It appears that she has a severe reaction to Yasmin. While I am thrilled that she is improving (pain decreasing) I am pissed that it took everyone so long to figure it out, and for her to have been in such extreme pain for so long.
She is off all of the medicines now, and huge doses of benedryl seems to be holding her reaction at bay. The drs figure it may take up to 3 months for this shit to be totally out of her system. So until then, benedryl stock will be up lol.
Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and healing energies. This has been the most horrible experience of my life, and hers as well. I am deeply greatful to those who were there for us.
17:49 Mar 27 2009
I am very glad to learn that she is getting better. We will continue to keep her in our prayers.