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Little Surveys/Quizzes

09:25 Jul 02 2006
Times Read: 691

~~Why is it that you cry?~~with dark pictures~~

Love. It seems that you have been showed very little or no love. And when showed love you began to hate it. Constant fighting and pain. All you see is the lies the hurt behind it. You might be scarred from a past experience and now begin to hate love. It only causes problems and no one seems to be true. You hate how it makes you feel because it makes you weak. Your scared to let people in because there just going to hurt you. No one could understand. And no one sees how bad you need it. You want love and yet you won't let it in. And no one can break through and love you. And you feel like no one will. And maybe you have hope that one day it will change.But one day feels like an eternity.Take this quiz!

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what color rose does you soul have*PICS*

The red rose

yous is the red rose you have love for many and think there might be a god but your not yet sure you cant stand to know that people you love are hurtting because it hurts you also so you try to make them happy in any way you can

What type of vampire are you?

The Sensual VampireTake this quiz!

What Fictional Vampire Archtype are You?

You are the Bloody Siren. Vain, selfish, sexual fantasy, you lure mortal men to their dark end. You are sex and illusion and you use up men to feed your wicked desires until they surrender to you their last, crimson drop.Take this quiz!

Are you a Vampire, Fairy, Witch, or Dragon?

You are the vampire.You are sexy and cool never worrying about what others think of you.In your group of friends you are the mysterious one, youre also probably the hottest one too.play this kool vamp game>>> http://quiz.ravenblack.net/blood.pl?biter=VictoraTake this quiz!

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What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics)

Shadow Dragon

Dark, evil, you are the evil breed of dragon. You lurk within the shadows of the night and attack with surprise. You prefer to stay alone, solitude is your best friend within your deep, dark cave or den.

What's the Colour of you Soul? ( with Beautifull pics)

Your Soulcolour is RED. You are passionate and like to do thing from a impuls. You begin a lot of things and end with 1 of 2 things. You are very social-intelligent and love attention and falling in love. Then you feel happy. You have a short temper sometimes too because you are so busy with things. Your element is probably Fire.Take this quiz!

??Which colour of Death is yours??

GREEN, Your death's colour is Green. Death of the mind. Your heart is isolated within your mind. You seek knowledge. You are very rare.Take this quiz!

What Color Goth Are You?

You Are A Black Goth. You Are Evil And Only Depend On Your Self.Take this quiz!

What color rose are you and what is ur thorn type? Dark Results

Red roses. Ur thorns are thorns of blood and agony. Ur tortured constantly.Take this quiz!

How evil are you?

What is the center of your dark core? (updated)

Your dark side is centered around Pain. You feel you want to scream and cry, want to leave this place and run away from everything but you can't, you are trapped inside your head and there is no way out. All you want is a beautiful unique mind just like you, can listen and understand so you can full your world with happiness and peace. You will find what you want when you simplify your life and stop looking to the dark side.Take this quiz!

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Are You Kinky?


Nice work! Mmmm. You enjoy tripping the light fantastic and exploring new avenues. You delight in the temptations of the flesh. You find candles lit during sex to be erotic. You are a fanatic in the bedroom. You love to explore and try new things. You enjoy hot fragrant steamy baths as well. Nothing is off limits to you. You rule the roost and know it. And you leave your partner virtually breathless. You may also leave your virtual partners' breathless. Keep up the good work!

Take the quiz:

What house of 1000 corpses character are you?


This sexy blonde is just like her mother, Mother Firefly. She is cute, funny, and evil. She seems to be "murder buddies" with Otis. Oh and, her favorite movie star isn't Marilyn Monroe.

Take the quiz:

What is your Paranormal gift?

Control of Fire

You're a little pyro, arn't you? Fire attracts you and you've learned how to control it, or even create that pretty little flicker of red, orange, and blue light. Be careful, though, you could set your friends, family, or even yourself on fire... try doing that to the enemies.

Why are you sad? [amazing pictures] For darker people

You are sad because of your life and obsession with deathTake this quiz!

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!

Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Extreme
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Low
Level 7 (Violent)Extreme
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very High

Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test

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You are destruction. Sometimes raw devastation, other times a tool for new growth.

?? Which Natural Wonder Or Disaster Are You ??

LightningTake this quiz!

