Worth in Self
20:13 Jan 14 2014
Times Read: 595
Your worth, is the weight of your honored, kept and unwavering convictions divided by every last
single soul you've used, hurt and stepped on, to be who you are.
The trick is, no one can ever take that away from you. Only you know what you are, and what you
have done. You and you alone get to know that... until your dying breath...
and Maybe just maybe... after that as well.
A Hollow Soul
12:29 Jan 09 2014
Times Read: 624
An old man, wearied and defeated by life, once told me:
A soul lives. It breathes and speaks many languages. It can speak haste, anger or hate. Love, patience or compassion. Kindness or selfishness. A soul, is not alone. It dances, this long dance full of comings and goings, all along side other souls. These souls all affect one another. A soul does not create on its own. It does not grow on its own. It gets filled or hollowed out by what comes its way.
A strong one is full of something that reinforces its will and strength. A weak one, knows only hope, and it hopes to be strong, It hopes to be filled with what it lacks as its hollowed stance tries not to break against the tide of things to come. Anger is like a sound wave, it repels, bounces, it shatters or breaks. Anger is an echo, it can fade, or be drowned out; Either, at the very least, take good time. Love fills a soul. It empowers it and lifts it. It gives it unknown strength when it least expects it. The right kind of love, not the amount, can lift a soul to the heavens. Love can always drown out anger, but anger comes from the pain souls are put through.
Pain, is is unexpected. It always takes a piece of us with it. There are many kinds of pain, for most of us... physical pain is a life lesson, and it will happen. But the worst, is emotional hurt. That leaves the worst scars, the most dulling pain, it rips parts of our being away, regardless of how much we cherish them. Pain, hurt and agony in thus always taking something from it, is what hollows out a soul. It takes away what fills it, if there is too little there, or too much hurt is suffered. Like any standing structure, tear down the walls, and you'll soon hear echoes, and see the foundations. Whittle away at its foundations, and it will most assuredly, break. Those echoes, are fed by pain, as it hollows out a soul... giving giving too much way for the echoes of anger to continue traveling inside the soul, vibrate and tear it apart in its resonance.
Those hollow souls boy, listen good! You never, NEVER know who's soul is hollow, or who's soul is strong. Your duty while being alive, my son, is to always try to fill any and all who cross your path. Do not sacrifice your being to do so, but keep yourself steady, and strong. Your soul is not alone, don't you ever tread this world in such a way that it reflects that. You do, what your soul can do. And your soul can do much. Never willingly give pain, for you don't know if that one soul breaking point is at its reach. Never be the cause of a soul shattering, and your soul will reflect and fill, with what it contains.
Be kindness, for it fills that which pain rips in all our souls. Be love, for it drowns the anger that echoes within us all.
I, like a fool never believed him, until I found myself about to shatter so many years ago.