Shadowdancer's Journal

Shadowdancer's Journal


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65 entries this month

Sweet is the rose of mysterious union

20:32 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 503

Sweet is the rose of mysterious union

as we twine in erotica's embrace

Lost in the realm of our surreal space

Somewhere between heaven and hell

Somewhere between black and white

Somewhere where angels and demons dance

Somewhere where there is still grace and romance..

My Dark Shadowboi

you bring me hope bring me joy

I see a beautiful world through thy eyes

I see a person of honor and a person who doesn't lie

Come dance with me through time and space..

Come let us again give Erotica Chase..

passion building to the pointe of release.. just to ebb

to build again

Do you remember when under the stars

while we made love as galexies spun above not so very far..

Remember as we danced through time and space

remember black velvet and sheer black lace..

Pale white skin

and lips scarlett Red

and our bed of silken sheets

Come to me where east meets west..

come and let me thee undress..

black silk on tattooed skin

teach me again the meaning of original sin( CYN :) )

nails raking across sensual flesh..

scarlett blood whelling

My Darling my Sweet sensual mate..

my hungers only you can abate..

I need your touch ..

need thy seed

make this Erotic angel Bleed..

My darling I yearn to next to you be..

soon my love i will again be with thee.. ~Shadowdancer~




THe Purple Rose

20:28 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 504

The Purple Rose

Long ago she walked alone in the mysts

yearning for loves first true kiss

alone in shadows ,sometimes dancing

alone in shadows ,sometimes romancing

there was a garden in the myst

where lords and ladies danced

and did sometimews tryst

somewhere between heaven and hell

between the real and imagined

angels and demons did dance

just to feel erotica's last kiss

time had no meaning and there was peace

hearts were healed and love was everywhere..

there was a dragon prince that came to the castle door one day

and into the garden did stray

dark and aluring the roses curiosity was piqued

angelic white and unjaded so differnt was she from him

he entranced her and seduced her with a dance

and as a tale as old as time he did her romance..

across the moors they did ride

grey myst swirling

flushed from the ride she slowed her steed

his coat gleaming like a thousand suns

She said my lord the thrill of the chase is nothing compared to the

reality of what can yet be..

he slowed his ebon steed. and got off dark armour gleaming in the


and with a rakish laugh

plucked the purple rose off her steed

he chuckled and smiled " Shadow" he said

that is your name

she smiled with her harlequin smile

my dragon lord she replied I knew you in a instant

her emerald eyes danced and her hair like wild flames blew in the


they walked a long while in the myst and settled upon a grassy knoll

she leaned back in her gossamar gown and bechoned him with her ruby


He said you are going to be my demise

she just smiled and as he drew closer. her cupid bow mouth parted and

he kissed those lips so devine

he knew then that for as long as the other flowers chased him it

mattered not for he was captivated by the purple rose..

he said to her then words that echo from a ghosts grave still "we

traveled to a world between darkness and

light,between ancient and eternal, between real and

imagined,where truest love danced on the edge of

madness,balanced on the shadow of a dreamers sigh"

for ages I have searched for one such as the he whispered I tried to

run but it is as if i'm running from myself.. my darling he asked then

for her hand..

through time and space

dancing to the waltz of eroticas grace..

they were happy for a brief pulse in space..

then there was the game.. they did dance and play

fighting, seducing eachother all over again..

then came the demon of destruction and shattered this surreal world..

fragmented shadows were all that remained for the longest time after

the noble dragon lord left the realm of myst and traveled on to the


A solitary candle in the wind the shadow did sway and almost break..

there were shamans and mystics that told her to keep faith for their

would be one and his color would be yellow..

he would be the one to mend her broken heart..

she thought nothing at first

she became alone and withdrawn.. turning to scholarly deeds

one day out of the blue she saw some words ,poetry

similar in many ways to that of her lost beloved..

curiousity piqued once again she watched this one in the shadows..

noble and golden and full of light and dark..

he perplexed her this one for he was so like her lost beloved but so

different at the sametime..

she took a chance one day and talked to the golden one

it was a unusual move ,for Shadows don't usually give chase.. they are

the ones usually being chased..

the more she got to know the golden one the more he intreagued her

here was one that stimilutated her on a intellectual level.. and seemed

not to care for the physical.. it was so like the Dragon lord , the

golden ones attitude.. for the dragon asked only one thing..before they

met "Shadow tell me what color are your eyes"

she found that honorable in the Dragon lord for he loved her mind and

soul before he fell in love with the physical..

The golden one had seen photos of the physical but did not make

commentary on them.. he wrote to the shadow, the purple rose of her writings

and of her thoughts on theology again this she found honorable.. she

allowed the wall of ice arround her heart to melt.. and let the golden one


His warmth and understanding healed her fragile soul

Is it possible to find true love twice in a lifetime??

I think for the Purple rose it is so.. blessed in many ways, most

importantly amongst those blessings , love.

The Golden one Her Shadowboi makes her laugh

The rose renewed in the springtime..and her shadowform bathed in

radiante light

Can a ghost influance fate??

I think for his purple rose he did..

He told her before he left this plane" Shadow weep not, I see it in my

minds eye, there will be many that will court you, but their will be

one to fix your broken wings watch carefully Shadow..for when you least

expect it there will be one that will serve you better than I my

princess and he will be golden..'

Shadowdancer and Shadowboi their romance did flurish

finally one day she went to him in the land of the rising sun..

they sensed eachother in a instant..when she saw him in the flesh.. she

just smiled.

Magnificant was his aura golden yellow as the color of corn as the

summer rays dance against its flesh..

he said "My darling Shadow..I knew exactly where you were before I even

saw you" it was instant reconition and yes love unbridled at first


the story is yet unfinished as this writing is a chronicle in part of

my life

dedicated to the 2 who both stole my heart the dragon and the bunny..



5:31 pm




Decending into Darkness

20:27 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 505

Decending into Darkness

In the realm of Shadows,

Just before the dieing of illuminating light

in between the darkness and the light.

Somewhere between Heaven and Hell,

Where Angels and Demons take flight

Somewhere between sweet lucidity and infernal madness I await thee.

Gone is the golden sunshine you brought into my life.

Ichor black and shades of red

In the place where all the seraphim are dead

I still await you in the Shadowland,

it is just a darker part

Nowhere is there grace and Erotica has lost her heart.

Somewhere between black and white

Dancing in the Shadow spectrum of grey

I dance towards the valley of the sun, just before day.

Darling how I miss you, darling how I cry at night

as I do think of you I see angels in technacolor flight.

I sit and wonder do you love me still?

do I sate your needs and of my love do you have your fill??

Do you love me still with your very essance?

Do you want me still for your bride?

I would for you die endless deaths.

for you I would come there again.

I miss you my Shadowboi, Emperor of my dreams.

Would you keep your promise still as new dark angels keen?

I listened to you and gave chase to thee.

Darling don't you know there is still a Shadow in me?

I still dance in attendance, but eventually

Without renewal of things, Shadows fade away.

Shadows go back to the place between black and grey.

All I really need is a bit your light.

Will you soar again with me and let your soul truly take flight?

I said it long ago in a whisper,

"come to me between black and grey"

"come to me between night and day'

"come to me, to a place on the brink of madness,

where angels and demons dance just to feel loves last kiss'

I came to the land of the rising sun

it is not over, just merely begun.

Now it is your turn Shadowboi,

Come to me where east meets west.

Somewhere in the Shadowland I await thee

Will you still profess your love on bended knee??




5:00 AM




I Used to believe in rainbows

20:27 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 506

I Used to believe in rainbows

I used to believe in rainbows

and have irridecent dreams.

I used to believe in beauty

in its various schemes

I used to believe in unicorrns,

and the ancient fae.

I used to love to dance between night and day.

Now all I yearn for is a simple dream,

To be loved and honored and held in some esteam.

I am always in the Shadowland.

My heart belongs to only one, it is his to command.

Through pain beauty is clarified

and in the darkness true love resides.

I used to believe in majick

and true loves first glow.

I still believe in beauty

I still believe in grace.

I have had the fortune to feel Erotica's true embrace

Time is sometimes fleeting,

sometime time is all we have.

It is in the darkened hours,

just before the day

Where Nymph and Seraphim dance

and keep the pain at bay.

I used to believe in rainbows,

I guess I still believe in dreams.

I await you my beloved Shadowboi,

Where angels and deamons keen.







I Used to believe in rainbows

20:27 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 507

I Used to believe in rainbows

I used to believe in rainbows

and have irridecent dreams.

I used to believe in beauty

in its various schemes

I used to believe in unicorrns,

and the ancient fae.

I used to love to dance between night and day.

Now all I yearn for is a simple dream,

To be loved and honored and held in some esteam.

I am always in the Shadowland.

My heart belongs to only one, it is his to command.

Through pain beauty is clarified

and in the darkness true love resides.

I used to believe in majick

and true loves first glow.

I still believe in beauty

I still believe in grace.

I have had the fortune to feel Erotica's true embrace

Time is sometimes fleeting,

sometime time is all we have.

It is in the darkened hours,

just before the day

Where Nymph and Seraphim dance

and keep the pain at bay.

I used to believe in rainbows,

I guess I still believe in dreams.

I await you my beloved Shadowboi,

Where angels and deamons keen.







Gothic Rose

20:26 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 508

Gothic Rose

Dark angel hair ebon black and skin translucent white

walking down the corrider of the damned in the stille of the night.

Searching for a reason to live

She has all her life done nothing but give.

Searching for answers to the timeless question,

"what defines true love?'

