So there's this girl I know. She is the aunt of my son but more than that she is one of my dearest friends. We have been best friends since we were 14, and one of whom I consider a soul mate, and I miss her so much. She has been gone for a year and neither of us have had the time or the money to see each other. Gezzz, I miss the days of us just driving around aimlessly. Staying up all night giggling and talking, we were for lack of a better phrase, partner,s in crime. I wonder if it's bad for the soul to be away from it's mate for too long. There are times in a person's life that you just need to have that certain friend around and this is one of those. We are both at points in our lives where we're not to sure where we are going' Confused, lost and stumbling our way down a path that we yet do not know of. I talked to her today and I wish I could be with her. I wish I could steal her away so she can clear her mind. I miss her and it hurts.