TheArtistRose's Journal

TheArtistRose's Journal


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67 entries this month

23:36 Apr 30 2012
Times Read: 428

I wrote that I felt like doing something crazy. For shits and giggles, since I got off of work early- I walked home. Haha! Only took me about an hour and a half, though to be fair, I'm a slow walker at times.




13:33 Apr 30 2012
Times Read: 436

lmfao. I was listening in on a conversation my mom was having with her friend. She says, "Yeah, old married women look at Avon magazines." Then I said, no they look at porn. Apparently her friend had the same answer. LOL Then I said, hah, only old ladies like us. JOKING! xD



20:06 Apr 30 2012

I would of loved to of seen the look on your mothers face lol

23:37 Apr 30 2012

She said she knows I don't watch porn. lol She understands my jokes. xP


12:17 Apr 30 2012
Times Read: 438

I feel like doing something crazy. I doubt I'll go through with it. Depends on how long they keep me today. Weather really sucks. Going to suck worse tomorrow with rain.




23:07 Apr 29 2012
Times Read: 453

I'm never getting a single ride metro again. >:( Almost had to walk all the way home and what a walk that would have been. x.x I had the money on it- the machine gave me the wrong thing, then had no money on it. x.x Thank god the bus driver was a kind guy when the defective card didn't work. Usually I take the train, I just know how to head home many ways if something goes wrong.



23:35 Apr 29 2012

Damn, glad I don't live in a big city. We don't even have buses or trains here.

23:38 Apr 29 2012

I'm glad I live in a big city. I don't know how I'd go anywhere without the bus or train. No one I know owns a car and I can't ride a bike. xP

Would have been 9 train stops. I would have walked from Coney To Brighton and then down Coney Island Ave, which would have taken forever. xD Miles, lol.


08:33 Apr 29 2012
Times Read: 471

Just a small rant. Which will probably make me seem stupid as fuck; I could care less. People often ask me at this age, "Why aren't you in college? You seem smart enough." That's not the point. Why go waste my money, stress out, possibly fail, and here's the thing, what do I want most in the world? To become an artist. What would they help me with in an art class when I've taken a hell of a lot of them back in jr. high and high school. There are two things that can happen there, I would waste my money on a teacher who might disrespect the shit out of me or pass with a degree to what? A degree to say what I already do? Pftt.

So when I get messages like this:

"you are an interesting individual

On 01:11:25 Apr 29 2012 (-0 GMT) *** wrote:

Because I'd want to. I'm smarter, probably, but I don't want to do what I don't want to do. I'd rather stay stupid.

On 01:08:32 Apr 29 2012 (-0 GMT)**** wrote:

you fail because you think you do

On 01:06:45 Apr 29 2012 (-0 GMT) **** wrote:

I'll fail. I'll owe money and waste my time. I don't want it. I have no money in the first place. They screw around enough before I even got in with my paperwork, now they can fuck themselves.

On 01:02:57 Apr 29 2012 (-0 GMT) ***wrote:

why no college? do you know ill be making $40000 a year starting sallery once i finish school?"

Yeah... interesting alright.



08:59 Apr 29 2012

*snorts* Only an idiot would think they'll make that much fresh out of college. Even if you have a job WAITING for you suited to your degree you have to work your way up from the bottom just like everyone else. You don't start out making that much, I don't care who the fuck you are. The guy is a douche and trying to make you feel like a bum. I've got a nursing degree now that I can't even use because they don't need me around here. Towns are too small.. they don't need the nurses. So I'm fucked. So what's his answer to my little problem? I DID go to college buddy and it did squat for me. Eff you. (Sorry for ranting in your journal)

00:12 Apr 30 2012

Ken has two degrees in electronics but since they don't need him in the higher up tech positions he's not able to use them. He's barely making 36,000 a year and that's including his retirement from the Army and another disability check as well.

That guy is full of shit and trying to make you feel bad. It doesn't seem like his schooling is doing him much good anyway. Look at his typing compared to yours. I'd place you as the more intelligent one just based on that alone. He's not making a very good argument for himself at all.

