It is possible for sires to move up in levels rather quickly. It is called 1000 forum posts in one day. That's what I did, also did a lot of rating. I suggest everyone do it the right way besides page turners.
When you look at people's favor it makes you wonder how someone that has only been on vr two years and has over 50,000 in favor. I mean wow, that's more then Radu and he has been here forever. It makes you wonder doesn't it?
OK Mother Nature, there is only so much clothing we can take off without getting arrested! Too Hot!
No doubt, ya know its bad when you walk outside and the heat about takes your breath away....My crazy ass decided to make beef ribs last night it was like 90 in here with the a/c on lol
this is something around my parts we say only so much you can take off in the summer the winter is better cuz you can always add more.
I wonder if anyone else has road rage when pushing a cart through the aisles at Wal-Mart? Or is that just me?
nope you are not alone on this one...i have bad wal-mart aisle road rage....ever check out the site omg funny as hell
I'm just so impatient and people won't move. You have kids running down the isles people stopping and talking. Or just people that won't get the heck out of the way.
I hate when people put their cart on one side of the aisle, then stand next to it so their body takes up the other half while they brose for what sort of fatty cake they want.
When I go shopping alone, my first stop is in the toy area, where I pick up a pool noodle. The rest of the time I'm in the store, when someone in front of me is walking slow, I make the noodle 'fall' and hit them in the head. They usually move fairly quickly after that. :D
I don't think you could call this road rage but I do wish I had a flame thrower or a couple of hand grenades at times.. *Smiles innocently*
yep. i get this too. im just glad i dont carry a gun. the guy who is racing to shop so i dont have to deal with the screaming baby lady and the imma write a check as slow as possible girl, walmart rage...its real lol
~ A strong woman knows she has strength enough for her journey, but a woman of strength knows that it is in her journey where she will become strong. ~
Certain times in my life I get a wee bit depressed. Now is one of those times.
On a more positive note, I will be moving out of the house I am in now. I have to be out by Sept. 2nd. Hope I find something by then. *worried face*
Good luck and best wishes.
You have some time I am sure you will find something nice =}
We all get a little wee bit depressed from time to time - you are not alone. I wish you many happy thoughts.
19:41 Jul 31 2010
Or in Bones' case, make 200,000+ favor in like a year, playing hangman.
19:44 Jul 31 2010
true, I miss that game. Loved it actually. Two years and 65,000+ in favor. hehe again makes you wonder. The person is only drawing attention to herself.
19:51 Jul 31 2010
1000 forum posts in one day? what are you doing, talking to yourself in the Sandbox threads? Lol
19:57 Jul 31 2010
lmao you get a few people to go in there with you and you just go at it. I won't be doing it again anytime soon. I got very tired.
21:29 Jul 31 2010
Wow.... that many post in the forum would make my brains leak out of my ears. I mean...really? Screw that- give me pages and time. And rating. :)
And yes- I remember when people could make huge favors with the games. Bones was on the very top with those. When the covens would tell you how many you had to make.... I let Cat do mine myself= hated making them.
21:37 Jul 31 2010
yeah bones was the best. He kicked butt for sure.
04:31 Aug 01 2010
1000 post in a day I would be insane baby .