SouthernFreak's Journal


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11 entries this month

00:38 Apr 30 2008
Times Read: 717

Well I went back to the cardiologist today. I didn't think anything would show since I had no chest pains while wearing the monitor. Apparently my heart rate still stayed very high the entire time. The lowest he said was 96 & that was while I was sleeping. He said for most people in the 60's while sleeping is normal. It was at 160 at one point. So now I have to go have a stress test done on May 8th. Then I go back to the cardiologist on May 15th. At least I'm glad that I may finally find out what's wrong. He's says that some people's heart rate runs fast. However if this is the case with me, long term it can cause more serious heart problems. I hope they figure things out soon. I'm tired of all this waiting & wondering.



00:40 Apr 30 2008

I hope they figure something out soon too.


02:01 Apr 28 2008
Times Read: 723

We had a bad storm while I was at work today. Apparently lightning hit my comp & knocked out my internet. Sucks. So I tried to use dial up on my comp but it doesn't seem to want to work. So I had to pull out my laptop. Which sucks, I never use my laptop. I might have 5 times in a year. Oh well I guess tonight will be movie night. Hopefully we can get things fixed tomorrow. My cold is getting a little better. Slowly but surely. I really hate summer colds. Against most everyone's advice I have pretty much decided to take the part time job. It will only be a few days, so I really want work that much extra. I think it would be good experience for me. On a side note, hit myself in the head with the sunvisor in my hubby's truck. Of course he thought this was hilarious & I reckon it kinda was. lol Work was rather boring today. I slept most of the day. Yep, close my office door & was out. lol I couldn't resist, sometimes you can get the best sleep when you shouldn't be sleeping. My cold wakes me up coughing all night so I have to get rest where I can. Okay movie time. later peoples.




04:37 Apr 24 2008
Times Read: 748

Well today was my birthday, I guess that makes me 24 again. :) I went to the doctors this morning to find out I have bronchitis. That does at least explain all the coughing. Went out to eat with my parents. The bought me a few things I need for the house. An accent rug for the kitchen, shoe rack, & a lint remover. Things I have neglected to buy since the fire, but mentioned needing. Appreciated & thoughtful presents. The rug goes great with my kitchen since it has a good bit of red in it. No, don't worry, the walls aren't red, nothing that drastic. It's decorated with apples & solid reds.

My childhood friend, her husband & son came by. We talked ALOT, played the wii, & played with my boxer a bit. Me & her are total opposites, however this makes our personalites compliment each other well. I was the pot head that stayed in trouble. She was the motherly type. She was always there when we smoked, but never did, so she would end up cooking us all food when we had the munchies. She has always dealt with my anit-social moods quite well. I really appreciate that, I know it can be extremely hard on other parties involved. She called today, sent me 2 birthday text. I never answered or messaged her. I just didn't feel like being around people. Suddenly she called my hubby, they were on the way here. We had a great time. I'm glad she did & knew just what to do.



04:39 Apr 24 2008


who do you think you are kidding??????


Accept it!!!!!


04:41 Apr 24 2008

Happy birthday sweetie. =)

05:48 Apr 24 2008

Happy Birthday babygirl !!

06:03 Apr 24 2008

Hope you had a wonderful birthday- I know that the third time celebrating your 24 birthday is the best lol

07:41 Apr 24 2008

*Does birthday bop*.....aww so glad you had a good time xxx

09:30 Apr 24 2008

24 again? LOL. I have a friend who is never left her teens. You would be eighteen-teen, and just reached the age of consent :)


Things that go bump

04:16 Apr 17 2008
Times Read: 782

We have 2 phone lines in my house. One for business & one for home use. The business line was fine after the fire. The house line has been screwy ever since. A guy from the phone company came out yesterday. He came to the conculsion that it was one of the cordless phones we were using that was causing the problem. The line worked fine on some kinda tester phone thing he had. Well I have no clue when, we didn't use it for hours after he left. Later that night we noticed that the phone line was coming up as busy. We tried to use it, unhooked all the phones from that line & tried the phone we use on the business line. My husband kept trying to say a phone was off the hook somewhere because he could hear moving sounds on it sometimes. So that's why we tried his phone & disconnected them all. Well really weird, if you tap the wall, walk, or anything like that, you can hear the noise in the phone. However there is no phone off the hook. It's really weird. We're going to try & call them back out soon. How do you explain that, umm sir could you listen in this phone, while I tap the wall in another room. He's going to think I'm nuts. haha His expression should be priceless.



04:24 Apr 17 2008

Your phone is haunted....



04:31 Apr 17 2008

LOL Well before the fire the kitchen cabinets would attack me. Great now we ran the ghost to the walls.

09:45 Apr 17 2008

ohhh scary lol

01:54 Apr 20 2008

Have you checked for hidden passages? lol Sounds spooky..


03:46 Apr 16 2008
Times Read: 788

Omg they have yet to determine who the skeletal remains were. They suspect it is someone but are not certain at this point. If it's who they think, then I remember him. I never really talked to him. He was trouble, drugs, wild. Still he was a really nice guy from what I knew of him. He would always walk the neighborhood & speak to everyone along the way. I think he was 8 or 9 years older than me. His nickname was "Goat" I always liked to see him coming though. He would dress unusual, wear silly hats or something. He went missing about a year ago, there was a decent sized search of the neighborhood for him. My heart goes out to the loved ones, whoever it may be.