Cross the field of broken glass, love tha has been destroyed.

Through a darkened door, into the abyss, the black void.

Dark angel, perhaps the the last gothic rose.

She is the star here in her private theater of the damned.

She is the mistress, her lackeys to command.

She can be cruel and kind at the same time.

There is no reason, no cohearant rhyme.

With her famous harlequin smile

She seduces them with a dance, some deceit but no guile.

They cry softly "Will you shadowdance with me?'

there are many promising things on bended knee.

She ignores them all and continues to dance.

She does cavort and of course dance.

Long ago the Dragon seduced her with a timeless dance.

Was it true love or fairy tail romance?

Time was short for him and her,

But in that time they did dance and whirl.

With his ghost voice he calls to her still.

"come dance with me between heaven and hell,

where angels and demons dance with me on the brink of madness and


just to here loves last cry."

Sge remembers those dark eyes, pools that she could swiim in forever

and she smiles,

that infamous harlequin smile.

Dark angel, hair ebon black and skin translucent white

continues down the corrider of the damned in the stille of the night.

Through the mists of time and space

masked faces,and fevrent intamate embraces.

Many were her lovers, but none stole her heart

..well except 2..

A poet dreamer

and a decadent dark erotic screamer..

she tells them both

"through pain beauty is clarified"

To each it means different things

She shadowdances back half a step,

to the land of the rising sun

Ah, to be there, in that land everything waws so mystical.

before the enevatible comming of darkness and dispair.

she felt free there, wings no longer clipped.

Till the duties of reality called her back to her private Hell.

She whispers "Through pain beauty is clarified"

She still loves Her Shadowboi and the darkness of the night.

She Cries eyes lifted unto heaven she is no longer her pure self, dark

angel not white.

So she Dances in the mist alone and confused.

With her infamus harlequin smile,

and her inate erotic grace.

She dances in her secret place

She is and always be Shadowdancer

She dances and twirls

Many watch with amazement and awe

Gothic Rose, A Shadowdancer

Midnight Screamer

Dark erotic poet dreamer.

She dances at midnight albaster skin gleaming bright..

still waiting at midnight for her dance with nosferatu.


3:15 A.M





Erotica's Grace III

20:26 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 509

As luna shines her silver rays down through a black velvet sky,

I sit and dream of a land between day and nigh

lost in beauty lost in grace

as I remember the past summer as I kissed Eroticas face

I found my match found my mate

knowing in this life it is not too late

beauty is love personified

and through pain beauty is clarified

the warm wind caressing the mountians

the tempid heat warming the desert floor

it was the right choice to walk through that darkened door

a leep of faith trusting my heart once more

I found one that does me adore

beautiful dreamer come shadowdance with me

between the real and surreal

between black and white

where angels and demons dance on the brink of madness

just to feel true loves rarest kiss

between heaven and hell

cross the feeld of glass and the theater of pain

long have i searched fore thee and at last my search has come to an end

with complete love and pure trust

I will share my life till we are both dust

then when we are in the realm across the veil

we will dance between Jupitar and Mars

between heaven and hell and across the stars

beautiful dreamer with you I found peace

come let us sup on the scarlett wine

dream a dreamers dream so divine

taste again my skin of milk

caress my hair of softes silk

let us mesh and bodies twine

betwixt the river styx and life

in the realm of our own creation

without fear or retribution

my darling with you I soar and am free

you are the world to me

I see it, the world in your eyes

there is no deciet no hurtful lies

beautiful dreamer I give my undying thanks to thee

just cherish me throughout eternity

~Shadowdancer~ 3-15-06





The Shadowland

20:25 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 510

Shadow Land

Come with me and take my hand

Come walk with me in the shadow land

The place between the real and surreal

The place where demons and angels do feel

Come with me and let us begin

Come with me and in the river Styx swim

Take me to the place where we dream

Where Erotica is not silent but really Screams

Take me to the Shadow land

Hold me close I am yours to command

Love me where the demons scream

Love me where the angels dream

Walk with me through the myst

Come and from me do partake a kiss

My Emperor of dreams

And erotic night screams

You show me beauty and grace

You dance with me between time and space

I will await you for all the time

If you will profess that you are mine

Come let us talk of things and such

Let us be without wound or crutch

Let me love you in the Shadow Land

I am yours without demand

Lazy times in the cusp

We talk of things that matter much

Take me and draw me within thy wings

Make love to me

Lets really here Erotica sing

Erotica is more than sex ..

And erotica is definitely more then text

Erotica is a mix of all in this Shadow Land

Come walk with me and take my hand..






Jaded Angel

20:24 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 511

Jaded Angel

Jaded angel fallen from innocence, Fallen from grace,

She dances and kisses Erotica's Face..

Once pure now jaded

Hunger sometimes quelled but not abated.

Back to a purity of a time from the past

Innocent whispers not the last.

Fallen angel full of grace,

Fallen angel without a place

Beautiful child all alone

Searches the Myst's for things from another time,

Searches and dances without reason or rhyme.

Jaded Angel ebony black in the light

Seductive erotic with wings outstretched in flight

In the Myst's she flies wings outspread..

Seeking a haven to rest her weary head.

In the darkness a lone tower appears..

She approaches with curiosity in awe but not fear.

The tower dark and enticing and so familiar

A gate surrounds it .. She pauses a moment

and watches the tower from afar.

Such a intriguing place here in the Shadow Land

She wonders who tower this is to command..

She watches in silence and studies in shadows

She sees images of a ancient battle

She knows one thing there is purity and comfort

From a darkened door.

She approaches so careful hesitant now is her nature

Jaded and dark she sees clarity and peace here in the Myst

Jaded angel once seduced by a dance

Now she draws closer for the owner of the tower his mind and soul do


Is it curiosity or something more?

She decides to surrender her heart to this one who she does adore.

Emperor of dreams and full with unspoken grace

Emperor of life ,one who has touched also erotica's face

Emperor of my heart one careful and true

Emperor of beauty such as that the first rose that grew.

Will you hold this Jaded Angel once black now white

Caress her hold her close in the still of night?

Beautiful emperor angelic of my dreams

Beautiful one without motive or scheme

Come dance with me a shadow dance .

Let us captivate each other and like wise entrance.

Come let us talk of ancient times

Let us swim in the rivers if Styx life and time

Lost in each other in beauty's grace

Two kindred souls now that have a face

Let us twine and dance and bodies meld and mesh

Let us have a feast of friends a taste of flesh..

Dark seductions in the still of night

Where the Technicolor demons and angels dance and scream with fright

Come with me between Jupiter an Mars

Come dance with me through out the stars..

Beautiful soul ancient and pure

Dark erotic interesting humor.

I will always hold you and be true .

This is a promise I make only to you!!


3-6-05 633pm




~Shadow Angel~

20:24 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 512

Angel of Light/Dark

~Shadow Angel~

Angel, Beautiful angel White

Who Flew to Darkness one cold Nov Night

Shadow Angel Black and White

Angel of Mercy,

Who always hears

the screams of the damned..

Dark angel lost in shadows of beauty

Whom do you command?

Are you a angel or demon born??

Who do you love, Who deserves yoru scorn??

Through beauty pain is clarified..

what you love you should not deny..

Lost in illusion, lost in Eroticas grace

Lost in the the shadows of Erotica's Grace

Lost in the Shadows of surreal place

Whit Angel come back, come back

I wont put them anymore upon the rack..

Beautiful angel, an Enigma one that truly gleams..

I see your colors, they do entrance they do scream..

Which face will you show me tonight??

Will it be black or will it be white..



241 am





The Cuspe

20:23 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 513

The Cuspe

In the time between night till dawn

Where right is not white and black not wrong

Where the demons and seraphim meet to play

The shadow time between night and day

Where white meets black and creates grey

Betwixt the river Styx and stream of life

There is a place called the well of souls

Where demons ascend and angels go

Mystical magical is the middle ground

Where decadence runs rampant and the lost are found

One in neither sinner nor saint in the Cusp

One can simply be free

Between time and space

Where Erotica has truly shown her grace

Come follow me and take my hand

Let us dance through the Shadowland


September 10 2005 757am





20:23 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 514

Crimson lips full of dark


Angels burning on a bloody pyre

Faerie wings bathed in the pale moonlight

damned souls screaming with fright.

Ebony hair blowing in the breeze

Otherkind dancing under a knoll of trees

Her entrancing eyes, her translucent white skin

She will teach you the meaning of original sin.

Slowly she walks towards you with a hypnotic sway

Your desire you cannot keep at bay.

Sex radiates from this creature of the damned

She has you in a trance, you are hers to command.

Scarlett blood drips from her lips,

you look into her eyes and into the abyss you slip.

Passion ignited she sinks to her knees

Slowly she begins her erotic tease.

She slowly removes her tunic of lace

breasts bared she takes your member in her mouth to embrace.

Sensual pleasures begin to crest

she takes you to a place where east meets west..

