TheAlchemist's Journal


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Happy shutdown

18:44 Aug 16 2007
Times Read: 537

Since Wednesday is a public holiday, I decided to take Monday and Tuesday off work.

Friday, me, my girlfriend and a couple of friends decided to go out clubbing. The night started out relax until my friend, Tonio opened up his pie-hole ‘this is weird, we’re still sober and it’s 2am’. After a few shooters, we made mince meat of his last words.

About Tonio, he’s one of my best friends, cool, smart but narrow minded in some expects. However, his ignorance is so funny, it’s hilarious.

For example, I introduced Tonio with my cousin:

Tonio: so, what do you do in life?

Cousin: I’m still studying at university.

Tonio: please tell me you’re not wasting your time doing a gay course like acting.

Cousin: no I’m learning to be ballet dancer

Tonio: *laughs* nice one man, this one was better than acting.

Cousin: what’s so funny?

Tonio: *looks at me* he’s joking right?

Me: No, seriously, he’s a professional dancer and wants to finish his degree

Tonio: *points to my cousin and burst out laughing*

Well this is kind of mean but anyway, everyone else burst out laughing, including my cousin, so no harm done. Actually, no one insults my cousin, I care for him a lot :)

The weird thing today was, I got ‘robbed’ twice. First, I had this, vodka-bitter lemon, and I stood up to go to the bar to bring the rest of the drinks. As I returned, I saw my half empty drink in my cousin’s hand, he smiled and continued drinking.

Then I went to eat just before we went home, and ordered a chicken burger. I brought it to the table and as I went for paper napkins, my beloved was eating my chips, and commented she was hungry. So I went to buy her another burger and as I returned, I saw looked at my half eaten burger and she smiled. Actually, that was cute.


Saturday was a boring day, nothing important happened.


Sunday me and my girl went to this place called ‘Numero uno’ which translated to ‘Number One’. For a party people place, it wasn’t THAT bad, it was actually, relatively enjoyable.


Monday, I went to pick up my girlfriend from work, and went to her place. Then we decided to go to the fair. There was this shooting range, I hit all the targets and won my girlfriend a dog soft toy…well she said it’s cute and she’ll name him like me and hang it on her bed. Personally I would rather enjoy seeing the thing light on fire but anyway. After the fair, we went to watch a movie at the cinema, the bloody ‘Pirate of the Caribbean 3’. This movie has a history with us. The first time we went to watch it, my girlfriend asked the idiot at the counter to give us tickets for ‘Fantastic Four’ who gave us the wrong tickets and we ended up watching ‘The Simpson’s’, which has some really funny dark humour but anyway. Then we went another time, and the film was already 20mintues in advanced, so we went to watch ‘Fantastic Four’. Now the third time, the last movie played at 21:30 and so, we ended up watching ‘Paradise Lost’. It’s quite a gory film which has some major errors but apart from that, it was quite enjoyable, especially munching down ‘Kinder Boeno’ while the guy was ripping out the girl’s kidney’s.


Tuesday was a very interesting day, more on the results in a few months.


Wednesday was such a fucken exhausting day. The day started with my girlfriend waking me and we started to prepare to go swimming…when…my beloved ex girlfriend SMSed me. I’m sure that people died with the blast when Francesca found out. Well, it’s kind of nice and flattering to see a girl jealous :)

We went swimming in this extremely beautiful beach called ‘Delimara’, trust me guys/gals anyone of you come to Malta, you MUST see this place, it’s impressive. The sea is like glass, you can see the bottom clearly even though it’s quite deep. It took me about 30 second to dive to the bottom, and I have professional scuba diving flippers.

I got my back and chest sunburned, I look like a cherry :(.

Then in the evening, we went to this party in this drug infested place. The music sucked, the people WAY sucked, their attitude sucked worse and everyone bumping in my fucken back and it’s all burned up! Fucken party junkies!



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