It's kind of funny, I was sitting around thinking (something I do to much sometimes) and was remembering how when we're young it always feel like life is about to end. The slightest change, the smallest hurt feels like it will be the end of everything but as get older it fades. we get older it feels as if we've let life pass us by, like we just passing through the moments. When do we make this shift, when do we get to the point that we just become numb to it all. When we do decide that we're tired of feeling? God, I miss the days of running free without a care in the world. I remeber riding in the truck with my friends, with wind in my hair and no worries at all. I remember falling in love for the first time and nothing existed but his face. The thrill of sneaking out and doing something I knew I wasn't suposed to do and not giving a shit. I remember living to the fullest as if the next day would never come. Now all I see are people driving aimlessly with no motivation, no passion, and life. People walking around like zombies begging for it to end. I worked so hard to be a grown up and now I work at staying young. Just funny how the pages turn and everything flips.