She teases thy member making it swell

you wonder if this is heaven or if it is hell

She caresses the veins of your member building passion to the point

of release

slowly she eases off just to begin again her erotic tease

She releases you from her mouth of silk

she lies on her back upon the grass you yearn to caress her skin of


Slowly she parts her thighs of cream

you wonder if it is an erotic dream

She pulls you down upon the knoll of grass

you wonder if your passion will be sated at last

Her sensual lips on your thigh

from your lips escapes a small sigh

her liquid tongue trailing making your blood burn hot

she sinks her fangs into your thigh and you think why not

your metallic blood courses in her most sensual mouth

now you are in a place where north meets south.

you quiver release is at hand

she know's that you are hers but to command

she asks you with an enticing smile if you will be hers for eternity

you say yes my succubus I will be yours for as long as you have me

With a smirk and a gentle tease

she grants you sweet release

Now you don't have to fear things that go bump in the night

for they just might grant you erotic delight





Emperor of Dreams

20:23 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 515

Emperor Of Dreams

you say that you love me

you profess it on bended knee

yet you are wary to take the next step

you wonder if i will be true

you wonder if I truly love you

I can under stand your reasons from your past

but darling that was them not me

I love you through space and time

would love to dance with thee and drink scarlett wine

It makes my heart ache

makes me wonder which road to take

I am ever patience and ever kind

you should know by now that i am thine

I seek happiness and i seek peace

I love you my emperor of dreams

darling one whoI traveled a continent for

dont you know it is thee i adore

I seek more then this restrained love

darling I would treat your heart like a turtle dove

come to me where day meets night

come to me where angels take flight

I will take you to that middle ground

I will show you the world and take you arround

to me you are a shing star

i loved you first from afar

baby dont you know i want just you and me

i have given you the essance that is me

fear not the ghosts from the past

i will show you love and romance

I will place you above all of those before

dont you understand it is you I adore


1204 am




Land of Dreams

20:22 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 516

Land of Dreams

I await you in the land of dreams

Where angels dance and demons scream

Where Technicolor ghosts cast their shadows upon the floor

Ah my darling it is thee I adore.

Your gentle smile

How you love without guile

You make me happy with the simplest phrase

I will love you till the end of days

You show so much passion

You show so much grace

You have shown me that love is more than a chance to kiss eroticas face

Love me softly in the land of dreams

Where soft seductions truly sing

Hold me close in the still of night

Love me where black meets white

Ah my darling it is you I adore

For you I have walked through that darkened door

The choice I made to come to thee

I would make a thousand times just to prove my love to thee

Love me darkly in the still of night

Hold me close adore me where black meets white


11:46 pm




Mona Lisa Smile

20:22 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 517

Mona Lisa Smile

Take me to the place where east meets west..

and we lie upon a jungle canopy

you drink from my navel a sweet essance of papya and honey as we make

love under the velvet sky

I urge you faster ride you hard as I would whip my steed into a frey

sweating and lathered in juices and sweat

I take you for another type of ride a delight as old as time..

I slowly sink to my knees my white skin pale against your dark strong

ebon hands you grab my mane of hair and urge me downward

my mouth begins its erotic tease..

I take you full take you to the brink a explosion of red black and

white in my head and I drain you of your prana your essance..

we lie in a collapsed heap.. bodies spent for the momment .till I make

you rise again

this time I ride you hard and fast as I would my favorite steed..you

are rode hard to the pointe of colapse and I the victor get my reward

we shower eachother under a water fall I was you and you wash me

my pale nipples hardeded and glistining with soap..

I smile my mona lisa smile knowing I am the one who has ultmitely won

and you are just another love slave in my thrall

~Shadowdancer~ 3-5-05 237 pm




Shadows Grace

20:21 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 518

Shadows Grace

I would dance with the in the shadows of space and time

I would taste with thee the new scarlett wine..

and I would make to thee love devine.

.lost in the beauty of eroticas grace..

dancing forever to a hypnotic pace..

come my dark one take my hand

I am yours to command..

love in darkness and the light ..

as erotic angels take flight..

lost in time and in space

two angels sharing the magic as we kiss eroticas face..

love me darkly in the night

meet me where black meets white

beatutiful dreamer come dance wih me

let us waltz through eternity..





THe Mistress Speaks

20:21 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 519

The Mistress Speaks

On your knees, your Mistress of darkness speaks,

do as I bid or I will make you weep

You are mine to serve and please,

I would have you on bended knee.

You lowly slave you will obey,

I will not have it any other way.

You will do my bidding, do my will,

and for your effort I might grant you an erotic thrill.

Cold and beautiful am I ,

I am the one who makes fallen angels cry!

You will crawl, and you will beg,

you will caress your Mistress's leg.

You will serve and you will bow,

don't even pretend you don't know how!!

You will crawl like the lowest dog

upon hot embers through a darkened fog.

If i have thee dress in feminine attire,

you will say "yess Mistress, your pleasure is what I desire"

If I have thee caress my leg,

you will to my toes suck beg.

Lowly slave, it is your job to pleasure,

and I will reward thee at my leisure.

For my amusement you wil lincure pain,

you would from this , knowledge gain.

On a rack naked and prone

wrists bound tightly, cutting to the bone.

Clamps upon thy nipples, weights upon thy balls,

you will be in my hypnotic trance, in my thrall.

I would tease thee with the softest feather,

just to heighten thy arrousal better.

Across thy nipples and down thy side..

in the darkness Ido reside.

A slow erotic sensual tease,

your discomfort doe's me greatly please!!

Arround thy member I wrap a silken cord,

slowly I pull it tight.

I remove thee from thy rack

and position you on hand and knee,

from your lips I see a silent plea.

You wonder next whatI will do to thee.

Upon thy back I place my black leather boot,

you start to whimper but the point is moot..

I go to my chest of toys..

and from it I get my strapon, good for all bad little slave boys!!

You start to whimper, start to moan,

and in your ass I drive the strapon home.

I smack your ass and make it ruby red,

you beg for me to caress your members head.

" I laugh and reply, You lowly slave

do not forget your place!"

I take my flogger and for your impertance

slap your face.

For your impertance you will pay

I pummel you harder ordering you to obey.

I turn your head, in in your eyes tears well,

you are wondering if htis is heaven or is it hell?

Just when I have you cringing with fright,

I shove the strap on in deep with all my might.

Should I grant you sweet release?

Na, I think I shal have you service me!!

From my chamber you will drink,

I command you to take me to the brink.

And after I have been sated,

my hunger is quelled but has not abated.

Back upon the rack I do place thee,

Face the wall so you cannot see!!

You feel the kiss of my whip,

and soon your skin begins to rip.

The blood trickles and begins to well,

my laughter rings welcoming you to my private Hell.

Then from thy back thy wounds I do lick,

after all you are here so I can get my kicks!!

You are here to feed my dark hunger,

you are here to feed my needs,

you are here to simply bleed.

And from your essance,I do grow strong,

you know in your heart this is where you belong.

I release thee from the wall,

you look into my eyes, you are in my thrall.

I softly caress thy cheek,

your eyes fall downward, glancing at my feet.

You wonder if I am done,

Hell no, I have only just begun!!

Now comes the sensual tease,

now I set your soul at ease.

The softest kiss I place upon thy neck,

you are wondering what comes next...

Slowly, I sink my fangs into your neck,

you start to swoon, but I don't allow release yet.

My silken hair caressing your skin,

you murmmer "let's recreate original sin"

My laughter rings across the room like a crystal bell,

you beg for pleasures of heaven, whilst experiencing them from Hell.

I softly whisper"that is for another time"

I have fed from your essance, the taste like scarlett wine.

My hunger sated, my passons fed,

I slowly lead you to the bed...

There I allow you sweet release

you cum on silken sheets..

Into slumber we do fall

I laugh and whisper " you have not yet experienced it all"






An Erotic Interlude

20:20 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 521

White theighs incased in black lace ..

crimson lips that have kissed eroticas face.

flame hair blowing in the breeze.

.a sensual seduction erotic tease

soft lips on thy body trail..

sensual kisses from head to tail.

lovers entwined sharing dark desire..

s angels and deamons watch wondering what will transpire..

soft lips a feathery caress .

in a sillouette i slowly undress

shall I shadow dance for thee.

.an erotic seduction on hand and knee..

lips that tease and make thee swell

showing you the pleasures of heaven and hell..

dance with me beautiful dreamer ..

make love to me mightnight erotic screamer

take me to shadowspace ..

let me again feel eroticas grace.

.lovers meet through a breif momment in space and time ..

taste of me my lips of crimson wine..

make love to me so sweet and devine..





Sensual Etherasim

20:20 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 522

sensual etheriasm

surreal space

lovres bound twined experiencing the passion of eroticas grace

soft echos mystic tyme

dark romance as old as time

in the severed garden there is beauty

in the severed garden there is peace

dark sensualist

one who sparks me in many ways

corsets tied with silken stays

pale flesh skin so fair

naked and prone theighs bare

the tease of silken rope

dark surrealism skin slightly broke

reddened flesh

she is bound in silken mesh

crimson lips and sultry sighs

for thee my passion i cannot disguise

time will tell where this road leads

perhaps tied with pearl beads ?:)






20:19 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 523


soft caress gentle tease

gossamer shadows cool night breeze

bodies twine and do mesh

a taste of pale whiteflesh

wrists bound with silken cord

angels and deamons dance and on flesh do gourge

pale hands tease and caress

the kiss of a whip on alabaster flesh

on knees prone and vulnrable.

wild mane of fire..

passions rise dark desire..

in the darkness decadent pleasures do transpire..





Erotica Unleashed

20:19 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 524

silken pleasures decadent sins

where one body leaves off the other begins

bodies twine passions rise . soft seductions silken sighs

wrists tied to a canopy bed

black lace on white skin lips crimson red

the kiss of a whip

red bloodtrickling down skin so white

carnal sins as dark angels take flight..

dark seduction

an erotic tease

wrists bound to serve and please

theigh high boots

encasing thieghs of cream

every sensualists erotic dream

moans that turn to screams lust filled voices erotic dreams...





