SuicideDoll's Journal

SuicideDoll's Journal


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17:40 Feb 24 2021
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February 24, 2021 11:15 a.m.

Well … it’s certainly been quite the seven months, lol. I guess I’ll go over things one at a time:

I’ve been working at the retirement home I started at in July and officially left the hotel. It’s less money overall, but I like the environment better. I’d say it’s been going well. Believe me, I’ll have more on that later, lol.

I began sort of a half-relationship with a girl at work just after Christmas. She began working there in October and we always got along well. Then, just before the holidays she began expressing romantic interest (she apparently had felt that way for a while, which I didn’t find out until later) and we eventually began talking about more. Unfortunately, things never really got out of that gear. First off, work became insane, both with a COVID-19 outbreak and our workplace being understaffed. We both found ourselves working crazy hours - the bright side, however, was that at least we were seeing each other with us both being there all the time.

Then, came a catastrophe - for me, at least.

On January 8, while walking home from work, I was struck by a vehicle and got hurt pretty badly. I was knocked unconscious, sustained a concussion, had my right ear partially torn off, needed stitches in my head and completely broke my right collarbone, which required surgery a few days later. I’ve been off of work ever since and am not sure when I’ll be going back. I will be beginning physiotherapy soon and hopefully it won’t be too long.

Needless to say, this entire thing has been quite the experience. Dealing with attorneys, health insurance claims, health agency members, using recovery devices, physiotherapy … it’s all been so new to me.

Me and the girl from work continued to keep in touch via videochatting, telephone calls and Facebook. Then, last week, everything suddenly changed. She seemingly became very disinterested in communicating and began ignoring me quite a bit. I stopped in at work one day for a little while to speak with the General Manager about my progress and possibly coming back, and one of the staff members invited me to her home the next night to play cards and such. The girl I had been half-seeing was also there, and it seemed like she didn’t even want to speak to me. It was somewhat uncomfortable, to be honest. I finally messaged her the next day and asked if everything was okay between us and that I hoped I hadn‘t done anything to upset her, but received no response. So, I guess I’ll just assume that whatever we had going on is no longer a thing. It’s strange, though, because I honestly don’t know what happened. Everything seemed fine one day and then just changed.

To be honest, I’m not sure things would have worked out between us, anyway. First and foremost, there is a huge age gap between us, with her being much, much younger than me. Plus, I’ve noticed things about her that have been somewhat unsettling, including catching her in quite a bit of dishonesty. She appears to possibly have a lot of issue in her life, something I don’t care to get caught up in.

At the same time, however, I do wish she had handled things better. Even if she had second thoughts about our relationship, she could have simply said so. Honestly, my attitude toward the whole situation from the beginning has been, “Well, we can give it a try and see if there’s anything there if you’d like,” but I always knew the entire thing could be on borrowed time. If she had been straightforward about whatever it is that changed, it would have been preferable to simply flipping her attitude toward me out of nowhere - especially since she was the one who initiated everything in the first place.

But … I suppose it is what it is. Truthfully, I’ll probably always be grateful to her in a way. For a time, she made me feel like someone cared and had interest in me, which was nice. She also kept my spirits up during a trying time following my accident - plus, I’m not gonna lie: Having an attractive, much-younger-than-me girl express interest was a pretty good boost to my self-esteem!

For now, however, I think the most important thing is to focus on my recovery. More and more, I’m getting back to normal life, so that’s my goal.

One positive that has emerged from my accident is that a guy I’ve known for a long time and worked with at the last hotel I was employed by was hired a few weeks ago. He has wanted to work there for a while and frequently messaged me to ask about potential openings, so they finally gave him a shot. Truthfully, based on what I’ve heard, I’m not sure how well it’s working out for him there, but perhaps it just needs time. I’ve honestly always felt he’d be a good fit there, but we’ll see.

I ended up having to discontinue my podcast - I actually started another one, but eventually closed that as well, lol. It’s a very time-consuming endeavor and difficult to maintain when you work full-time. But, you never know - perhaps one day down the road, I can re-visit the idea.

Well … I guess that’s about it, lol. Obviously, a lot has happened and I’ve faced quite a bit of challenge since my last entry. But I’m trying to stay positive, and hopefully things will be back on track before too long.



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