Are you not entertained?!?
Well, poo...
I am.
Thanks for that. lol I
Told you not to...
and just so you know... I needed the pick-me up. Now shoo... : )
GAH.... don't know what to do with myself today... LMFAO
just counting down the days... this is fucking unnerving!
I've missed it too. Things have just been so blah lately, that our time together just talking has been seriously lacking. But, like I said, tonight we can get back on track. I miss just talking to you on Skype, just me and you, no distractions or interruptions.
Just a rant...
I wonder if i start taking screen shots of random fetish porn movies and captioning them "stop underage sexual intercourse" if anyone would be anywhere near as annoyed as I get with seeing random pics of mutilated babies, and animals telling me to stop abuse/ abortion. No one online will admit to doing those things without anonymity... thank you for the random grossness for absolutely no reason.
NOT. A. SINGLE. PUPPY/CAT or human fetus has been saved by reminding me that there are assholes in the world.
DO SOMETHING! facebook posting does not make you an activist!
Even i'm not sitting back and bitching about the billion fucked things on this planet, because i'd rather DO something about them. and for the cute ones that will turn that around on me. i will do something to end your retarded posts should they not cease.
A bit of intelligence PLEASE, you want to show you care... do something. The funny thing about NOT being able to do something about a situation... is that it's okay. Not everyone can "do" things... but being a straight up nuisance in hopes to "get people involved" displays some rather shallow perception, those that would "help" just to get people like you to "shut the fuck up" rather than actually care, aren't that much better than the people you are "protesting". But i guess that's not important, Is it?
I'll sign a thousand petitions in aid of anything stopping needless violence if i am made aware of it... if you take a second to understand i don't need to be grossed the hell out to know something is BAD. Or do you need daily visual reminders of what Anal-gone-wrong looks like to know that molestation of young boys at the hands of priests has a life long impact on their psyche, and body? No? My... how interesting.
rant... over.
Ha. Far more lion than rabbit, I think.
Heh... that makes one of us. Hmm hmm.
The reason why I try my best at being careful with what I say is also my biggest flaw...
You'll probably never see me cry.
Stone, I am not.
This email broke me down.
Well, I can't say I've not been ready for this.
The quote is
"Sometimes you have to move on without certain people. If they are meant to be in your life, they'll catch up."
So I sit here, wishing quite a few would catch up already, but that's not going to happen, I guess.
Life's made me know nothing but moving on, and that's rather painful. Strange is being happy that I feel this way. Why? The reasons they haven't caught up. See, they are content and happy where they are, and even if that's without me, then that makes me glad. Ironic, but it's not malicious on their part, so there's no point in harboring that pain.
But to learn to be content without them, that's the lesson that keeps eluding me.
You don't have to admit anything to anyone. Once you realize that your interaction with your very good friend who you laughed with so often and so long or that very loving and kind partner, is something you enjoy deeply, You've undoubtedly handed that person a license to rip your heart out.
So few that I've given it to, most I've misjudged and wound up doing just that. I could almost count you on one hand.
This isn't as bleak as it sounds. It's just true, if you really like and care about that person... they have great power in hurting you. The risk you take? Is moving forward with the hope they don't. Then comes the funny part...
The irony sets in, for those that have opted the hurt route, is that... because you valued them and the things they would say, ... after all the pain of betrayal...
You miss them.
"It might be just me, but I think that it's me."
"I don't need you, I won't be lost without you, I can breathe fine when you aren't around...
... but I need you."
"I know you can tear me apart, but what I imagine is not someone who is constantly saying sorry, but she who wants my pain to subside."
I should probably stop thinking those things and really ask myself...
who talks like that?
Very well said.
Thank you
I try to express what I reflect on, nothing more.
Beautiful words but .. Sad thing is not many would think like this..