I know it sounds typical or cliche but I'm not really used to having family or friends. for more reason than one I don't fit in to their borders. I had come here looking for friends and found some, but I also feel like I've found some family too. Finally instead of " I'm not sure what you're talking about" or "i don't know but maybe this or that..." there are actual answers. There are people that are saying "that? oh that's normal i went through that" it feels great to have found a sense of community again.
I'm a musician. I make music in agenre I call Gothic Artistic. A dark or gothic emotion mixed with an Atmospheric or Ambient feel. If anyone listens to it, I would love to know what it means to them. I'd love to play to huge crowds for that exact reason, seeing the reaction for myself. but for now I dream.
it can be heard here https://soundcloud.com/theanomoly
Excellent music. You did a great job.
Very nice and welcome to our community!! =)
The music is really cool!
It's beautiful. Would be great to mediate with
Thank you all for your feedback and sweet comments =)
Me likey!!!
Me likey!!!
thank you =)
an abbreviation of Skylar
An adopted name to better fit the culture
Originally just Sky
a shortened tribute to an ancestor:
the one who had a gift of visions
and could see through a metaphorical storm as if there was a clear bright sky.
I am she
who was Sky, Skylar, and Skye
and is named after a gifted one
02:46 May 27 2016
I am glad you have found us and VR. :-)
16:04 Jun 21 2016
Me too girl!! This family wouldn't be the same without you! :)
20:32 Jun 21 2016
hehe thank you guys =)