Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 21    [ Give / Take ]


20 entries this month

14:44 Jul 31 2024
Times Read: 72

Well, cats still shaking his head. Going to other vet. He might know what's wrong. Now that I think of it... He had a scab on the back of neck. Which was odd. It finally fell off. A while back. Hmmmmm Well the next vet is who I went to, when all else fails. But, I did see a new vet spring up, not as far.

OMG, I read the big bottle, it's not like what the young girl showed me. I did it per instructions, on bottle. Which follows dry cotton balls.
Cleaned them good. I don't see him shake his head.


This is what the young girl did... She had a bunch of small cotton balls. She took bottle sprayed some fluid, on each cotton ball, and stuck each one in his ears. Then pulled out. Saying that I shouldn't drench them.

What bottle says,... Is that ... you fill Canal, then message ear... then take dry cotton and wipe out. Truthfully, it cleaned well. Mon Dieu.
I finally did my hair, after three years. Didn't want to do it w friend, cuz I didn't want it to look like I copied her. She didn't know me then. My hair is finally one color.




19:06 Jul 28 2024
Times Read: 87

Well, I cleaned his ears, and they looked better. So, going to use the Walmart stuff, at night. And, see how that goes. When I just clean, he doesn't get upset me.

Funny. I never heard him growl before. Poor baby. When they send me the confirm, I'll cancel. I have to find one that doesn't terrify him. They have a chart. The first he was fine standing up walking around. Then he when to the terrified kitty. Need to find one who talks to the pets.




15:20 Jul 27 2024
Times Read: 101

I did a new thing for cat. I used quetips instead of cotton balls. Right ear good.... Left ear not good. Cleaned. Put the cleaning stuff on cotton than wiped. Looked good. Then used stuff from Walmart. Let's see how he goes.

He didn't growl. But, he's a lil upset. Will have to get more quetips.

Hopefully, I'll be able to find a cat tree, to cheer him up. Later.




05:56 Jul 27 2024
Times Read: 103

Well, he's shaking his head again w medicine. Maybe, I should go back to the Walmart stuff. Also, I thought about going to another doctor. Maybe soon. Nothing ever is easy. And, this should be a great time for my cat. May Thoth give me the intelligence to do right by my cat.

I lent ten to Fernando... Didn't show up to pay half...

Pd for ice cream for other who helped.

Want to help other. But, only could pay one meal for that person....

Gave birthday gift to other that helped me.

Gave money, toy, and meal to someone else who helped me.

Think I'm doing what's right. But, I do prefer to be alone. Always problems w getting close.

The problem w baby, started to happen after someone watch him for a lil while. Same person, after I told told about person hitting the table, she hit the table. Concerned

Thought about laundry. Could get a bike w a pull. But, where could I put them, no room. I could get a wash basin, and hanging rack. But, blankets might be too heavy. How awful mundane life is.

Just wish my cat got better. He deserves to be better.




22:30 Jul 26 2024
Times Read: 117

My cat was so not like himself. He was crotched down and growling.
Even when I went to the store he was still like that. Worried. He was so great at the other pet store off of canal, a while back.awwwww. But, their store wasn't as nice.
They said he still has an infection. I bought more med. But, I'm going to double check him tonight, before I start treatment again.

No dental that they have to put him asleep for... Maybe, I can buy a kit somewhere.

What a day, what a day.

Helped friend, and gave his cat the same toy.

Bought the 20, vacuum. And, a twenty dollar carpet, and chair. And of course, a toy for my cat.

He was fine when I got him home and opened toy. He went right in it. It's really so cute, going to leave a pic.




00:10 Jul 26 2024
Times Read: 130

Went to goodwill , got some cat art. Been using painted nails, that were not hit in.

Been thinking how to do laundry. It's far. The wheels I have is too small. Can't take dirty laundry on bus. If I find a big pull, plus, two laundry bags... Will be good. Meanwhile, bought a new used comforter. LOL

Baby will be happy when I don't have to give him medicine tomorrow




13:06 Jul 25 2024
Times Read: 140

Did cookies. Mon Dieu, it's hot in that room. Plus, clean up was a b@#$#@. Have no les than 34 cookies. Not bad. Whew.

Baby's last day for medicine. Will be a lil later. Don't want to do it too early.

Tomorrow is an early day, also. Will see about teeth, if it doesn't scare him.

Oh, have to go to pharmacy, must remember. Last one for free.




13:06 Jul 25 2024
Times Read: 141

Did cookies. Mon Dieu, it's hot in that room. Plus, clean up was a b@#$#@. Have no les than 34 cookies. Not bad. Whew.

Baby's last day for medicine. Will be a lil later. Don't want to do it too early.

Tomorrow is an early day, also. Will see about teeth, if it doesn't scare him.

Oh, have to go to pharmacy, must remember. Last one for free.




17:19 Jul 24 2024
Times Read: 156

So wanted to go back to store, to buy cheap vac. But, I may have my cats teeth cleaned at follow up appointment. If it won't scare him to much. If they do do it, then will take him to pet center. Poor baby.

Meanwhile, I promised cookies to art class. Cuz she was getting upset with food going to fast. It might help.

I stiffed someone a dollar. LOL. I just remembered, a regional bus pass is six, not five. Well, next time.




02:32 Jul 23 2024
Times Read: 174

Can't spend no more. Awwwww saw acute window seat for cat. But vet cost 218, plus the carrier, and toy, and food, and ear stuff, cotton balls. Plus, follow up w vet, and maybe teeth cleaning, if ears are fine.

My lil kitty is soooo expensive.