00:18 Apr 30 2012

Point proven RaiRai. xD

To be fair, I already knew this guy was full of himself. I was only using him as an example of what many pretend to know.

Good luck to the both of you with the degrees you worked hard for.


14:33 Apr 28 2012
Times Read: 489

Figured out why the song "summer breeze" is stuck in my head so often. xP It's been playing out of the tourist-y shops. Yesterday when we were at the pier, talking and staring into the water, the song was playing.

Hmm, I think my inner conflict is that my friends are old school adults and all of his are my otherfriends. Lame, lame people who I don't want to associate with.

It's because I can't stand them. They do stupid things, ask for shit and then bitch, bitch, BITCH! Blah. I don't like young idiots, I like people with my mentality.



15:33 Apr 28 2012

Great song to have stuck in your head. It's normally the the horrible songs that have that catchy chorus that I end up humming all day!

19:37 Apr 28 2012

This could be a future issue...


10:49 Apr 28 2012
Times Read: 494

My subconscious is kicking my ass this morning. I keep waking up thinking, "You're going to be late! Wake up and get ready for work, now!" In the mean time, this happens all night and now I'm up at 5:30am, when I should be waking up a few hours later. Wtf brain? >.o




01:23 Apr 28 2012
Times Read: 506

I really made his day. The kid in him and I come out and I'm fine with that. hehe. Making any friends day makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. :3



07:39 Apr 28 2012

What came out? O.o

10:38 Apr 28 2012

Oh god, I just realized the wording. lol

I meant we have fun like kids.


22:09 Apr 27 2012
Times Read: 512

Holy fuck, lol. Maybe I was too awesome today? Is there such a thing? :P He was a bit late but we did have fun. Held hands and all that. Nothing much really. Meh, I ain't worried. I'm really fucking hawt when I'm just by myself. lol

The reason why I say that is cause one dude commented on my batman shirt and it's like, dude, stop looking at my chest. v.v The other dude creeped me out a little.. D: I knew this one dude since I was in kindergarten, and that school was across the street from where I used to live, so that means I knew this guy like, all my life. He starts talking to me after I'm done hanging out with my friend and says he didn't want to be rude by talking to me when I was with the other guy. Then starts commenting on how good I look and that I should hang out with him, also that he has respect for my mom and family. It's like.. dude... xP You old, man!




12:43 Apr 27 2012
Times Read: 518

I feel fiiiiine today. Damn fine. ;) Got all my awesomeness on, oh yeah. Even my skull belt buckle. Just like old times. :3

No, really, I feel fucking hawt and I don't care if that sounds like a jerk off statement. lol



16:36 Apr 27 2012

Hehe, thatta girl :D


00:44 Apr 26 2012
Times Read: 523

I went to the allergist today because of the very bad allergies that I had during the beginning of the month. They haven't found out what caused it yet; they'll need my blood work for that, but they did prescribe me an EpiPen. o.0 Looks like I'll have to carry that around for myself, god forbid anything extremely bad allergy wise were to happen. Seems scary to me because I'm not too keen on stabbing myself in the leg with a needle. lol If I ever get that bad.. please have a family member there. >.> I need a stabber. haha Hopefully, knock on wood, that will never happen. :P





02:59 Apr 25 2012
Times Read: 525




00:16 Apr 24 2012
Times Read: 528

o.O Can't get that song out of my head and it ain't pretty out.




22:26 Apr 23 2012
Times Read: 534

I think I owe Kieataya an apology because I can't stop making wang jokes on her page, lol.



00:08 Apr 24 2012

*giggles* No big. ^_^


15:24 Apr 23 2012
Times Read: 542

shift key is broken for now but this was funny. lol

On 15:12:13 Apr 23 2012 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

yer a wizard harry -exclamation point-

On 15:10:10 Apr 23 2012 (-0 GMT) Lullaby wrote:

Witches with wands? Wangina? IT'S A TRAP! D:

TMI. >:(


On 15:08:36 Apr 23 2012 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

damnit, i need bitches with wangs.. or is it witches with wands -insert question mark there-



18:51 Apr 23 2012

Now we have wangs AND wangina! *rubs hands together* MUAHAHA


21:45 Apr 22 2012
Times Read: 546

Fuck the world, fuck everyone, I need to draw. :3

This is how I feel most days. :P Don't know why since I used to be sociable.