Shadowdance Kisses

20:19 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 525

Shadowdance kisses on thy lips ..

as I feel the teasing sensuality of the whips.. crimson hair emerald


some have said many a mans demise..

let me meet u in shadow space

let us roll arround lost in eroticas grace

Dark seductions the feel of a silken rose

scarlett lips sand fishnet hose

black lace on white skin

let us recreate the meaning of original sin

wrists bound with lengths of silk..

sink between my theighs of creamy milk..

a feast of flesh

alive i cry ..

let us break on throuhg th the darker side

decadent pleasures..

gossamar lace

dark seductions and Eroticas grace..

the soft sensuality the agonizing tease ..

would you have me serve thee on my knees??

lips so soft teasing thee.

dark desires i stir within thee..






Dieing on the Vine

20:18 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 526

Dieing on the Vine

The bitter winter begins again

Love is left dieing on the vine

Gone is the warmth from his eyes

Instead distance is prevalent a mask is his disguise

Love is like the tender spring fruit

It needs water to grow and it needs the suns warmth..

To often love is pushed aside or marginalized

It seems that love appears to be my demise.

Gone are the kind words flew away

I ask him to talk I ask him to stay

With a cold reply and icy eyes he says it is my choice not to talk

So again in the shadows I do walk..

Is there no refuge a sweet sanctum?

Is paradise truly lost?

Can one truly weight the price of loves cost?

Love can be beautiful

Love can be sweet

Love can cause a dark angel to again weep..

In the shadows I again go

I tried here in this land love to sow..

Many look at me and profess undying love.

The crux is most don’t understand even the heart of a mourning dove..

Yes indeed through pain beauty is clarified..

Yes indeed in darkness shadows do reside..

Born from Venus’s Heart and the moons serene light

I came into this world on the wings of an angel outstretched in flight

Shadow he whispered it was to the abyss I came you to see

And his heart I truly did set free.

Alas life is short and some things not meant to be..

But for his honor I tried to be me..

I came to the land of the rising sun

Cause perhaps I thought I found the one

That the dark angel told to me

I thought another dark angel would again dance with me

I thought one would dance with me at the midnight hour

I longed to again here the word “come princess you can not resist my


One thing till haunts my mind

One thing here I did find..

From a ghosts words

“We traveled to a world between darkness and

Light, between ancient and eternal, between real and

Imagined where truest love danced on the edge of

Madness balanced on the shadow of a dreamers sigh”

I again felt the beauty of those words which unlocked my heart

For this dark angel does understand that phrase

And I do believe he knows the meaning of Erotica’s Grace

I have one gift remaining which to him I give freely and that is

eternal Patience

And the gift of unrequited love

I just wish the would be one that could be tender and treat my heart

like a Turtle Dove..

The Reaper has come unfortunately

And love has been left dieing on the vine

No one tasted its sweet heady wine

But in the Cycle of things Spring again invariably comes

And the earth is renewed as love can be

I Just wish This angel would let me help set him Free..


December 17. 2005

515 aM




Soft Seductions

20:18 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 527

Soft Seductions

Once I loved you madly in the night

once I held you tight

once I felt your lips on mine

shaded scarlett like fine wine

once you took my pale white hand

once we played on crystaline sands

lost in time

lost in space

lost angels danced to eroticas grace

sadened memories

shattered dreams

love me tonight make this angel scream

show me heaven

for I would search for you in hell

I would climb a tower to ring a bell

anouncing to the

world that you were mine

love me gentle one more time

sweet seductions in the still of night

a lost angels wings outstretched in flight

silken whispers in my ear

love me tell me it is I you hold most dear

kiss my milk white flesh

taste my ancient blood

seduce me love me hold me tight

kiss me when I weep in the night

And in the night when seductions begin

seduce me slow as passion begins

tease my coral nipple with thy lips

give me once again a erotic kiss

let us share sweet essance between our lips

as we sink into a state of hightened frenzy

as passion builds

sink thy fangs into my theigh

make me whimper make me cry

tears of joy

tears of lust

love me for eternity till we are both dust





Rose of Dark Light

20:17 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 528

Rose Of Dark Light

Fallen Rose of heaven

fallen rose of light

where do you disapear

to on a stormy night?

So far from beauty ,

so far from grace,

All you have left is Erotica's Grace

you long to have the beauty of love

caress thy face.

you left this existance alone in the cuspe between night and day

just as the sun rose

I wasnt there to see your last smile

but I felt you with me all the while

you taught me about honor and sadly the last you taught was pure love

now you wander this existnace on the back of the raven dove

I wish you beauty and peace rose of light

and i always think about you ,especially on a stormy night

Kiss Erotica once for me

let me hear you both sing

fly high on your raven dove

soar on her wings

Remember beauty is love personified

Death is just the beginning , just dont get lost in the Crimson tide...



8:44 pm




A Shadow Prayer

20:17 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 529

You called to me in my darkest hour

you wispered with a ghosts voice

"come princess you cannot resist my power"

So in the shadows I did watch and reside

now you whisper for me to be your bride..

Long ago there was a garden and in it angels danced and played

for their gaity and pride they were banished and cast to realms

forgotten by time and space

Throug out eternity and ages past

some angels did reunite and a new love was cast

Is it possible for souls to mesh and meld

and in it a new love that in my heart can be held?

I am so wary to give myself completly again

when the dragon was lost I sunk into madness and dispair

I took a chance came to the land of the morning sun

Now a new and rare love has begun

I watch u sleep in the stille of day

and to lost angels I do pray

Let this love last

let him caress my heart of fragile glass

Dont take him away in the shadowtime before day

Let this love find a way

Loves echos of times long past

soft caresses not the last

Gentle touch and a soft word

you again make my heart soar like a bird

Treat my Heart gentle

treat it true

there is so much for us to do

you were fortold by Shamans and Dark Angels

Is it possible that you can eclipse the one who was my sun?

You show so much unreserved love

you treat my heart like a turtle dove.

But there are echos of things that cause pain

So sometimes I shadowwalk in the rain

Will you meet me in the Shadow Space

where angels and demons dance in a hypnotic pace?

Will you meet me for a midnight date

Will you all my hungers sate??

You see just a part, but do you see the whole ?

Tell Me Emperor what is it in me you see

Profess it to me on bended knee..

Am I your angel, am I your Queen?

Am I perhaps your erotic dream?

Am I A sinner am i a saint?

Do you of me beautiful pictures paint?

Tell me do i thee inspire?

Tell me am I your every desire??

I can be demanding I can be cruel

for me many have played the fool

I desire no power

I desire nothing except a date at the midnight hour..

Come tell me then what u desire..

Show me then that i can still inspire..

Heartfelt words or eloquent phrase

Soft caresses and Eroticas grace..

Can you seduce a shadow to again dance

To wildely cavort and again prance?

Crimson hair blowing in the breeze

emerald eyed that for you do tease..

Gossamar lace

touching you, caressing your face

Soft echos of times past

A fragile hope of silk spun glass

soft caresses in Shadowspace

Cupid bow lips and black lace

bodies meld and do twine ..

taste my essance of scarlet wine

Make Me Feel True again show me I am really there..

This is my Shadow Prayer..

~Shadowdancer~ 11-30-05 12:56 pm




Shadow Dreams

20:16 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 530

In the time between night and day

where shadows dance and shadows play

I await you in the land of grey

Where it is niether night nor day

Endless are the hours when you are gone

Can you not hear my Hearts song??

Darling Emperor of my dreams

can you not hear my silent screams??

When you are gone time stands still

I sit and shadowdream of you..

Swimming in the stream of shadow dreams

Ichor black and smooth as Cream

Come back home to the land of the surreal

Where fallen angels again feel

wings fettered and bound by cruel fate

but time is etearnal so they wait.

Come here to my Shadow Land

Where I am sometimes yours to command

without hate or demand

Tell me what is your desire

and in the stille of night we will conspire

Twin souls again bound by fate

without malice , without hate

Time stands still we live but a heartbeat in the grand scheme of things

Fear not what the morrow brings.

Fate has a plan, even for you and I

So it is wise not to deny

Life is more than a erotic dream

Life is more than a angels scream

It is time again to begin anew

Start fresh live our life

Without heart ache or strife

Well I tell you consisely, away I will not slink

Darling it is simple I want peace

I want you

I want a family

I truly don't have extravant dreams,

It's just my lil Shadow Dream






Strange Echos

20:16 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 531

In the shadow space I am not alone

there are strange echos in the distance

who dares to intrude who comes to take away my last refuge?

I have no inner sactum anymore to escape the pain

Pain which is constant..

Love can be beautiful love can be strange

but can love ever really be true..

I find thoughts in hidden spaces

woords of desire and intamate embraces..

my heart bleeds like blood wine on fresh fallen snow

slow and thick and painful

so again a walk the razor mile

tell me kindred has what you saw made it worth your while?

knives are sharp and cut true ..

sometimes i wonder what is my purpouse what to do?

Strange echos across the land

Wicked voices seek to command

what appeared true is another mask

loves whipser berhaps it was truly the last

sylvan tears fall like rain

only one thig abates the pain.

ah my lord of whispers in my dreams

is this what you saw in the grand scheme?

Many Have dark desires

many dream

what i seek is peace

someplace quiet to nurse wounds..

Tell me is life just a constant nightmare

or does it ever get better that sweet long promised day dream

Strange echoe reminisent of the past

ever constant to the last..






20:15 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 532


In the shadows where I dream,

In the shadows where I scream.

Caught between sanity and the abyss

Subdued perhaps by loves first kiss

Is love an illusion or is it a dream

Things are seldom what they seem

The promise of peace.

