Okay I work at a hospital that is stictly no smoking inside or outside! Well three times now while I was outside smoking I saw something that I just can't explain. I had the feeling when I saw it of something dark & depressing! More so it made me think of death! The first time it rather scared the shit out of me. Each time when I have seen it, someone dies! It's kinda disturbing to me! This is my first job in the medical field & I'm starting to remember why I never wanted to do medical! I had seen this once before or at least i'm pretty sure it was the same thing! I looked out of someones window once to seeing it going up the street! That was years ago & to my knowledge no one died that night! It's almost as if it's a taunting dark mist or something floating, kinda hoovering! Not something I want to be seeing & don't really understand! All I hav figured out is that when I see it someone dies & sometimes if I take a 2nd glance to see if i really am seeing something, well then it will still be there & then kinda takes off! Almost as if it knows I see & it wants me to. I find it very disturbing & aren't really sure what to make of it! Is it real or am I just some how going nuts?
You have probably seen death. You watch too many horror flicks, play too much violent videogames, or probably exposed to death by where you live. or maybe you have lots of problems with enemies or have little self-esteem. The factors add up that you need to avoid situations or people that could push you to that point.
Are you capable of killing