I have always worn my heart on my sleeve. I get way too attached to people because I crave acceptance. And everytime I get fucked in the end. Everytime I sit there, my heart hurting, my eyes crying, wondering how I could be such an idiot AGAIN. Everytime I try to let the inner me out, she is shoved back in by the cruelness of others. I will never be free. I will never be happy. I will never be loved or accepted. Wow...
13:31 Sep 01 2010
Don't ever regret being yourself. You will be loved and accepted with time. Nothing good is ever easy in this life. It makes us appreciate good things more when we finally get them.
06:25 Sep 02 2010
You should always be yourself, for if those who cannot accept your inner self, they are not true friends, they are not being true to yourself or even themselves. Given time and determination you will make it through all the hard times, once out the other side you will find the joy and happiness in which we all crave, and you will be able to look back those who once hurt you and think "Why did I ever cry for you?" For you will be stronger than you could ever imagine and will love the person you have released. :)