Hell- I hardly reply to many people on here unless they catch my interest.



00:23 Apr 23 2012

Thats the way artists are.


21:10 Apr 22 2012
Times Read: 547

I think I'm over it. Whatever happens, happens and I'm willing to take that chance. I can doubt myself all I want for it, though it's not going to change a damn thing.

I question why one person doesn't want me to make mistakes when they've made a few themselves. I should be happy and forgetaboutit.





10:04 Apr 22 2012
Times Read: 553

I want advice but I'm not going to get it. It's no ones business. I'd kill for some advice. :| The only advice I got is "doomed", which makes my stomach turn.




I don't think I've bitched enough in a while..

08:47 Apr 22 2012
Times Read: 555

I just wanted to get something off my chest, I guess. Here I am, jumping into another thing and yet I'm nervous. I should be happy. I'm damn lucky, some people never get a chance to change things.. I just, always have my doubts and I don't want to become hurt. I always avoid getting hurt, I want this to be better than "Too good to be true". Guess that's the vibe I get off of it.

I feel as if maybe I pushed much. I shouldn't be pushy.




00:42 Apr 22 2012
Times Read: 565

Anyone ever give someone the triple middle finger?


Was hard to take a picture of. lol Had to poke my DSi with a straw in my mouth. :P




18:46 Apr 21 2012
Times Read: 570

This morning was an odd one. To start off the train was being a jerk. It wasn't making the last three stops so people had to transfer across the track. People are nuts. First some lady with a british accent asks me what they said about the train delays and that was okay to answer. Then you have that one old lady who won't stfu and says she should have taken the bus, but says that the whole time she's waiting for the train till the train comes. Makes sense. Heh. Then the best part- This old hag walks past me, sees my tattoo and mutters, "Jesus Christ". LOLOL

I got to work just in time and they said I should have called in because since it's going to rain, I'm not needed. xP Fuck, someone shoot me with a water gun. lol It's gonna rain tomorrow too so I don't expect to do much this weekend.

On another note, I hope to be on cam tonight, again. :P Maybe!

I also started that Harry Potter thing that people are going on about. Katie and I were joking around about our names there. xD You see you can't make your name, they pick it for you. Her's is DreamMahogany (I'm naming them without the numbers) and mine is SkullSky. Lol Talk about boner names. Dream Mahogany sounds like morning wood and Skull Sky makes me think of that song.. "It's raining men". lol Plus you get wands there! Mine is 11 and a half inches, baby! xD

I don't expect to play it much. Looks boring to me. The pet I picked out is a Siamese because if I were to be a witch, I'd be like the one from "Bell, Book and candle". I also got into Slytherin. Sounds cool.




12:52 Apr 21 2012
Times Read: 573

I was on cam for a bit; mic worked. Katie said so. :P Now she's heard my, as I describe it, "Kid with a cold voice" and "Fake vampire accent". xD




02:59 Apr 21 2012
Times Read: 576

I used my pay check money to get a mic. ^.^ Don't know when to test it though. >.> I usually give the rest of my money to family cause it's like, pftt, pennies. lol I'm not camming yet. :P I will soonish, maybe. >_>' And maybe under a different name. Hmm.




22:35 Apr 20 2012
Times Read: 581

I had my hair cut recently and it's my day off. No pony tail. Why the fuck is it so curly at the end? ._.





As giddy as a highschool girl

15:05 Apr 17 2012
Times Read: 590

"Oh! Hey, do you know about free comic book day? o:

Lol Don't make me bite you. >.>"

"Lol bite me plod x3 and lol, when's that, cuz I wanna go and get myself some vintage comics XD

Heard of it before, didn't know when though e,e"

"Oh I'd love to have a bite alright. ;P

It's every first Saturday of May. I always go and I plan to go to **** comics in the ****. Have you ever been to that comic store?"

