Well, …. still have a cold....
Brought the shirts back, to x job, upstairs manager came out, said aren't you on. Doesn't matter, only one 6 hour day, it takes 4 hours travel time. And Actually, they excepted my release; the pick-up 15 minutes prior . Maybe, when they saw me outside. A very racial issue. Hmmmmmmmm They will get there commuppins…. could be another trip to the lawyer.
Smart, putting the day I requested off on the schedule. Very Smart.
Putting this crap aside....
A while ago....
Well anyway, the Ritual wasn't hard that I used to connect to Abraxas. Just had to use the 7 Sermons. May have been wrote by Jung himself. Although, he claimed to have stumbled onto it.
To Call Abraxas,
Make sure to call the elements. Use a white candle. Frankincense incense.
One, you have to read the sermon in ritual. One white candle will provide enough use.
Make sure you use a protection circle first.
Once connected to the source of the Sermon. You can proceed.
You can call Abraxas.
(Keep in mind that he is suppose to be the lord of the dead, the killer, punisher, and so on.)
Use the diagram in my profile as a center calling mantra, and to call him down.
Should be a presence, if connected correctly.
Make sure you don't do this unless you have prior sorcery experience. Because, he is suppose to kill you. LOL
He is a very interesting connection. Hope u enjoy!
If you called him correctly, u will occasionally see a white glowing cross, when there is an astral attack.
Will be disconnecting this journal soon!!!!!
Man.... that new video, on one of my favorites: Imagine Dragons, Natural, is so Carl Jung. Woe. Even the buggies. Abraxas. So, awesome. Aion. The tree...... Maybe, I should be worried.... Well the whole Idea was to incorporate him. Where the hell did Slender Man come in.... That tree guy, what was that movie....
caterpillars...... (Put the symbol of the ritual in my profile.)
…ImagineDragons uploaded: Imagine Dragons - Natural
3 days ago
LOL, What is it that Bebe Rhexa says..... in her I'm a Mess Video....
Everything's gonna be alright
Everything's gonna be okay
It's gonna be a good, good, life
That's what my therapist say
Everything's gonna be alright
Everything's gonna be just fine
It's gonna be a good, good life
And, aa oo.... The Pope did a bad thing!!!!! Resignation...... in sight.....
Man, had such a cold, this morning. Think it is breaking now. Sore throat is leaving.
I went into my old job, where there is a lot of harassment. And I guess the other schedule change was not noticed, due to my new job, where I am not harassed. Went in, because, I did not have time to go to the library to check the schedule. And, I did not want to be in the wrong. (I brought the two shirts, incase). Said that they dropped me from Monday, and left Wednesday. Hmmmmmmm.... funny! For someone, who never has a break, and does too much considering......
And, the other week, I said Id liked Monday Tuesday Wednesday, so, of course they had to wreck that schedule. How many times have the others came in late.... not calling.... But, I'm getting this..... hmmmmmmm
So, I went back on Vampire Rave to tell, you, Ha Ha Ha.... yeah I see your humor.... Here is mine, I won't be in, I quit. Have a nice life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Phone off!
Uptown Funk ft. Bruno Mars
OK, need a nice little job on the onter side for 3 days.... to go with the one I have..... Not sure what I'm goin for......
If I was to do a performance, what about the guy with the accordion.... Need some other instruments...... Jazz him up a little, and turn him female, along with the rest.....
Prefer...... Jambalaya
Need a singer, maybe.... a washboard player, guitar, harmonica, hmmmmmm
They sell that accordian, at the store on Clearview. I am sure my sister threw out my expensive one. Anyway, it would have to be a relic accordion.