The promise of sweet release.

Can I just get back to my center?

To find my core...

I want things the way they were before.

Lost in the sweet mask of Erotica’s grace

A nameless Shadow without a face

I want to be loved for what resides within my soul.

I want a place I can go

To be with the one I adore

Someplace distant by a shore

Simple dreams,

Ah nothing is truly as simple as it seems

Constrained by bonds not of my making

I gave my heart It was for the taking..

I have no regrets save one

Sometimes I fear things are over just before they have begun

I know no way except lock my self in a shell

Live in yet another form of hell

I try talking and am meat with ice

Here again in a prison of my device

So I put on the mask I used to wear

The happy beautiful one that seems without worry or care.

Don’t let them see it is my soul that bleeds

Don’t let them see even I need

Wear the mask things will be alright

As I cry myself to sleep at night

It is not him that causes this pain..

Just circumstance where others seek to gain

I try to be patient

Try to be true

It just seems it the past revisited again anew

Click, click goes the keys in the middle of the night

When I wish things would just be alright

I am alone in the land of the damned.

But it was my choosing ultimately to come to this land

Soft whispers in the still of night as fallen angels once again take


Blackened whispers as the golden ones smile with glee

Would it be better if I were on hand and knee

I feel so frustrated but I must wear the mask.

For to express my feelings

Could bring this love to its last

Ah the irony I came here to be free

Now it seems it is just another mask for me







Raven Childe

20:15 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 533

Raven Childe

Raven Childe full of grace,

Raven Childe without a face

Wandering mystic all alone..

In the shadows you long sleep

In the shadows you do weep.

Tears of memories of times long ago,

Tears of a dark angel who loved you once so.

Blood swept memories and shattered dreams,

The echoýs of life arenýt what they seem

Lovelorn whispers in the still of night,

Where disconcerting angels laugh at the plight.

Bloody tears and erotic screams,

Melancholy whispers in the course of a dream.

There is no sanctum, there is no refuge

Only the darkened corners in the shadows here..

Raven child full of grace,

Raven child without a face.

Love swept memories of eons past,

As my heart crumbles and breaks like glass.






Razors Edge

20:14 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 534

Razors Edge

As I walk a darkened mile

I bid you kindred stay with me awile

Darkened dreams of a surreal place,

am I but a nameless face?

You intreagued me from ages past

walk with me on this darkened mile

You pierced my heart with your words..

thus Iflew like a bird..

I left my erotic haven

and I walked the Razors Edge

Pain and turmoil were my life

All I knew was anger and strife

Long I sought deaths sweet embrace,

longed for its razor kiss upon my face..

The sweet seduction

its intreaguing call,

How I sought to end it all

The Thought of you was my salvation,

And you welcomed me back to my erotic haven

Shattered memmories and chaotic dreams

Always the eternal screams

The cut of the blade

the pierce of my flesh

Scarlett blood welling..

I sat alone in a shattered dwelling..

Heal my heart as Ihealed your soul

Please my dark prince never let go

On the Razors Edge we live and die

to the darkness we go with a sigh

Razors Edge sharp and pure

it gives pain the final cure

Darkness abounds and angels weep

A shredded soul is theirs to keep

Razors Edge sharp and honed,

Cuts to flesh, sinks to bone

~Shadowdancer~ April 2002





A dreamers voice

20:14 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 535

A dreamers voice

In the shadows we do reside

lost in darkness I cannot feel your warmth

I remember soft seductions and a sweet embrace

when you died did you kiss eroticas face?

Did you go softly?

Or did you feel pain?

All I know is my heart will never be the same again

ah my southern prince

I long for your embrace

I long to shadowdance again to a hypnotic pace

do you think of me still

in the realm of dreams?

would you lie with me there where black meets white

I miss our midnight date..

where our passions never did abate

Come Back to Me Draco

I miss you so

Remember where one heart went

the other would go?

Ah My Dark Prince I hope you are at last at peace

And you will always belong to me..


jan 5 2005




Erotica's Grace Revisited

20:12 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 537

Erotica's Grace Revisited

He taught me beauty,

He has shown me grace

He has shown me life is more

than just a chance to kiss Erotica's Face

He flew with me to the stars,

He waltzed with me between Jupiter and Mars

He taught me of honor

He told me of his mis- spent youth

He taught me the importance attached with truth

He danced with me in the dark before time

I was his and his heart was mine.

Life alas is to short,

and the good die young

just before life has really begun..

Come back Erotica, Come back to me

Sooth my heart set me once again free..

Show me again beauty,

show me again grace

Let me have that one chance to caress thy face..

~Shadowdancer~ 12-4-03..130 pm





Purple Passions

03:53 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 545

Purple Passions

Purple Passions

Satin Sheets

Erotic Momments when two lovers meet

Bound by love bound by fate

Into the surreal they sink..

Mystical momments

In a purple fog

Lovers Meet through space and time..

A soft caress upon my thieghs..

in the darkness a dark angel sighs.

Was it fate, or somthing more

that in the purple haze

I found the one I adore?

Gentle caresses, a purple breeze

I taste yout essance, I sink to my knees

Giddy with love,giddy with joy

Your blood sets my soul afire..

As we lie in the purple mist,

I give thee a shadowdance kiss

you my love are all I could ever hope for and more

Erotic momments in the purpe night

set my dark soul aflight

Purple passions

Satin Sheets

take us to the surreal where dark lovers meet.

Meet me at the midnight hour

and I shall take thee to my purple bower.





Dark Desire

03:51 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 546

Dark Desire

You stir within me a dark desire.

Your sensual caresses set my soul afire.

Erotic echos of a sensual touch,

I have loved you always and ever so much.

Burning passions, mirrored souls,

you know my heart as no one knows..

Erotic Whispers, from times long past,

loves whisper, not the last.

Surreal echos, a dance throughtime,

On thy chest I pour scarlett wine.

My Crimson lips lick the essence.

Tender hands awake your darkened soul,

You take me to a place where no one goes.

The feel of the whip, the sting upon my flesh,

sends sensations of arrousal.

That only you seem to create.

Sink your fangs in my pale white neck,

taste of my essance so you won'y forget.

Light within me a dark desire,

you my love set my soul afire.





Through a door Darkly

03:51 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 547

Through a door Darkly

Through a door darkly

My prince of darkness waits on the other side

I will long at last be Satans bride

A dark embrace, the kiss of the whip..

His demonic brand upon my hip.

A feast of friends, innocent and corrupt alike

We torture the innocent just for spite.

Through a door darkly

I do not fear what is on the other side

I will bathe in the moonlight

I will play in the crimson tide

I will feed until my hunger is sated

But, I fear it will never be abated ..

The wild yearning

The thrill of the chase

I will seduce you with my dark embrace

Through a door darkly

Passion built, passion spent..

Shackled, tortured, and seduced

Would you truly like to be thoroughly used?

To be my servent in this dark tease?

To crawl begging on hand and knee?

to be rewarded with a soft embrace

To dance forever in a hypnotic pace?

Through a door darkly

do not fear what is on the other side

what appears dark is just light reversed...

Shackled and tortured or cuffed and teased

you will serve your mistress to beg or please..

Through a door darkly

Black is the most pure

dark and enticing

forever night

the innocents scream in the theater of the dammed

try to hide their fears as they might

Bloody kisses and erotic screams

there is purity and comfort through a darkend door

Do I entice you?

Would you care to know more?


April 2003




Crimson Caress

03:50 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 548

Crimson Caress

As I lie on crimson sheets,

your crimson lips with mine do meet.

Crimson Pleasure and Crimson Dreams

Is life really what it seems?

Crimson flesh soft and yielding,

Crimson Sin's pleasure building.

Crimson caresses and crimson kisses.

Crimson love, and crimson wishes.

Crimson seductions, Crimson Sins

I part my Crimson lips ,

my pearlecent fangs draw crimson liquis

from your ivory skin.

You beg for release from this liquid sin

You tease my crimson flesh with your sensual touch,

You part my theighs

and crimson pleasures soon arise.

You sink your hardened member unto my yielding chamber,

My nails rake across thy back.

Crimson Pleasures rising, Crimson Pleasures spent,

Crimson Hearts always binding,

and Crimson love always entwining.

~Shadowdancer~ ^@^





Liquid Pleasures

03:41 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 551

Liquid Pleasures

Liquid pleasures, liquid sins

where one body leaves off the other begins.

Pullme close , I will hold you tight,

let erotica be born on this sultry night.

Bloody kisses, erotic moans,

let us play in the temple we call home.

My fangs sink into your julgar vein,

let us whip the horses eyes again.

Liquid Pleasures, Liquid Delights,

hold me close in the still of night...

Roll with me let us begin.

Nails digging, flesh yielding,

the sweet metallic taste of blood.

I softly lap as our bodies writhe.

Show me the pleasure of heaven,

for it I to Hell will dive.

Liquid pleasures, Liquid Sins,

where one pleasure leaves off the other begins.

Passion ebbing to be built again.

Hungers calling for female or men.

Satin Seductions, Satin Dreams

Would you love to here erotica scream??