"lol nope but will be tagging along this year for this one love ♥ x3"

"Yay! You'll probably love it there."

Damn it. I would have ended that with, "So it's a date!" but I know I'm having family tag along. >_> Now I really wish for Saturday off or I'm going to kick myself. D:




13:44 Apr 17 2012
Times Read: 592

Nothing like a nice cold shower for a hot spring day. Re-freshed my "morning friendlyness". lol I am in no way a morning person. Worst part about this morning is that I went to bleach something and didn't realize it got on my thumb tip and middle finger and now have really white skin there. xD I'm sure the skin damage will go away. :x It's happened to me before. lol

I'm such a klutz. Last night I was so sleepy that my mom wanted me to smell this new lotion of hers and I got it up my nose. xD I could really smell that one!




11:02 Apr 17 2012
Times Read: 597

Is anything worth it anymore? Ugh, I want a coffee this morning and a cold shower. >.o

I want that Saturday to be mine.. but I have responsibilities. Those annoy me.. however, they sure do get me to give other's nice things. Ugh. I find myself mumbling more these days.




02:47 Apr 16 2012
Times Read: 604

Today at work, I saw Cameron Diaz. Seriously. xD

All the male co-workers were freaking. lol




20:55 Apr 13 2012
Times Read: 611

Some days I over think things. I envy others, want more in life and simply think that what I do for now isn't good enough. That mentality can eat you alive.

Everyone is different and I have the path of where I intend to go, not because other's control me; because I choose it. I choose to be alongside good influence and that is my awaiting fate. Nothing else is worth it. I accept that.




00:13 Apr 13 2012
Times Read: 622

For once I feel like curling up with a good book and sleeping. I haven't found anything interesting to read in a year, because I hate most garbage that people love these days. "Blah, blah, blah came out with a new book and ..." BORING!

I love journals. After all, I read them here. I was going through some old books that were passed down from my grandmother and I found a tattered book from the early 80's about a holocaust journal. No, not Anne Frank, I read that one ages ago. Someone else, but I haven't read it yet, I'll get to it now.



04:22 Apr 13 2012

Great post, and hey there!


23:55 Apr 12 2012
Times Read: 624

I'm back but that was odd. Visited the dying dude who was in the same hospital and a close friend of my mothers was there as well. She was having breathing problems too. Heh, we shoulda' thrown a party, jk.

These new meds are going to make me sleepy but at least I'll be able to breathe better.



04:23 Apr 13 2012

blessings upon all and it will take some time to adjust. Hang in there, remember try to stay positive!


14:43 Apr 12 2012
Times Read: 630

Okay, decided that I will go back to the ER. It's a stroke of bad luck. That's all. Pretty sure I'll be good as always. You know me- I'm always good. Just going in because of my breathing problem and fuckin' feeling faint.




13:08 Apr 12 2012
Times Read: 632

I feel really bad this morning. Don't know if I should go back or suck it up. So hard to breathe.





10:49 Apr 12 2012
Times Read: 638




10:29 Apr 12 2012
Times Read: 639




10:24 Apr 12 2012
Times Read: 640



03:27 Apr 12 2012
Times Read: 654

I was kidnapped into watching "The Hunger games". I think it's a futuristic "The Most Dangerous Game" and my rude cometary made it fun to watch. lol

Every time those creeps put their hands up I muttered "Sieg Heil" cause that was some nazi looking shit right there. Then this dumb bitch falls in love with an ugly dude and it's like wtf, that guy should have died. Why are they pulling some Romeo and Juliet stuff? Pftt. She also had this flame dress and it wasn't funny because she didn't fart and blow up. The guy with the funky beard looked cool. Then end. :D

