Crick crack, monkey break he back for a piece of pomerac.
If people did fear me, dey must had nevah met de *La Diablesse. She is de real spirit of vengeance.
You know how man does like to have he wanderin' eye? Well, mih girl dere does take real good care of de ones who has wives.
De boys go out to de bar an' have a few drinks, yuh see. Married Charlie does see a nice lil bird across de room. Fine like de silk sheets of de Arabian sultans. Wide brimmed hat coverin' half she face. Long flowin' gown to she foot on one side, bare leg on de oddah. Even doh he have a woman at home, he sends a drink she way and winks dey way de players do. Well, who tell he do dat!? Mama, dat is when de net is cast. She takes she little drink an' saunters out of de place, grinnin'.
Charlie boy figures he gotta shot wit' she an' wanders off to find she. He'll follow she a good few miles until de on de country roads. He'll catch up to she and she'll ask for some gum or a light or some ordinary object. Den, he's nevah seen again.
He should have been more careful. If he had looked close, he'd have seen she walking half on de road, half off. De gown covers she demon hoof, an' she keeps it on de grass to hide de suspicious sound. She hat was coverin' she demon eye. Even de perfume he smelled when up close was coverin' de sickly sweet stench of decay.
La Diablesse... de real demon of de night.
Crick crack, de wire bends.
Dat's how de story ends.
*La Diablesse (La-Jah-Bless) is a character from Trinidadian folklore that preys on unfaithful men. The name is very clearly French in origin (Devil woman), but the pronunciation has been warped since the days of the slaves.
23:05 Jun 28 2010
All of the Charlie boys should take heed...