Recap, Well, the Crowley connection, should be weakening. What a ether snoop, I am. Reminds me of the Grail. The heat started blasting. Saw the gate open, after Aleister said to open it. And then close before it the blood came in. Also, saw the tree from the Carl Jung connection do something, in the ether. A burst of energy came from it branches. I don't think that was good. The tree represented:The roots from hell. The trunk, balance. Then, the branches, supposedly heaven.
But, like I said, saw an ether energy blow up, from the branches.
Well, have to get my nails done. And, hair done. On top of clothing, for the next party project w Sonic.
Should look like the perfect vampire, laying in a coffin. But, not.
Last time, I really did the jump. I was wearing my winter blanket. Maybe, I am too tense also, of what I am wearing. Use to be, I would only see what I called to. But, last one was w me. Have to find cloths for sleep and play.
I will get to that party door, somehow.
Friday, in Virgo. Good for change. Stonehenge
Trying to get to Sonics Party Door, 2 weeks ago. Maybe, should wear cloths when I do it. But, kept getting someone saying Hello, Hello. Maybe deceased person that just passed. Will try later. Terrible visual.
Too upset for weird science. Omg. My goal someday.... to be seen at the door!!!!!!
…Mix - Oingo Boingo - Weird Science