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Khornesone putting up my copper molds in the kitchen.
Khornesone finished the garage with some help from Iae.
Here are some awesomely blurry pics from the cell phone.
In these shots you can see KO with a paint roller applying the colored sealant to the garage floor. We decided to do this because we started noticing hairline fractures in the cement and we have pets... ok 1 cat that will go in there... But if you have ever been in a garage that a pet has gotten into and perhaps had an "accident" you know how wonderful the smell can be in the heat.
Here is KO putting up his "wood" paneling around the bottom 32 inches of the wall. Oh and look, for once I didn't have to yell at him about wearing eye protection.
Here you go, the finished product. He is so very proud of himself, or at least he was until we discovered that the Master Bedroom Jacuzzi tub apparently has a leaking pipe somewhere along the line and flooded the garage.
I still need to take pics of the living room to post. We still have Wolfbite's room and Iae's room to paint as well as finish putting together the upstairs.
13:32 Sep 03 2012
Gorgeous house.
15:25 Sep 03 2012
Love this house. :) The step up in the garage, the color and the wood he put up. Really nice.
18:11 Sep 03 2012
I still need to take pics of the living room to post. We still have Wolfbite's room and Iae's room to paint as well as finish putting together the upstairs.
23:04 Sep 03 2012
Good luck and happiness in your beautiful new home Sil x x