~Shadowdancer ~

April 2001




Come take my Hand

03:40 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 552

Come take my Hand

Come to the place where there is clear understanding a silent lucidity

We are in the shadows where demons and angels are there around us

Hovering silent in the mysts of the surreal

Come dance with me between time and space

Come with me to kiss erotica’s face

Love me in the still of night

Hold me close as a thousand Technicolor shadows take flight

There is beauty here in this place betwixt day and night

Soft echo’s the feel of flesh

We do twine and do mesh

I love you in the still of night

When the ravens of darkness take flight

Seraphic voices

And hypnotic noise

Make a beautiful chorus for our bodies to twine and dance

Soft echo’s sensual romance

Love me darling in the still of night

Love me where black meets white

To my emperor

From the Empress





Echos of Tyme

03:39 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 553

Echos of Tyme

In the Shadowland where we dream

In the shadowland where seraphim scream

and deamons call through the cracks of brymstone fyre

we call to eachother through time and space

instant reconition as we touched eroticas face

we twined and danced between jupiter and mars..

we called the sun of the sun.. child of the black star

ah Darling of my second phase

you always comfort and never cease to amaze

the soft caress and the heat in the still of night

pasions build as the dragon of Shadows ignites

You called me to the land where one is reborn.. Synithior

is here to what end.. you also called the tiger the house is here the

tyme is perfect

to dance through time and space once more..

shall we tempt pandaora once more.. cast the pieces to the wind.. just

to begin again??

Fate ah I the joys of free will

to softly seduce.and open thee

in return you have again unlocked me

freedom pasion again renewed..

it wasn't hapenstance I made my choice

the soft contour of thy hip. the satyrn beast again unbound

What was lost long ago now again found.. echos of tyme ..soft

embrace..crimson kisses from eroticas face.. the softness of your hands..

My body they do command.

Emperor of Dreams

Twined to the dark prince of loves last scene

soft embrace

I kiss thy lips caress thy face..

bodies twine

the taste of crimson wine

so alike but so unique.. the double vision

in loves mistique

to thee I pledge my undying love

Caress my heart like a turtle dove

~Shadowdancer~ 901 am june 11 2005




Silent Echos

03:38 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 554

Silent Echos

Silent echos in the night

I lie next to you your as cold as ice

What is the cost, what is the price

To gain once again your adoration

to feel the warmth of your love

Darkness abounds us angels weep

you promised me once that your heart was mine to keep

Now the distance seems to far to breach

love is cold like the ice on a winters beach

Do you love me or was it jsut a game

what is your purpose

what was your aim

to capture my heart

just to rend it to shreds

cast it to the wind

the only thinbg holding it gossamer threads

Why are you so silent

why are you so cold

Silent echos is all that your heart unfolds

do you love me still

in the dark of night

as the seraphim take flight

ah silent echos are all Ihere

now I have lost you that i fear





Come to Me

03:30 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 555

Come dance with me between black and grey

Come dance with me where night meets day

Come to me where the real and surreal meet

Come to me where angels dance on the brink of madness just to here

loves last sigh

Come to me where the angels cry

I will show you a world of beauty and grace

I will show you a world where angels and demons dance in a hypnotic


I will show you a place between jupitar and mars

where we all dance amongst the stars.

Come to me and take my hand

come lay with me on crystaline sands

Ride with me through the moors

Come to me , let me be the one you adore

I will sooth your worries, I will sooth your fears

I will hold thee close and dry thy tears

Come to me let me taste thy skin

Come to me lets recreate original Sin

I will love you darkly through the night

I will love you where black meets white...






An Erotic Interlude

03:27 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 557

An Erotic Interlude

As you lie me on a bed of silk

I offer you a taste of my skin of milk.

Sensual seductions , Angel cries

As you brush back my auburn hair,

I look into your eyes seeing only care.

Slowly, sensually with erotic grace,

Your sensual lips touch my pale white face.

Deftly with practiced ease,

You slowly begin your erotic tease..

Butterfly caresses with a scarf of silk

You take me to a place which loverýs built.

You undress my gossamer gown

Then tie me to the bed wrists bound.

There I lay naked and prone

You seek to claim me, making me your own.

You place your hand upon my hips,

I beg of thee to taste your lips..

Pouring me on wine so red

I sensually moan and try to turn on the bed.

With your tongue you begin your tease,

Sensually, gracefully you part my knees.

With your tongue you begin to move

From my ankle to my grove,

Teasing my petals of rose,

You send me to the place where angels go.

Silken pleasures, Erotic delights

Against the bonds I begin to fight

From my chamber to my jewel

You move your sensual tongue,

What was over has only just begun.

You untie my bonds with deft grace

I begin to turn the tables in this erotic race,

With a sensual ease

I soon begin my erotic tease.

From your navel to your neck

I place upon you kisses so wet.

With my hand I tease your member making it rise,

I listen to your silken sighs.

Erotic Whispers, Satin screams

Is this an angels dream?

Sensations building, purple passions ignite,

You canýt resist my will try as you might.

Butterfly kisses on your neck

A soft pressure you feel from my fangs,

I sink them into you, you feel a slight pain.

Passion building, your blood on fire,

You sink into ecstatic bliss

As you experience my vampiric kiss.

Sensual desires, Purple sins

Where oen leaves off the other begins..

Naked and panting you begin to beg,

I order you to kiss your mistresses leg.

You begin to moan and begin to plea,

From this tormented desire you cannot flee..

Bound by fate, Bound by blood

I am your soul as you are mine,

I still drink your blood,

Heady like a fine scarlet wine.

To the heights of passion your body soars,

You begin to lick my leg,

Begging for more.

With a dark smirk and sensual grace

I place scarlet kisses upon your face.

Purple Passions, Crimson sins

Where one leaves off the other begins


July 2001




Techno Angels

03:26 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 558

Techno Angels

Techno angels fly in dreams,

Chaos rings across the land.

There will be no peace for the damned.

The cold clear river now runs red with blood..

A child puts a gun in her mouth

To shut out the images.

The silent lamb screams,

Into the realm of pain she sinks,

Sweet death beckons on a moonlit night.

Dreamýs of a sinner, shattered and torn,

Whilst the beautiful ones care not!

Blood red tears fall, sweet darkness beckons

As the silver moon rises.

She takes a dagger and watches it gleam,

Silver cold steel drenched in blood.

She drives the dagger deep into her enemy..

Across the plains se rides,

Across the desert still,

She sees the expression,

Would you like to walk with me

To the darker part of my realm she sneersý







Silver Kisses

03:25 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 559

Silver Kisses

Silver kisses on your cheek,

Silver kisses as I weep,

Silver kisses in the night,

Silver kisses as you hold me tight.

Silver kisses and Crimson Dreams

Life is never what it really seems.

Shadows of time

Darkness of space

Will you follow me and

Dance in a hypnotic pace?

Erotic movements, Sensual screams

A soft wind upon the horizoný

In the darkness angels scream,

In the darkness angels dream.

Echoýs abound us

Roses shredded and torn..

You are not alone among the lovelorn.

I will wait for you in the shadows..

Waiting for you to take my hand

I am yours only to command!!








03:19 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 561


Watch me as I Shadowdance

Tell me if thee I do entrance

Crimson lips, hair blowing in the breeze,

Slowly I begin my erotic tease

My frame enclosed in a gossamer dress

I dance in the surreal where east meets west.

My pale frame silhouetted by the pale moonlight,

My hypnotic eyes gleaming , ever so bright.

Hips swaying to a primal beat

I sink to my hands and feet

I begin to seductively crawl

As I hold thee in my thrall.

My Emerald eyes they do entice

This seductive Shadow is no stranger to the darkest vice.

Milk white breasts heave and sway

Will you Shadowdance with me between night and day?

I dance in the shadows of night

I dance between dark and light

I dance under a willow tree

Will you Shadowdance with me??







Shadow Dreaming

03:18 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 562


I sit in the shadows dreaming,

I sit in the shadows screaming.

I sit in the shadows yearning,

I sit in the shadows burning.

Burning with passion of long agoý

Burning with passion can you quench my soul?

Burning with passion a soul incomplete without a master,

Burning with passion urging you faster my lord faster.

Shadow Dreaming

Shadow Screaming

You are the one to make my soul complete.

I yearn for your soft caress,

The gentle tease of your cool

Fingertips against my milk white skin.

When we are finally together ,

Our love will begin anew.

Would you accept

a Shadow as I truly am?

An adult-child caught

between the real and surreal,

Caught between night and day?

Would you hold me in the still of night?

Would you hold me as I screamed with fright?

Would you accept my inner soul?

Would you send me to Hell or Heaven?

Where am I to go?

You say that no other sets

your soul afire..

I remember when our

passions built higher and higher.

Would you accept a Shadow in the still of night?

Would you accept a Shadow who still holds your soul tight?

Would you accept me as I truly am?

Without any masks of illusion?

Love is without reservation,

And you my dear are my salvation.

There are no secrets

between those bound such as us.

So my dear why is there such a fuss?

Am I still your heart and your soul?

Do you still think of me wherever you go?

Souls bound through space and time,

A lord and lady dancing in rhyme.

Sensual angels on a romantic night,

Erotic kisses from you are just right!!

Erotic Whispers, Eroticaýs Grace

Eroticaýs mood all without a face.

Angels of mercy shine down on you,

Bloody kisses in all that you do..

A stolen moment in space and time,

When time stood still and you were truly mine.

Love me close in the still of night,

Love me close, hold me tight.

As I lie with you on a bed of silk,

I beg of you to taste my vampireýs milk.

Share with me the most intimate embrace,

Love me true fro I have a face!!






Lord of Ravens

03:17 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 563

Lord of Ravens

Lord of Ravens, Master of Dreams

Lord of Shadows and Erotic Screams.

Lord of dark passion and sensual grace,

A dark lord who touched Eroticaýs face.

A friend, a mentor, a guide in the dark

From thy side I will never departý

Walk with me through time and space,

Dance with this Shadow of the surreal in a hypnotic pace.

