that. From now on I say don't worry about it. They will notice fast because its how things end sometimes. Yeah.
I was being a good little monkey and the man with the yellow hat yelled at me. :p
I try to behave but people wonder. I'm not sure what to say. Just forget the whole thing ever happened. Its best that way.
Hear no evil , see no evil , speak no evil.
I just saw who my friends were. I saw someone who tryed to control me. I saw the truth. I know a lot. I am very smart. I saw people who begged. I turned the subject around. I hope that wolf girl lays off of my back. Its been bugging me.
I saw that there is one person who I think I can half trust, yet she lashed out at me ........ I only want to be good. Otherwise I will head into the junyverse. :D
Juny rocks so much! She makes Vr corruption hurt less. ALL HAIL JUNY PIE CRIST!
Last night I was up on VR chatting. I had been outside watching the fireworks at Coney Island. When I got home I just couldn't sleep.
So I loged on to VR. I was listening to my radio at the same time. I am a major multytasker, lol. So this song "crazy for you" comes on. After its done I google it. It's by Heart. I love Heart!
So I was going to click play when a guy messaged me on my yim. ^^ Apparently, I have a date. LMAO! Wow, I multytask too much. Life's getting better.
And yes, I know this guy. And yes we have talked about S&M. So yeah anymore questions? His skin isn't a problem with you right? I never did date a white guy yet. Black is beautiful!
Yup. I got called a hero! *IS SO HAPPY!*
I always wanted to be a hero. It was my plan to write comic books and have people love me. I would always picture me on a public bus with school kids during the 3:00pm school rush. Watching the kids read comic books after a hard day of school. Then hearing one kid say hey I love this book by Rose Nizami I wish I could meet her one day.
That is my dream to make my own reality. I hope I can become a part of peoples lives. I here by say that my other profile should be my comic book character. I am but Clark kent and she is super man!
*Rose then finds a phone booth and changes to her other profile*
I would just like to thank QueenxMorbid for liking my other journal. Thanks for calling me a hero. I'm glad to have been a funny girl, lol. You just made my dream a reality! I thank you a bunch!!! I will now keep up with the funny stuff! :) You are the reason I can be myself. A lot of people tend to think I'm "too graphic" lost a friend because of that, lol. but hey whats a vampire site without a little blood, lol. ;) me and my bloody self will always be there to make you laugh. :) Periods rock! LOL I was always the one for bathroom comedy anyways, lol.
So this is how I feel about karma. It will find you zim. Heeheehee. DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM ! :p
Uh, freedom of speech, anybody?
Rose, don't listen to her and do something in an act of rage that you may come to regret later. It is a good picture, and if you wish to keep it, please do so. ^_^
Hey. This calls for blood! ;[
I say bleed on it. lol
hey as long as i have these two skillful hands. ;) I can do anything, lol.
she has a good face.. but no heart.
no, no ,no angelus, if she said shit about my hair, then i can honestly say .. not the best face to draw, now is it?
yup. I tend to get over things fast. Guess I don't need this as well. Nothing more than a piece of paper. A false hope. Cat has my tongue on this one. Black lips are sealed. I have an idea of what I want to do with my disclaimer thats on my live journal. heeheehee. Ah, sketch pads never get old with ideas. JUst have to wait till the end of the month. >;]
bye bye protection. ^^
Then get rid of it instead of posting it and being such a cry baby. You said you didn't want to fight. So why are you starting one? Get over yourself.
I still wanted to post it. ^^
Its called saving memmories. Hey don't worry. Peace my souther girl. byes.
I had kept all the tags that anyone had ever given me until about a month ago. I had all my coven crests, all 6 of them, and stamps of protection fron everyone I had known. Keeping them was a GOOD thing, you always get a warm and fuzzy feeling when you see the meminants of former relationships and I only ever remembered the best.
Keep yours, Rose, even if they bring you pain, because you'll regret it when they're gone.
yeah cause once i put people on my dead list i tend to get memmory loss. :o yeah so my dead list basicaly means i pretend you died. Makes me forget a lot. I want to remember because life brings the best stories out of people.
Oh, one more.... former member of the Coven of Caduceus. ^_^
Yes, some of you , my friends want me in your coven. Just know that I am a proud member. I never want to leave. This coven and its master rock hard! Its way groovy man!
Yeah I took this off. :( I still wish her coven the best. I remember trying to help.. guess I'm not needed. Hope more people post there. :)
Friends come and go. Some don't understand others. Some do. I'm not going to fight someone that I respect. I just wish you the best of life. ^^
Yeah I have been rather busy with graduating and other issuse. I have my camera back and the first person I wanted to draw is a bit of a personal hero in my eyes and a wonderful friend. Thanks for letting me use your beautiful face. There will be more art work to come. Just wait for it. ;]
Very good work, nice detail.
