Jesus, Mary, Joseph... insomnia is going dive me mad
I was quite surprised in myself last night. Once upon a time,when I got angry I would just completely loose it. Become engulfed in rage that would almost seem like a never ending tunnel of tears and screams. Apparently I have grown though. Last night I ended up in a fight (damn near a screaming match) with an ex of mine about our son and what not. (I won't get into details.) Surprisingly I went from screaming where my voice does that scratchy squeaky sound to a deal calm. From deafening noice to utter silence. In all honesty I'm not quite sure how much of an improvment this is, It used to be that I would just want to hit him, but it was more than this last night. (No I was not thinking murder, but just an enormous amount of violence). I've come the conclusion that maybe it is best for his health and my sanity if he starts to keep a better distance from me. Seriously men, never test a woman's wrath. A girl can only handle so many years (5 to be precise) of screaming, beating and utter disrespect and loss of the heart and soul until she looses it.
A Note: Only you dear can bring out the violence in me like no other.