00:57 Jul 26 2024

You're a good pet owner ❤️


15:50 Jul 17 2024
Times Read: 204

Going to have to call the vet. The veterinary drops, makes him so different, he's usually so playful. So, this morning I used the wipes, and there was discharge. He's better w the wipes. But, it's not medicine, has aloe .

No more pastry for me. LOL. Ending the bad binge.

Started putting my aid through, whew.

I bought a few things. A cheap plant. Cuz of hook in bathroom. Plugs for sink. And dollar can opener. Actually works good.

Starting Friday, laundry, Should say big blanket laundry. Can do small in sink now.




21:39 Jul 15 2024
Times Read: 225

I knew the transition was going to be a problem. Ever since I said I have income, nobody is responding. One, blocked me. The other, I don't know. I'm going to have to go to the gov office tomorrow, without their stuff. I don't want the government to think I'm pulling one.

Meanwhile, I don't think my cats have mites. I used advantage. So I bought wipes, and veterinary drops, for infection. If I don't see an improvement, will have to take him to a vet. I have a new carrier. So, that's not a problem.just the price.

Meanwhile, I need to see my psych tomorrow. She may not go in. But, I'll try.

Things are better. But, I have a mess to clear up.




04:31 Jul 14 2024
Times Read: 241

Saved by the bell today. I reread something, and checked, and I have a lil money stress little. Need stuff for my EMS, mite stuff, and a carrier, and can food. Whew. I was on zero Nottingham this week. I know, I'll probably have to do back payments for the help I was getting. But, at least I can afford toilet paper, paper towels, and I might do my hair. That's it for now.

Whew, and I'll have bus monitors find two govt offices. Yeah




00:39 Jul 13 2024
Times Read: 259

OMG, the defense was hiding information. Woe. Soooo Alec iBaldwin has been dismissed. He was in real tears... Once he got dismissed. I guess in real life he doesn't want to cry. Awwwww

That beautiful Detective was the defense downfall.

Watch them make a movie about all of this.




15:08 Jul 12 2024
Times Read: 267

It's the hard-knock life for us....

I have to change everything with government, and center, and group that doesn't like me. Tried to start yesterday after receiving official mail, but nobody responded. I'm getting back pay, so I'm sure I'll have to switch out back payments. Aaaargh.

One of the offices on Tulane is closed. Aaaargh. Monday is a hard start.

It's the hard-knock life for us....

All this so I can afford toilet , and paper towels. Plus EMS.




00:42 Jul 12 2024
Times Read: 278

Gucci has passed, awwwwwww. 🌹

The Detective is beautiful, wow. What a case. Alec Baldwin should appreciate her. She's, on the ball, knows what she's doing. Wow, gun lady had a beauty treatment. The awful thing is, props, shouldn't be w gun department. One bullet in chamber.... Isn't that like Russian Roulette. I wonder if Alec is on strong medication. This is a awful situation.

It's odd that the director said that won't do, instead I've been shot. Weird. Sure she didn't have enough.

Meanwhile, I have good news. I got the govt aid. Now comes the rough spot, the transition from one to other.

How that song go from Annie... It's a rough.... Life for us....

Plus need a tax form.




20:17 Jul 10 2024
Times Read: 297

I can't believe the cop is on trial. He didn't do anything wrong. LOL. Alec, was not going anywhere, they had their own doctors already on the scene. The actor never checks the gun. He was told the gun was cold. So, to me, the guy who said the gun was cold, should be on trial. Plus, who picked up the bullet. But, cop was right, there is no law broken. Looks like tragic accident. For the actor anyway.

Shit, Laurie Vallow got more respect, and she was guilty. Why, cuz she talked about Jesus, and the second coming. Can't trust nobody.




13:16 Jul 10 2024
Times Read: 309

Alec Baldwin trial goin on. I don't know, he was probably in character,. Plus, he's pretty old. Had he checked the gun prior. Cuz if he didn't, he'd be the weakest link to use to kill director. My bet the husband, or a x employee, set it up. LOL. Wasn't it the husband who handed the gun to him, after the break lock up. Hmmmmm. Alec is probably a lil senile. Awwww.

Well, had day in bed, yesterday. Threw up too much week before, heart weakening, so did not drink coffee., yesterday. So didn't throw up last night, luckily. Got to find a GP. Hopefully, will find a private one soon.




23:26 Jul 08 2024
Times Read: 326

I can't believe I'm watching the old, Westworld. Awesome. Believable, except, in this day and age, it would be more than a thousand a day. Disney wants that for a lousy hotel. LOL.

The gunslinger, and the French sex toy looked the best. I don't know about having sex nobody can look like a robot better than Yul Brynner, Boy. . .

..lol.... Those characters in the control room watch.... LOL.... If I'd have that job, I'd be cracking up laughing, everyday, about those tourists.




02:50 Jul 06 2024
Times Read: 356

Well the lighting got me up. Yup, Frankenstein has risen.

I ate healthy yesterday, and been throwing up. Oh well.
Yup salad, baby back, beans, potato salad, watermelon. Threw up twice on watermelon. Looked it up, said it should make me feel better. LOL. It got caught. Strange.

Finally, dumped garbage since yesterday. LOL. Big puddles out there. Hopefully, we won't have it too bad w the storm nearby.

Been watching Rod, White and Blue. LOL. Most of these actors are dead. But, not the iconic Shatner. Actually, he is supposed to be in Las Vegas... Wish I was rich. LOL

Hey, I know which one I missed, the one with the old lady, and the little space men. What happened too that one.



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