How's that for a movie review? ;D



03:33 Apr 12 2012

You should have read the book first.. -_- And the flames were meant to look real but in the book were explained to be fake and never would have even come close to burning her. In the book Peeta is supposed to be hot and she doesn't fall in love with him until much later. She's only pretending so that they can both get home. The Romeo and Juliet bit was to make her desirable and get her sponsors because she was neither funny nor was she very nice to catch anyone's attention. Your movie review sucks, Rose... -_- *sighs* Good try though. lol

03:36 Apr 12 2012

I wasn't even trying. I knew that. :P

I don't feel like reading the book. I wanted him to die. o:


02:29 Apr 11 2012
Times Read: 661

I wonder if a few tragus would hurt much. I already mentioned it like once to someone and they said eww. Lmfao




Ode to boots girl

02:16 Apr 11 2012
Times Read: 663

There are some people who are so stuck up, in every society that it's such a big turn off. I'm probably one of those at times, but hey, there are just some artists who clash. We snub each other, walk away and live with it.




00:41 Apr 11 2012
Times Read: 666

Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, glory in the flower, we will grieve not; rather find strength in what remains behind. -Quote from "Splendor in the Grass".

I don't know why, but it makes me think. I haven't made any mistakes. I've stayed true to myself, gotten old but I always never found my match. I haven't failed. I haven't had my glory, I'm a loser, but I can hold onto my pride. I'm young, one day I'll make some good mistakes. I suppose if you've never saw the movie or can't understand this line of poetry then you won't understand where I'm coming from.

With that, I feel the need to delete most of a section of this journal, since it really can be a dead end. Not this section of course.

I mean, I'm not bitching or looking for advice, and I bet few will even understand this line, so I sort of feel okay writing it...




23:05 Apr 10 2012
Times Read: 668

That escaped my mind. I've been a few years old to VR but my main account is officially 2. It was on the 5th. I'm 5 days late in saying that.

Today is the tenth. 2 months since I had my industrials done and one month since the tattoo. Both are doing very well now. The percings aren't healed fully but loads better than what it used to feel like.

I think for my 21st birthday, I don't want to get wasted this July, I want more piercings. >.> On my ears. I'm not ready for anything else, at all. lol

And no, I'm not playing the mature card in saying my birthday plans aren't to drink, I'm not trying to be the usual stuck up bitch, I'm just saying, yuck. xP That stuff.. just yuck. That is all you need to know. xD




06:15 Apr 10 2012
Times Read: 683

I just finished re-watching the movie Cat's Eye. I adore that story. Makes me think of my own little protectors. :3



09:17 Apr 10 2012

I freaking love that movie have not seen it in years. Damn those little trolls with their sharp swords poking that poor kitty.


05:12 Apr 10 2012
Times Read: 686

So, you people probably don't want to read about my boring troubles. Might as well write something cheerful of my adventures. :P

We stopped off somewhere to eat. This old lady says she likes my mother's rings. Then starts talking about Easter, churches and Jesus. I go and say to my mom, yeah, I love your rings too while pointing to her star of David. LOL

The old lady should probably mind her own business but doesn't and joins in our conversations. She guesses how we're all related. She says my sister is my mother's daughter and that I'm my mother's sister. lol My mom fools around and says that I'm only 30, okay 35. lmfao! (I'm only 20) My mother told the woman that the woman was 16, when the woman said she was 60. My mom would have guessed it right, she was being silly. ;P)

What's even funnier is that this crazy Jewish dude who I typed about somewhere else had been in the restaurant window staring at me. He's the guy who goes around saying he's Jesus Christ. LOL But he's scared of me. Too bad he wouldn't join in, he left a while before the woman had started her Jesus stuff.

In the end, the woman starts talking about Jesus' name in Hebrew and I walk out saying, nope, sorry, I only speak Yiddish, (lol, nope, I just speak English, I was being sarcastic. ) My mother left after me saying, PRAISE SATAN! :D LOLOL



12:54 Apr 10 2012



03:27 Apr 10 2012
Times Read: 691

Back from the Emergency room. I feel much better. They gave me stronger stuff. I feel really, really, really, really sleepy and it fucks with me a little. Like chest pain. I'll rest for my few days off and make an appointment to see what has made me sick.