~~Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers~~

Your wings are DRAGON wings. Massive and covered in scales, they shimmer with strength and magic. They are the most obvious display of your power - though it runs equally throughout your heart and mind. You are uncompromising and grave, with a profound sense of justice. You have firm ideas about what is right and what is wrong and set out to fix what problems you can. You realize that you are more capable of dealing with life and evil than most, and as such you see it as your responsibility to protect those who cannot defend themselves. You have existed since antiquity and as such you are wise far beyond your years in this lifetime. While you strive for fairness and peace, if someone should steal from your cave of treasure (though not all that glitters is gold) or compromise the happiness of you or one who is close to you - they have signed their death warrant. You have a mighty vengeance and will unleash it upon such people immediately and mercilessly. Arguing with you is useless...you rarely back down and are known for holding firm in your beliefs. Sometimes you feel intensely burdened with the troubles of others...acting as a Guardian can get so wearisome. But you never give up...you see it as your life's mission. Often very introverted, you can be so smart...it's scary. Such a combination of intelligence, creativity, power, beauty, and magic is often intimidating to those around you - who are also unlikely to understand you. Arrogant, proud, overserious, and sometimes a bit greedy or obsessed with whatever treasure you choose to pursue...you have enchanted people for centuries, and will continue to do so.Image Source:http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/pkamvyss/www/album/art/pictures/dragon.jpgTake this quiz!

What sign of the Black Zodiac are you?

The JackalTake this quiz

Newer Surveys/Quizzes

Take the quiz:
What Is Your Vampiric Beast?

Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2. Willpower 2, Health Levels: OK, -1, -3. Abilities: Alertness 3, Dodge 3, Stealth 2. Blood Pool: 1/4

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
What type of Fairy are you?! The good or bad!?(pics)

ShAdOw FaIrY
WoW! Your just too dark! Your the frim reaper!You like the more dark sides of things! You never really see the bright side! you tend to offend people or lose friends easily! you don't mean to make mistakes all the time it just kinda happens! You are usually the quiet one at the party. Like at school no one even remembers you name most of the time!

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
Test ur Vampire IQ

Real deal
So either your a nerd and learned a lot about vamps or u claim to be one!

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
Should you be a VAMPIRE?

Yes....You are perfect.....
WOW! we have a regular Dracula on our hands! You have everything the sins, the girls/guys, the blood, and the mystery!yay! how i envy you...just joking.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

You Are 60% Evil

You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.

Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.




