I took Shade out for a ride while Max followed. A wonderful day today and a perfect way to relax. I decided to ride through a familiar trail that followed along a cool, clear stream. Shade was almost more ready than I was for this ride and Max, he's always excited being outside. But then again, what dog wouldn't? Work tomorrow. I will be stuck in the office again. Can't wait until they send me on another business trip. What can you do though? Another week of crunching numbers and advising people how to spend and invest their money.
13:12 Sep 14 2015
I know this feeling all too well, comes with working in finance though :P
22:23 Sep 14 2015
That is true. I would rather be closing investment deals than the rest of my job but that's not what they pay me for sadly.
22:30 Sep 21 2015
What can you do? Cherish your memories of Shade and Max until your next business trip. Be sure to make them better each time.~Mina