I literally crawled into bed because I was so bad that I couldn't stand well. My feet and ankles were red, I was light headed, couldn't breathe well, my face and body were ITCHY and did I mention I was as red as the devil?

I'm happy that it's over for the most part. Now I can just, breathe, rest and breathe. :P




09:46 Apr 09 2012
Times Read: 696

I feel even worse this morning. This time the itching won't go away and there's a knot in my ankle from walking around so much. I don't know if I'll make it into work. It hurts to walk. I should call in sick and head to the ER. This feels painful.




15:35 Apr 08 2012
Times Read: 700

Easter means Coney Island opening season to me. It's the start of everything that's going to be busy today. I expect a work load. The flip side is, I WANNA GO ON A RIDE MOMMY! D: Jkjk, but yeah, I wanna go on the roller coaster. lol Not today, I'd probably vomit from being sick the past few days.

With that being said, off to work I go. :P

Y'know, I was working on a Coney Island page, but it keeps escaping me ever since it deleted by mistake. One day, I'll have a piece of my life up for everyone to see. ;D I promise videos, pictures and links.




12:41 Apr 08 2012
Times Read: 703

Ended up sleeping through it. I only hope it doesn't get that bad again.




02:11 Apr 08 2012
Times Read: 713

Oh. I don't know what to do. I'm way too itchy. If this doesn't stop, I might end up heading to the ER. Might. I need to wait on my sister to wash my clothes. I know it's a food allergy, but it feels like a lot. Red hives, everywhere, from my hands to my face. I took medicine for it. Doesn't seem to be helping like it had before.



04:48 Apr 08 2012

O,O Hope you feel better soon.


00:36 Apr 08 2012
Times Read: 715

I swear this is "Be mean to Rose" day. I held my own and acted professional. I will not quit, I will get fired, eventually with dignity. This one old creepy dude, ugh, I really had it with people like that. I have more respect for the grill men. Then they want me to re-stock the lemon aid when they said "Leave it to the men", which I find offensive but let it go because why not have them do it.. unless I get yelled at for not doing shit. Fffffffffff. They let me off early and I was like, thank fucking god.

You know what gives me nightmares? The frogs legs. >.o I hate the sea food dept. I know, I'll sound like a hypocrite, because I do eat meat but eww.. just eww. Those poor frogs. ;_;




10:05 Apr 07 2012
Times Read: 720

I felt sick last night, but it was my own fault. Passover was fun! ...I just, don't want to do that again any time soon. Hence why I made a "Hug" entry. Everyone knows I'm not one for hugs, lol. Last night though, hahaha! :x

Woke up with an allergy attack to something. >.o Hopefully that'll get better. So itchy everywhere.



11:49 Apr 07 2012

"Why should this night be different bla bla bla..."


05:56 Apr 07 2012
Times Read: 726

I fucking love hugs. That is all. (creeper dots) xD



07:45 Apr 07 2012

....The Creepage Invades....


23:43 Apr 06 2012
Times Read: 731

I'm doing the whole passover thing for once. I'm so clueless. It's why I'm dressed up. I don't know how to read anything from their books. :s I always wanted to go to something like this though. With such a small family, we never got to do it before. We're invited to something that has all kinds of people so, why not try it out?




23:24 Apr 06 2012
Times Read: 734

The best question I always get about my tattoo is, "Are you okay, Miss? You're bleeding!"

I want to come up with better responses for that... hmmm. Because, yes, people are that stupid. Lol.




17:27 Apr 06 2012
Times Read: 736

Wearing fancy-ish clothes because we're going somewhere today and what do I manage to do before I leave? I totally miss my mouth and pour soda on my chest. >.o WAKE UP BRAIN! THIS IS NOT A WET T-SHIRT CONTEST! Heh, dried it off. Thank god it wasn't the white shirt.