Long Butt Survey

07:42 Jul 01 2006
Times Read: 692

The COMPLETE About me survey!
Name:Tristessa Maharet Tatianna Moira
Age:19 mortal years
Screen Name:ask and you shall know
Birthday:4/21/87 (i kno its the day after 4/20...get over it)
Race:Im pure Anglo-Saxon (aka-White)
School/Grade:Im done with that prision
Job:Watching over my master
Status:Married for all of eternity
Current Town:Odessa
Parents Still Together?:My father is dead and my mother is alive...i wish it was the other way around
Siblings:A half sister by blood and a full sister&brother by heart
Pets:Do the ones in my mind count?
Drinker:Hell yeah
Virgin:Im married...what do you think?
Hair Color:Natural-Dark Dirty Blonde
Is It Dyed?:yup
Eye Color:Hazel
Style:Whatever i feel like for that day
Glasses/Contacts/None?:Glasses...the better to see you with my dear
Freckles:randomly...less than 20 total
Body Type:Tall and thin...enough said
Shoe Size:10
Piercings:two in right ear and one in left
Want More?:nah...im good
Tattoos?:two so far...my dragons and my heart
Want More?:Fuck yeah
Braces?:used to in middle school
Overall Best Feature::that is a personal opinion
Overall Worst Feature::once again-personal opinion
Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad?:dad
Favorite Color:Red and Black
Worst Color:Pink...yuck
Favorite Number:7
Favorite Animal:DRAGON!!
Least Favorite Animal:birds...im terrified of them
Favorite Flower:Black Rose
Favorite Food:Shrimp pasta
Worst Food:anything overloaded with onions or pepper
Favorite Junk Food:Cookies!!
Worst Junk Food:Health version of Cookies...
Favorite Restaraunt:Texas Steakhouse and Saloon
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:Green mint chip
Favorite Candy:Whatchamacalllit
Favorite Alcoholic Drink:VODKA straight up
Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink:Cherry Coke
Worst Alcoholic Drink:im not a fan of rum
Worst NON Alcoholic Drink:where they have more than one flavor added
Favorite Genre of Music:All
Worst Genre:Opera except Carmen
Favorite Band/Artist:its a mix
Worst Band/Artist:dont really have one
Favorite Song:a lot!
Worst Song:i forget the name but my master plays it to get on my nerves
Favorite Radio Station:dont have one
Favorite Book:Collection of Edgar Allen Poe Stories
Worst Book:Anything i was made to read in school
Favorite Type of Movie:action-packed
Worst Type of Movie:too much love...like the Notebook
Favorite Movie:Too many to name
Worst Movie Ever:idk
Favorite TV Show:Many
Wost TV Show:where all they do is play video games...i see no point to it
Favorite Season of the Year:Summer
Worst Season:Winter
Best Friend:My sister Kaliah and my Melly Bear and sily Ryan
Worst Enemy:They are dead so I dont have to name them
Favorite Day of the Week:Saturday
Least Favorite Day of the Week:Monday
Favorite Sport:Softball
Sport You Hate:Hockey
One thing you cant get enough of:My master ;)
One thing you hate more than anything:hypocrites
Are You Single?:No way
If not, who is your bf/gf?:My master
How Long Have You Been Together?:that depends when you start counting
If You're Single, Do you Like It?:N/A
Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now?:My master of course
First Kiss:Corbett and we were both 1 yrs old
Ever Kiss in the Rain?:yes
In a Movie Theater?:yes
First Love:Should die
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone?:No
Been Cheated on?:Yes
Used Someone?:No
Been used?:Yes
Lied to your bf/gf?:No
Ever Made out With Just a Friend?:once...but we got together like a wk later
Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend?:no
Are You a Tease?:i dont think so...but some guys would disagree with me
Do you Flirt a Lot?:dont try to
Longest Relationship:2 yrs
Shortest:3 days
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem?:yes
Ever Get Flowers?:yes
Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten:my Master gave me the cutest pig after a lil tiff we had
Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day?:yes
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight?:yes
Do you Believe in "The One"?:yes...i got him
Do you Fall in Love Fast?:not usually but with my Master i did
Are you a Player?:no way
Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex?:no
Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day?:no
Kissed 2 People At One Time?:no
Had Sex with 2 People in One day?:no
Had sex with 2+ People at One Time?:no
Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex?:yes
Ever Been Dumped?:yes
Ever dumped someone?:yes
Ever been rejected?:yes
Do you have a lot of ex's?:kinda
Are you a slut?:no
Ever been called one?:yes
Ever dated someone more than once?:yes
Do you ever make the first move?:occasionally
Double dates or single?:singles
Do you want to get married?:i am...
OPPOSITE SEX (what you're attracted to)
Hair Color:dont care...not a fan of red though
Short or long?:short
Eye color?:dont care
Style:his own
Age:not at least 5 yrs older than me (my Master is 4yrs older)
Height:taller than me
Weight:not too small, not too big
Muscular or skinny?:well not skinny and i dont wanna guy from Muscle Beach
Boxers or Breifs?:dont care
Do you care about looks?:yes, but its not the most important thing
Can you drive?:yes
Do you have a car?:yes...Jeep Wrangler Sport named Tank
Do you have a cell phone?:yes
Are you online a lot?:yes
Do you like gay/bi people?:i have no problem as long as i dont get hit on
Can you speak another language?:no but im tryin to learn Russian
Do you do well in school?:i did ok
Do you collect anything?:pigs, and other stuff
Have an obsession?:my Master
Do you hate yourself?:sometimes
Ever smile for no reason?:yes
Talk to yourself?:occasionally
Do you have any regrets?:tons
Believe in magick?:yes
Do you support gay marriage?:i dont care bout it
Sex before marriage?:i guilty of it so....
Do you trust people easily?:nope
Forgive easily?:depends
Do you have a secret no one knows?:yes
Do you get along with your parents?:i dont want to answer
What about other people?:depends on them
How do you vent your anger?:i have my ways
Do you like George Bush?:i really dont care
Goal Before you die?:live the best life i can
Biggest Fear:losing my Master
Beggest Weakness:my Master
Do you play an instrument?:nope
What do you want to be when you grow up?:myself
Are you...
A bitch?:sometimes
A daydreamer?:yes
Talkative?:if i know you i can be
Energetic?:oh yes
Boring?:i dont think so
Confident?:not all the time
Weird?:oh yes
Strong (emotionally)?:on some subjects
Strong (physically)?:no
Mature?:i can be
Religious?:i believe in many things
Fun to be around?:yes
Easily Amused?:oh yes
Outgoing?:not really
Daring?:eh...i dont think so
Scary?:nah...im too silly for that
Persuasive?:if i try hard enuff
A good listener?:yes
Playful?:yes...i like to play!
Hot Headed?:yup
Romantic?:i try to be
Obsessive?:a little
Attentive?:not if im bored
Helpful?:i try
Punctual?:oh yes
Sincere?:when the time calls for it
Did you enjoy this survey?:yes/no
Was it too long?:yes/no
Do you think it contained just about everything?:i would hope so....
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