February 25, 2010 9:09 AM
Scarlett came home yesterday after being hospitalized forty-five minutes away from here for a couple of weeks. She was supposed to be up there anyway for her second surgery, but they postponed it because she got sick with what was supposedly a “cold” - which actually turned out to be a viral lung infection. If I wasn’t convinced that the doctors in this town have no idea what they’re doing, I sure as Hell am now. Anyway, we haven’t received word on when Scarlett will be able to have her operation, but hopefully it’s soon so all of this shit can finally be done and over with.
Things on the work front haven’t changed, meaning I’m still getting crap hours, even though there is more than enough work to do. I’ve made the decision to finally leave once I find a decent job, as I’m just getting tired of all the bullshit there. I wanted to speak to someone about increasing my hours, but that is hard when I’m gone at 5:00 AM and there is nobody there I can see about it. I already tried letting my boss know, but it wasn’t her decision to cut me down in the first place. I don’t know … maybe if I see someone, I can mention it, but I want out of there anyway, so I guess we’ll just see what happens. At the suggestion of someone on VR, I also looked into the possibility of become a crime scene cleaner, but the course I would likely need to do that job costs two-thousand dollars and is held in a city two-and-a-half hours away from here. So, it appears that's out.
I went down and met with the programming directors of our local cable television station about possibly creating a show based around gothic and alternative topics. I put together outlines for ten episodes, but unfortunately only two of them met the hyper-local standards required to actually air the program. I was disappointed, because I thought I had a lot of good ideas, including several panel discussions focusing on suicide and/or self-harm, which would have included those suffering from the afflictions, as well as various experts. I really believe such shows would not only have garnered an audience, but also may have helped some people. But at the same time, I understand the cable company's point of view also. If they were to allow anyone with a program suggestion to produce a show, the channel would not have the resources to accomodate it.
Anyway, I am now going to write a script for a one-time Halloween special, likely featuring alleged haunted sites around our region. I am also going to be taking part in a workshop come September to learn more about television production (which seems kind of odd considering that I'll probably be filming the show during the Summer months. Shouldn't I know something about these things beforehand? Although the station did say that they would provide staffing). I'm hoping that I may be able to come up with a program idea afterward for at least one season which would meet the channel's requirements, but it appears that will be difficult.
20:47 Feb 25 2010
I hope you have lots of good luck! You always have some really brilliant ideas, Adam. Just don't give up hope, especially if it's something you really want to do!
I hope Scarlett gets her surgery soon. Is she recovering from the viral lung infection alright?