SaintoftheDarkestLight's Journal


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8 entries this month

finding the glass half-full

10:53 Dec 26 2011
Times Read: 536

" There’s a light and a dark side

Standing at the crossroads, there we’ll meet

There’s prophets and fools there

The lies and the truth, will be at our feet

I got a reason to turn my head and look the other way

Its heaven and hell here, which one will I live today?"


this message touched me while it could be read about the choices we make and the price that must be paid for them i heard different words reach out to me we are all living at the cross roads and sometimes find our self's blaming the world around us when really we should be looking at it from different angles there is an old saying if life gives you lemons then make lemon aid while no one can be happy all the time it is important to find the silver lining behind ever cloud if you are standing in a down poor then be grateful for not living in a drought the last few words "which one will i live today?" is a question that we all should as our self is that one asshole in line really worth throwing a day away or do we laugh because he has chosen to live a day that he hates why must we be unhappy just because someone wants us that way should we really join them in misery or maybe smile and bring them in to a more joyful day the next time someone try's to ruin your day try making someone deserving have a better day and i promise more smiles and a day of greater joy



10:56 Dec 26 2011

No truer words have ever been spoken my friend.

12:45 Dec 26 2011

Thank you ToD always words of kindness from you

20:11 Jan 16 2012

And with that, you have to give a little to yourself some times. You have to find that inner person and tell them "Hey, I love you" or something to that affect. If you can find that place where you deeply love yourself, others will be able to see it like a beam of light from your soul.

I don't think that person will emerge all the time, but you can summon that person within the darker times to really make a statement.


Are we Gods

09:56 Dec 22 2011
Times Read: 549

((a thought i shared in fourm under "God?"))

what if we think about "God/gods" here ok here we go often refured to all knowing a source of all creation a path to never ending joy vengeful and easy to anger and will one day be the death of us all what if god is everything well some might read this and say that god is everywhere but what if god truely is everything a collective force made of every thing that has lived at anytime though out time what if a prayer is simply away to connect with this collective thought and it is though the power of our own conection that is our saving grace there is a school of thought that says Jesus did not embody god by becoming a man but became the embodyment of god by becoming one with god making him a god himself in a sence the father the son and the holy ghost is that it, what ever happen to us all being the children of god made in his image what if that image is of the soul and what if the man who was written died for our sins was more of a leader of a new path and not a man who should be worshiped but fallowed as a man of thought is it possable that god is a collective thought and heaven is being a free self relient part of that thought and hell simply be a soul who has lost all connection to the life force around it



12:27 Dec 22 2011

I like this train of thought, It has got me thinking.


Limits of the mind

08:49 Dec 22 2011
Times Read: 550

Have you ever gone into an emotional state and something unexplainable happen for instance has it ever started to rain in a time of sorrow and i dont mean your feeling glum on a dark cloudy day and it start to rain but on a normal sunny day the weather patterns suddenly changes seemly to fit your mood or times when you think it couldnt possably get any worse and a glass falls in the next room things like this happen to people all the time and not only sorrow but in jouyful times as well are they accidents there are a few people in the world that think not some beleave for that one breif moment if only for a tenth of a second our minds are cleared of thought and we are connected to a greater state of being like when you are sleeping and you feel your friend across the room start to wake up there have been studies done for decades on the subcounious powers of the mind while most have shown us only how big a lier a person can be some have shown us that maybe there is something untapped by most minds monks all over the world teach about the energy of the earth and many spend there entire lifes trying to unlock its secrets but what if thats just it what if the only thing that keeps us from tapping this vast amount of energy is that we have gained to much knowelge the people of my study teach that it is only when we are in our most primal state can we reach a state of mind were we are able to acceces the unseen forces of the world when our minds are not plauged with thoughts of whats good or whats bad but when survial and self emprovement are the only thoughts in our minds then our bodies can draw forth energy from the world around us drawing strength from the unyeilding oak, or heat from the light of the moon, and at its highest state knowlege from the collective while training our minds to become better stronger and wiser we should not forget that the crystal skulls were made thousands of years ago and can not be made today the point i am trying to make is when searching for energy rather you need or want it remember that once we did not fallow gods that became men but rather men that became gods