Cool beans! :D
only thing i regret is that i don't have my scaner. It would have been clearer that way.
yeah and i saw my spelling mistake, lol, its issues.
that's pretty good.
Very nice :)
well done rose:)
fuck! i so wish i could edit this post but i would loose the comments. The place for personal hero is open, lol. XD your now on my dead list girl. wish you the best. ^^
The first of many indeed. :P Two years later and still going strong, better than ever, even.
Came back home from a beautiful day. The sun shinging as my pale face was glowing under its warm rays. Got to walk around and enjoy the beauty of life.
This morining when I woke up I had felt happy and rid of all my anger. I'm ready for my adventures! You know what rocks? Being an 18 year old and just taking a long walk from so far and not having a care in the world. Last week I had walked and adventured all day long. Spent some time with family then jumped onto the train.
Went to the vampire sceen where it feels like rush hour at midnight. Yup, the good old manhatten night life! Just walked around meeting new people and feeling the cool breeze graze me. It was a bit too chilly if you ask me. I love a good heat wave!
Yup, I love to burn! I woke up and my bracelets almost fell off. I think I lost some weight. I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing? lol
Well I'm almost 19 and I can not wait to live my life! I want to see if there are any free lancing jobs I can get as an artist. However, I still have some work to do on my personal art portfolio at home. Can't wait to show you guys my talent!
Have fun and stay safe as always,
Yup, I wanted to see how many posts I can make in my coven. So far I'm doing pretty well. Lets see how much more I can do! POST POST POST!!
Regular Member
Favor earned: 4910.916
Forum Posts: 213
Last Post: 18:19:47 - Jul 06 2010
i wake up and realize that some people have no lives. For the journals that I have been reading, wow, go do something better. Mabey don't read something like comics , mabey make your own.
i will be taking time to finish my drawings and anything that I have promised anyone. Just living my life way better than some people.
I saw true colors of jerk offs and friends. Thanks everyone. I feel hella better. Still on the down low though. Hope you understand.
yeah notice it! MUHAHAHA! I did write this in the morining. Hey why not read more of my journal and look for the entry where it talks about me having dyslexia. ;D
lmao, where does that put me? My journal is full of junk, complaints or...well, junk.
Some people have more of a life on the internet than they do in society though, and they are missing out. Good for you, Rose!
drcullen, that puts you in a good thing. why? cause you just said something very smart. thanks. heeheehee, yes no life people, i am talking to you. read this!! MUHAHAHA!
also dr, your on my good side so you have a life. XD
have fun. i'm not here.
I'm going to be stoping my face book stalkers. i'm going to meet new stalkers. I'm going to live life. yeah, life.
life, something i have, something people need.
its funny how people assume things. it really is.
well by the time i come back i hope to be that much older. i hope my covens don't get angry at me.
so yeah not much to say. karma is a bitch. bit me in the ass. i still feel bad for those i said shit to in some way or time. I just hope all is forgiven. So far its ok, but its just not what it used to be. hmmm i'm such a weak bitch to say i'm sorry all the time.
by the way if you read this who said it was for you. you have no clue about what i'm talking about. so yeah whatever.
didn't get much sleep. didn't eat much. feel like dreck! YEA!
as for some people .......................................................................................
read the lines. was i ever talking about that. HA! makes me laugh. i have such stalkers in my real life. the guy who added me on face book. that was funny. i have no idea who the heck he is. as for my "friends" um, yeah why are they always talking about god? creeps me out. i think i should get rid of my face book account. i mean i never use it anyway.
what happened to my old fashioned stalkers who followed me around my hood? oh yeah i moved. HA!
they will probably find me, lol. T.T
my aunt had died on the 4th one fine day. she was my favorite aunt. the type you can picture on t.v. the kind that would run over and give you such a big hug that you wish you could break free from such a grip, lol.
she's the main reason that i'm an artist. i draw because some where out there , even though shes dead shes watching.
i think mabey shes the reason why i might hate hugs though. 0.o lol, i can understand why she loved me so much. she never had any kids. in fact out of the 4 kids that my grandmother had, my mom was the only one to have kids. my sister and i.
yeah, i don't really mind the fact that my aunt is dead. most of my family dies on a holiday anyway. i have been around death at a young age. i say have a part and laugh it off. but idk.. mabey i'm just crazy? have i always been so heartless? yes, oh well, i'm not one to cry i guess.