A surreal slow dance on a crystalline beach,

And from my scarlet lips I will offer thee a peach.

A dance of decadence, an erotic tease

A slow seduction in the dark of night

Where se sink on crystalline sand,

Bathed by pale moonlight.

Passions burning,

Flames of desire ignite

Will we dance in heaven or hell on this darkened night??

Erotic whispers in thy ear

From me, my dark lord you have nothing to fearý

To thee I give my most gentle caress,

A silken kiss from my lips..

My frame outlined in my gossamer dress.

Through time and space I have searched

For one like thee,

A kindred spirit, one dark like me..

A sensual erotic who likes to tease,

A dark erotic who likes to please..

Crimson Caresses and Blood Red Kisses

A slow seduction in the still of night

The gentle caress of a feather on thy skin..

Come let us recreate original sin.

Lord of Ravens, Master of Dreams

Lord Of Shadows and Erotic Screams.

A lord of Dark passion and Sensual Grace,

A dark lord who has touched Eroticaýs Face.

Lord of Mystery and sensual delight,

Would you dance with this Shadow

On a sultry night?

A dance of decadence

A dance of sensual grace.

A dance in the surreal to a hypnotic pace.

Echoýs of time surround us

We are lost in each otherýs exquisite grace

The softest kiss I place upon thy face.

In the surreal we shall meet,

In the surreal we shall dance,

In the boarder between night and day

Where Shadows dance and Shadows play..

I await thee in this place

Where the real and surreal touch and collide

This is the place where we do reside.

My Lord of Ravens

I await thee in thy Dreams

Where you coax me from erotic screams.

In the shadows I do reside

You only have to beckon me,

And I will be at thy side.

Your Shadow


Jan 1 2003




Field Of Glass

03:16 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 564

Field Of Glass

Broken Razor blades all around

As I walk on a field of glass.

Serpents once hidden now abound,

Nowhere may the innocent pass.

A sulfur lake on a distant shore,

The last unicorn feeds from its banks.

A scream of silence as the satyr moans,

Evil serpents griný

Blood swept memories of times long past,

Where the innocent must always fast.

Love lost there is no hope, the

raven hawk is hung with a silver rope.

Bitter memories and shattered dreams,

Where the last erotic angel screams.

Give me sanctum, give ,me peace,

Watch as I take from the silent lamb their fleece.

Come one, Come all,

The theater of the damned is open,

Just walk across the field of glass.


April 2001





Fallen Angel

03:15 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 565

Fallen Angel

Fallen angel full of grace

Fallen angel who kissed Eroticaýs face

Fallen angel what do you desire?

Fallen angel lost in deaths mire

Fallen angel, broken wings

Fallen angel who seldom sings

Fallen angel painted black

Fallen angel on the rack

Fallen angel bound by pain

Fallen angel walking in the rain

Fallen angel always alone

Fallen angel who seldom have known

Fallen angel full of tears

Fallen angel alone through the tears

Fallen angel who loved and lost

Fallen angel who paid the cost

Fallen angel so forlorn

Fallen angel broken and torn

Fallen angel seeking bliss

Fallen angel waiting for that erotic kiss

Fallen angel I will comfort thee

Fallen angel, if you just come home to me.

~Shadowdancer~ 1-01-03




Flames of Desire

03:14 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 566

Flames Of Desire

Flames of Desire, Iyearn for thee

softly I part my silken theighs

You lay me back on satin sheets,

I beg thee part my furrow.

With a silken sigh

your sensual lips press against

my choral ones bechoning,

glistening in the pale moonlight.

An erotic angel watches from

the corners with delight

Emerald eyes soft and bechoning...

Teasing through the mysts.

Would you give this erotic your sulry kiss?

Lay me down on sheets of softest silk,

hair fanning on gosedown pillows,

my chamber moist and bechoning...

Hip's arch I beg for your erotic kiss.

The softest moan escapes,

tease my chamber,

make me moan with your gentle caress.

Fan my flames of desire,

Chain me, shackle me, love me, adoreme,

worship me , callme goddess

I will take you places where angels scream,

I wil lgive you more then a mere erotic dream,







Stolen Momment

03:13 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 567

Stolen Momment

He lies her down on satin sheets

she parts her creamy thighs

-sweet nectar dripping~

Her dream love places his lips on her neck

-scarlett blood, coursing pulsation-

Tender achingly agonizing he presses his sensual mouth against her


bow lips.

-feathery caresses she wraps her wings around him..

soft down caressing...

sweet honey dripping

lily white breasts heave he binds her in strands of pearls..

trailing a feather across her tawny nipples, through her silken valley

he leans forward..

teasing and suckling her nipples.

-soft sighs ancient blood racing-

she yearns ,her passion builds..

a trailing tongue slowly downwards tickling nipping

lightly scoring drawing blood...

he moves his way towards her creamy thighs..

he sinks his fangs in the inner hollow

blood dripping,mixed with sweet nectar cream.

-cries of passion,ecstasy-

a moan, a whimper he locks on her jewel

sucking and teasing it-sweet pulsation-

he binds her ankles

she is helpless to resist, he laps at her chamber

juices flowing cries of passion sweet layering

of sensation.

Trembling moans broken sobs she begs for more

teasing, tantalizing ice on nipples wax slowly dripped on her


-cool water dripping-

-warm wax trickling-

-the sent of jasmine in the air-

she yearns to touch ,to caress she can only enclose him in her velvet

black wings

-juices flowing, trickling down thigh-

he slowly enters her chamber-

a penetration a sinking, her

chamber grasps and caresses

like a silken glove

contracting like a hungry mouth

she screams I love thee

her passion builds..

he touches her cheek, caressing

it and whispers..

" I love you darlin"

-tears of joy-

a sudden contraction after what seems

like hours of bliss

Her chamber gripping as he explodes

mutual ecstasy achieved

he unbinds her and draws her close,

wraps his arms around her so

they drift off to slumber passion spent for the







Crimson Hearts

03:13 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 568

Crimson Hearts

Crimson Hearts again collide,

Would you offer yourself as lucifers bride?

Darkened thoughts and chaotic dreams,

tortured angels, and innocent screams...

A feast of flesh,

a drink of scarlett blood...

The broken angel falls from heaven

with a thud...

Broken souls walk along the Razor Mile

Walking in chained pairs, some in single fille.

The fields of Ashlaron burnted and battered

in the midst of it all stands an innocent bruised and battered.

All arround her the vampire bare their fange with delight,

Who will be the first to feed on this innocent tonight??

The innocent screams,

this excites the dark angels more,

they rub her blood on their nipples

and breasts, an erotic orgy is about to commence...

They pin her for the beginning of a crucifiction

on a blood stained cross...

Blood red tears run down her face,

falling in a hypnotic pace.

The Dominatrix Vampyre begins to feast

on the tears of blood ,

the sting of the whip piercing flesh..

Visions of heaven and hell begin to mesh

for this innocent one...

Just another inocent on the razor mile...

The Vampiress chuckles with a Razorblade smile






Crimson Caress

03:12 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 569

Crimson Caress

As I lie on crimson sheets,

your crimson lips with mine do meet.

Crimson Pleasure and Crimson Dreams

Is life really what it seems?

Crimson flesh soft and yielding,

Crimson Sin's pleasure building.

Crimson caresses and crimson kisses.

Crimson love, and crimson wishes.

Crimson seductions, Crimson Sins

I part my Crimson lips ,

my pearlecent fangs draw crimson liquid

from your ivory skin.

You beg for release from this liquid sin

You tease my crimson flesh with your sensual touch,

You part my theighs

and crimson pleasures soon arise.

You sink your hardened member unto my yielding chamber,

My nails rake across thy back.

Crimson Pleasures rising, Crimson Pleasures spent,

Crimson Hearts always binding,

and Crimson love always entwining.

~Shadowdancer~ ^@^





Razors Edge

03:12 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 570

Razors Edge

As I walk a darkened mile

I bid you kindred stay with me awile

Darkened dreams of a surreal place,

am I but a nameless face?

You intreagued me from ages past

walk with me on this darkened mile

You pierced my heart with your words..

thus Iflew like a bird..

I left my erotic haven

and I walked the Razors Edge

Pain and turmoil were my life

All I knew was anger and strife

Long I sought deaths sweet embrace,

longed for its razor kiss upon my face..

The sweet seduction

its intreaguing call,

How I sought to end it all

The Thought of you was my salvation,

And you welcomed me back to my erotic haven

Shattered memmories and chaotic dreams

Always the eternal screams

The cut of the blade

the pierce of my flesh

Scarlett blood welling..

I sat alone in a shattered dwelling..

Heal my heart as Ihealed your soul

Please my dark prince never let go

On the Razors Edge we live and die

to the darkness we go with a sigh

Razors Edge sharp and pure

it gives pain the final cure

Darkness abounds and angels weep

A shredded soul is theirs to keep

Razors Edge sharp and honed,

Cuts to flesh, sinks to bone

~Shadowdancer~ April 2002




Shadow Fae

03:11 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 571

Shadow Fae

When the midnight hour comes to pass,

the Shadow Fae are free at last!!!

Throwing off their clothes in the pale moonlight,

they begin to dance with delight!!!

Shadow Fae are bound by neither day nor night,

they reside in the surreal, the shadows of fright.

Shadow Fae are misunderstood at best,

their name is well earned, for it is darkness they doth caress.

Shadow Fae running free,

Shadow Fae dancng under an acient oak tree.

Shadow Fae seduce with a smile,

Shadow Fae bid thee, stay ahwile.