A thanks to my mentorship

00:54 Dec 20 2011
Times Read: 555

I am moving this after i poorly placed it forum i was advised this a better place for it

Rebirth Of The Soul(Mentorship)

Posted: 05:03:39 - Dec 19 2011

Times viewed: 9

I would like to take time to thank the mentorship of LadyCara, Rebirth Of The Soul. I joined after first befriending LadyCara the first day i was here the next day i joined her mentor ship and there i found she has gathered many who are just as intelligent and kind as i found her to be. The people I have met though the group are kind and have offered help should i find myself lost. This is not an advertisement rather me simply thanking them and giving renegotiation to a group well formed. I thank you all and look forward to being with the group though out my time spent on VR.





why balance is the key to a full life

09:34 Dec 18 2011
Times Read: 562

more often then not you will hear me speak of balance and when i do i am not speaking physical spiritual or moral but rather all three there are people like myself who think that we should balance our self in all matters in life

our minds should be as sharp as our bodies keeping our self healthy will prolong our life but a life of ignorance will be one with many scars while the most brilliant of minds will often find himself against great odds other then health if a mind is the only tool he has sharpened think of the poor nerd in school who gets beat up often now say that nerd was also a martial-artist do you think he would be picked on as much once he had broken a nose or two it took me a couple of years to find out its not enough to be the smartest or the toughest cause the other extreme will simply best you when your guard is down and you are standing on there ground

Here is where people often start to look at me strange when i say you should be balanced spiritually to be as in control of your life as much as the powers you place your trust in and this is not just for one religion in fact it can be applied to all faiths Christians say god helps those who help there self yet ask you to place faith in gods plan Wiccans offer freedom but cation against the power of faith and the anger of the gods in some ways we must set our own path but in others we must except the roles we were given to simply fallow one path will often lead to a life of regret full of what ifs and maybes for us to look back on i was raised by an atheist, my dad and my mom who is extremely spiritual my dad often finds he has lost the control that governs his life and my mom has looked to the sky many times asking "Why did you let this happen to me" I my self try to live some where between control and trust excepting the best and the worst of both paths

Thought that was a curve ball get ready MORALITY yep there is more balance in this one then you might think were taught right and wrong good and evil from day one but have you ever thought about this all over the world good and bad have different meanings we say equal rights they say know your place we say fairness they say divine mandate are we right or them and who is the judge cant really say its a certain deity cause the differences are often more common amongst different branches of the same faith cant say its society's standing cause that changes way to often truth is we should never look at things as right or wrong but rather on three main topics one is what price is payed two is who pays that price and three how effective is the out come this way right or wrong the choice we make has a better chance of being effective and just the most extreme example of this would be murder now don't get me wrong we all know murder is more often then not a bad choice but how about we define murder in its simplest form its killing right if you kill something you murder it so here is your example

Two beings cross each others path one is eating while the other one takes aim and kills it where it stands it justifies its "murder" as a reason of food

now was this a hunter who killed a deer maybe but it could just as easily be the man with starving kids who kills another tribes man to take the food human instinct at its finest could be blame ether of these men for there actions should we nether can go to the store like me or you or to a outreach to get food so who is right and who is wrong both achieve there goal to live one more day hunger free now rarely are me and you going to come across such a extreme example so lets try something closer to home

two men just got off work and have interment moments for four different girls both men are married and are expected to be loyal to the people they marry man one is monogamist and only has one wife meaning he has cheated on her no less then three times man two on the other hand is a polygamist and has four wives meaning he has not cheated on any of them both men fallow the same more standings on marriage with only one difference one has many wives and one has one wife do