I say, I am going to die on thanksgiving. why? i have many stories. they all start with me getting deathly sick. not just sick but really sick. bleah, lol. ... well its not that funny me getting sick. i just laugh at everything. XD the other year i got extreemyl sick.. now i have ashma. fuck! but i mostly get ashma when i have a panic attack so i guess its not real ashma? i don't know how that works?
well, happy 4th of july! i used to love the 4th! used to stay at my grandmothers apt. she lived on such a high floor; you know manhatten and their skyscrapers, lol. I used to be able to see the empire state building any night i stayed there. I could tell you what colors the building was lit up. I also used to be able to see some of the big fireworks from the macey's display. although i think the location has changed by now.
well, i sort of love the 4th because i love america too much, lol. i'm going to make hot dogs and see if anyones lighting up anything. I would never light up an illegal firework but if some dumbass is going to do it and mabey blow off their arm its fine with me. >:)
I remember during the blackout in new york city a few years ago, I saw some guys through the window of my old apt. They were in the school yard of my old elementry school. (I think it was the summer of 2004) Let me tell you this, if your ever in a black out, stay at home and guard your shit, lol. Ok, so I see them playing with fireworks. BAM! A guys crying cause he lost an arm. I was laughing. XD
Have fun and stay safe America!
Ok so my mom wants to go to the coney island fire works like she does every friday in the summer. Her ex, see her and tags along. He was being such a prick. On the bus and everywhere. All I wanted to do was knock his block off. I just kept picturing myself giving him an upper cut to his face. I stoped myself many times. Just waited. Couldn't make a sceen on a public bus like that.
So he had goten some cherries for my mom and her kids, (me and my sister). I started being a brat. Spitting the pits at him. Then everyone copyed me. So I took it a step beyond that. I took a whole cherry and rubbed it all over the front of his pants. Made it look like he had his period.
Outside is when I had my real fun. I put gum on his sholder. I used my signature move on him. I kept punching him on the ass. Then on his rib cage. Then I noticed that my Tripp pants were a bit ripped. So I took the chain and whiped him a few times. I scratched the shit out of him too. I also griped his caffs so hard that my nails dug in. I beat the shit out of him. Oh, and demanded some money, lol. which was like a few bucks.
So my mom started talking to him about some private issues. Then I walked by and asked why they were talking about something that involves me and his shitness... and well I said I hated him. So he walked away looking like he wanted to die. After what he had done to me as a kid in the past, I sometimes wonder why hes not dead yet. Hes fucked over so many people. When will his day come? The day I feel safe. The day I feel like I don't have to almost kill him, lol.
Well stayed up all night thinking about it. I think I feel better. I had some fun. But beating the snot out of an ex step daddy is fun. oppsie! :p
"That was a rough welcome. And it was as noisy as ever."
"The battle enede long ago, Alucard. What have you been doing? "
"I've been killing... my lives... ... inside me. Three million four hundred twenty-four thousand, eight hundred sixty-seven. Killed all of them but "ONE". I killed them. Now I am here. Now I'm nowhere, yet I can be anywhere. Therefore, I'm HERE."
"You're late... so late. It TOOK you long enough, Alucard."
Yes so another words I'm sorry if I've been acting weird recently. I have figured out that I was depressed. I had a little "family emergency", so I haven't been here in a few days. The quotes above are from the last Hellsing comic that I have been reading again and again. I am very SORRY. My last journal entry was cut off sorry about that. Thanks for anyone who had read it. Try not to worry about it. I've been taking care of things Alucard style, lol. Thats basicaly a summery of what happened through those words.
I wish everyone a Happy 4th of july!
Don't listen to Walter, lol.
If I was a major bitch feel free to comment on this by insulting me. I can take it. It will make me feel better.
01:36 Jul 28 2010
happy belated.
05:04 Jul 28 2010
*softly laughs, then lovingly scoops her into his lap, & entwines their fingers. He then says in hus usual, happy-go-lucky & soothing tone* I'm glad I could help your day go better. Among other things, like our friendship. Any time ya need me, get me via msgr, if not on here. XD *softly & tenderly kisses up her neck, whilst he gives her a loving hug*
06:09 Jul 28 2010
lol, :p show off
06:36 Jul 28 2010
*laughs & ask innocently* Who, me? XD
Well, it's anything to help further your beautiful senses, I do believe ya have me 'fallen', being able to say 'Yeah. I tamed THAT beast!' ;p. *winks, noting he'll dream happy dreams w/ her in mind. Not all of which would be sexual*
06:40 Jul 28 2010
Ya know. Ya can say ya got the best bday present of all- A new b/f of sorts, w/o all the dramatic-jealousies! XD
08:25 Jul 28 2010
Awwwwwwwww(Takes a picture of the lovey dovey's) ;P jk
16:43 Jul 28 2010
3 f, >.>