To elaborate on from my last entry. lol

03:13 Apr 06 2012
Times Read: 741

"Anything else you guys need?" "Yeah, some lovin', joking, joking!" Lmfao! Then there was the zombie tattoo guy and the other new dudes who loved my bite-tattoo. Even when I wasn't there, and at another store, this Spanish dude read my name tag and I flirted back when I shoulda' bit my tongue. xD

It feels so good to get out of the cage. Even if it's not anything fun, it can be. I still have my usual responsibilities, which suck during my day off, when I have those. Eh, being the good girl = boring story of my life, but a girl's gotta do what's best for her loved ones.




02:19 Apr 06 2012
Times Read: 746

Today was fun! Finally got in a full work day. Made so many man friends, hehehe. I mean, um, they started it! O:




13:56 Apr 05 2012
Times Read: 748

That last entry in the art section wasn't the best. I was stressed. I found out someone I hate has cancer on top of his other illnesses and he's not going to make it. I'm happy but.. he was still a part of my life, maybe I'm not as cold as I think I am. I might miss that son of a bitch. :/ He was like family. That asshole-hate-what - you- fucking - did to me- kind of family, but.. he was meant to go, I guess.




02:44 Apr 05 2012
Times Read: 751

I'm not music inclined at all. For some reason, when I listen to some bands, I get the urge to draw my imagination. I feel another tentacle piece turning up on my paper as Alestorm is playing through my half assed headphones.





20:29 Apr 04 2012
Times Read: 753



Y'know, I have one thing to say

04:39 Apr 04 2012
Times Read: 758

Doing so many dirty dishes, makes you end up soaked like a fail wet t-shirt contest.




14:27 Apr 03 2012
Times Read: 764

They say two wrongs don't make a right but who are they to judge anyone? Sometimes a girl needs a little justice in this world. Even if it is re-writing her life. If you know what I mean. ;P




11:53 Apr 03 2012
Times Read: 769

Slept for so long last night because I felt ill. Woke up with some hair tangled in one of my industrials. >.o I just cut it off. xP Was such a pain in the ass to do. It's almost been a two months since I had these things and a month on the 10th for my other tattoo. The tattoo is almost done healing but could still use more time. It's not red or sore anymore, just scabbing. Ice really helped with the redness.

It's my fault for overworking my body then but I'm very happy that it's healing better now. And by overworking, I mean I shouldn't get too many things at once. I know my body by now to notice what makes me sick and that I have a low resistance to infection.




23:28 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 779

As I walked out of the train station this morning, a cop stopped me. I didn't say it out loud but I was thinking, "OFFICER, IT WASN'T ME, I DIDN'T DO IT. D:" To my surprise, she said, excuse me, what inspired you to get that tattoo? :D Then she showed me off to her partner and asked how many people often ask me about it. xD I gave short answers because I was still like o_O. Lol



07:46 Apr 03 2012


It's a daily thing. O.o

02:30 Apr 06 2012


What is the tat of? Do you have any pics of it here?


11:32 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 787

Ugh, haven't felt this sick in a while. Threw up a little yesterday. Today it feels like everything hurts. Fuck, gotta pretend I'm not feeling this awful. I bet I look pale. I highly doubt it's any type of flu. It's a whole other category.

I wish I could work more on my comic but by the time I get home, I'll probably pass out on my bed. xP





03:01 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 788



13:54 Apr 01 2012
Times Read: 795

When I get bored my mind wonders off onto google. Found a site I might want in the future.


Then my mind wondering off to try and think of something witty. If someone makes bacon with such a sow do they ultimately reap whet they sow? I hope they get the hint on that one. Not that anyone reading this would understand. >.>




12:10 Apr 01 2012
Times Read: 798

April fools day! I don't feel like playing any jokes. Today two of my cats have birthdays.

I know there's another holiday coming up. We've gotten to know some people and might go celebrate it, but there's a part of me that doesn't think I deserve it. I envy people who are close enough to others to know what it's all about. I don't know a thing. How am I supposed to know what to even say? I mean, I know the background story behind it but I can't say anything in another language or read it right. Fuck holidays, I'm a little grinch. lol



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