I am
the Angel of Death. I am an Arch Angel. I am both vampyre (means "angel of fire"; one of
the fallen ones) & Incubus (as par the book "Sebastian"). I am Kichiyou Diayamond-ryuu Naosu, master healer, teacher, & protector. I fit the zodiac signs of Leo (western) and Pig (chinese) very well, as well as the aspects for the names James (greek form of "Jacob", or, "Man of God"), Michael (middle; as par the Arch Angel), Anthony (2nd middle; "the craftsman"), and am proudest of my scottish ancestry, from the Clan Forsyth (grandmother's maiden name).
Note:To avoid clutter, I have all thoughts, surveys, RPs, etc in my Journal.
Leonardo Grey's bio:
Name: Leonardo Grey
Race: Woodelf/Vampire
Class: Druid(former)/Sorcerer
Familiar: Paraquian Falcon- "Lightfire"
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Gender: Male
Age: 580 yrs old (appears 25 yrs old)
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: lean, athletic
Eyes: bluish-grey
Hair: midnight-black, mid-back length
Weapon(s): 2" cerimonial dagger, Short bow, side quiver of arrows.
Biography: Leonardo was the proud son of the Archdruid, Aina Thavron. When he wasn't doing chores around the camp, he was spending his time amongst the ancient library or the Sacred Grove, doing all that he could, to learn the ways of nature. As time passed, he began to notice that many strange things were beginning to happen. People started to disappear, or die of tragic accidents. Stranger still, these odd things only happened to those that seemed of higher blood, next in line for the throne. Curious as he was, he began to search for clues, going about the woods cautiously, as, he knew he was soon to be 'next of kin'. ...Unfortunately, his caution had been a bit too relaxed, for this night, would be the night he would change...
For it was here, amongst the books, reading his favorite book on the lores and legends of his people, gazing out into the moonlit woods that over lay the Sacred Grove, standing in front of the window of the luxurious library's 3rd story window, that he would meet his untimely death. He had stood there, looking out, for the past hour or so. So entranced was he by its beauty, that he didn't notice someone had entered behind him..until it was too late, feeling those soft hands gently pushing him out the window..hands he knew so very well..hands he couldn't understand why they would do this to him..for these were the hands of his beloved cousin. These were the hands of his beloved- Audrea Lightfire.
..They say that your life flashes before your eyes, when you die. And flash before his eyes it did, for as he fell the short, yet eternal distance, his mind ran through all his precious (and not so precious) memories, the last before that ubsurd "crack" that he knew to be his body, was that of Audrea's voice whispering into his ear, "I love you..Now we can be together forever.." Feeling those soft hands picking up his limp and quickly dying body, he realized that those words he had just heard, hadn't been a memory, but real, for he heard them again, followed by a soft kiss. As the last of his life ebbed away, a red stream glistening in the moonlight from his body, he smiled as he felt the prick of teeth into his neck, and then it all went black.
Much has changed since then, 555 yrs ago: his 1st day amongst vampiric life. It was then, that he had tried to walk out of the cavern he found himself in, not many miles from here, badly scaring his right arm.
Oh, how he loathed that light! That cursed light! At the thought of this memory, he glanced down, softly felt the ridges in his arm from that scar, now covered in the black silk covering his lithe body, and then turned his attention to his faithful companion, Lightfire, feeding her a small piece of meat.
He has spent much of his life afterwards, searching for Audrea, having made love to her nights before. Always, did he seem to repeat that vicious cycle- searching, finding, loving, and losing- the pain in his heart, always the same as their 1st time..
To help ease his troubled heart and mind caused by his eternal love for her, he would practice the ways of Magick, as well as following this creed, "Just as death does not discern between the Saint and the Damned, the Just and the Unjust, so shall
I, show no difference between them. I must act as
'the angel of death', using my many devices to seduce, then gently kill, my prey, thus
'bringing peace to the lost soul, whom wishes death' "
These have been his ways to avoid the light, and still survive.

Note: Means 'Brotherhood of the Dragon'.