Shaodw Fae are both dark and light,

Shadow Fae are both black and white.

A Shadow in darkness,

A light soul by day.

Come ye Otherkind, Fae and Vamps galore,

come dance with the Shadow Fae you do adore.

Come dance between night and day,

come lose yourself, they will show you the way!!

~Shadowdancer~ 4-20-03




Dark Love

03:10 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 573

Dark Love

Dance with me between night and day

come to me to our castle where

the surreal and real meet

Come to me bearing roses again,

love me still now as you did once then

Show me passion, show me fire

take me to heaven,

or take me to hell burn me on a bloody pyre.

show me the meaning of original sin

Come to me my dark dragon love

let us begin again.

Tease me, taunt me, flaunt thy harem again to me

just respond to my passion butrning within.

should I take the whip to you,

or you the whip to me?

should I place you again upon the rack,

come back to me let us fade to black.

Dance with me my dark noble knight,

Love me , just hold me tight..

ours is a true erotic dark love

but has all the frality of a mourning dove.

Light my fire show me light in the dark shadows

where I do reside,

Come make me again the Prince of darkness's Bride

Let us again whip our steeds into a frey,

then tumble to the crystalline sands and make love amongst the waves.

Our passions burning rising and falling like the waves..

our lust cresting and falling cause both of us love to tease

I would have you upon thy knees

licking my thieghs to begin our erotic tease..

slowly to my chamber your tounge seaking out my pearl

while I with my mouth your staff unfurral..

I take thy mast in my mouth teasing it taunting it

just showing off,

for when I have you this way and you have me that way

we both surender its mutual control..

ah but who is th mistress and who is the master ??

does it really matter and my mouth moves faster..

slowly sensually we build up to climatic release ..

I come up cum drenched and kiss thee..

it matters not on this night who is in control

it just matters that we are together again

Come back to me my Dark dragon love,

come back to me and caress my heart

as you would a dove


copyright 7-14-03




Lord Draco

02:58 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 575

Dark seductive erotic vampyre

Always there in my time of need

Red sensual lips I long to kiss

King of my mind body and soul

Passionate, fiery and full of life

Romantic decadent and jaded too

Incorrigible but hey that's what I love about you

Never fickle always true to what you hold dear

Compassionate always there in my time of need mending my soul

Exotic and always erotic

Lover, friend,andChief editor:)

Old fashioned southern gent

Righteous pain in my a** sometimes!!

Dark angel of my dreams

Decadent,dark Dom

Rough exterior , but a gentle heart

Always on my mind

Crazy in love with you

Omega and always Alpha




Blood Rose Cryptique

02:58 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 576

Blood Rose Cryptique

Blood Rose made from the 7 stars

blood rose found between Jupiter and mars

you call to us all vampyre fae and others alike

what is your mystery? do you represent wrong or right?

your heart made from the phases(drawing) of three

the darkprince offered it to the moon goddess on bended knee

what is your symbolism why do you veil thy face?

you are the eptimey of eroticas lost grace

you symbolize both life and death

you were found first where east meets west

Are you the beginning or are you the end?

when will you cast thy veil aside when oh when

long have you been an enigma

you represent beauty but cause pain by thy thorns

but loved by all none the less

your stem a parallel between the real and surreal

connecting us to the heavens and the world below

your blood ,rose ,is as green as the emerald isle

and why is it people say stop and smell the roses awhile??

are you merely a flower abiet most perfect and pure?

you are strong and sturdy you have long endured

severed for our pleasure and our greedy lustful ways

you symbolize a bit of mystery and elegance and grace

you remind me of a waltz between time and space

you herald a change always,a new beginning or end

you are given to broken hearts so they will mend

Ah blood Rose made of the 7 stars

perfect rose that sometimes dances between Jupiter and mars

I love and worship you for what you are

even if you represent the eastern star

for what is beauty might be considered ugly by some

and what is elegant is just chaos undone

I love you for your appearance of simplicity ,

but in actually you are quite complex

your yellow center is the long lost catalyst

for the philosophers stone

perhaps this is why you captivate us why us you own

from the dark prince ( red dragon star)

I accepted you long as tribute as he made my heart his own

so come all you nephelium,vamp other kin and fae alike

I know where we will find happiness where everything will be all right

come dance with me to one last waltz

we long ago played between Jupiter and mars

we long ago looked at the 7 stars

seven stars of the crown of the king on high

lost on the breath of the phoenix's last sigh

cast down to this mundane earth

you were given a second chance perpetual rebirth

Oh Rose how I do adore thee

simply cause you were given as a tribute to me



226 pm




Come to me Sweet Seducer

02:56 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 578

Come to me Sweet Seducer

Come to me Sweet Seducer

take my hand once again

let us walk where the ocean meets the surf

or a torrid ride across the turf

lets whip our steeds into a frey

run wild and wicked till night meets day

dance in the temple where we laughed

have a sweet seductive erotic bath

bind eachother to the castle walls

rack me again

ah such sweet seduction

I long miss

ah even a romantic kiss

Bloody kisses in the night

when the Ravenhawks first take flyte

a shattered scream I once heard

now it is the mere whisper of the night songbird

come dance with me through the night

love me once and hold me tight

lay me down beneath the trees

part my silken theighs and feed upon my essence

as I lick your lips

the taste of my blood and necter fresh upon I share

my blood with thee once more

erotic echos in the night

the stir of wings as the golden ones take flyte

come to me sweet seducer lets see if you can seduce a

jaded erotic once again..






Harvester Of My Soul

02:54 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 578

Harvester Of My Soul

I should have felt something ,

shed one crystalline tear.

Felt some sort of rage as you disappeared.

I should have felt some anger, even some remorse..

ah I just assumed this argument would run its course.

We would make up and the world would be fine,

my scarlet lips again would caress thine.

I should have felt some passion , should have felt

some pain,

just the chilling echo of what was to be again.

I should have felt some heat , should have felt some


Now I am just sitting here alone in the dark.

alone with my memories , alone with my dreams,

alone with all of our marvelous schemes..

you stole my heart long ago then drained the passion

from me.

I knew long ago it was simply not to be.

Yet I tried, I persevered, now I don't have

to show for it even one red tear.

you took my emotions and cast them aside,

I can at least claim I am Lucifer's bride.

You are not my love I cast thee out!!

you are just the Harvester Of My Soul.

~Shadowdancer~ 6-6-03




Darkness Becomes Her

02:53 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 579

Darkness Becomes Her

She is as black of heart as the ebon sky

she will make you laugh as you die

she is the god Orisis incarnate

who will make you love make you hate

she will make you love her with a smile

while whipping thy back all the while

but in darkness pure love can be found

if you know to look in the shadows which her surround

She will teach you a most decadent game

for to corrupt your soul this is her aim

She is a dark beauty a most erotic princess

Her person you to not get to know would be missed

Love and passion in her dark soul abound

but she will always her slaves have around..

she will make you beg just to kiss her knee

but all the while you will learn to love she..

Darkness becomes her for that is her name

and dark erotic pleasures are her game






Chylde of Rayne

02:52 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 580

Chylde of Rayne

( for all my Shadow bois)

Especially one in WI

Chylde of Rayne

Chylde of Payne

Heartache and Echo’s

Of points so germaine

I feel your heart’s Crying

Stille in the Night

Torment of Seraphim in flight

Beautiful Shadow Dreamer

Loves erotic screamer

You have the right to be truly free

To pursue thy dreams

Tell me a Tale of schemes

Write for me a story truly divine

Write of scarlet Echo’s

And loves first wine

Show me your magic

Show me your dreams

Prove the investiture

Was worth my price

Write Shadow Dreamer

Write for Me ,I can help you reach your dreams

Through thoughts of me

~Shadow Dancer~


905 am





02:50 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 581


Baby face it , baby embrace it

baby im bent

you know that im jaded

wings torn and faded

and a soul that is wrent

I will have you please me

or maybe baby tease me

cause baby im bent.

in the back room tide up and tortured

just to be strange

I done mean to rearange ya..

baby I made ya, I told ya im bent

not exactly strait

hell thats not my type of plate

So lets go tear up this place

and erotica embrace..

and mabye I will trace ya

with my rabbit whip..

on your knees to serve and please ..

so we can just disagree

cause baby your also bent..

So if you wanna come play in shadow space

baby lets re embrace

I bet we can still find some new forms of disgrace

so baby if you can keep up with my manic pace

come dance with me here

you have nothing to fear

cause baby face it we are truly bent..





Rememberance of the Darkened Garden

02:49 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 580

Rememberance of the Darkened Garden

Somewhere in the hallowed ground

in between Shadowspace I see your beautiful soul

and all its forms of grace

Fyre burning, flames ignite..

erotic souls mingle between day and night

Passion building to the point of exquisite release..

Slow seductions a gentle tease

I see my self through your poets eyes

there is no mask and no lies

Inccubi the angels sigh

come dance with me yet again

Remember when long ago when you first came to the garden

Broken Hearted dreamer

midnight erotic screamer

always a gentleman rogue

I remember your mischievous poems

and poems that would make the angels weep

Darling poet..in my heart you always been

so lets ignite the flames of dark desire

with our musings yet again

Somewhere between heaven and hell

just before night meets day..

Come my fellow darling

let us play in shadowspace

Erotica unleashed

beauty imortalized

passion soaring ,no guilt or disguise..

soft caresses

fromthe pain of the whip

Black leather boots

and silk caressing my hip

silken blindfolds

dancing in the rain,

lets show the Golden ones

what it means to build passion again



1011 am



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