How do you describe someone who has been taken away from you someone you cant be with but the love never ends I call her my X in conversation with strangers but i could never leave her i call her my fieance when talking with friends but i can never marry her I say im loyal but I have been with others I swear sometimes hate myself for everything i am today only because it was all hers most the time i do not know what to do when everything i once lived has been taken away but then I look at Haley's smile and takes away the pain for a moment but only a moment it strange after all this time i still dont know what to do
For as long as there has been legends there have been stories of men uniting to the gods and even becoming them people who after reaching out to the powers at be that were capable of doing extraordinary feats i will not bore you all by telling you each story of the mericals in the Christan bible or by explaining each path of meditation that is said to connect you to the universe and different planes of existence said to be reach able you can research theses paths on your own but i can promise this there is one that with enough hard work and dedication you to can sample a small bit of this experience remember there was nothing extraordinary about Moses there is nothing mystical about Zen masters legends of "Hercules" a man half god and half mortal are as old as time i ask you one thing read these legends compare them to the magical legends found in the religion
today everything from walking on water and having abnormal strength all the way to bringing the dead back to the world of living how many times must we read about these stories before we ask our self should we worship these people or fallow there path forever reaching out for knowledge and work to become these amazing people our self we are people who become gods fallow the path of balance and knowledge and see what you can learn consider it a challenge from your friend Saint
20:06 Jan 16 2012
As harsh as some reading this may view my comment, here is what I have to say:
You just wake up each day and keep moving forward. A scar of the heart is a character mark that only you possess. I know that pain is a hard thing to bare, but without it, you wouldn't be as strong as you are today. And, yes, you are strong.