A) judge man one more harshly because he is expected to be loyal to only one

B) judge man two and man one the same cause his ideas dont fit our own

both men did the same actions the point i am trying to make is just because we have been taught something is wrong or right dose not make it true we must use our own thoughts to judge each action and live with the choices we make if you could kill one man and save thousands you might do it but what if that one man was your child and the thousands were strangers how would that effect your choice

these are just some of the thoughts of balance i play with each day i have found living balanced can be more trying then living extreme and more often then not at night when i lay my head down it is me who is my first judge i do not lay down and say it is what a god wanted or it was for the better good right of the back but have to ask myself could i do it again then i get to judge rather it was right or wrong




the random pounderings of a bored man

06:50 Dec 18 2011
Times Read: 565

I was just randomly thinking to myself about angels and demons and what one we would more then likely run from if we could run into them on the streets so lets do a kinda pros and cons chart here and find out


Silver tongue beings who tempt our most wicked desires often showing us what we want to see and guiding us to the path needed in many religions they are the ones that tempt us with sex power and financial gain I for one have read more of the cons demons use rather then physical pain to sway someone over to there side

Angels or similar beings

Protectors and watches who hide in the light and whisper to us only wishing to inspire our choices right? WRONG so lets try this the military in charge of protecting innocents muses who inspire men to do great things beings who often carry the wrath of there god with them it was not Satan that punishes the sinners in the bible but rather the angels sent to carry out gods wrath in china's folk lore it was the guarden of heaven who ripped the souls from the wheel of life

Now i could make two huge groups but i think i have proven my point on one hand we have demons who hide as are friends and offer the world and everything in it i find it hard to see that a great horned goat would be able to say anything to make me fallow him as he guided me by a pitch fork and on the other hand we have those beings bound only by duty to there respected god void of emotion and free will a angel dose not serve because he wants to but because to not do so means he falls from the grace of the one who created him always one wing tipped in blood think would a being with unlimited knowledge really be a happy person what if you knew the pain others would inflict on the world what would you do to stop it

just random thoughts is all




My tormented dream

16:55 Dec 17 2011
Times Read: 568

well really just putting this here just to get it out of my mind damn cursed dream I a woke this morning once more missing Amy after watching her die for the god knows how many time its the same thing each time i see her just our last few moments together with her laying on that bed clutching my hand as my unborn son and the girl i was going to marry took there last breath i do not ever regret being there with her that moment as i watched her fade with a smile even the angel of death could not find it in his heart to remove but even after all these years i do miss her but i guess some pain never fades if i could id take away my dreams for good no one should have to relive such a day in my life there has been many deaths but this one has effected me the most second only to my best friend and a young child who also died next to me bot that's another memory for another day today i am just grateful that i have Haley and that i have a wonderful girl who understands when i wake up crying over a lost love she comforts me and never minds that i cant let her see the tears after all i am a proud man please if you chose to comment on my journal please dont do so on this page im simply putting thoughts into words for my own good comment on the happy post or the poetry soon one of my stories should be post that is how i would like to be thought of not the man with a stain upon his heart but the man who still has the warm to share




quickly summing up my past

16:40 Dec 16 2011
Times Read: 582

If you are taking the time to read this you must want to learn more then the profile reveals. Yet I still will not put much on to this about my past for I try to be a man of today. So that being said here are some points that may or may not often find there self in my journal for this site.

The first third of my 22 years of being alive was spent pretty much in the backwoods of Oklahoma growing up in the country was a blast and i still hold many of the same passions from that time in my life such as hunting fishing camping and such but as i grew older I wanted to learn more and do things i had only seen or heard about so at a young age i moved in with my best friend who lived just a short drive out of the woods to the next town over while i was there i was given the chance to take a rather long road trip a trip that changed my life forever 9 of my friends went on that trip and only four of us came back I came back engaged to a girl who has passed away a long time ago taken from me at a young age by brain cancer sense then i have became many more things i fit the profile of a thug a goth a country boy a leader and a follower i am a writer and a student i have seen more death then the local funeral home and predict that i will see much more due to the vast number of people i know from different walks of life but i do not look for tomorrow nor do i dwell on a painful past i would rather not remember but to day i am just me a happy 22 year man this is not my first account on this site but it seems i am a fav. target for hackers so if all of this sounds like you have heard it before then add me because you more then likely have



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