Weird Shit

01:16 Apr 16 2008
Times Read: 797

Supposedly it was all over the news this morning. I have yet to see it. What I heard anyways is that they found the skeletal remains of someone in my old neighborhood. I wouldn't doubt it. I wonder who it is, if I knew them, how long they had been there. They didn't say body, they said skeleton. This makes me think it has probably been there a while. Wonder if I ever stood in that spot & never noticed. That would be really freaky. I hope to hear more information soon. I reckon I should give my parents a ring & see what they might know. They do still live in the neighborhood.




Really Itchy

22:41 Apr 15 2008
Times Read: 806

So now I need vr to give me it's normal dose of pissed off, so my heart will be doing it's normal thing. Come on, help me out people..lol

I went to the cardiologist today. They did an echocardiogram & then I was supposed to see the doctor. Well he never comes into my room. After a bit, the nurse comes in & says that he wants me to wear a heart monitor for 24 hrs & then he will see me back in 2 weeks. She says that if anything major calls back or he needs to see me before that he will call me. Ah man, I was hoping for at least some idea of what is going on today. Why do doctors have to make you wait so long. I didn't think wearing the monitor would bug me. I thought sleeping with it might be aggrevating & the fact that I can't take a shower will drive me bonkers. At first it didn't bother me. Less than 12 hrs later, this thing is so itchy. Oh my god, I feel like a dog with one of those head shields on. You know so they can't scratch & bite fleas...errr




Continued health

21:28 Apr 12 2008
Times Read: 816

I went back to the doctor Thursday. My pulse is still up, not sure what it was this time, they didn't tell me. He wrote orders for me to have an echo & see the cardiologist. Took me off of paxil & put me on something just for anxiety rather than depression. I never feel depressed. I just feel nervous all the time. Something called Buspirone. He took more blood. Wanted to check my sugar, cholesterol & liver. Which I thought was the same test he done last time. I guess not though. All this time the doctor has been asking me about heart problems in my family. So at one point I had told him my mom had murmurs, well then later she told me she also had an irregular heart beat at one point & had to be on medicine for it. Then I talk to her yesterday & find out several grandparents/great grandparents had heart attacks & one has a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Gee thanks mom you could have told me all this when I first started having problems. So of course I ask her & she just says you knew all that. NO I never knew one had a condition. I would have told my doctor when he first started asking me. I’m a little nervous, but mostly ready to figure out something that makes me not hurt all the time.



21:31 Apr 12 2008


09:37 Apr 15 2008

I really hope you get better soon


stupidity meets speech

20:02 Apr 12 2008
Times Read: 821

*dies laughing* I just had the most hilarious 3 minute conversation with some guy in NY. Oh my god he so made me smile. Unfortunately the reason, my horrible southern accent & his trouble understanding what I was saying. I love it when northerners call here. I love the way they talk. So much better than people in my area. Oh yes I know my grammar is horrible. I was always in honors English classes. When your rasied talking this way it's so hard to break the habit. Plus if your from here & try to talk correctly then people think your a snob, stuck up or a bitch. Maybe it's being lazy but it's so much easier to talk the way I was raised rather than what I know to be correct.



20:19 Apr 12 2008

I've never heard an accent yet that I did'nt like lol



20:54 Apr 07 2008
Times Read: 833

Why am I always so freaking sleepy after I have been at work a few hours? I get home, I'll be wide awake. I go back to the doctor Thursday. Hopefully things will have gotten better, but I doubt it. I know, so negative. It's simple, I still get chest pains, so obviously the medicine didn't work. On the bright side, at least my migraine from yesterday is pretty much gone.



20:59 Apr 07 2008

Aha...here you are lol....would you like a short term loan of fluffy ?


Keeps growing & growing..haha

20:39 Apr 04 2008
Times Read: 849

Man the sire population just keeps growing & growing. When I first started I think there was only a handful of them. There is now 159. I was just bored at work & decided to check out the list of sires. Then of course my brain started to wander. Most of them I have never even spoken to. A few I have & an even smaller amount I consider friends. Oh & yes to put it nicely, there are a few I don't care for in the least. So this got me thinking, does that make me a bitch since I haven't attempted to know most of these people. I have been here a good while now & still try to talk to as few people as possible. I don't know why I'm like that. It is however a trait that I don't like very much, but can't seem to change. (Maybe all the idiots on the phone are just driving me bananas today)



21:11 Apr 04 2008

:) I have not even rated all of them yet. I know what you mean by not talking to a lot of people.

By the way- Hello. *waves*

03:19 Apr 05 2008

Well a lot of those people aren't online anymore. Another bunch is on rarely. Another bunch is just silent. Another bunch don't know how to answer messages/talk. Another bunch is too far up their ass to talk.

So that doesn't leave a lot of people to talk to, does it? lol

I think if you just talk to your little circle of peeps you like, that's cool. You don't need to talk to everyone, that'd be crazy.

PS - SUUUUP girl? Long time no talk! =p

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